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Post time 14-9-2006 01:10 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
citer telenovela , dulu dah pernah ditayangkan

Country: Peru   Year: 2000  
Channel - Astro Prima 10.30pm
Stars : Coraima Torres, Guillermo Perez, Lupita Ferrer, Vanessa Saba, Sonia Oquendo, Maria Cristina Lozada.....

Summary------The usual peacefulness that is experienced in the home of Mrs. Alma Castillo de Diaz, a hardworking woman, who after her husband's death was able to bring up her four children thanks to her strength of character and many sacrifices, is suddenly transformed due to the preparations for the wedding of her second daughter: Antonia. The joy and expectancy of each member of the Diaz Castillo family is enormous... especialy Soledad, a beautiful and vivacious young lady, the oldest daughter of Mrs. Аlma and recently graduated as an executive secretary....

[ Last edited by  Eddlisa_uyuk at 2-1-2008 11:40 AM ]

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Post time 14-9-2006 01:29 PM | Show all posts

Coraima Torres.......... Soledad Diaz

Guillermo Perez.......... Miguel Angel Olivares

Lupita Ferrer.......... Victoria Alvarez Calderon

Vanessa Saba.......... Rafaela

Sonia Oquendo.......... Laura Alvarez Calderon

Maria Cristina Lozada.......... Alma Castillo de Diaz

Karina Calmet.......... Antonia Diaz

Teddy Guzman.......... Eva Rodriguez

Martha Figueroa.......... Susana Alvarez Calderon

Hernan Romero.......... Jorge Bustamante

Julian Legaspi
Renato Rossini.......... Koki Bustamante

Gabriel Anselmi.......... Juan Jose Diaz

Bernie Paz.......... Leonardo Garcia

Cecica Bernasconi
Silvana Arias.......... Lucia Reyes

Marcelo Oxenford.......... Don Octavio Salazar

Ernesto Cabrejos.......... Suavino

Sergio Galliani.......... Machito Guzman

Ricardo Fernandez.......... Aurelio Garcia

Ebelin Ortiz.......... La Caribena

Jose Luis Ruiz.......... Marcos

Maricielo Effio.......... Teresa Munoz

Haydee Caceres.......... Margarita Reyes

Natalia Streignard.......... Debora Gutierrez

Carlos Mesta.......... Federico Mendez

Carlos Tuccio.......... Justino Romero

Jean Pierre Vismara.......... Caramelo

Carlos Cano.......... Comandante de la policia

Eduardo Serrano
Javier Valdes

Javier Echevarria.......... Diego Garcia

Ana Cecilia Natteri.......... Socorro Garcia

Tatiana Espinoza.......... Coty de Guzman

Monica Rossi.......... Ana Lopez

Karen Spano.......... Leslie

Milagros Vidal.......... Fatima Diaz Castillo

Agustin Benites
Mari Pili Barreda.......... Beatriz Aguilar

Luis Alberto Urrutia.......... Gustavo Salazar

[ Last edited by  rosabella at 14-9-2006 01:45 PM ]

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Post time 14-9-2006 01:32 PM | Show all posts

Guillermo Perez & Coraima Torres

[ Last edited by  rosabella at 14-9-2006 01:45 PM ]

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Post time 14-9-2006 01:35 PM | Show all posts


The usual peacefulness that is experienced in the home of Mrs. Alma Castillo de Diaz, a hardworking woman, who after her husband's death was able to bring up her four children thanks to her strength of character and many sacrifices, is suddenly transformed due to the preparations for the wedding of her second daughter: Antonia. The joy and expectancy of each member of the Diaz Castillo family is enormous... especialy Soledad, a beautiful and vivacious young lady, the oldest daughter of Mrs. ?lma and recently graduated as an executive secretary. Everything seems to predict a beautiful ceremony, a good marriage and the prompt arrival of grandchildren and nephews and nieces. Soledad and Fatima (the youngest of the family), help their sister Antonia with the flurry of things to be done for such an occasion... even Juanjo, the only man in the house, joins them and collaborates in everything he can to make that the happiest day in the life of his sister. But one last detail is missing: a beautiful flower headdress that Soledad has ordered from a prestigious flower shop, with the intention of surprising her sister.

Meanwhile, Miguel Angel Olivares, a young and attractive executive, eager for success of the "Beauty Corp." Corporation (an important multinational that specailizes in developing products for the treatment of feminine beauty), lives enjoying the proximity of beautiful and uninhibited women, many of them models of the corporation. In fact, Miguel Angel is living an intense romance with Miranda, a spectacular model who is positive that she has trapped the seductive and charasmatic businessman. Precisely, in his attampt to escape from the harassment of this woman, and the natural pressure of his office, Miguel Angel decides to take charge himself of an important commercial which will launch a new line of moisteners. That's why he accompanies Fico, the producer of the commercial, and also his friend and confidant, to find the elements they need for the success of this "spot".

When Soledad goes to the flower shop to pick up her sister's headdress, coincidentally Miguel Angel and Fico arrive at the same place. Soledad has quite a hostile encounter with Fico who insists on taking Soledad's headdress. On leaving, after having prevented Fico's getting away with it, Soledad just misses being run over by Miguel Angel's car. The girl faints from th eimpression causing the alarm of the prosperous businessman and the pedestrians. Soledad awakes in the arms of a nervous Miguel Angel, who struggles desperately to get her to react. When he succeeds, Miguel Angel reacts with arrogance and peevishness: to the point of offering her money for the impasse, and for the headdress that Fico considers ideal for the images of his spot. Miguel Angel acts as if he owned the world but Soledad sets him straight immediately, dismissing the tactlessness and haughtiness of that man... but neither of them know, though they feel something strange has occurred, yes, but they ignore that with that encounter, love has knocked on the doors of their hearts.

During the wedding reception, Teresa, the secretary of the just maried husband of Antonia and a friend of Soledad's, tells her that she's in luck: an acquaintance of hers (a secretary of many years), has decided to retire soon, because of her multiple dispositions. Teresa offers Soledad the opportunity to try for that job. This is why a very anxious Soledad (she knows she needs the job desperately because of the family's economic situation) awaits nervously the interview with her future boss... great is her surprise to discover that he is no other than Miguel Angel himself. After having overcome the initial surprise of both parties, Miguel Angel decides to get rid of the girl who he considers doesn't have the experience or the sufficient capacity to try for the job. Soledad has to beg him to test her at least once. Not without a certain fastidiousness, Miguel Angel accepts, but unfortunately the test results in a disaster and before her first day as a secretary is over, Soledad decides to resign because of her boss's unbearable temperment, making her uncomfortable with orders and errands that Soledad can't fulfil. But before leaving the girl confronts her boss and tells him what she thinks, reproaching his behavior, accusing him of being insensitive and petulant. But Soledad's attitude deeply surprises Miguel Angel. after giving a lot of thought to his experience with the girl, he decides to visit her in her own home, apologizing and asking her to return to work. Soledad fascinated with Miguel Angel's gesture, decides to accept.

From then on Miguel Angel and Soledad start reconcilling themselves to the exhausting work of the Corporation. Soledad doesn't mind staying overtime, and Miguel Angel begins to take into account her opinions and ideas for some of the publicity campaigns they develop together. This daily contact awakes emotions and feelings in both of them: Miguel Angel feels an attraction to the beauty and youth of Soledad, while she for her part, enjoys the company of this man more each day... without having any illusions, (she realizes she's not at the level of a man like him) recognizes that she's fallen in love at first sight and simply enjoys being close to him.

Victoria Alvarez Calderon, Miguel Angel's wife, a woman twenty years older than he, is recovering from aesthetic surgery abroad. But one of her sisters informs her of that. Miguel Angel has hired a new secretary, and Victoria immediately returns home and heads for ht eoffice to meet her husband's new assistant. Soledad is surprised to hear that Miguel Angel is married and from that moment on tries to control her feelings, realizing perfectly well that she has no future with him, but it's too late, because the young woman has already fallen in love with her boss.

Victoria then asks her husband to fire Soledad, but he for the first time shows his displeasure to her and refuses to please her with the pretext that the girl needs her job to help her family. Despite Victoria's constant presence and her evident atitudes of jealousy, the approximation of the protagonists coninues. Nothing happens until one day, in the midst of their joy at having found the exact phrase for a new launching, Miguel Angel and Soledad hug and he taking advantage kisses her. Soledad unable to control herself, responds intensely to that kiss and then, terrified with what she's done, she leaves determined not to return. That night Deigo Garcia, Soledad's eternal boyfriend, proposes to her and she decides to accept. But MIguel Angel, completely certain now of the love they both feel for the other, insists that Soledad return. The upright gilr, debates against all moral concepts impressed upon her by her mother, (deeply rooted in her) and the forbidden love she feels for this man... but love is stronger. Soledad returns to her job. Miguel Angel begins to pursue her and in his desire to win her he pronounces phrases that make her think that she's much more than a simple adventure to him. And as any woman in love, she accepts MIguel Angel's assertion that he is a young man who commited the mistake of marrying an older woman, who can't even give her a son. Above duty, prejudice and the legal bonds that join him to Victoria, is the love he feels for Soledad, a love that Miguel Angel swears to defend at all costs. And in this way after a time during which she debates between her doubts and the shame of knowing she's commiting an immoral act, Soledad surrenders to Miguel Angel and she does it aware that only the great love they both feel can justify the act that has no other excuse. Soledad accepts with courage the consummated act and is ready to face the consequenses, though she doesn't have the courage to confess it to her mother. It's the first secret she keeps from her. And her first lies begin to justify her absences and lateness. Her first dates also begin in a small office in the same building where "Beauty Corp." is located. A place Miguel Angel has converted in to a small apartment. It's a love nest which they use daily, after work. And in this way Soledad becomes involved in a relationship that leads her to continuous excuses at home, a constant fear of being discovered by Victoria, who each day watches her husband more closely, and on several occasions has been on the point of catching them. And above all, for the love of Miguel Angel she feels ashamed of how she is deceiving Deigo, to whom she feels incapable of confessing the truth.

It'sa time during which the moments of love and passion are always very short and secret, combined with the ever present pain of knowing you are destroying a home, fearing what the scandal, if they are ever discovered, would provoke in Alma's upright heart. But nevertheless, Soledad surrenders to a love which she feels she has a right, with the hope that one day Miguel Angel will resolve his situation and they can face the world without ever having to hide again. But that is not in the near future... the road Miguel Angel and Soledad will have to cover to find eternal bliss, will be plagued with pain, suffering and the death of Victoria at the hands of a murderer, a mystery that will not be revealed until the end of the story.

[ Last edited by  rosabella at 14-9-2006 01:50 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 14-9-2006 01:46 PM | Show all posts

Soledad, es tan tierna como la amapola,
que vivio siempre en el trigo sola,
Sin necesidad de nadie, ay mi Soledad,

Soledad, es criatura primorosa,
que no sabe que es hermosa,
Ni sabe de amor ni engaсos, ay mi Soledad,

Soledad, vive como otra cualquiera,
en la aldea donde naciera,
Lava, cose, llora y rie, ay mi Soledad,

Pero yo la quiero asi distinta,
porque es sincera,
Es natural como el agua que llega,
corriendo alegre desde el manantial,
Es natural como el agua que llega,
corriendo alegre desde el manantial,
No sabiendo ni a donde va, que feliz vive mi Soledad.

Soledad, es tan bella como una paloma
y tan clara como el sol que asoma,
Por entre los matorrales, ay mi Soledad,
Se repite la parte enmarcada y se termina

[ Last edited by  Eddlisa_uyuk at 24-9-2006 08:32 PM ]

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Post time 14-9-2006 02:10 PM | Show all posts

Guillermo Perez


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Post time 14-9-2006 02:12 PM | Show all posts
ehh..nape tetibe rase cam penah folo cter ni dulu aa?huahuahua..:stp:

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Post time 14-9-2006 02:35 PM | Show all posts

Coraima Torres


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Post time 14-9-2006 02:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eskremVanila at 14-9-2006 02:12 PM
ehh..nape tetibe rase cam penah folo cter ni dulu aa?huahuahua..:stp:

aikk.. kalu penah folo takkan tak ingat kot... musti hero tu kureng kan

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Post time 14-9-2006 03:01 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 14-9-2006 03:14 PM | Show all posts
wah citer ni mmg betul2 dah lama yek....

makasih kat ko org sbb bukak thread ni...

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Post time 14-9-2006 03:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isabel at 14-9-2006 03:14 PM
wah citer ni mmg betul2 dah lama yek....

makasih kat ko org sbb bukak thread ni...

citer 2000/2001... nak kata lama sgt tu taklah kan... tapi gambo pon dah kelabu asap:lol

:tq: muchas gracias ti eddlisa sebab bukak thread nih... tambah lagik 1 rumah baru utk lepak...

p/s: gambo coraima torres tu tak byk ler... yg ada pon gambo lama... punyalah kelabu... dah ler tu kecik2 gambonya

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 Author| Post time 14-9-2006 04:55 PM | Show all posts
dulu citer nih ada kat astro gak kan?? bukannya kat tv2....

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Post time 14-9-2006 04:56 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 14-9-2006 05:30 PM | Show all posts

SKE LA DGR SORE CORRAIMA(SOLEDAD) NIH..LAIN DR YG LAIN..kalo paola tuh cam lunak jek,gabby spanic plak cam garau, c thalia tuh cam gemersik jek..:bgrin:

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Post time 14-9-2006 05:55 PM | Show all posts
muahah...mak saye la yg layan kak kdg2 tu ade la gak..jeling2..hehehe...

ff: ni ade lagi satu..tak ingt la tajuk ade dua laki berebut sorang pompuan..yg aku hengat name laki jahat tu je..oscar de la rosa...ade sesape ingt ak cter ni? tyg kt prima satu ketike dolu :cak:

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Post time 14-9-2006 06:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #16 eskremVanila's post

tuh cite romantica obsession..aku tgk epi awal jek..pastuh x tgk..buhsaan

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Post time 14-9-2006 06:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #17 nohara's post

haa..btol2..romantica obsession..:lol

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Post time 14-9-2006 06:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eskremVanila at 14-9-2006 05:55 PM
muahah...mak saye la yg layan kak kdg2 tu ade la gak..jeling2..hehehe...

ff: ni ade lagi satu..tak ingt la tajuk ade dua laki berebut sorang pompuan..yg aku hengat name laki ja ...

Romantica Obsession... akak nengok citer tu... tapi dah separuh kot... dari part Alenjandro baru kawin ngan Mariana... sebab masa tu baru pasang astro... pelakon2 pon kureng gak tapi akak mmg suka citer latin... mmg folo dari citer maria mercedes lagik... sampai kwn akak panggil akak maria volvo... masa citer rosalinda... dorang panggil akak rosalinda:lol

pastu la usurpadora... pastu sume ler citer latin yg nengok masa tu... masa tu akak sempat nengok sebab akak jaga cafe datin akak... jadi balik keje awai... pastu bila dah balik koje ngan laki datin... time opis ler... jadi citer latin yg tayang mlm ajelah dapat nengok

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Post time 14-9-2006 06:37 PM | Show all posts
thread ni bru bkk tp kak ros dah memeriahkannye dgn gmbr n sinopsis...
bes r kak ros...

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