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Post time 28-3-2006 01:57 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Apa itu Apartheid?



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 Author| Post time 28-3-2006 01:58 AM | Show all posts
Apartheid bermaksud penyisihan dalam bahasa Afrikaans. Di Afrika Selatan, apartheid merujuk kepada pemisahan kaum kulit putih dari kaum bukan kulit putih. Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd iaitu perdana menteri Afrika Selatan ke-7, terkenal sebagai arkitek apartheid dan telah melaksanakannya secara berleluasa sewaktu pemerintahannya. Dalam dasar Apartheid, kaum bukan kulit putih (terutamanya kaum kulit hitam) dianggap sebagai lebih rendah dan diberi layanan kelas kedua dari segi politik, ekonomi, sosial, pendidikan dan kebudayaan. Semua bentuk diskriminasi perkauman adalah sah dari segi undang-undang dan undang-undang telah disalahgunakan oleh pihak pemerintah kulit putih untuk memastikan kekuasaan atau dominasi mereka ke atas kaum majoriti iaitu kaum kulit hitam.

Arkitek Apartheid, Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd bersama Charles Robberts Swart (Minister of Justice)

[ Last edited by chevy at 28-3-2006 02:05 AM ]



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 Author| Post time 28-3-2006 01:59 AM | Show all posts
Dasar ini telah dilaksanakan dalam beberapa siri undang-undang perkauman di Afrika Selatan antara tahun 1948 hingga 1991. Dibawah dasar ini, rasisme telah dibenarkan dan ia menyentuh segala aspek kehidupan termasuklah larangan perkahwinan antara kulit putih dengan bukan kulit putih, tempat larangan untuk bangsa bukan kulit putih dan pekerjaan yang dikhaskan untuk orang berkulit putih sahaja. Kaum kulit hitam telah dipindahkan secara beramai-ramai ke beberapa buah "negara" yang dipanggil bantustan atau "homelands", supaya mereka hilang hak mengundi dan hak kerakyatan yang lain. Tindak-tanduk regim Apartheid jelas sekali bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip hak asasi manusia.



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 Author| Post time 28-3-2006 02:00 AM | Show all posts
Pada 1950, Akta Pendaftaran Penduduk menghendaki semua penduduk Afrika Selatan untuk diklasifikasikan kepada tiga kumpulan: putih, hitam (orang Afrika), atau berwarna (darah campur). Kumpulan berwarna termasuklah kumpulan India dan Asia. Jabatan Dalam Negeri adalah bertanggungjawab dalam menentukan klasifikasi ini dilaksanakan. Mereka yang menentang undang-undang perkauman akan dikenakan hukuman yang teruk. Semua penduduk kulit hitam diwajibkan membawa "pass book" sejenis kad pengenalan yang mengandungi cap jari, foto dan maklumat lain untuk memasuki kawasan kulit putih. Peristiwa berdarah di Sharpeville pada Mac, 1960 adalah disebabkan penentangan warga kulit hitam dengan undang-undang tersebut. Lebih kurang 69 pemberontak terkorban sewaktu rusuhan itu.

Tunjuk perasaan dengan membakar pass book beramai-ramai di hadapan balai polis

[ Last edited by chevy at 28-3-2006 03:50 AM ]



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 Author| Post time 28-3-2006 02:01 AM | Show all posts
Dasar apartheid akhirnya dimansuhkan pada 1994 apabila Nelson Mandela menjadi presiden kulit hitam pertama di Afrika Selatan. Namun demikian sehingga ke hari ini, kesan dasar tersebut telah mengakibatkan jurang pendapatan yang sangat ketara di antara kaum kulit putih dengan kulit hitam di negara ini.

Nelson Mandela

[ Last edited by chevy at 28-3-2006 02:13 AM ]



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 Author| Post time 28-3-2006 02:56 AM | Show all posts
Apartheid juga menjadikan Afrika Selatan sebagai negara yang kaya dengan papan tanda. Antara papan tanda apartheid macam kat bawah ni:


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 Author| Post time 28-3-2006 03:40 AM | Show all posts
Apartheid juga membezakan corak pendidikan yang diterima oleh kaum kulit putih dan hitam.

Sekolah untuk anak-anak dari kaum kulit putih....

Cuba bandingkan dengan sekolah untuk anak-anak kulit hitam, meja pun tarakk.... sedihnya...


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Post time 28-3-2006 10:13 AM | Show all posts
Orang India dan Melayu Cape pun kene tindas...

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2006 01:12 AM | Show all posts
yup, that's right.... mereka ni termasuk dalam golongan coloured people....

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2006 02:37 AM | Show all posts
Hotel untuk golongan coloured....


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 Author| Post time 29-3-2006 02:58 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 10-4-2006 03:03 AM | Show all posts
Muzium Apartheid

Salah satu muzium apartheid yang terdapat di Johannesburg, South Africa... aku dah pegi melawat muzium ni baru2 ni...

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2006 12:32 AM | Show all posts
Though South Africa is extremely rich in natural resources and boasts a wonderful climate, iit is best known for Apartheid. Apartheid meaning 'apartness' was started by the white minority in South Africa to maintain domination and further racial separation from the black (African) majority in order to control the government and the economy.

In 1948, racial discrimination was not only legalised in South Africa but actually set in place. Laws were passed that separated 'whites' from 'non-whites'. By 1950 the Population Registration Act was passed, requiring all South Africans to be racially classified. Three categories were designated: white, black (African), or coloured (of mixed descent, including Indians and Asians). The non-whites were forced to move from the newly designated 'white areas'. Other restrictions made marriage between whites and non-whites illegal and better jobs were classified as 'white-only'.

Non-compliance with the laws was dealt with harshly. To aid in monitoring and enforcing the laws all blacks were required to carry a 'pass book'. These contained the individual's fingerprints, photo and vital information. 'Homelands' were established, assigning black people to specific reserves. Families were not taken into consideration and many times separated.

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2006 12:34 AM | Show all posts
During 1960s the South African government was under huge international pressure to stop apartheid. They chose to withdraw from the British Commonwealth of Nations rather than change. The movement for separation increased in fervency and violence. Laws continued to be issued, giving the government immense power to suppress the populace. By declaring a state of emergency, the government had virtually unlimited power to use force and imprison without cause.

By the 1970s South Africa was ready to explode. Pressure continued from outside the country and within its borders the 'non-whites' were beginning to fight back. Riots started in 1976 and continued for 14 years. Slowly the international pressure increased and foreign support vanished. The cost of necessities increased and several foreign investors chose to divest rather than be associated with South Africa's actions. The South African economy was severely affected. Apartheid began to crumble.

Finally, in 1990, President F.W. de Klerk obtained the repeal of the remaining apartheid laws. A new constitution was drafted. In 1993 a multi-racial, multi-party transitional government was approved. Free elections were held in 1994 and Nelson Mandela was elected as South Africa's first black president. The lingering traces of apartheid were outlawed. For their combined efforts in ending apartheid and making a peaceful transition into a non-racial democracy, Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2006 12:43 AM | Show all posts
Apartheid's system of racial surveillance was designed to exclude no-one. White people, as well as 'coloureds', Asians and 'natives', were issued with identity documents which specified their race. Members of the police could demand to see these documents at any time, from any person - although in reality, the targets of such scrutiny were always 'non-white' people.

                                        Identity Document

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2006 12:52 AM | Show all posts
The 1913 Land Act reserved roughly 8% of South Africa's territory for Africans and 92% for whites. Africans were not permitted to own land outside of these reserves and some designated land on the borders of reserves which was later open up to them. This eventually raised their share to 13%. Whites were not permitted to buy land in African reserves. The Land Act was the foundation of territorial segregation.

Source - Apartheid Museum

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hantu1 This user has been deleted
Post time 19-9-2006 02:53 PM | Show all posts
Camana pulak dgn Kunta Kinte...kisah benar kan..?
Any info..? care to share..?

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Post time 23-9-2006 03:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hantu1 at 19-9-06 02:53 PM
Camana pulak dgn Kunta Kinte...kisah benar kan..?
Any info..? care to share..?

Kunta Kinte (or Kunta Kunte) is the central character of the first half of the novel Roots: The Saga of an American Family by Alex Haley, and of the mini-series Roots, based on the book. Roots is now accepted as being a mixture of both fact and fiction, and much of the book's material is allegedly borrowed from a book called The African by Harold Courlander. Kunta Kinte was a Mandinka. Kunta was captured and imported to Annapolis, Maryland, and later sold to a plantation owner in Spotsylvania County, Virginia near the present-day rural community of Partlow.

The young character was portrayed by Star Trek star LeVar Burton, and the older by John Amos in a groundbreaking TV miniseries. In actuality, Roots was the first miniseries on television, and coincidentally, it was shown around the time of the bicentennial celebration of the United States.

There is a memorial to Kunta Kinte in Annapolis, Maryland. It is the only monument in the world to bear the name of an actual enslaved African. It depicts Alex Haley, book on his lap, telling his family's story to three children. In a notorious incident, the Kunta Kinte plaque was stolen within 48 hours after its installation in 1981, allegedly by the Ku Klux Klan. The plaque was never recovered, but it was replaced within two months.

ref :

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Post time 14-11-2006 08:08 AM | Show all posts
mengarut je dasar apartheid ni..sape la bangang cipta ni..yg albino kes camne lak..transparent color?

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