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Transformers ~ the never ending discussion.
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Aku nak tanya sikit kat kaki-kaki wayang kat sini. Filem transformers dah kuar ke belum? Cuba discuss sikit, kalo ada sebab rasanya next year kuar kan..... ! :hmm:
[ Last edited by aYuGiLeR at 22-8-2007 03:44 PM ] |
Reply #1 LanoG's post

July 2007 baru kluar kat sana. |
Spyshot yg aku dapat..karekter Bumblebee dgn...err lupa dah nama decepticon tu..

Kenapa la diorang taknak kekalkan karekter bumblebee tu dgn volkswagen kuning..Nak jugak pakai Chervolet Camaro Concept ni gakss.. |
takder bumblebee ker? tak best ah...
Dulu ada thread pasal transformers ni tapi skang dah takde...
pengarah utk cerita ni ialah pengarah utk cerita the island....huuuuuuhuuu cam tak best jek..
tapi berdoa jugak supaya cerita ni at least tak out la...tak boleh nak cakap jugak kan...
hurmmm |
Originally posted by Urban_freeflow at 16-6-2006 11:51 PM
Spyshot yg aku dapat..karekter Bumblebee dgn...err lupa dah nama decepticon tu..

Kenapa la diorang taknak kekalkan karekte ...
tu camaro ke mustang tu |

Optimus Prime? :hmm: |
biau btul .. nex year ehh ...
cam bes .. |
Originally posted by king_kong at 17-6-2006 12:47 PM

Optimus Prime? :hmm:
Prime? lol:lol |
Originally posted by finnie at 17-6-2006 08:03 AM
takder bumblebee ker? tak best ah...
Dulu ada thread pasal transformers ni tapi skang dah takde...
pengarah utk cerita ni ialah pengarah utk cerita the island....huuuuuuhuuu cam tak best jek. ...
Bumblebee ada..bezanya dia bkn lagi vw kuning tu..dah tukar jadi camaro kuning tu...
Dah double check dah..memang kereta kuning tu kereta Chervolet Camaro Concept,kereta polis tu baru Ford Mustang. ada lambang kereta polis decepticon tu :

[ Last edited by Urban_freeflow at 17-6-2006 07:25 PM ] |
The Camaro variants belong to the lead character (Sam), who doesnt know that his beloved car is, actually, a Transformer (Autobot) named Bumblebee.
We'll see Sam finding & buying this car with his father, and follow him as he comes to realize there more to this humble vehicle than meets the eye. Said revelation will involve Sam in a battle between Autobots and Decepticons for possession of the precious Energon Cube ? an object of unknown origin whose life force created the Autobots. The Energon Cube has been lost to the limitless stars?, and arrives?y simple, elegant chance here on Earth.
Bumblebee eventually has it out with a Decepticon named Brawl (the black police car).
The Osprey aircraft are specified in a sequence set in Qatar, in which the U.S. military (ground troops, aerial) takes on a Decepticon named Skroponok in an epic battle.
Vortex , a transforming helicopter: When the chopper lands in the film, it will have a CG cockpit that will have an entire crew inside of it. It will flicker out revealing that the chopper is, in fact empty - and "Vortex" will transform for the first time.?
Devastator , a Tank Decepticon who wreaks havoc in the big giant robot brawl late in the film.
Instead of a gun,MEGATRON is a JET in this movie..
Jangan risau...optimus maintain sebagai lori:love:
Ini la sedikit info yg aku dapat cari...:hatdown:
[ Last edited by Urban_freeflow at 17-6-2006 05:24 PM ] |
Aku tak boleh bayangkan camane diorang bertukar jadi robot. Real pulak tu... aiseh, MEGATRON jadi jet ke.. ingat jadi pistol. Bab paling best mesti le Optimus Prime (kaler lori tu apa yek.. merah ke). : |
Originally posted by Urban_freeflow at 17-6-2006 05:20 PM
Instead of a gun,MEGATRON is a JET in this movie..
woi, tak best la megatron jadi jet, bagi je la jet tu kat starscream |
dreamworks tolong buatkan cg dia ke..musti besh niehh |
Originally posted by ShadowChaser at 17-6-2006 04:12 AM
tu camaro ke mustang tu
atas tu rasanya camaro concept bawah tu 2005 mustang GT |
Tapi klip2 nie iklan je kan. Bukan dari filem dia sebenar. Kalo Malaysia buat, mesti ada kereta Iswara jadi robot, Kancil jadi robot... baru gempak. |
Originally posted by LanoG at 21-6-2006 04:02 PM
Tapi klip2 nie iklan je kan. Bukan dari filem dia sebenar. Kalo Malaysia buat, mesti ada kereta Iswara jadi robot, Kancil jadi robot... baru gempak.
aku nk bygkn kancil jd robot ...
kocik jekkk rase ..
hahahaaha ...
: |
sapa nak tengok bumblebee tadik..?

dr berita yg aku dengar dr pelakon2 tambahan... dia nih sorang jer robotl yg betul2.. yg lain CGI.. hidup bumblebee:love: |
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