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Memang blom ada...
Ada ke cikgu yg boleh ajar kat forum ni? |
hehe...aku ckap molto piccolo ajerr...
itu pun boss aku ajo n baca buku italian...
kalo ada cikgu, blehla nak join gaks |
antara vocab yg aku tau
forza juventus |
aku tau dua perkataan ..
kl ada cikgu cikgi yg buleh ajar kat sini tringin gak nak join.. cam best ja dgr bahasa itali ni.. |
Non parlo molto bene l'Italiano = Saya tak berapa pandai speaking Itali
Ciao = hi (bertemu) / bye (berpisah)
Buon giorno = Selamat pagi
Buona serra = petang
Buona notte = malam
Come stai = Apa khabar?
Bene = baik jer..
Si = ya
No = tidak
Scusi (formal), Scusa (informal) = excuse me
Piacere = nice to meet you
Per favore = please
Buongiorno Signore ! (dengan e tanpa surname)
Signor Tipin = Mr
Signora Tipah = Mrs
Signorina Tipah = Miss
Come ti chiami = what's your name?
Mi chiamo Tipino = My name is Tipin
1 = uno
2 = due
3 = tre
4 = quattro
5 = cinque
6 = sei
7 = sette
8 = otto
9 = nove
10 = dieci | 11 = undici
12 = dodici
13 = tredici
14 = quattordici
15 = quindici
16 = sedici
17 = diciassette
18 = diciotto
19 = diciannove
20 = venti | 21 = ventuno
22 = ventidue
23 = ventitre
24 = ventiquattro
25 = venticinque
26 = ventisei
27 = ventisette
28 = ventotto
29 = ventinove
30 = trenta
31 = trentuno | Arrivederci = jumpa lagi
Ti amo = I love u
Mi dispiace = I'm sorry
Allora = So, ...
Grazie = thanks
Prego = sama2
Niente = nothing..
Ciao !
[ Last edited by TipinTakTipu at 25-4-2007 05:20 PM ] |
Kata nama Gender (Nouns)
Secara umum ada dua gender : Maskulin & Feminin.
Maskulin selalunya berakhir dengan -o dan -e , Feminin dengan -a.
Di bawah ini anda boleh melihat senarai yang biasa katanama maskulin dan feminin bersamaan dgn Englishnya.
In italiano ci sono due generi: maschile e femminile; il maschile di solito termina in -o oppure -e, il femminile in -a.
In basso potete vedere una lista di comuni nomi maschili e femminili con il loro equivalente inglese
Kata nama Maskulin (Nomi maschili)
l'uomo = man
il bambino = male child
il dottore = doctor
l'ufficio = office
il lavoro = work
il toro = bull
il gatto = cat
il treno = train
lo zucchero = sugar
Katanama Feminin Nouns (Nomi femminili)
la donna = woman
la bambina = female child
la dottoressa = woman doctor
la casa = house
la vacanza = vacation
la mucca = cow
la gatta = female cat
la macchina = car
l'aquila = eagle |
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besh2..dulu ade amik jap klas bhs itali ni,tp dh x igt lecturer tu ade ckp sebutan itali mmg nk dkt same dgn bm...xde ah mcm bhs perancis etc,what u see is what u read..ehehe
grazia tipah sbb bkk bebenang ni |
Giorni (Hari)
Lunedi = Isnin
Martedi = Selasa
Mercoledi = Rabu
Giovedi = Khamis
Venerdi = Jumaat
Sabato = Sabtu
Domenica = Ahad
Mesi (Bulan)
Gennaio = Januari
Dicembre |
Nak share several Italian songs. Sesambil tu boleh blaja bahasa dan sebutan.
Antara singers yg top:
- Andrea Bocelli
- Eros Ramazzotti
- Simone Christichi
- Giuseppe Povia
- Tiziano Ferro
- Patrizio Buane
- Elisa Toffoli
- Laura Pausini
- Anna Tatangelo
- Dolcenera
- Mina (veteran)
Dari Youtube :
Andrea Bocelli e Helene Segara : Vivo per lei (italian + french)
Andrea Bocelli : Ama credi e vai (Winter Olympic 2006 Torino, Italy)
Eros : Musica |
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molto molto grazie TipinTakTipu!!!
io parla italiano molto piccolo
bleh la aku menambah ilmu hehehe |
Reply #12 redsinner's post
niente.. nak blaja gak..
Boss ko Italiano ka??? Leh tanya dia tak kat ner leh blaja. |
Dari :
The names of seasons (i stagioni) are not capitalized in Italian.
la primavera桽pring
The names of the months (i mesi) are not capitalized in Italian.
Che mese |
memang besh ek, bahasa romance nih. akupun sonok nak belaja. dengar lagu itali pun terus jatuh chenta. hensemnyaaaa eros ramazzotiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii |
yeah... marilah mari, ramai2 blaja Italiano.. |
Definite Article
In English the definite article (l'articolo determinativo) has only one form: the.
In Italian, l抋rticolo determinativo has different forms according to the gender, number, and first letter of the noun or adjective it precedes.
i ragazzi e le ragazze (the boys and girls)
il quaderno e la penna (the notebook and pen)
Here are some rules for using definite articles:
1. Lo (plural gli) is used before masculine nouns beginning with s + consonant or z.
2. Il (pl. i) is used before masculine nouns beginning with all other consonants.
3. L抂/b] (pl. gli) is used before masculine nouns beginning with a vowel.
4. La (pl. le) is used before feminine nouns beginning with any consonant.
5. L抂/b] (pl. le) is used before feminine nouns beginning with a vowel.
The article agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies and is repeated before each noun.
la Coca朇ola e l抂/b]aranciata (the Coke and orangeade)
gli italiani e i giapponesi (the Italians and the Japanese)
le zie e gli zii (the aunts and uncles)
The first letter of the word immediately following the article determines the article抯 form.
Compare the following:
il giorno (the day)
l抂/b]altro giorno (the other day)
lo zio (the uncle)
il vecchio zio (the old uncle)
i ragazzi (the boys)
gli stessi ragazzi (the same boys)
l抂/b]amica (the girlfriend)
la nuova amica (the new girlfriend)
In Italian, the definite article must always be used before the name of a language, except when the verbs parlare (to speak) or studiare (to study) directly precede the name of the language; in those cases, the use of the article is optional.
Studio l抜taliano. (I study Italian.)
Parlo italiano. (I speak Italian.)
Parlo bene l抜taliano. (I speak Italian well.)
The definite article is used before the days of the week to indicate a repeated, habitual activity.
Domenica studio. (I抦 studying on Sunday.)
Marco non studia mai la domenica. (Marco never studies on Sundays.) |
The Italian indefinite article (l'articolo indeterminativo) corresponds to English a/an and is used with singular nouns.
It also corresponds to the number one.
MASCHILE FEMMINILEuno zio (uncle)una zia (aunt)un cugino (cousin, m.)una cugina (cousin, f.)un amico (friend, m.)un抂/b]amica (friend, f.)
Uno is used for masculine words beginning with z or s + consonant; un is used for all other masculine words. Una is used for feminine words beginning with a consonant; un抂/b] is used for feminine words beginning with a vowel.
un treno e una bicicletta
un aeroplano e un抋utomobile
uno stadio e una stazione |
Bello e Quello
The adjectives bello (beautiful, handsome, nice, fine) and quello (that) have shortened forms when they precede the nouns they modify. Note that the shortened forms are similar to those of the definite article. MASCHILESingolarePluralebello/quellobegli/quegli(before s + consonant or z)bel/quelbei/quei(before other consonants)belli/quellibegli/quegli(before vowels)FEMMINILESingolarePluralebella/quellabelle/quelle(before all consonants)belli/quellibelle/quelle(before vowels)
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