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Remove the political parties not in line with Constitution
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JK's Digest No. 5 of August 2007 (230 of 2007) What is Raja Nazrin saying about the Federal Constitution?
Any learned and daring legal fraternity to come out with a strong voice over the failure of the Government complying with the Federal Constitution?
Did Malaya start off with the wrong foot when politics is concerned not in compliance with the multi racial and democratic social framework?
Should Malaya and then Malaysia with so many groups when none of the groups should be the majority should be allowed to have racial and Islamic parties in our midst?
Would Malaya and then Malaysia tolerate if we have a Christian party (if ever to be approved?) as opposed to PAS?
With the things guaranteed in the Constitution, we have seen how such guarantee has been diluted by the preoccupation of other priorities like race, religions, NEP and other privileges not included in the Constitution. Even the free association of people of political parties can be rejected without any reason.
Did UMNO make a wrong move with a Malay based party (now grievously distorted in Sabah with legal and illegal members) when Malay Union was rejected? With that UMNO we then had the racial based parties in MCA and MIC.
Many may want to claim that Alliance then BN had been working for the nation but in what form I do not really understand when it is a policy of "apartheid" in every move small and big. Today, someone had posted a title "Civil War in Malaysia" since December 2006.
You can see for yourself, the responses there.
So if the Constitution is to be strictly applied for a harmonious society reaping the genuine fruit of racial tolerance without Singapore departure in 1965, without the heart break of May 13 and several other racial clashes that followed, then we should not allow any racial/religious parties in Malaysia.
The world has a funny reaction when some consider Malaysia as a model nation of multi ethnic society despite the downsides and so fast have forgotten the global struggle against apartheid in South Africa.
I wonder if any developing or developed countries are still having racial or religious parties to be sustainable. Maybe some countries in Africa are still in this kind of set up hence the strife is unbearable as ethnic and religious conflict prevail.
Having written so much, I now would like to comment on the Prime Minister of Malaysia statement that "we are not a secular and not theocratic but Parliament democracy". Do we really know what are we in when the State Syarie Laws seem to supercede the Courts of Laws provided by the Federal Constitution when it is the other ways round in resolving families conflicts? The nation seems to be going up in a whirlwind of confusions where our energies are expended in uncertain areas while productivity is neglected.
Can you imagine the great injustice done at election campaign hearing the shouting of we take care of the race and religion namely Malay and Islam in a multi racial nation of people from outside prior to 1957? Is that sensitive statement not seditious if measured against the Federal Constitution - the yardstick of maintenance of unity, integrity and integration? Sometimes, those shouts are re-enforced by the kris in the air.
What kind of a Federal Constitution if a certain group rely on it to bring down the other groups?
Why is Malaysia not secular? Does the Federal Constitution says so specifically? Is it still open to debate when the FC had been amended so many times? Why is the FC not amended for Syarie Laws?
Does the FC says we are an Islamic State? If not why is there such a thing when the leaders say so? What are the ingredients for a nation to be qualified to be an Islamic State? There is an argument that when Malaysia has more than 50% Muslims, the nation is an Islamic State - like it or not. But how does it qualify to be so when we have 3 millions and more illegal people from outside becoming fake citizens by way of project IC and such people are mostly Muslims? If foul plays really pay off then why are we investing in Courts of Laws to fool others? Like cancer - an abnormal development and many die from that despite advanced medical facilities and so any abnormal scenarios would likely face backlash some where and regular food poisoning could be one of the unexplained possible backlashes.
So if there is really sincerity based on the Federal Constitution, then only multi racial parties be promoted to avoid the perpetual conflict of the great divide in major spheres of affairs in young nation like Malaysia to take advantage of the globalisation where performance is the basis of genuine progress. Is it a surprise that there is such a word as Islamophobia in the 21st century to be an hindrance to progress or to be left behind by a self infliction? Can we learn something from the term "banana" republic when Musa Annuar carried a bunch of banana amongst the many types of fruit in a recent agricultural exhibition in Kelantan?
Is it timely to appeal to the power that can rectify the distorted political system in Malaysia to be aligned to the Federal Constitution (the original one please)?
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON) for MIGS (for MIGS) (deleted again) (deleted unknown) |
JK's Digest No. 6 of August 2007 (231 of 2007) We must UNDO a lot of Islamic practices if....
If what the Prime Minister is saying is true then a lot of undoing need to be implemented.
The original Federal Constitution with many amendments over the years need to be reversed as far as Islamic practices are concerned.
There is an argument that it was Islamic in form right from the beginning with the Islam as the national religion. That argument cannot be justified and if it is to be justified, then why the need for so many bias amendments. I demand a Royal Commission of Inquiry be instituted to review the Federal Constitution deemed to be sacred so that we would really mean what had been the intention of the people who started Malaya and then Malaysia.
Even the Malaysia Agreement had seen so many violations with the detrimental impacts on Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak. We need to identify them so that our basic rights be restored. If Malaysia is really dedicated to Islam as the official religion, all those violations would have been committed under the same instrument when Islam claims to be fair to all? We need to seek the truth or be overwhelmed by half truths. While we have observed the inseparable religion and politics in Islam as in a theocracy, we have seen the dominant politics over religions. If religions come from God as claimed by many people, and when politics always played out religions, then some politicians have outplayed God. Do we call that using God's name in vain? What would be the outcome of that? Can we now assume that some politicians are actually playing God to the detriment of all? This would give the impression that God in that context is corrupt, bias, manipulating, deceitful, and at times murderers. That God is unfortunately also known as Allah. It is of utmost importance to ponder deep and thorough with a conscience in the truth and in spirit. There is a common saying that politics has been dirty and always to be so. Why should this be so if only we get to know the real politics?
So is it secularism the basis of real politics? It may be more predictable in the working of secularism. While it may seem that it is Godless in securalism as little preference is given to things of God, there is actually the unseen god in the practice of secularism. If we can define theocracy as something to do with religions, it is also likely that secularism has something to do with religions but of a different concept. God and religions seem to be inseparable with the human race as we have a soul, mind and body as well as a spirit. So when we talk of politics - managing our affairs - how can we really divorce ourselves from things of God? We may not use God in our daily affairs publicly, but what we do cannot be done without the intervention of God.
The difference here is what is truly religions and God's way in our lives. Religions have come a long way as far back to Adam & Eve. If religions have brought much turmoil on earth, then we need to address the crux of the matters. God cannot be divided and yet to be God.
So where are we in Malaysia? Securalism or theocracy or Parliament democracy? Do we know the form? Do we know the substance? While form is important, it can only be meaningful if the substance is true and truly applied. While some nations want to emphasize on the separation of State and Religions, what do we really have in Malaysia in that context? Do we know our boundary when some seem to know the line of sensitive and seditious only in a narrow interpretation for a certain group only? Which way are we going- inclusive or exclusive in the methods of policies and implementation thereof? We don't like strayed animals especially dogs, some prefer to shoot them but do they have a place on earth? We don't like to have criminals (sort of strayed people) in our midst, but we can only deal with them via the legal and prison system, but we are also importing them daily and so how to 'shot' them if we want to treat them like strayed dogs? So how do we handle "strayed" politicians in our midst?
Is it any good for the PM just to clear the air on Islamic State when the reality is not there. Now we also want the PM to clear the air on the various realities in Malaysia and those promises prior to General Elections 2004.
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON) ... age%3D1#pid16300759 for MIGS (for MIGS) (deleted again) (deleted unknown)
PM clears the air on Islamic state
Aug 6, 07 4:39pm
The prime minister should be commended for stating that Malaysia was neither a secular state nor a theocratic state |
That blog you are sooooo enamored with has only just one entry since last year.... |
JK's Digest No. 7 of August 2007 (232 of 2007) Has this got to do with RAHMAN?
Quote "Overcome with emotion at times during the launch of The Reluctant Politician - a biography on Ismail Abdul Rahman, Malaysia's former deputy prime minister who died aged 53 in the 1970s - Raja Nasrin observed Dr Ismail had been a true Malay patriot, but not a racist. Equally crucial, he was known as a man of principles who brooked no corruption."
I would say it is a complex issue as RAHMAN is a sort of curse. What about the slaughter of 16 animals in Parliament House on 10th July 2007?
First, did the racial and religious parties as established comply with the spirit of the Federal Constitution? The Federal Constitution was meant to be a package for all not a certain sector only.
If Malaysia continues to have racial and religious parties, how would it be for Malaysia vis-a-vis the global communities when Malaysia is so 'happy' to accept itself as the model nation for the world?
You can imagine when foreigners come here for a brief hospitality in Malaysia, they would not say any bad about the nation, and we are sort of being driven to believe what some people with bias views on us.
Has capable Ismail lived longer, he is likely to succeed Tun Abdul Razak rather than the successor was Hussein. Then when Mahathir became Prime Minister, four deputies were appointed and finally the A fell on Abdullah Badawi after two "A"s were replaced. Can this a curse to distract the nationhood on the issues of leadership succession?
Now it would appear the search for N has been on the minds of many. Who can this N be? I would say it is best that the N in the Government hoerarchy be considered null and void and N = end of that Rahman. Suddenly we seem to have an N in Raja Nasrin as promoted in the public circle.
Meanwhile it is interesting to note that Abdul Razak came to power on the disaster of May 13, 1969. Hussein came on with the sudden death of young man Ismail. Again Mahathir came on due to the ill health of Hussein. Abdullah was appointed after a few crisis in his predecessors of deputies. So all these appointments were sort of preceded with bad scenarios hence a curse is the best word to tell the sad story. Actually the votors never given the direct opportunities to elect their prime ministers as we had seen manipulations since 1969.
Now would the people have the choice of selecting the most popular prime minister by public demand in the last letter so that the curse would be removed once and for all?
If we look back again except for Tunku Abdul Rahman, how would you describe our prime ministers so far? Have they been racist except for Ismail? If they had not been racists, they had all lifted the kris too high in the mid air to be comfortable for other non Malays. Please check all the archives for their kris-happy holders. If they had used the kris (as knife is for) for cut a bigger and bigger cake for sharing, it could be appreciated. But you know the way the distribution (NEP) has been when you also know who had created the wealth (sweat money). Ask the Inland Revenue Department (now board), you may get the better picture. Who had robbed the banks dry in recent years? What have happened to EPF and Petronas?
So in a nutshell, it has been a 'curse' in a system distorted by a changing Federal Constitution despite its sacredness. Can you imagine how a simple word "Islam" as the national religion has brought in a whole range of unending applications and implications without borders, and now crying alone may not bring back the fond memories of 1957 and 1963. How would we of all races and religions celebrate 50/44 years of Merdeka?
Joshua Kong(proponent of MIGS and WON) http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah ... age%3D1#pid16300759 for MIGS (deleted again) (deleted unknown) |
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Category: Belia & Informasi