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CHINA - An Answer to US Star Wars Program
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China satellite-killer upsets West | | | | |
| |  | Using a ground-based missile, the test knocked out an aging Chinese satellite [GALLO/GETTY] |
| The US, Australia and Canada have voiced their concern to China over a test in space of a satellite-killing weapon last week, the White House has said.
Gordon Johndroe, National Security Council spokesman, said on Thursday:"The US believes China's development and testing of such weapons is inconsistent with the spirit of co-operation that both countries aspire to in the civil space area.
"We and other countries have expressed our concern regarding this action to the Chinese."
Using a ground-based medium-range ballistic missile, the test knocked out an aging Chinese weather satellite about 865km above the earth on January 11 by slamming into it, Johndroe said.
A senior White House official, requesting anonymity, said that Britain, Japan and South Korea were expected to express their concerns to China soon.
A key concern is debris that could interfere with civilian and military satellite operations on which the West increasingly relies.
On the day of the test, a US defense official said the United States was unable to communicate with an experimental spy satellite launched last year by the Pentagon's National Reconnaissance Office. But there was no immediate indication that this was a result of the Chinese test.
No such publicised destruction of a satellite in space has occurred in at least 15 years, said Marco Caceres, a space expert at the Teal Group, an aerospace consulting firm in Fairfax, Virginia.
No surprise
Aviation Week & Space Technology, the first to report the test, cited space sources as saying a Chinese Feng Yun 1C polar orbit weather satellite, launched in 1999, was destroyed by an antisatellite system launched from or near China's Xichang Space Centre in Sichuan Province.
The satellite-killing capability demonstrated by China was no surprise to the Bush administration, which revised US national space policy in October with an eye on boosting protection of US civilian and military satellites.
In a major speech about the policy last month, Robert Joseph, the state department's point man for arms control and international security, said other nations and possibly terrorist groups were "acquiring capabilities to counter, attack and defeat US space systems."
"No nation, no non-state actor, should be under the illusion that the United States will tolerate a denial of our right to the use of space for peaceful purposes," Joseph said on December 13.
In classified projects shielded from public debate, the US has been widely reported to be developing satellite-killers of its own, using more advanced technologies, including lasers.
Caceres said he expected the test to strengthen the Pentagon's hand in seeking funds from congress to press a host of costly military space programs, almost all of which are over budget and behind schedule.
"They are going to use this for as much as they can," he said, referring to Pentagon officials.
Major corporate beneficiaries could be Lockheed Martin Corp., Boeing Co. and Northrop Grumman Corp., which build US communications, surveillance and early-warning satellites, said Caceres.
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Actually I am kind of piss-off with US double standard. If they can have Star Wars Program , why an Asia country like China should not have the mean to defend themselves?.
Is it because it pissed them to know that an Asian Country can also develop their own weapon system?.
And for Malaysia , maybe it will be much cheaper to procure arms from China instead from UK or Russia?. At least they can offer much better package.
kenapa bila ekonomi berkembang maju perlu selari dgn pembelian dan penciptaan senjata yg canggih? :hmm: |
Originally posted by weta_studio at 19-1-2007 11:08 AM
kenapa bila ekonomi berkembang maju perlu selari dgn pembelian dan penciptaan senjata yg canggih? :hmm:
Good question , maybe the same reason why we invent gun in the first place?. To have the "right to live" over the next person?. |
Originally posted by weta_studio at 19-1-2007 11:08
kenapa bila ekonomi berkembang maju perlu selari dgn pembelian dan penciptaan senjata yg canggih? :hmm:
Don't u buy extra premium insurance when ur business gets bigger and better?
the same concept goes.. |
actually, under the UN space treaty.. the outer space (including moon) is subjected for peaceful and educational purposes... and no weapon is allowed up there... |
looks like china will provide the check & balance to the americans' quest for world domination.
malaysia better be smart to know who to befriend. |
Originally posted by abimiy at 19-1-2007 12:59 PM
actually, under the UN space treaty.. the outer space (including moon) is subjected for peaceful and educational purposes... and no weapon is allowed up there...
UN? satelit US ader laser tak? :stp: |
Originally posted by naz_1969 at 19-1-2007 11:26 AM
Good question , maybe the same reason why we invent gun in the first place?. To have the "right to live" over the next person?.
US...China...boleh ada teknologi but Iran utk keamanan dihalang..:hmm: |
Originally posted by weta_studio at 19-1-2007 02:55 PM
US...China...boleh ada teknologi but Iran utk keamanan dihalang..:hmm:
Itu lah..double standard betul la US ni. China tak kisah pun Iran nak develop nuclear technology. Sanggup lagi buat joint venture untuk Oil and Gas lagi. US ni jer tak habis2 jeles ngan orang. Dia ingat cakrawala ni semua mak bapak dia punye agaknya. |
reply to acong's post
yes UN.. satellte US memang ada laser.. mostlly untuk pointing/measuring/attitude control..
tapi missile anti satellite China nih memang major threat kepada sistem pertahanan US..
cuba bayangkan sekiranya satelit Global Positioning System (GPS) kepunyaan US di tembak.. peh!!!!.. kapal kat tengah laut hilang panduan.. keta kebal depa tak tahu position.. nak tembak peluru berpandu tak buleh.. platoon kat iraq mungkin sesat kat padang pasir.. dan banyak lagi..
itu belum tembak US punya communication satellite lagik..
pendek kata disasterouslah ini missile..
[ Last edited by abimiy at 19-1-2007 03:16 PM ] |
Originally posted by abimiy at 19-1-2007 03:14 PM
yes UN.. satellte US memang ada laser.. mostlly untuk pointing/measuring/attitude control..
tapi missile anti satellite China nih memang major threat kepada sistem pertahanan US..
cuba bay ...
Itu lah Aby , US ni gedebak gedebuk protes , tapi depa sendiri buat takpe. Here , look at this news.
US adopts tough new space policy
| The document outlines US military and commercial ambitions in space
| The US has adopted a tough new policy aimed at protecting its interests in space and denying "adversaries" access there for hostile purposes.
The document - signed by President Bush - also says "freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea power". The document rejects any proposals to ban space weapons. But the White House has said the policy does not call for the development or deployment of weapons in space.  | The United States will preserve its rights, capabilities, and freedom of action in space... and deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile to US national interests 
| However, some military experts warn that by refusing to enter into negotiations on space weaponry, the US is likely to fuel international suspicions that it will develop such weapons. The 10-page strategic document states that the US national security "is critically dependent upon space capabilities, and this dependence will grow". "The United States will preserve its rights, capabilities, and freedom of action in space... and deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile to US national interests," it says. Satellite fears The document also sets out US commercial ambitions, saying it is committed to encouraging and facilitating a growing entrepreneurial space sector. The Bush administration says there is no shift in its policy
| It is the first revision in US space policy for 10 years, and it is a forthright one, the BBC's Nick Miles in Washington says. It addresses concerns voiced in a 2001 Pentagon report that said technological advances would enable potential enemies to disrupt orbiting US satellites, our correspondent says. Unclassified details of the policy published on the internet say space capabilities, including spy and other communication satellites, are essential for national security. But the White House said the policy was not a prelude to putting weapons in orbit and that there was no shift in US policy. "The notion that you would do defence from space is different from that of weaponisation of space. We're comfortable with the policy", White House spokesman Tony Snow said. President Bush authorised the policy in August but it was not released until October. During the Cold War, President Ronald Reagan proposed a defence shield using laser or particle beam technology to "intercept and destroy" incoming nuclear missiles. The Strategic Defence Initiative, or "Star Wars" programme as it came to be known, was abandoned in 1993.
senang cakap, selain dari US,yg lain2 tak bleh buat apa2.
opps..lupa plak...israel bleh.
ps:tgh discovery channel, canggih betul alatan tentera israel nie, ada yg teknologi lagi tinggi dari US.ker latest dari US,bg kat israel dulu instead of pakai sendiri?ermmm... |
Originally posted by tuah_r at 19-1-2007 03:57 PM
senang cakap, selain dari US,yg lain2 tak bleh buat apa2.
opps..lupa plak...israel bleh.
ps:tgh discovery channel, canggih betul alatan tentera israel nie, ada yg teknologi lagi tinggi dari ...
In the begining Israel is depanding much on arms from US. But in lately , Israel is slowly loosing support even from the Jewish community in US. And hence they develop more and more their own arms technology. |
Reply #11 naz_1969's post
hmm... memang US ni hiprokrit paling besar atas donia ni.. tapi respek kat China... bukan senang nak develope anti satellite missile nih.. entah saintis mana la diorang ambik kerja dengan diorang... |
Originally posted by abimiy at 19-1-2007 04:22 PM
hmm... memang US ni hiprokrit paling besar atas donia ni.. tapi respek kat China... bukan senang nak develope anti satellite missile nih.. entah saintis mana la diorang ambik kerja dengan diorang...
Well , banyak possibilities kan . China pun bukan short of scientist. If they don't have the knowledge , they are not stint to spend money to purchase ones. I think China will be the biggest threat to US World Order in the next decade or two. That is why I think Malaysia should position ourselves carefully in our relation with China. |
Reply #15 naz_1969's post
Yup.. Malaysia should hug China more than US...  |
Originally posted by Muntz at 20-1-2007 01:20 AM
Yup.. Malaysia should hug China more than US...
he he he err hugging?. now got a lot of chicken flu...dangerous you know... |
Originally posted by Muntz at 20-1-2007 01:20 AM
Yup.. Malaysia should hug China more than US...
How to hug? By having more policies to undermine and marginalize the chinese community in malaysia? By humiliating the chinese tourist? Malaysia is in a difficult situation. It is not a friend of US and when China gain more influence and extend their power projection capability into this region, you will see where malaysia is heading. Together with indonesia, malaysia is deemed unfirendly to chinese people. |
Originally posted by Muntz at 20-1-2007 01:20 AM
Yup.. Malaysia should hug China more than US...
Yalah ... go and hug the Communist. ;)
We just finish the Communist Insurrection successfully some 20 years ago (officially ended in 1991 I think). Hug more Communist and we can have a 2nd Communist Insurrection. ;)
Never befriend with Godless People, they will lead you astray like they are. :no: |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 22-1-2007 11:02 AM
Yalah ... go and hug the Communist. ;)
We just finish the Communist Insurrection successfully some 20 years ago (officially ended in 1991 I think). Hug more Communist and we can have a 2 ...
Sepot cuba hang cek sejarah sebab apa PKM kalah ..... sebab malaysia mula menjalinkan persahabatan dengan China..... lupa agaknya kau nih..
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