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If you were a king/queen ...
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If you were a king/queen what would you do and why... |
(1)make all palaces into hotels or museums or for any productive or social activity.
(2)i dont need a hundred castles, thats a waste of money.
(3)anyone who do business can't do politics and vice versa, because money + power = corruption.
(4)make justice system independant and allow it to investigate anyone's finances, i mean anyone including myself.
(5)force foreign industrial companies to share their expertise with our engineers and help training scientists.
(6)make english the second language.english is the language of science and research.
(7)apprenticeship must be the standard way of learning in universities.2 weeks in school then 1 week at company, that way when you graduate you have both experience and knowledge.
(8)give the 10k agriculture hectares owned by royals to entrepreneurs based on the merit and innovation of their projects.
(9)remove any monopolies on importations, exportations and allow free market and fair competition.
(10)raise imams salaries and also train them in the art of counselling and psychology to assist resolve disputes and counsel those suffering from minor mental issues like depression.
(11)create modern public libraries in all cities.
(12)give any new married couple a piece of land to build their house or create a business for better future.
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Post time 2-6-2018 09:18 AM
From the mobile phone
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I would be the queen of hearts like Diana, it's not easy to be one |
I nak beli semua benda yang i tak pernah dapat, provide the best for my kids and family. Nak hidup cam lifestyle of the rich and famous. It is my time, move over, tmj! Gituuu. |
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A lot of things i need to do if i am queen.
- i surely helps others people. Nie yg plg penting la. Kalau kau tgk ramai sgt orang yg susah sebenarnya, yg betul2 susah. lelagi rumah anak yatim and fakir. Sedih kot tengok anak2 tue. Aku nak jd yg berjiwa rakyat. Yg tolong setiap pelusuk tanah jajahan aku tue. Banyak sgt tgk movie ak nie. Tapi serius, tolongla prihatin kepada anak2 yg duduk kat umah anak2 yatim n fakir. Yg perempuan perlukan tuala wanita yg banyak. Aku kadang2 tertanya, macam mana dorang nk belanja kt sekolah sedangkan dorang takde duit? Sedih kan?
- Aku nak makesure sume tempat ada sediakan ruang untuk mendengar aduan dan masalah2 yg berlaku setempat.
- Sediakan makanan percuma 24jam nasi putih, sup kosong and telur dadar untuk semua yg tak berkemampuan. *i am a Queen kan? but thanks also to tax payers*
- Masjid mmg buka 24 jam. Masjid tempat paling selamat.
- Dekati golongan gelendangan dan bantu mereka yang tak bernasib baik.
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Nk menolong semua org
Nak menjelejah seluruh dunia
Terkenal seluruh dunia
Hihi |
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