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What If Israel Had Never Been Created?
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What If Israel Had Never Been Created?
by William Hughes
Imagine there's no countries...Nothing to live or die for...Imagine all the people living life in peace.? - John Lennon
Thanks mostly to U.S. President Harry S. Truman and his ?susceptibility to Zionist influence,? Israel came into existence in 1948. (1) Humanity, and in particular, the Palestinians, have paid dearly for his decision. The land on which the Palestinians had been living for centuries, in peace, with a minority Jewish population, has been gradually transformed into an Apartheid state by the machinations of the Zionist Movement. That Apartheid state, in turn, is today dominated by Israel?s Death-Mayhem-and- Occupation Machine. (2)
One wonders: What would the world look like today, if the state of Israel had not been created in 1948? Its improvident formation seems to have set in motion a chain of events, mostly negative, in the affairs of Mankind. In the movie, ?Click,? the lead character finds a ?universal remote? that allows him to rewind to different parts of his life and to change what had happened. If I possessed such a ?universal remote? and could stop President Truman from aiding and abetting the establishment of an Israeli state, then, it is my speculation, (a theory), that the following 25 propositions would probably be our present day reality. They are:
1. The U.S. would not have any enemies in the Islamic World.
2. There would be no Al-Qaeda Terrorist Network.
3. Gasoline would be selling for less than $1 a gallon.
4. There would have been no 9/11.
5. There would be no USA Patriot Law.
6. There would be no Homeland Security Agency.
7. The Israeli Lobby?s ?unmatched power? over the U.S.? foreign policy, for over four decades, would not had existed. (Its support for the Iraqi War was deemed by the experts to be ?critical.?) (3)
8. There would also not have been any Neocon ideologues; like Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Richard Perle, et al, to help, (along with other ?Special Interests?), to push the U.S. into an illegal war with Iraq. (4)
9. Iran would not be the next target for U.S. aggression. (No Israel. No ?A Clean Break? document. No Israeli Lobby. No Neocons. No need for the U.S. to attack Iran.) (5)
10. The Zionist fink, Jonathan Pollard, wouldn?t be in prison for stealing U.S. military secrets and hawking them to Israel.
11. The three million-plus Palestinians, who were forcefully dispersed from their homeland, since 1948, by the Israeli Occupation Forces, (IOF), would, instead, be living happily there today, in a free and independent state of Palestine. There would be no Apartheid Wall, or as a corollary, a Hamas organization. (6)
12. Jerusalem would have a vibrant Christian population. (7)
13. Rachel Corrie of Olympia, WA, would be alive and well. (8)
14. The 2,544 Americans who have died in Iraq would be alive; and the 18,777, who have been seriously wounded there, would be fully participating in our Republic. U.S. taxpayers would have an additional $295 billion, (the cost of the war), in the treasury to use to serve the social needs of the people. Universal Health Care would be a real possibility and Social Security would not be in jeopardy. Iraq would be at peace. There would be no Gitmo Bay detention center, or an Abu Ghraib Prison, or a reason for the Bush-Cheney Gang to gut Habeas Corpus. No need for it to also employ torturers, or chemical weapons, or hold detainees without charges or trial. The Geneva Convention would be respected. The tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis, who have died as a result of the war, would instead be alive today. (At the following footnote, see horrific photos of some of the Iraqi dead.) (9)
15. The battle to save our planet, its fragile ecosystem, its fast vanishing animal life and plants and to combat global warming, would be issue ?No. 1.? (10) Instead, we are perpetually bombarded with propaganda about defending ?Israel?s security.?
16. If there was no Israel, then the ?five dancing Israelis? on 9/11 wouldn?t have been arrested. They were nailed after ?celebrating? in NJ, while watching the Twin Towers collapsed. (11)
17. U.S. taxpayers would be $140 billion richer! This is the staggering amount they have shelled out over the last 58 years to support the ultra-greedy interests of the Zionist Cartel. (3)
18. The 34 Americans onboard the USS Liberty, who were slaughtered by the IOF, on June 8, 1967, would be alive today; and the 174 others who had suffered injuries that day would not have had to endure their horrific experiences. The shame the U.S. carries for not having quickly defended the men of the Liberty, and retaliated against the Israelis for their deliberate attack on the vessel, would have been avoided. (12)
19. On June 13, 2006, the IOF killed ten Palestinians, including three medical workers and two children, in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, labeled the missile attack an example of ?state terrorism.? Only God knows how many Palestinians the Israelis have actually wasted since 1948; or exactly how many refugees it has created, or how many homes, a la Oliver Cromwell, the IOF have demolished. None of this would have been possible without the dubious ?state of Israel.? (13)
20. Paul Bremer, a coat holder for Henry ?Iago? Kissinger, would have never been appointed Viceroy for an Occupied Iraq. No Israel. No Iraqi War. No Zionist Bremer as Viceroy of Iraq. (14)
21. One of the reasons the Warren Commission failed to properly investigate the murder of JFK was because of Arlen Specter (R-PA), a card carrying Zionist. He was then a ?Special Counsel? to the Commission. He concocted the preposterous ?Magic Bullet? theory, which shut down any real conspiracy-type probe. It is also interesting to note, that Jacob Rubenstein, aka, ?Jack Ruby,? Lee Harvey Oswald?s murderer, had close ties to Meyer Lansky?s National Crime Syndicate. I believe the answer to who really plotted JFK?s killing, died with Oswald. In any event after JFK?s death, Israel?s nuclear weapons program, which he had opposed went ahead. U.S. aid to Israel also increased dramatically. (15)
22. There would have been no reason for a French Ambassador to refer to Israel as ?that shitty little country.? (16) In fact, the Jews of the world would have been liberated to fulfill their deepest spiritual quest, as embodied in their religion - Judaism. According to the highly respected Orthodox Rabbi, Dovid Yisroel Weiss, ?Zionism has hijacked Judaism.? The courageous Rabbi insists that, ?Zionism creates anti-Semitism...And we know...Zionism is the root cause for the pain, suffering and bloodshed of the Jewish people...and, they, (the Zionists), are the greatest factory of anti-Semitism worldwide...Judaism and Zionism is not one and the same. They are diametrically opposite...We should not be mistaken one for the other. And, we shouldn?t be responsible for the actions of what the Zionists do...Now, another of the problems that emanate actually from the Zionist Movement is the fact that they are encroaching upon the rights of the Palestinian people, the indigenous people, who are living there. And, this is terribly wrong. It is against every concept of the Torah...So, whatever they are doing is totally wrong!? (17)
23. Thousands of Israelis have died attempting to build a nation in a land, Palestine, which belonged to another people, the Palestinians. Their deaths would have been avoided. (18)
24. The widespread spying on Americans, without a court order, by operatives of the Bush-Cheney Gang, would have never happened. (No Israel. No 9/11. No spying on U.S. citizens.)
25. On April 4, 2003, a European Union (EU) poll named Israel as the ?greatest threat to world peace.? (19) On June 27, 2006, the IOF proved the EU right by reoccupying Gaza, savagely terrorizing the civilian population, blowing up their electric/water generating facilities, conducting a mass arrest of their elected officials, and also, without just cause, provoking the Syrians. In response to the repeated shelling by the IOF of Gaza, Israel?s Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, wisecracked, ?Nobody dies from being uncomfortable!? When he addressed a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress, on May 24, 2006, Olmert received 38 breaks of applause and 18 standing ovations from that entity of mostly lapdogs. This is also the same Israeli leader, who, paraphrasing George Orwell's ?Animal Farm,? said that he had a ?deep regret? about the effects of some IOF?s operations which had killed 14 innocent Palestinians in just nine days, but that the lives of Israeli citizens were ?even more important.?(20) Finally, if there wasn?t a Zionist-created Israel, there also wouldn?t be any need for a commentary like this one!
3. ... wp_06_011_walt.pdf; and,
4. ... watch_archive.html; and
5. Chalmer Johnson?s ?Sorrows of Empire.?
7.; Scott McConnell?s ?Divided & Conquered,? TAC, 07/03/06;; and
15. Peter Dale Scott?s ?Deep Politics and the Death of JFK? and Stephen Green?s ?Taking Sides: America?s Secret Relationship with a Militant Israel.?
17. and ... riel_sharon_zionism and
20. Ravi Nessman?s ?Israel Steps Up Offensive,? AP, 07/03/06; Boston Globe?s ?Agony of Gaza,? 07/07/06; and ... /article1095841.ece
William Hughes 2006.
William Hughes is the author of ?Saying ?No? to the War Party? (IUniverse, Inc.). He can be reached at [email protected] |
Israel was founded by terrorists - in fact their first Prime Minister was an Irgun terrorist responsible for bombing of British interests in Palestine. At least 3 Israeli Prime Ministers were Irgun terrorists. |
samerosie This user has been deleted
I think it's their insecurity and perhaps greediness in some part of them that led to this current situation.
Just imagine, you are being persecuted because of your race. Some powerful person decided to take pity on you and gave you a place, a home where you could be safe in an existing country with existing population, without jeopardizing the rights of the people who were already living there.
First, you were very grateful. But you forget, you are comfortable, your neighbours welcome you and you have funds provided to you but your "home" is getting too crowded because more and more people of your race keep on coming and coming. You decided ah, I had one acre but now, my share becoming smaller and smaller. The powerful person could give me more, he understands. But of course, he didn't because he didn't expect millions of you coming in at one go, his original plan was becoming useless. He had to control many many people with different culture and background and at the end, his original plan was becoming shredded.
When he said, right enough is enough, you are disturbing and infringing on the rights of your neighbours who by this time were already uncomfortable with the influx, you decided hey, what do you mean, we are the victims here remember and you are supposed to be on our side, but if you are not, we don't need you. We will run you off.
And you did. You terrorized the hell out of your sponsor, and they ran with their tails between their legs. You saw this and you think, man, this is working. I wonder if we could have more land from our neighbour, after all he has more land than he could do, he wouldn't mind.......
Your sponsor meanwhile decided he had better asked someone higher than him to sort you out. Being professional, the higher authority decided, OK, you are already here, it will take more funds and resources to move you so why dont we draw a line so that you and your neighbour will know what was given to you and what was theirs.
Hang on, you said, this would mean, my neighbour would be in majority inside our line. Besides, that part is sacred to us because, once upon a time, many ancient years ago, when my forefathers had different colour skin, eyes and hair than ours, they used to rule this two areas here, pointing to your neighbour's land. By our birth right, it should be given to us for free.
The neighbours would control us...this cannot be, we want to determine our own future. Oh you thought, I know, we'll proclaim independence and name our land, and no one can say anything now. We'l' set up our own army in case our neighbour wants to hurt us and oh whatisname who scared of our sponsor, he can lead us, he's brave and everyone is afraid of him. I know, we'll proclaim it to be a democracy, oh just to tease our sponsor.
And you did, you built streets and buildings that are so foreign to the land, streets and buildings if someone was there would think he/she was in the middle of Europe, in reminisce of the land thousand miles away where you and your father and your grandfather and your great grandfather were born and grew up.
What do you mean, said your neighbour? We welcome you when you were small and now you are bigger, you want us to move out, away from your sight? Are you kidding? We will fight for what is ours.
Well, just imagine if the Zionist had decided to go with their first choice, somewhere in Africa. I wonder if today's terrorists would be Africans?
[ Last edited by samerosie at 11-8-2006 02:09 PM ] |
Well, kalau Israel never wujud, there will still be fighting among Arabs themselves. The only thing is that you won't see much war and much issue on the so called terrorism which is widely heard around the globe now. |
just goes to show how stupid the arabs are - with so much oil and wealth ammased over the past 30 years - they are still puppet states of Amerika.
= egypt, oman, Kuwait, UAE , Pakistan, The house of Saud .. |
samerosie This user has been deleted
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 11-8-2006 04:25 PM
Well, kalau Israel never wujud, there will still be fighting among Arabs themselves. The only thing is that you won't see much war and much issue on the so called terrorism which is widely heard ar ...
Well Ariya, that's new. The only fighting between an "Arab" country with another was during the Iraq invansion of Kuwait in early 1990s. Did you mean internal conflict? Like IRA and the British government?
Most of the modern wars of the world were between European countries.
The Arab Israeli war was between Israel and Arab nations (not Arab fighting each other)
The Suez War was Britain/Israel/France vs Egypt (sebab Britain withdrew support bila Egypt kawan dengan Russia, pas tu nak invade Egypt, Israel pun menyibuk join)
The Lebanon invasion was Israel invading Lebanon.
The Gulf war UN coalition vs Iraq (for invading Kuwait) |
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 11-8-2006 04:25 PM
Well, kalau Israel never wujud, there will still be fighting among Arabs themselves. The only thing is that you won't see much war and much issue on the so called terrorism which is widely heard ar ...
Kewujudan Israel adalah dari kesilapan orang arab sendiri.
1. Mereka bersama british menentang Ottoman Empire, thus, menjatuhkan Ottoman Empire.
2. Mereka bergaduh sesama sendiri, berpuak, tidak united di Palestine, "Arab Felluyah" (arab asing?) dihalau
3. Ada rasuah dikalangan mereka, seorang hartwan keturunan yahudi membeli tanah di palestine dan menjual kepada Yahudi |
Tak ada Israel pun, orang Islam tetap akan berlawan dan bunuh antara satu sama lain. " ersaudaraan dlm Islam" tak wujud, ianya hanya di mulut sahaja. ;) |
Sephiroth ni sapa? barua yahudi ka? |
setelah dinilai, memang banyak post2 oleh sedara Sephiroth kita ni berunsurkan provokasi terhadap malay/islam.but its okay, this is just a forum.
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 12-8-2006 08:52 AM
Tak ada Israel pun, orang Islam tetap akan berlawan dan bunuh antara satu sama lain. " ersaudaraan dlm Islam" tak wujud, ianya hanya di mulut sahaja. ;)
bagaimana dgn persaudaraan kaum/agama lain? kenapa mesti ko attack malay/islam sahaja? bagaimana dgn kumpulan2 cina di hong kong yg sanggup bergaduh/berbunuh kerana berebut kawasan? |
Mr.Forensics This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 12-8-2006 08:52
Tak ada Israel pun, orang Islam tetap akan berlawan dan bunuh antara satu sama lain. " ersaudaraan dlm Islam" tak wujud, ianya hanya di mulut sahaja. ;)
huhuhu..provoke bang,... |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 12-8-2006 08:52 AM
Tak ada Israel pun, orang Islam tetap akan berlawan dan bunuh antara satu sama lain. " ersaudaraan dlm Islam" tak wujud, ianya hanya di mulut sahaja. ;)
ada kaum tuh bersedara dgn LIDAH YANG BERBELIT :ting: |
Hmph ... kamu fikir orang Islam bergaduh kerana Non-Muslims tak ada kerja lain nak buat dan shj nak kacau orang Islam ke? ;)
Orang Islam sebenarnya berperang BUKAN dgn orang yahudi ataupun dgn kaum2 lain. :no:
Mereka sedang berperang dgn AGAMA ISLAM itu sendiri. Orang Muslim adalah MUSUH Islam. ;)
Mereka TAKUT dgn azab dlm kubur - jadi mereka berpusung2 nak mati syahid supaya terlepas dr azab kubur. Utk itu, mereka perlukan musuh dan orang kafir yg lain dijadikan musuh. Tetapi mereka bukannya nak menang dlm peperangan pun, mereka shj nak mati syahid.
Lagi satu, mereka ini takutkan Hari Kiamat dan dlm Islam, ianya dikatakan yg Hari tak akan Kiamat sampai orang Yahudi, Christians dan Islam hidup bersama secara harmoni. Orang2 Islam berlawan utk memastikan Hari Kiamat tak akan sampai. ;)
Sebab itulah saya kata - orang Yahudi ada ke tak ada, ianya tak ada perbezaan - Orang Islam tetap akan cari musuh utk berperang. |
apa ko merapu ni, berbelit-belit... |
deepjunior This user has been deleted
dude, did you smoke pot or on got no brain or what.:hmm: |


Elemination of 'Israel', the main solution
10:45:10 Þ.Ù
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Thursday said that the Zionist regime's attack on Lebanon is not simply an aggression, rather its a pre-planned one with an extensive dimensions and goals.
Speaking at the emergency summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), he referred to the declaration of the American hawkish Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice regarding the countinuation of the regime's aggression until the materialization of the new Middle East plan, and said that her remark shows that the regime's war-mongering had been pre-planned.
"Through such aggression they intend to break a major part of the resistance in the Islamic world against the extremism and selfishness of bullying powers and pave the way for complete hegemony over Lebanon and the region," he said.
President said, "The Zionist regime is on the verge of collapse."
"Though elimination of the Zionist regime is the main solution to the current crisis, at this stage a cease-fire should be immediately established," the official added.
The president also said that the presence of foreign troops supporting the Zionist regime in the country is unacceptable, unless it takes place fairly on the basis of United Nations regulations.
" risoners should be exchanged. The losses in Lebanon caused by the aggressors and their supporters, in particular America and Britain who are among the Zionist regime's accomplices, should be compensated. The governments of these two states should be accountable for their crimes in Lebanon," he said.
p/s: aku setuju apa ahmadnejad cakap :setuju:
:setuju: Elemination of 'Israel', the main solution :setuju:
Hmph ... buatlah apa yg kamu suka sangat buat ... zaman kejatuhan serta kemusnahan agama Islam sudah dekat. |
Originally posted by deepjunior at 19-8-2006 08:27 AM
dude, did you smoke pot or on got no brain or what.:hmm:
am i just paranoid, or am i just stoned? |
Reply #17 Sephiroth's post
banyak benor le barua2 yahudi laknatullah ni.. to hell with them, thats mean u too sephiroth.. best thing to do is to ignore all this barua..
cakap banyak pun tak guna, back to the topic..
kalau takde israel, Hizbullah takkan wujud.. Hamas takkan wujud.. kerana takde keperluan untuk mempertahankan negara.. penduduk Lubnan n Palestin akan hidup aman damai..
[ Last edited by cakciborEleven at 8-9-2006 03:16 PM ] |
Originally posted by cakciborEleven at 8-9-2006 03:14 PM
banyak benor le barua2 yahudi laknatullah ni.. to hell with them, thats mean u too sephiroth.. best thing to do is to ignore all this barua..
cakap banyak pun tak guna, back to the topic..
ka ...
:setuju: |
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