China is marrying Big Brother to Big Data. Every citizen will be watched and their behaviour scored in the most ambitious and sophisticated system of social control in history. Matthew Carney reports.
tu la sanggup je jadi ujikaji lab rat..kalau social record bgs ok la...kalau x bgs, malu la..nk menipu pun x bleh nnt..kalau sampai gi supermarket pun AI spy kite beli ape..
so kalau time of the month pun AI tau..
masa i gi cycling pun..cctv kat kwsn area perumahan i..
rumah2 la yg psg cctv...
documentary psl Smart City pun menarik..biase la ade pro & con...kan?
i share 2 video ni utk u all bg pendpt masing2..stuju x stuju?
yg berlaku kat China ni permulaan ramai speku akan berlaku kat bandar negara2 lain di seluruh dunia jgk nnt...
Cities are growing faster than at any time in history, straining services and infrastructure. Technology-driven advances are at the forefront of solving this age-old problem
By 2050, two thirds of the world’s population will live in cities. Urbanisation is happening faster than at any time in human history.Globally, 900 million people are living in slums. Cities can’t add housing fast enough. Today, an estimated one billion vehicles are already bringing urban areas to a standstill. Cities consume three-quarters of the world’s energy each year and are responsible for around 50% of greenhouse gas emissions. These are challenges our cities have been facing for decades. But now some city leaders, businesses, and even citizens, are taking new approaches to tackling these old problems. They’re transforming their cities with technology.
Across the developing world, innovators are increasingly exploiting existing technology to help citizens cope with their cities’ overstretched infrastructure. In America, innovators are also looking ahead to the next wave - anticipating data-driven technologies that could help predict problems before they even happen. Boston, Massachusetts, is the 10th largest metropolitan area in America. It’s home to 4.8 million residents. And while Boston may be one of the oldest urban settlements in this country it’s fast developing world leading technology that could help shape the cities of the future.
This is the mission of MIT’s Senseable City Lab - to anticipate the impact of technology on urban life and use it to transform the way cities are run.
Well here's a fat bag of crazy for you, courtesy of the elites over at Davos ahead of their 2017 meeting. Add cashless in there of course, we would have but there are only so many words that will fit into a YouTube video title.If you look around at the way things are being manipulated on nearly every level right now, you can clearly see how society is being engineered for this future, as insane as it sounds...