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Edited by annehuda at 3-12-2017 03:52 PM
Sy pergi menonton pertamanya kerana Ayda Jebat. Sy suke dia. Tp bkn die hard fan.
Keduanya sy mahu tonton sebuah filem tentang rasa kehilangan.
Sy x baca langsung sinopsis cerita ini. Sy x mahu minda sy dipengaruhi.
2 min pertama i love the view n kind of shock sungai lembing secantik itu. Dan sy suke dgn apa yg sy tgk. Then fast fwd a bit, sy nmpk air terjun pelangi. Tmt yg suami nk bw sy, tp dia x yakin sy mampu harungi the rough journey.
Tibe2 laila & naufal trying to compose a song. Omg ms ni air mata sy berjujuran jatuh tanpa sbb. Sy sedih sdri......
"mata mu bersinar bagai pelangi.... " |
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Post time 2-12-2017 03:03 PM
From the mobile phone
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Edited by noraidil_06 at 2-12-2017 03:28 PM
Dr babak tu sy dpt rase kesakitan.
Then scene famili naufal secara berkias berckp betapa x byk lg ms utk naufal.
Meruntun hati sgt bile naufal ckp cinta blh jadikan dia kuat utk tunggu hari esok  |

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Post time 2-12-2017 03:34 PM
From the mobile phone
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Rase mcm ilang pulak ayat nk ditulis 
All i can sy, cerita ni sgt membekas dlm diri sy. Sy jd termangu. Pedihnye kehilangan. Pedihnya bila org yg kite syg akn pergi dulu...
Since sy drive sdri utk pergi menonton, so the journey back home is one long journey for me. I got few honk. I cried at every red light traffic.i miss few turn. N i cried writting this.
Bukan sbb sy ade kisah cinta tragik mcm ni. Tp sy tau dan dpt rase Pedihnya kehilangan. I lost my son to lung complication. Just like u naufal.
Nanti2 bile emosi stabil sy cube tulis review.bkn review mcm org bijak pandai filem. Cume review d seorang penonton biasa2.... |
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my bff pn br tgk cite ni n dia nangis teruk
i dh lama x tgk wayang sbb anak kecik but igt nk tgk cite ni ngn bisik pd langit sbb i mmg jenis ciwek
i yakin kalau jln cite btl2 superb i mampu nangis mcm i tgk drama korea
thanks kak for this tread buat i yakin lg utk tgk |

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Post time 2-12-2017 03:43 PM
From the mobile phone
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idakamaruddin replied at 2-12-2017 03:38 PM
my bff pn br tgk cite ni n dia nangis teruk
Akk masih nangis lg ni. Tmbh nangis bile ade 1 scene tu bila my son kt sblh ckp "mcm tu la iman rase bile mommy asyik kt hospital" , lg la merambu air mata. My son br umur 9 thn. |
lirik lagu hafiz ni kena sgt dgn jalan cerita. cinta mcm mn pun. sayang pun, 1 ms kite kena lepaskan [youtube]XVnklHUeTUk[/youtube]

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Post time 2-12-2017 04:01 PM
From the mobile phone
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My heart goes out to doc hasnan too. Unrequited love.
Sy x mahu tahu di mana logiknye pesakit cancer blh derma organ n such or how a dying patient can survive for that long. I guess itulah filem. X perlu logik sgt.
Such a bittersweet film this is.
Tq ayda, i know u can deliver. Sam n farid of course la kan. Tq osman ali. No soft porn this time. Mak suke noks. Blh pun kan? |
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Best ke kaka movie ni? Brape bintang? |
ni la lagu yg belum apa dah buat sy melalak[fbp][/fbp]
kaka x reti la bintang2 ni dik. tapi kalau ko nak melalak, ni la filemnye. 5 bintang la kut eh. i feel numb. pening n mata bengkak. i think the hang over will be with me for a week at least.
Edited by noraidil_06 at 2-12-2017 04:23 PM
" matamu bersinar bagai pelangi
ingin ku lukis wajahmu
buat peneman mimpi
izinkan aku pinjam hatimu
agar dapatku rasa
jenuh kaka google lagu ni, korang mmg saje x release eh lagu ni.kurang asam betul. |
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Haiyoo... selamat datang ke citer melayu |
2 filem melayu kaka tgk tahun ni noks. bangga rase
wah sy suka la cerita meleleh ni
tp bila nk g tengok nye ni
tggu ada astro first
siap2 tuala ye. tisu x cukup untuk menyapu air mata mu
noraidil_06 replied at 2-12-2017 04:25 PM
siap2 tuala ye. tisu x cukup untuk menyapu air mata mu
nati sedia towel mandi kesat air mata
masalah nye semua cerita saya akan kait dgn laki sy
- kalu cerita romantic, sy murung sbb laki sy x romantic
- kalu cerita kehilangan, sy akan relate sy dah hilang dia yg dulu
- titanic sy duk fikir kalu jack n rose idup adakah dia akn bahagia till jannah
- tengok shahrukhkhan lg haru
pastu murung satu hari hahahaha |
akk rase ni akk akn kemurungan seminggu. i hate u guys.
noraidil_06 replied at 2-12-2017 04:22 PM
2 filem melayu kaka tgk tahun ni noks. bangga rase
Haha.. xpe teruskn teruskn |

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Post time 2-12-2017 05:03 PM
From the mobile phone
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someday somehow we will have to let go. N we will thank Allah for the short journey we have together. That short journey is such a sweer n memorable journey.
#naufallaila |
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tah bila la iols nal tgk neh
last i tgk wayang cite boboiboy
hahaha |
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