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Signs of change of Sabah Government
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JK's Digest No. 46 of July 2007 (225 of 2007) SAA 4494 J -esus.
It is rare to spot such a car number in town and especially when the letters "esus" was extended after the 'J'. Nothing unusual you may say, but this car was spotted after I made a cheque deposit in the Bank Islam in Wisma MUIS at about 2 p.m. for the fees of the lecture for UiTM on "Tsunami of Illegals and Illegalities" in conjunction with 50/44 years of celebrations. That was the first time ever to go to that bank to do a transaction.
So this car must be the only one in town to give such a surprise with 44?
Now I heard that the Chief Minister of Sabah is going into the next election with the slogan of 4M.
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON) for MIGS (for MIGS) (deleted again) (deleted unknown) |
another good number to see in town.
The witness dying in the dock in a civil suit for the first time involving a famous lawyer of a top politician in Sabah. |
worried persons
JK's Digest No. 12 of August 2007 (237 of 2007) A TV stunt show with hidden selfish agenda.
It looked like a one man show when three others were giving their political support to the Chief Minister of Sabah so reminiscence of some old and doom practices.
If you review the TV1 regional news at 5 p.m. on 13th August, 2007, there were special editing or censorship with an agenda of promoting the Chief Minister only and the three stooges. Who pays for that programme in the national TV channel?
The same event was published in a newspaper with a photograph showing two other persons not shown in the TV's programme.
So it depends how we read into the political news of a move by some leaders.
We know what is happening to the CM when the offical opening of the Sabah UMNO's headquarter in Karamunsing was aborted on 11th August for obvious reasons. The present site of the UMNO's headquarters is subject of several Police Reports.
So what is the CM trying to do to salvage his position as a small fish in a big ocean of UMNO while he may be a big rich fish in Sabah. Sabah UMNO is so strong as alleged by themselves and yet BN wants to recruit the "trouble makers" to silent them now become the stooges. So the Tsunami of Illegals & Illegalities is widening.
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON) http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ ... age%3D1#pid16300759 for MIGS
http://won-borneo.blogspot. com/; illegal State & Federal Governments |
system goes away
JK's Digest No. 17 of August 2007 (242 of 2007) Who resign?
Is it easier to resign or change the system after 50/44 years?
Yes, CASH President Datuk Patrick Sindu has felt the Sam Mannam should resign as Director
of Forests following the latest denial of illegal logging in Keningau after the successful intervention
of the Anti Corruption Agency only at the road sites. Why wasn't the illegal logging stop at the forests? Why should only Sam resign? What about the illegal Chief Minister? What about the Director of Land & Survey - Osman Jamal whose identity cards is questioned? What about the Chairman of Warisan Harta Sabah Sdn. Bhd Datuk Dr. Patawari whose identity card is also a suspect?
The list can go on and what about the Director of Sabah Foundation who allows the concessions areas to be logged illegally?
Over the years CASH's President has been calling for resignation for every major offence? What about the Director of National Registration Department? What about the Director of Immigration Department? What about the Road Transport Department? What about the Commissioner of Police?
What about the Director of ACA? What about the Director of the Water Department? What about Agriculture Director for polluted foods?
Is it better for piecemeal resignation or total change of the system? Who is behind all those rot in the system? Scapegoats are easily found if the system does not function with justice.
Now the national and State flags are corrupted and who resign? Only Namewee @ Wee Meng Chee face the hard music for Negarakuku?
I had a case when the culprits (powerful people once) of about RM5 millions got away and the clerk (no proper records maintained) went into the jail for a few years and all is forgotten. This happened in the early 1970s. These two culprits are still in the system.
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON) http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ ... age%3D1#pid16300759 for MIGS
http://won-borneo.blogspot. com/;
[ Last edited by 13Friday at 18-8-2007 11:00 AM ] |
blood orchid
JK's Digest No. 10 of September 2007 (257 of 2007) Anacondias - the hunt for the blood orchid in 2007.
Did you watch the film done in Borneo (TV2 10.30 p.m to 0.30am on 19th September)?
I made a small mistake in an early JK's Digest No. 9 on this date. "I want to share this strange dream which can be a reality in the dream on night going to 19th September 2007. (not 20th) " Only recently Sabah had an exhibition of golden (not blood) orchid - what a deception for the golden celebration where crimes against humanity are aplenty in Sabah?
Did you see the Borneo Post on Sunday 23rd September about the "Chicken part" and "the foreign dancer of another type of "chicken" with the legs far apart" on the same front page? The price of chicken is going up at RM8 in Sabah while KL only talking of RM6 per kilo. So the price differential is too much - far apart. We know Sabah is poor due to the expensive addictions (many people) on both types of chicken for food and for obscenity. Thanks Borneo Post for this simple unusual message.
Did you see the reason of taping the said conversation of two prominent lawyers in 2002 and only now exposed so soon after the recent two senior appointments? Some people failed in their promises made in 2002 in a rotten judicial system of appointments. So the recording could be the evidence for verbal promises. What a price to pay but good for the nation for those silent victims of injustice?
Did you see why the dead girl NJJ was carried in a bag and dropped some where to be 'revealed'? The dead girl Nurin did not die in vain. Normally such unfortunate victims would be just dumped somewhere without easy trace.
Did you see the "FAST forward" of TV2 (25th Sept) where the lady panelist said "foreigners only committed 20% of the crimes in Malaysia when they come to contribute to build our nation"? Both these points should be disputed as the crime rates in Sabah is very high with substantial dubious citizens and the contribution is still a BAD deficit when a balance sheet is drawn up in terms of costs and benefits.
There can be an endless list of "Did you see" in Malaysia. SIGH... SIGH....
What would come out of the Committee of Investigation over the video clip on the Judges is already known as usual? Another drama - I would say. I would say when all the Royal Commissions of Inquiry (if ever happened as in previous calls) are to be held in Malaysia, we would enter the Guiness Book of Records with the highest number. The root cause of this is that we have illegal Governments for 50 years based on illegal race and religion political parties (divisive) as departure of the spirit of the Federal Constitution in multi racial and multi religious harmonious and equal environment.
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON) http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ ... age%3D1#pid16300759 for MIGS
http://won-borneo.blogspot. com/;
[ Last edited by 13Friday at 26-9-2007 10:03 AM ] |
good dream
JK's Digest No. 9 of September 2007 (256 of 2007) Thank God for my survival for his purpose.
Every one have dreams - some will materialise sooner or later and some may be elusive.
There are dreams which are our desires but some of these dreams come in our sleep which
some people call the subconscious mind. Some dreams during sleep are nightmare but some (nightmare or otherwise) can come through and true but depend how we would interprete them.
Of course dreams (good or bad) in the sleep can be disturbing as such things can be beyond our expectation.
So I want to thank God for survival in this difficult time which is also a reality around the world. Many would like to find comfort - to feel good - by comparing with the worst scenarios in other parts of the world When we start doing that it becomes a 'feel good' culture when it is really rotten unless we deal with the adverse challenges before us. So why do I survive against some of the very rich and very powerful people both in white and black magic?
In Sabah, we have lived under a great number of illegal socalled leaders who are not even born in Sabah - and so how can we make 'feel good' in our midst? The local Sabahans would find themselves little choice in the present political and religion regime to be really FREE in our homeland.
I want to share this strange dream which can be a reality in the dream on night going to 19th September 2007. I am NOT a professional dream analyst and I believe there is none around when God wants to show us something in dreams and visions. But, I wanted to give it some analysis. We learn from past experiences in dreams.
In that dream, I was seated next to the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia in a community hall where a performance was going on. I never met this DPM personally although I know how he looks but in this dream it is a symbol of political leaders. This DPM told me two things namely 1) it is very hard to fight to stay in Sabah because of a weapon in Sabah (2) DPM also told me that many graduates come back to serve the big companies only to be spoilt. Both of these messages are unclear. What was the weapon in Sabah to be invincible?
Before, I want to relate this dream to the possibilities, I want to convey a strange dream in 1990 when I met Tun Mustapha - the First Governor of Sabah in 1963 - hence symbolic of the State leader and he was very angry with me. Then I met Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir (the then Prime Minister I never met) who smiled to me and even offered me to have some takeaway food. This is symbolic of the Parliament's chance as the General Elections for the State and Parliament was around the corner. I told a few friends about this but we did not proceed to file the papers for the General Elections.
When the General Elections came around, there was a contest in the Kota Kinabalu Parliament seat between a Barisan Nasional and DAP. Suddenly the BN's component party - Party Bersatu Sabah or PBS pulled out of the BN at the eleventh hour after nominations of candidates, resulting in a friend contest between two 'opposition' candidates in Kota Kinabalu. So if I had filed my paper as an independent candidate, it is likely BN may use me to be its representative in the vacuum. That could be what the dream was trying to convey.
Now back to the latest dream as seated next to the DPM and engaged in a friendly conversation over Sabah is symbolic of political implication of the top leadership in Sabah. Where would I find the answer for that dream? Then the next evening, after watching the TV2's English news at 10 p.m my wife decided to watch on for the next film (I don't watch TV films). Surprisingly the title of the film was "Blood orchid". I was thinking to myself where would we find 'Blood orchid'? Then as the film progressed in the early part it was about the expedition to Borneo to retrieve the orchid which can be the healer for some incurable diseases. The film was about the expedition up or down a river (I was not sure) but the boat that carried the expedition team crashed on coming down the steep waterfall in the river. The leader of the expedition team was encouraging the others in the team to proceed in the search for the orchid as it was a Crime against humanity for abandoning the expedition prematurely. Was 'Crime against humanity' the weapon the Federal Government cannot overcome in Sabah as I had filed a case against Malaysia to the International Criminal Court?
So the boat that crashed is symbolic of the Sabah UMNO crashing in Sabah after 13 years in power in Sabah. The expedition did not retrieve any orchid but there was plenty of blood sacrifice as fallen on the victims due to the dangers in the strange land.
We need to pray for our deliverance from the oppression in Sabah. Meanwhile I hope to complete my latest book "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" over the Malaysian General Elections in 2004.
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON) http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ ... age%3D1#pid16300759 for MIGS
http://won-borneo.blogspot. com/; |
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