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Post time 30-11-2006 03:56 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
salam semua and greetings to all

i just went to KLCC kinokuniya yesterday and got the chance finally to browse around some books in popular science  etc aprt from ( Dan Brown, chic lits - ahaks) etc i ternampak buku ni : NIKOLA TESLA - mana ahead of his tiime

menarik jugak . diceritakan dalam bentuk i dunno cerita  satu bab ke satu bab- best jugak
gilah tengok baca- sebab ni cuti kan...

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Post time 30-11-2006 04:50 PM | Show all posts
apa maksud Nikola tesla?  tesla jer mcm pernah dengar...

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Post time 30-11-2006 05:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 30-11-2006 03:56 PM
salam semua and greetings to all

i just went to KLCC kinokuniya yesterday and got the chance finally to browse around some books in popular science  etc aprt from ( Dan Brown, chic lits - ahaks) ...

Exactly where I went to yesterday after office hour. I went to Kinokuniya browsing the popular science books and bought a book titled The Fabric of The Cosmos written by Brian Greene.

Tapi buku Nikola Tesla ni tak I tak perasan lak.

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Post time 30-11-2006 05:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Atomic_Omnikid at 30-11-2006 04:50 PM
apa maksud Nikola tesla?  tesla jer mcm pernah dengar...

He's a scientist

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 Author| Post time 30-11-2006 06:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MACD at 30-11-2006 05:45 PM

Exactly where I went to yesterday after office hour. I went to Kinokuniya browsing the popular science books and bought a book titled The Fabric of The Cosmos written by Brian Greene.

Tapi buk ...

i went there just to kill the time while waiting for the 1420 - HAPPY FEET...hahhaahahah

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Post time 30-11-2006 08:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 30-11-2006 06:49 PM

i went there just to kill the time while waiting for the 1420 - HAPPY FEET...hahhaahahah

Patut la x jumpa :-D

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Post time 30-11-2006 10:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MACD at 30-11-2006 17:58

He's a scientist

I juz googled for it..dier nie pelopor elektromekanik,pencipta radio kan...tesla ni satu unit SI,patutlah mcm pernah dengar...

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Post time 1-12-2006 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Tesla was a brilliant inventor, on par with Michael Faraday. Born in Croatia (or was it Serb? lupalah), he moved to the US later to work under Thomas Edison, the inventor of light bulb.Dua org ni akhirnya bercakaran, sbb utama adalah kerana isu arus terus (DC) vs arus ulang alik (AC). Tesla invented polyphase system while Edison was a strong proponent of DC systems. DC system akhirnya tewas kepada polyphase (AC) system, because AC system is more efficient in long range power transmission. Try google "war of currents".

[ Last edited by  aphrodisiac at 1-12-2006 11:59 AM ]

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Post time 1-12-2006 12:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 Atomic_Omnikid's post

Tesla (T) ialah unit SI untuk magnetic flux density

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Post time 1-12-2006 12:06 PM | Show all posts
anyway korg ade tgk movie The Prestige tak?David Bowie berlakon jadik Tesla.:bgrin:

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Post time 1-12-2006 11:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aphrodisiac at 1-12-2006 12:06
anyway korg ade tgk movie The Prestige tak?David Bowie berlakon jadik Tesla.:bgrin:

Tesla ini smp kuar movie skali... :jeling: :nyorok:

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Post time 2-12-2006 03:41 PM | Show all posts
nicola tesla.. dia yg cipta radio transistor.. bukan marconi

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Post time 3-12-2006 12:57 PM | Show all posts
Dan juga mencipta Tesla Coil dalam Red Alert...kakakaka

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 Author| Post time 4-12-2006 12:30 PM | Show all posts
yeap . born to Serbian Father - the father is a clergyman actually and the mother is thought to be the brightest gal in the family. Mak dia anak sulung dari 12 beradik. However, she was unable to finish her studies becoz of the steoreotypical taglines pasted on women aroud those eras ler. The mother was known to have a good memory - she could remember the whole somthing of european history  etc...

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Post time 6-12-2006 02:57 PM | Show all posts

Tesla's laboratory in Colorado Springs with his "Magnifying Transmitter" generating millions of volts of electricity.
The arcs are about 7 meters (22 ft) long. (Tesla's notes identify this as a double exposure.)

--> mcm Tesla Coil

Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower located in Shoreham, Long Island, New York. The tower was finally dismantled for
scrap during World War One. Newspapers of the time labeled Wardenclyffe "Tesla's million-dollar folly."

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Post time 13-6-2007 06:02 PM | Show all posts
Nicola Tesla ni seorang saintis muda yang berkebolehan. Tapi sayang dia dibiarkan. tak dipedulikan. lalu dia pun membawa diri dan mencipta teori / buatan yang menakjubkan!

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Post time 13-6-2007 07:11 PM | Show all posts
company aku ada satu kat croatia. nama *** nicola tesla. Now I know why..

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Post time 14-6-2007 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Tesla Time line

When        Event                                                         
1856        Tesla Born to Serbian parents in Croatia     
          Nikola Tesla was born a subject of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (now the Republic of Croatia) in Lika on the stroke of midnight on July 10th, 1856

1875        Tesla begins technical schooling in Graz, Austria   
          In his sophomore year, Tesla's father has a stroke and dies shortly thereafter. Tesla is forced to drop out of school due to lack of funds. Tesla learns to speak 5  
1880        Tesla begins working for the American Telephone Company in Budapest        Tesla suffers a nervous breakdown.

1882        Tesla conceives of AC induction motor        
          Tesla sees the rotating fields in a vision, meticulously detailing the construction of both single and polyphase motors it in his notebook. He later designs his motor just
          "as seen" and it works just as he envisioned.

1882        Tesla begins working for Edison (in Paris, France)       
          Tesla begins working for Continental Edison in Paris, France, helping them to resolve problems with their DC dynamos.

1883        Tesla constructs the first polyphase AC motor       
           While on assignment to Strasburg, France, Tesla constructs a working brushless polyphase AC induction motor. It is demonstrated before the former Mayor of the
           town and to wealthy potential investors. Unfortunately, Tesla is unable to secure financing.

1884        Tesla immigrates to the United States       
           Fleeing from war, Tesla arrives in New York at age 28 with only 4 cents in his pockets!

1884        Tesla begins working for Thomas Edison       
          Tesla comes highly recommended by Charles Batchelor, Manager of Continental Edison in France. Tesla is hired to improve Edison's DC dynamos.

1885        Tesla quits working for Edison       
          Edison reneges on a promise to pay Tesla $50,000 for improvements to his dynamos, saying he was just joking - Tesla resigns in disgust…

1886        Tesla launches Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing        However, his financial backers, Robert Lane and B. A. Vail, refuse to fund Tesla's AC Motor, and they fire Tesla! Tesla is forced to work as a manual laborer.

1887        Tesla builds first AC Induction Motor        This is the world's first brushless AC motor. Tesla files key worldwide patents, locking the rights to the invention

1888        Tesla demonstrates AC motors to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE)        Once thought impossible, Tesla demonstrates a brushless 2 phase 1/5 HP AC motor to the foremost group of Electrical Engineers in the USA

1888        Inventor and businessman George Westinghouse buys Tesla's key Polyphase Patents after buying patent for the AC transformer        Westinghouse now controls AC motors and transformers - and the “War of the Currents” begins between Westinghouse (AC) and Edison (DC)…

1888        Tesla begins working for Westinghouse        Tesla sets 60 cycles per second (now Hertz) as the North American standard for AC power transmission and distribution
1891        Tesla becomes a US citizen         Tesla builds his own experimental laboratory at 46 East Houston Street, in New York City

1891        Tesla invents 2-coil “Tesla Coil”         Tesla lights evacuated tubes with no wires, demonstrating the possibility of wireless power transmission

1892        First Polyphase Power System Installed        Tesla is granted 40 patents, thereby locking in his rotating magnetic field principles and polyphase power distribution into a comprehensive system for the generation, transmission, distribution, and utilization of AC power.

1892        Tesla discovers X-ray radiation while experimenting with HV and evacuated tubes        This is THREE YEARS before they are rediscovered by Willhelm Roentgen. Tesla terms the effect "radiant energy"€ of an invisible kind. Tesla actually warns of potential hazards of these rays during a lecture before the New York Academy of Sciences in 1897. ("The stream of Lenard and Roentgen and novel apparatus for their production")

1893        Demonstrates Wireless Transmitter/Receiver        Tesla demonstrates system in St. Louis TWO YEARS before Marconi's first demonstration…

1893        Lighting the 1893 World's Fair Exposition        Westinghouse and Tesla provide AC power to light the Chicago's Columbian Exposition, even though Edison forbids the use of Edison's light bulbs.. The public sees firsthand the capability of AC power.

1894        Tesla generates 1,000,000 volts        Using a conical air-core Tesla Coil, Tesla later achieves 16 foot discharges in his New York City lab

1895        Tesla harnesses Niagara Falls        Tesla's 1st commercial 2-phase power plant, built by Westinghouse  - designed to deliver power to the industries of Buffalo, NY

1895        Fire destroys Tesla's laboratory        Disaster strikes -  Tesla's laboratory is completely destroyed by fire, ruining the work of half a lifetime. Tesla is devastated.

1896        First long-distance transmission of polyphase AC Power        AC Power from Niagara Falls is transmitted to Buffalo via Tesla's High Voltage Polyphase System

1897        Tesla files the basic Radio Patent        Tesla's patents stand the test of time - he is indeed the Father of Radio

1897        Tesla releases Westinghouse from contract         The "War of the Currents" between DC and AC nearly bankrupts Edison and Westinghouse. Tesla gives Westinghouse a break on AC motor royalties, saving the company from bankruptcy

1898        Tesla Demonstrates Wireless Control         Tesla demonstrates a wireless controlled boat. But, he is unable to interest the US military…

1898        Tesla develops electric Igniter for Gasoline Engines        Basically the same approach that's used in today's internal combustion engines

1899        Tesla begins his Colorado Springs Research        Research phase: wireless transmission of messages and electrical power

1900        Tesla begins Wardenclyffe Transmitter        Wardenclyffe 200 kW system is funded by $150,000 from J. Pierpont Morgan (51%) - Tesla tells Morgan that the system is for radio communication

1903        Tesla runs out of money         Morgan refuses to provide any additional funding after learning of Tesla's true plans for Wireless Power Transmission

1904        Marconi awarded patent for radio        The US Patent Office reverses itself, wrongly awarding Guglielmo Marconi the patent for radio! Tesla begins his fight as the inventor of radio

1905        Wardenclyffe forced to close operations        Tesla runs out of funds and cannot pay his workers, forcing him to close his lab

1906        Tesla announces Bladeless Turbine         Tesla's 200 hp 16,000 RPM Bladeless Turbine is demonstrated on his 50th birthday

1907        During the financial panic of 1907, Tesla agrees to release Westinghouse from paying royalties on every induction motor        Weakened by the "War of the Currents", Westinghouse convinces Tesla to sell his royalty rights to Westinghouse for $216,000 - they were worth over $12 Million at the time. The Westinghouse Company survives the crisis...

1909        Marconi wins Nobel Prize for Radio        Tesla deeply resented the fact that Marconi got the prize, and not himself…

1910-11        Tesla's bladeless turbines are tested in New York        Several turbines were tested, 100-5000 HP in Waterside Power Station, New York

1915        Tesla signs over Wardenclyffe deed to pay his debts        The deed to Wardenclyffe is turned over to George Boldt, the proprietor of the Waldorf-Astoria, to pay a $20,000 debt

1915        Tesla files lawsuit against Marconi        This starts a patent fight that lasts for 29 years. Tesla vs. Marconi is ultimately resolved in Tesla's favor.

1916        Tesla declares bankruptcy        Tesla owed back taxes, but was penniless, living in poverty, on credit, at the Waldorf-Astoria

1917        Wardenclyffe Tower is demolished         George Boldt destroys tower to make property more marketable. Although the tower was blown up, the main building still stands today.

1917        Tesla receives the Edison Medal         The Edison Medal is the most prestigious honor the AIEE can bestow upon an engineer

1928        Tesla receives his last patent at age 72        "Apparatus for Aerial Transportation" - similar to a helicopter or VTOL aircraft (US Patent 1,655,114)

1931        Tesla turns 75        Tesla is honored by being on the cover of Time Magazine, and receives congratulations from more than 70 pioneers in science and engineering including Einstein..

1935        15 out of 16 of Marconi's Patent claims are invalidated by the Court of Claims        Tesla is acknowledged to have been prior inventor on these portions of Marconi's patent. The case is eventually decided by the US Supreme Court in 1944.

1943        Tesla dies penniless in NY hotel on January 7, 1943         Tesla's dies a lonely man at age 87 in room 3327 in the Hotel New Yorker, his only remaining friends the pigeons he fed in the park. The FBI orders the Office of Alien Property to seize Tesla's papers and possessions although Tesla had been a US citizen since 1891. These were eventually inherited by Tesla's nephew, Sava Kosanovich, and are now housed in the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Serbia

1944        Tesla awarded Patent for Radio        The US Supreme Court confirms that Marconi’s patents infringed Tesla's. Tesla finally wins…

1956        The "Tesla", a new unit of magnetic flux density in the metric system, is named in Nikola Tesla's honor        The new unit is equivalent to 10,000 Gauss

1976        Tesla Monument given to US by Yugoslavia        A monument to Nikola Tesla celebrating the first hydroelectric plant at Niagara Falls was erected on the US side (Goat Island - between the American and Canadian falls).

2006        New Tesla Monument unveiled in Niagara Falls park         A new monument was erected on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls (at Queen Victoria Park) celebrating Tesla's role in designing the first hydroelectric power plant at Niagara Falls (1895)

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Post time 14-6-2007 12:08 PM | Show all posts
More about Tesla

tesla coil

longest man made spark = 492 ft

[ Last edited by  me_ai at 14-6-2007 12:12 PM ]

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Post time 20-10-2012 06:19 AM | Show all posts


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