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At last the waiting was over. The butcher of Baghdad was hanged this morning. Justice served at last. |
what justice? he was a good person, he will go to heaven. |
Saddam will finally meet his maker and find out if those virgins are for real. I can bet you he is gonna be very very disapointed.
cheers |
Hmm i wish i was with him in heaven, he must be really enjoying himself up there looking at us with a smile. |
well, i'm glad that he's dead. he's killed many, and now it's his time.
although I'm not very happy with the way the execution was carried out. They allowed flash-photography in there. And they took so many pictures. I just feel like although he's a bad man, they need to act in a more respectable manner.
By the way, since this is not necessarily a religious matter, nor that the author of this thread makes it one, I must move this thread to the World Events thread.
manusia yg paling layak menerima hukuman gantung seperti saddam ialah Bush & bapanya... ! |
Originally posted by ExAvantz155 at 31-12-2006 07:32 PM
manusia yg paling layak menerima hukuman gantung seperti saddam ialah Bush & bapanya... !
:setuju: Plus Ariel Sharon and all those who have killed more people but are still on the loose. |
babi yahudi sharon tu layak terima hukuman yg lebih dahsyat daripada hukuman gantung...
skrg ni pon babi sharon tu tgh nazak nak mampos kat hospital tapi binatang tu tak mampos2 lg sebab Tuhan nak bagi dia rasa macammana penderitaan org2 Palestine yg dibunuh macam tu jgk dia rasa.......
gua baca dlm suratkhabar sharon ada buat pembedahan untuk memotong dan menyambung semula ususnya yang busuk.jasad Sharon mula membusuk satu demi satu sedangkan dia masih hidup.
cuma ajal tak sampai lagi, baguslah boleh la dia menderita lama sikit.....
video penderitaan sharon yg dah nak mampos pon sepatutnya dirakam dan disebarkan , mcm mana video Saddam digantung......dan semua org patut bergembira.....
[ Last edited by ChildrenOfBodom at 1-1-2007 12:58 AM ] |
Originally posted by ChildrenOfBodom at 1-1-2007 12:43 AM
babi yahudi sharon tu layak terima hukuman yg lebih dahsyat daripada hukuman gantung...
skrg ni pon babi sharon tu tgh nazak nak mampos kat hospital tapi binatang tu tak mampos2 lg sebab Tuhan nak ...
:setuju::setuju::setuju: |
WARNING : Due to explicit content of this video,viewer discretion is advised as it may be too offensive to some.
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[ Last edited by vixen at 1-1-2007 09:32 AM ] |
if Saddam deserves hanging(like most of u think),so does Bush,Olmert and Sharon..these people have killed more innocents than Saddam will ever dream of.
wake up..
[ Last edited by supergripen at 1-1-2007 03:16 PM ] |
real footage..saddam digantung
nampak tenang muka saddam selepas digantung..lidah tak terjelir..mata terbuka sedikit..apa yang pasti perbicaraan ke atas saddam berlaku dalam suasana ketidakadilan..yang mana hakim dan semua yang terlibat adalah dr puak yang tak suka kepada saddam..tak ingat antara sunni dan syiah..
saddam membunuh mereka yang menentang..apa beza dengan bush yang membunuh mereka yang langsung tak ada kaitan dengan amerika..tak kira berapa banyak rakyat iraq terkorban asalkan saddam dibunuh..lebih menyakitkan hati sengaja dijatuhkan hukuman pada hari raya qurban..
mereka yang mahukan saddam mati juga tak bersetuju dengan kes ini berjalan..malah pihak vatican sendiri menyelar tindakan amerika jatuhkan hukuman..
sekian ulasan den..innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun..mati beliau dalam islam..tak salah kalau kita mendoakan allahyarham saddam hussein..orang islam lain belum tentu dapat mengucap..saddam 2 kali mengucap sebelum digantung..betapa zalimnya org islam..balasan kebaikan akan diterima juga atas amalan kebaikan yang dibuat..di akhirat sana..Allah Maha Adil |
Originally posted by ElehBodoh at 30-12-2006 05:48 PM
what justice? he was a good person, he will go to heaven.
Stop being an apologist for a tyrant.
Saddam was not a good man let alone a good moslem and pretended to be Moslem only when it served his own lunatic purposes and power.If you research his personal history,personality traits and actions it evidently becomes clear that he served no one but himself! |
berapa byk thread pasal video Saddam kena gantung laa, takkan seronok kot bukak thread tunjuk org kena bunuh |
dah ado ko..carik2 kat sini mcm takdo yo..bukan seronokla..dia bukan nabi kita tak bole nak tgk..dah menjadi sejarah dalam sebahagian hidup kita.. |
If you research his personal history,personality traits and actions it evidently becomes clear that he served no one but himself!
not really. he has served his past master - the amerikans quite well.
until he harboured ambitions for himself. LOL.
aanother amerikan asset retired - with no scrap value
LOL:nerd: |
how do you know this sadam is nbot a fake one..?
there are at least half a dozen of sadams lookalikes... just like 0sama.
tulin ka? |
Originally posted by vixen at 1-1-2007 11:23 AM
Stop being an apologist for a tyrant.
Saddam was not a good man let alone a good moslem and pretended to be Moslem only when it served his own lunatic purposes and power.If you research his pe ...
agreed..he was not a good fact he's no better than Bush and Co...hell,come to think of it,he's no worse either!!
under him,Iraq was a prosperous nation,it's people(well,mostly at least)lived in peace and relative prosperity.what of Iraq now??? huh??
fact is,Bush and Co. is no different..they should see the gallows as well,rite??? wrong!! anyone who gets pleasure in a loss of human life is sick.. so wake up..think about it..
[ Last edited by supergripen at 1-1-2007 03:46 PM ] |
Originally posted by RedChaSiew at 1-1-2007 01:13 PM
not really. he has served his past master - the amerikans quite well.
until he harboured ambitions for himself. LOL.
aanother amerikan asset retired - with no scrap value
like i said,Bush is no different.. killing innocents when it serves US interests.
fact is,the hanging was timed to insult muslims the world wasn't the Iraqis who hanged him,it was the u had rightly pointed out,another US asset 'retired'..need i say more?? |
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