The third episode of this critically-acclaimed documentary series follows the team of four detectives working fulltime on child abuse cases in the dedicated Safeguarding Investigation Unit at Luton Police Station. News spreads across the county about a suspected paedophile trying to abduct young children on their way home from school. Local press coverage has led to hundreds of calls from panicked parents to the police. With the culprit at large, cameras follow the Major Crime Unit as they lead the operation to arrest a third suspect following a nine-year-old girl’s statement and an e-fit description. After two previous suspects have been released without charge, have they now got the right man?
All the pedophiles are not social mature people and have a mental disease. The victims all need to be supported by professional psychologists which help to treat the fear and difficulties in starting a social life again. Sharing the thought on anonymous confessions here could really help to calm your mind and relieve the huge tension which is reflected on usual life