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Mustapha Hassan - Nasionalist Melayu sebelum UMNO
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wa terserempak ngan site nie. perspektif yang cukup bagus dari seorang pejuang melayu berhaluan kiri. founding member and vice presiden KMM. banyak naratif yang tak akan kita dapat dari sudut pandangan lain.
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assisted everyone to the best of my ability. In fact, I helped several members of the Malay royal household (Raja Ahmed Hisham, Raja Tun Uda, Tunku Mohammad bin Tunku Besar Burhanuddin, Kol. Raja Lope Rashid) and several prominent Malays from the Japanese hands. That is why I regret reading the book Looking Back, in which former Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman accused KMM members of being against Malay royalty. He stated that both Pak Sako and Ibrahim Yaakub asked him: 揥hy did your brother in law Capt. Raja Aman Shah fought on the side of the British? |
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