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FAHAMI SYIAH 104: Ilmu Hati

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Post time 11-6-2005 02:05 AM | Show all posts |Read mode

PakMalau cuba cut & paste dari website syiah ttg ilmu hati (bahasa org tasawuf, tapi bagi PakMalau, tiada ilmu hati sebab hati tak boleh berfikir utk menghasilkan ilmu atau perlu cari ilmu, cuma yg ada ialah hidayah atau pengetahuan yg Allah berikan kpd org terpilih (dicampakkan ke hati yg suci) yg mendorong mereka bergerak menuju ke jalanNya).

Masalah sebenarnya PakMalau rasa di dalam ASWJ ialah tiada konsep IMAMAT (penganti Rasulallah saw yg maksum yang mana hatinya telah dibersihkan sesuci-sucinya mengikut Surah 33, ayat 33) jadi golongan ASWJ (ahli sufi) terpaksa bertungkus lumus menghuraikan ilmu hati. Salah satu tujuan/matlamat ilmu hati ialah supaya tok syeikh mereka (bukan manusia pilihan Allah spt Surah 33, ayat 33) ditempatkan pada posisi yg sangat tinggi (spt Khalifah) dan dibolehpercayai (kadang2 nampak mcm lebih mulia dari nabi dan sahabat, itu yg conflict dgn ulama fekah) sehingga boleh membaca hati, melakukan perbuatan yg tidak dapat diterima oleh akal, etc.

Bagi syiah, imam-imam yang 12 semuanya (spt hadis MUSLIM) selepas Rasulallah saw hingga hari kiamat (manusia terpilih) adalah mereka yg mendapat ilham dan hikmah (bukan intellect) dari Allah yg mendorong mereka untuk melakukan perbuatan mengikut perintah Allah sepanjang masa (tiada dosa) dan dapat menjadi petunjuk (guide) kpd umat manusia. Walaupun bukan nabi, tetapi PERANAN mereka seperti nabi-nabi juga cuma tidak membawa ajaran Islam yg baru.  

Walaubagaimana pun ilmu untuk membaiki jiwa ini sgt penting. Biarlah PakMalau dedahkan secara ringkas disini supaya menjadi pedoman kpd manusia (termasuk PakMalau) yg ingin memperbaiki diri dari sumber syiah.


Pursuit of knowledge

...And fear God, (so that) He will teach you...
(Qur'an, 2: 282)

The Holy Prophet (s) of Islam said: 揝eeking knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslim, male and female.

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 Author| Post time 11-6-2005 02:07 AM | Show all posts
Moral Attributes of True Knowledge

        Knowledge, when acquired with pure, selfless and godly intentions, transforms the personality of a person into a heavenly being. Such a knowledgeable person becomes the embodiment of divinely inspired attributes and his character, words and actions manifest them.

        Imam Ali (a) used to say: 慜 seeker of knowledge, knowledge has many merits. (If you imagine it to be a human being then) its head is humbleness, its eye is freedom from envy, its ear is understanding, its tongue is truthfulness, its memory is research, its heart is good intention, its intellect is the knowledge (ma`rifah) of things and matters, its hand is compassion, its foot is visiting the learned, its resolution is integrity, its wisdom is piety, its abode is salvation, its helmsman is well-being, its mount is faithfulness, its weapon is softness of speech, its sword is satisfaction (ridha), its bow is tolerance, its army is discussion with the learned, its wealth are refined manners, its stock is abstinence from sins, its provision for journey is virtue, its drinking water is gentleness, its guide is Divine guidance, and its companion is the love of the elect.

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 Author| Post time 11-6-2005 02:14 AM | Show all posts

(jihad al-nafs)

Struggle against the Self

(jihad al-nafs)

... By the soul and (by) Him who made it perfect, and then inspired it to understand what is wrong and what is right for it. Truly is successful the one who purifies (his soul).
(Qur'an, 91: 7-9)

Imam Ja抐ar al Sadiq (a) said: 揟he Prophet (s) of God dispatched a contingent of the army (to the battlefront). Upon their (successful) return, he (s) said: 態lessed are those who have performed the minor jihad and have yet to perform the major jihad.

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 Author| Post time 11-6-2005 02:15 AM | Show all posts
Advice to awaken for the struggle against the self

        It is human nature to thank one who has been gracious. Reflect and estimate the seen and unseen favours bestowed on us by the Almighty. All of the creations of God could not even provide a fraction of such bounty.

        Look at the air we breathe day and night, and upon which our existence as well as that of other living beings is dependent. Nothing can remain alive if it is deprived of such air for even a few minutes. What a marvelous gift of God it is! If all men of the world laboured together to create such a gift, they could not do so. In the same way, reflect on other gifts of God such as the external bodily senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch, and inner faculties such as thinking, imagination, and reason, each one of which carries unlimited benefits and which is granted to us by Our Lord. He is the Creator and King of this vast universe. Human being, a creature crawling on one of the smallest planets miserably fails to grasp the extent of his own small world, whose sun cannot even be compared with far greater suns of innumerable galaxies. Our solar system is nothing compared to several other solar systems, which still elude the powerful telescopes of great explorers and investigators. Look at the human brain梬hat a fascinating creation it is! Can the combined efforts of all human beings make even a single living neuron (brain cell) that Almighty God has created and creates all the time! Surely this God-given brain deserves to be solely the seat of divinely inspired good ideas and not evil thoughts!

        Every living being in this Universe is within the range of His divine vision, so remember God and all His favours, and don抰 disobey Him. He fulfils all our needs without having any need of our adoration. Whether you observe His commands or transgress them makes no difference to Him. It is for the sake of our own benefit that He has enjoined good and forbidden indecency. Overpower satanic ideas and convert the spheres of your mind into divine realm by driving out the evil forces and inviting the divine hosts, so that God may help and protect you in the dangers threatening to befall you in this battle. Do not have any expectations from anyone but God. With all humility and all the tears your eyes can offer, pray to God and seek His assistance to emerge victorious in this crucial battle against the self.

        Imam Ali (a) said: 揙ne who struggles against himself so as to obey God, in the eyes of God, his station is that of a pious martyr.

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 Author| Post time 13-6-2005 10:37 PM | Show all posts


Bagi forumers yg suka marah-marah dan cepat melenting tu, eloklah ambil pengajaran dari ilmu berikut. Supaya boleh berhujah dgn cool sket.



匱hose who spend (freely) whether in prosperity or in adversity; who restrain their anger and pardon men; And Allah loves those who do good.
(Qur'an, 3: 134)

Imam Ja抐ar al-Sadiq (a) said:
"Anger is the key (that opens the door) to all kinds of vices."

[Al Kulayni, al Kafi, vol. 2, p. 303, hadith # 3]

It is narrated from Imam al Sadiq (a) that he heard his father Imam al Baqir (a), as saying: "A bedouin came to the Prophet (s) and said: `I live in the desert. Teach me the essence of wisdom.' Thereupon the Prophet (s) said to him: `I command you not to get angry'. After repeating his question thrice (and hearing the same reply from the Prophet every time) the bedouin said to himself: `After this I will not ask any question, since the Apostle of God (s) does not command anything but good'." Imam al Sadiq (a) says: "My father used to say, `Is there anything more violent than anger? Verily, a man gets angry and kills someone whose blood has been forbidden by God, or slanders a married woman'."
[Al Kulayni, al Kafi, vol. 2, p. 303, hadith # 4]

Reality of Anger

Anger is a psychological state that results from inner agitation and desire for revenge. And when this agitation becomes more violent, it intensifies the fire of anger. A violent commotion engulfs ones brain on account of which the mind and the intellect lose control and become powerless. At that time, the inner state of a person resembles a cave where fire has broken out, filling it with flames and suffocating clouds of smoke that leap out of its mouth with intense heat and a fiery howl. When that happens, it becomes extremely difficult to pacify such a person and to extinguish the fire of his wrath; whatever is thrown in it to cool it down becomes a part of it, adding to its intensity. It is for this reason that such a person becomes blind and deaf to guidance and good etiquettes. In such a condition, all such efforts as counsel, advice, and exhortation fail to appease the person. The more one tries to pacify it through humble requests and efforts, the more violent it becomes until the angry person physically harms someone or seeks revenge.

        Imam al Baqir (a) said:

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 Author| Post time 13-6-2005 10:40 PM | Show all posts
The Attribute of Controlling Anger

        The behaviour of a courageous person is based on wisdom and serenity of soul. He gets angry on proper occasion and is patient and restrained. His anger is to the proper extent and if he takes revenge, it is with reason and discretion. He knows well as to whom he should forgive and what to overlook and ignore.

        The anger of a true believer is for the sake of God. In the state of anger, he keeps in mind his duties, rights of creatures and never oppresses anyone. He neither makes the use of indecent language nor acts indiscreetly. All his acts are based on rational considerations and are in accordance with the norms of justice and Divine laws. He always acts in a way that he will not regret his actions later on.

        Imam Ali (a) said: 揟he most powerful person is the one who is victorious over his anger with his forbearance.

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