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Storm over Reps Report- why???

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Post time 23-10-2007 07:56 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Why report on YBs is necessary Daily Express 21/10/2007
I REFER to the statement issued by Kinabatangan Umno Youth Chief Azman Mastar which (DE 18.10.07). He challenged Consumer Association of Sabah and Labuan (Cash) President Datuk Patrick Sindu to quit the NGO and contest in the elections if he wanted to be the people's champion.
My advice to Patrick is to ignore that challenge! There is no need to contest in the election and be an Assemblyman to voice out for the good of the public. You are doing a great job for the people of Sabah! Keep it up.
To Azman Mastar, do you think that by winning an election, one can be people's champion? Where did you get that idea?
Are you blind to the reality in Sabah and Malaysia?
You said "there is no reason for him (Patrick) to conduct such survey other than to embarrass certain elected representatives as well as BN government leaders". Maybe you should explain to the public about the serious illegal immigrants issue in Sabah that remain solved for years.
What have the elected representatives done to settle that issue? Only a handful of leaders raised it with the Federal Government and still there is no concrete action taken.
As Kinabatangan Umno Youth Chief, why don't you challenge those elected representatives and the leaders to quit their posts for failing to discharge their duties?
Azman Mastar should be happy for Cash to conduct such survey because its results will tell the public the quality of leaders we have. I believe no Sabahan wants leaders who have any of the following criterion:
(1) Who likes to gamble (doesn't Azman know that one of our former Chief Ministers gambled and lost millions of ringgit in a foreign casino? If not for the court case, Sabahans would not ever have known about this);
(2) Who always says nonsense in Parliament that could amount to humiliation to any gender or race;
(3) Who likes to close one eye and open another eye on certain matters;
(4) Who says illegals in Sabah can obtain Permanent Resident status;
(5) Who likes to change his stand and principle depending on the party he is in;
(6) Who only knows to plan but doesn't know to execute the plan;
(7) Who does not dare to criticise his fellow leaders on certain issues just because they are in the same party;
(8) Who says he will ensure traders will not raise prices of goods but the traders keep on raising the prices of goods.
Why no YB questioned about the non-prosecution of a former CM who the court found to have gambled in Europe and lost millions of ringgit. His case was a shame to Sabah. Did he gamble using public money or his own money? If public money, then he had abused his post.
To Azman, since you think you are a hero, why don't you bring this issue to the police and ACA. You are the best person to do that because that former Chief Minister was a BN leader.
Why don't Azman ask the police what happened to the four girls found murdered in separate locations and within close period of time in Sabah months back? (Those cases were reported in Daily Express). Has anyone been prosecuted?
And what happened to the Datuk Norjan case? Have police found the right suspect? These murder cases happened in Sabah!
Azman also said Patrick should dedicate more time to solving consumer problems rather than focusing on political ones. There is no wrong for Patrick to focus on political issues because if not him, who else will raise those issues?
When Keadilan, PAS or other parties raise problems of the public, BN leaders would rebut them and say the raising of that issues are politically motivated and hence, should not be raised.
Winning an election is not the only way to improve our State and nation. So, if Cash wants to do the survey, everyone should be happy. Elected representatives should assist that survey because if they truly have done their duties, the results will reflect that and prove they are responsible leaders.
Only irresponsible elected responsible leaders fear the survey as they know that the survey will prove that they have failed their voters. Lastly, to Azman, remember it's not what the nation does to you that matters.
Instead, it's what you do to the nation. And I believe Patrick has done something to Sabah. HI
[Why report on YBs is necessary-Daily Express 21/10/2007]

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2007 07:58 AM | Show all posts

from CASH President on 23 Oct 07

PRESS RELEASE FROM Consumers Association of Sabah & Labuan FT (CASH)

In response to the illegal Chief Minister "CASH advised to focus on consumer goals" (DE 23 Oct 07) and  "Forget about survey in YBs, CASH told" by Sari Tan  - DE 22 Oct 07, and on behalf of the President who is away, I am making this statement. I am not going to print out this statement and the press can publish this email.

CASH has been receiving positive and negative feedbacks from various quarters over the proposed Reps Report for the Prime Minister.  One of such very good positive feedbacks was in a letter published in the Daily Express Sunday Forum on 21 October 2007 titled on "Why reps report is necessary" by HI. (see below -lower)

The objects of CASH and consumer body is wide and the impact of the duties (done or otherwise) of the elected reps has direct relation with the trend of the prices of goods and services.  Corruption and illegal activities at all levels of the Government machinery and the socalled elected reps have worsened the trend of the prices levels of all goods and services.

The belittling statement by SUCCC President Datuk Sari Tan over CASH effort is uncalled for as Sari is really exposing himself for his ignorance over the proposed program in the context of consumerism.  Sari is actually involved with political affairs when he praised the ex Chief Minister Datuk Harris Salleh when he questioned the decisions of the voters in 1985.  He is also involved with politics when he praised the incumbent Chief Minister.

Sari also insulted genuine Sabahans when he said there are no major issues in Sabah to warrant such a program by CASH.

CASH believes Sari with a questioned citizenship is in favour of the presence of the illegals in Sabah when there are some major issues concerning the project IC or project Mahathir and the faulty Electoral Rolls plus the rigged General Elections 2004 by the misconduct of the Election Commission.

In the context of fair and just general elections, how can the genuine local be given the chance to decide on any further state Government when the faulty Electoral Rolls are loaded with project IC holders and phantom voters of about 50% when UMNO is loaded with such project IC members.  Joshua Kong & CASH has lodged enough of Police Reports (mostly extended to ACA) over the various consumers issues including land, oil, citizenship, water, parties affairs, sovereignity, security, electricity, and suffrage rights, wealth which have direct relevancy with the consumers of Sabah vis-a-vis national scenarios.

By order of the President of CASH,

Joshua Y. C. Kong
Deputy President of CASH
NGO - Not supporting an illegal Government.

3.        OBJECTS  of CASH   (extracted from the Constitution)
        (i)        The objects of the Association shall be:-
                (a) to make independent, authoritative and balanced assessments of consumer need and  the degree of a consumer protection and assistance which ought reasonably to be provided.
                (b)  to advise the private consumer and to protect his legitimate interest.
                (c)  to ensure that prices are reasonably maintained in relation to the quality, measures and  value of goods sold for private consumption.
                (d)  to work for adoption of laws of a comprehensive nature to protect the private consumer's interest and the public health.
                (e)  to encourage the adoption of a nationally uniform system of weights,  standards and measure as a basic provision of consumer protection.
                (f)  to work for the maintenance of high standards in goods produced.
                (g)  to study the fluctuation of the  market and the factors influencing these and so advise or make recommendations to Government and organisation in the business and commercial sectors and
                 (h)  to engage in such activities as may be required to further the attainment of these objects including the publication of bulletin and maximum price lists, and the organisation of consumers' Committee.
        (ii)        (a)  The Association may acquire property or dispose off any portion of it, and/or invest any surplus of its fund in any Syarikat or venture, approved by the Central Committee in order to attain any one  or its objectives.
        (ii)        (b)  All moneys and profits accruing to the Association's participation in any business  shall be applied solely towards the furtherance, promotion and execution of the objects of the Association and no portion thereof shall be paid by way of dividend, bonus or profit to any member of the Association provided that nothing herein expressed or contained shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration or expenses or both to any officer or servant of the Association, or to any member of the Association, or other person or persons for services actually rendered by him or them to the Association.

ITEMS to be included in the new constitution.
        The rights of consumers are as follows:
1. Right to basic needs. (Hak untuk mendapatkan keperluan asas)
2. Right to compensation. (Hak untuk mendapatkan gantirugi)
3. Right to information. (Hak untuk mendapat maklumat)
4  Right to make choices. (Hak untuk membuat pilihan)
5. Right to make views. ( Hal untuk menyuarakan pendapat)
6. Right to security. (Hak untuk keselamatan)
7. Right to education on consumerism. (Hak untuk mendapat pendidikan pengguna)
8. Right to clean environment. (Hak untuk mendapat pendidikan alam sekitar yang bersih).

        The Responsibilities of the consumers are as follows:-
1        Critical Awareness (Kesedaran Mengritik)
2        Involvement & Action (Penglibatan & tindakan)
3        Social Responsibility (Tanjungjawab Sosial)
4        Solidarity (Bersatupadu)
5        Ecological responsibility (Tanjungjawab Alam semulajadi).

[ Last edited by  13Friday at 23-10-2007 08:07 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2007 02:11 PM | Show all posts

what ILLEGAL CM says

Cash advised to focus on consumer goals
Kota Kinabalu: The Consumer Association of Sabah and Labuan (Cash) has been urged to focus on the organisation's objectives before getting involved in other areas.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, nevertheless, said it is up to the NGO to conduct the survey on the performances of elected representatives in the State.

He was asked to comment on Cash President Datuk Patrick Sindu's statement recently that Cash would be submitting the outcome of the survey to the Prime Minister after it is completed.

"It's up to them (to carry out the survey) but my advice to them (is that) they must focus on the objectives of the organisation, that's what is more important," he said after attending the City Hall Hari Raya Aidilfitri Open House at the community hall here.

The event, hosted by Mayor Datuk Iliyas Ibrahim, was also attended by Head of State Tun Ahmadshah Abdullah and consort Toh Puan Dayang Masuyah Japar.

Cash's proposal to conduct the study has attracted many comments from various parties, including assemblymen. Bongawan Assemblyman Datuk Karim Bujang said the survey would not have any bearing on the voters as they would be the ones who ultimately decide the fate of the candidates.

Kinabatangan Umno youth chief Azman Mastar suggested that Sindu should quit the NGO and contest in the elections.

"Otherwise, he should dedicate more time to solving consumer problems rather than focusing on political issues," he said.

However, Youth and Sports Minister cum Merotai Assemblyman, Datuk Liew Yun Fah said Cash should be impartial when carrying out the survey.

He said some YBs are truly working for the people adding that they are not worried with the survey "because as a YB, we always turun padang (go down to the grassroots) as entrusted by the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Chief Minister".

Sindu had said that Cash has identified consumers at the grassroots level to carry out the study after Hari Raya until December.

He said the study is mean to assist the Government appraise the performance of each elected representatives in the State.

He added that the rakyat must be given the opportunity to present their views concerning the wakil rakyat in their respective constituencies.

He said it would also give them a chance to voice out whether they think their elected representatives had been effective.

Also present were Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah, Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun, Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister's Department Datuk Edward Khoo and Assistant Minister of Industrial Development Jainab Ahmad.

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 23-10-2007 02:13 PM | Show all posts

what ILLEGAL CM says

Cash advised to focus on consumer goals
Kota Kinabalu: The Consumer Association of Sabah and Labuan (Cash) has been urged to focus on the organisation's objectives before getting involved in other areas.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, nevertheless, said it is up to the NGO to conduct the survey on the performances of elected representatives in the State.

He was asked to comment on Cash President Datuk Patrick Sindu's statement recently that Cash would be submitting the outcome of the survey to the Prime Minister after it is completed.

"It's up to them (to carry out the survey) but my advice to them (is that) they must focus on the objectives of the organisation, that's what is more important," he said after attending the City Hall Hari Raya Aidilfitri Open House at the community hall here.

The event, hosted by Mayor Datuk Iliyas Ibrahim, was also attended by Head of State Tun Ahmadshah Abdullah and consort Toh Puan Dayang Masuyah Japar.

Cash's proposal to conduct the study has attracted many comments from various parties, including assemblymen. Bongawan Assemblyman Datuk Karim Bujang said the survey would not have any bearing on the voters as they would be the ones who ultimately decide the fate of the candidates.

Kinabatangan Umno youth chief Azman Mastar suggested that Sindu should quit the NGO and contest in the elections.

"Otherwise, he should dedicate more time to solving consumer problems rather than focusing on political issues," he said.

However, Youth and Sports Minister cum Merotai Assemblyman, Datuk Liew Yun Fah said Cash should be impartial when carrying out the survey.

He said some YBs are truly working for the people adding that they are not worried with the survey "because as a YB, we always turun padang (go down to the grassroots) as entrusted by the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Chief Minister".

Sindu had said that Cash has identified consumers at the grassroots level to carry out the study after Hari Raya until December.

He said the study is mean to assist the Government appraise the performance of each elected representatives in the State.

He added that the rakyat must be given the opportunity to present their views concerning the wakil rakyat in their respective constituencies.

He said it would also give them a chance to voice out whether they think their elected representatives had been effective.

Also present were Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah, Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun, Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister's Department Datuk Edward Khoo and Assistant Minister of Industrial Development Jainab Ahmad.

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 23-10-2007 02:27 PM | Show all posts

illegal chairman says

Forget about survey on YBs, Cash told
22 October, 2007
Kota Kinabalu: The Consumer Association of Sabah (Cash) has been urged to forget about its plan to conduct a survey on the performance of elected representatives in the State as it will never get a "true picture".

Sabah United Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SUCCC) President, Datuk Sari Nuar, said the respective constituents would not tell the truth about the performance of their Ybs.

"How is Cash going to do it? There are 60 assemblymen and women and 25 Members of Parliament and the areas involved are too big for an organisation like Cash to conduct a survey," he said.

Cash President Datuk Patrick Sindu announced recently that it will conduct the survey, which will be submitted to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Sari said many YBs, especially in the rural areas, are doing their job silently without any publicity.

"The survey would be most unfair to those YBs who have been doing their job," he said, adding that a survey done in 1985 by the then Berjaya government to gauge its support before calling for polls was a very good example.

"The survey showed the support for the Government then was very good but the election results showed it was 80 per cent wrong.

"Sabahans are generally nice people and they don't like to pour out their unhappiness unless it involved serious issues and at present there is none," he said.

He said the people would not openly tell those who conduct the survey whether their YBs are good or otherwise.

"Furthermore, I don't think anyone can be neutral. In this world, there is no such thing as fairness as we are all human beings and are short-sighted at times," he said.

Sari said as Malaysia is a democratic country, Cash can go ahead with the survey but he does not see the point of doing so.

"Let the voters decide. They know best whom they want. Whether the YB they elected is good or bad, they will have to live with it," he said.

He said an example was former Chief Minister Datuk Harris Mohd Salleh who was a far-sighted leader but was rejected by the people about 20 years ago.

"Sabah may have been different if he had stayed a bit longer but since the people made the decision, they will have to live with it," he said.

Sari said there is no such thing as a perfect leader.

"Of our 10 fingers, there are long and short as well but if the YBs perform up to 80 per cent of the expectation, I would say it is good enough," he said.

He said voters are like teachers who will mark the performance of the YBs come elections.

Sari described the present Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman as a "good leader".

"Musa is a good general who is very strict. Once he plans something for the State, he will go all the way to reach the target. But to reach the target, inadvertently he will step on some toes.

"There is no perfect person in this world as we all have our weaknesses and Musa has proven he is a capable leader and I dare say it is hard to find this kind of leader," he said.

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 23-10-2007 11:46 PM | Show all posts


Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

CASH welcome to do survey if it has locus standi: Jahid

TAMPARULI: The Consumers Association of Sabah and FT Labuan (CASH) can carry out a performance survey on elected representatives if the matter falls under its jurisdiction, said Youth and Sports Assistant Minister Jahid Jahim.

He said it should not be a problem if the subject of performance of elected representatives was covered by the Association抯 constitution.

揑f that is the case, then they would have the locus standi to do so; but if they don抰 have it, then they would need to get approval from the relevant people first,

Use magic Report

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2007 11:50 PM | Show all posts

No for CASH>>>????

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

Rakyat can rate us: Max
By John Tambanan

慉ll BN representatives under scrutiny both by people and by party system

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 25-10-2007 11:03 PM | Show all posts

part 1

JK's Digest No. 43 of October 2007 (300 of 2007)  Report on YBs performance.

CASH want the feedback from anyone of you here.
We want to make it an impact to the international community using this survey on 60 Assemblyman and 25 Members of Parliament in Sabah.

This kind of survey is done elsewhere without the knowledge  or consent of the elected representatives like we always hear of opinion polls.

The ingredients of this survey would include the following:-
1)        The biodata of the elected representative and brief family history going back to previous generations.
2)        The consent or rejection of the respective reps in a simple form over this survey indicating amongst other things whether they intend to seek re-election.
3)        The opinion of the voters in a brief form of questions of rating the performance of the elected reps in various basic amenities like water, electricity,  infrastructure, housing, jobs, education, land matters, security, delivery system etc.
4)        Some optional questions for YES or No answers.
The results of the survey would be submitted with the data of 1 & 2 above together with a report.

What do you think of the population size of each area when we have 790,000 voters in Sabah?   The respondents (once) would remain anonymous if they want to be so but the area they come from should be identified.

Any views would be welcome by CASH.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)

Use magic Report


 Author| Post time 25-10-2007 11:06 PM | Show all posts

part 1

JK's Digest No. 43 of October 2007 (300 of 2007)  Report on YBs performance.

CASH want the feedback from anyone of you here.

We want to make it an impact to the international community using this survey on 60 Assemblyman and 25 Members of Parliament in Sabah.

This kind of survey is done elsewhere without the knowledge  or consent of the elected representatives like we always hear of opinion polls.

The ingredients of this survey would include the following:-
1)        The biodata of the elected representative and brief family history going back to previous generations.
2)        The consent or rejection of the respective reps in a simple form over this survey indicating amongst other things whether they intend to seek re-election.

3)        The opinion of the voters in a brief form of questions of rating the performance of the elected reps in various basic amenities like water, electricity,  infrastructure, housing, jobs, education, land matters, security, delivery system etc.

4)        Some optional questions for YES or No answers.
The results of the survey would be submitted with the data of 1 & 2 above together with a report.

What do you think of the population size of each area when we have 790,000 voters in Sabah?   The respondents (once) would remain anonymous if they want to be so but the area they come from should be identified.

Any views would be welcome by CASH.
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 25-10-2007 11:09 PM | Show all posts

part 2

JK's Digest No. 43 of October 2007 (300 of 2007) Report on YBs performance part 2

You may want to know more how this survey can bring benefit to society.

The objects of the survey inter alia are as follows:-

1) To assess the perception of the electorate towards its elected representatives.
2) To assess how the promises made at the last General Elections and earlier GEs for long time representatives had been fulfilled or otherwise.

3) To find out how the electorate rate the delivery system of Government programmes.
4) To scrutinise the system and its strengths and weaknesses if any as far as elected representatives are concerned.
5) To determine the needs to restrict the number of terms of each representative.
6) To review how the public service to the respective areas where the elected representatives are also exco or cabinet members at the State and Federal levels is affected by the multiple duties held by such reps.
7) To make appropriate suggestions after proper analysis of the survey to the Prime Minister.

So it is in the interest of all elected representatives to participate/cooperate in this survey for the good of all. All civil society groups are welcome to contribute whatever to boost this survey and may be UN or its agency may consider us for an award like what the LPPKN (Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara) was awarded with a great recognition by the UN recently. Maybe worthy to dream but CASH is open to joint effort.

Meanwhile we want inputs for the simple questionaire to achieve this objective given that there are many people out there with good and valuable parameters.

If the Government considers worthwhile with that Ops Sikap in 13 editions costing hundreds of millions Ringgit possibly financed by the summons (if paid up) issued out to penalise traffic offenders, the Government or some good and conscientious corporate bodies should chip in their share to help CASH with little cash to enable this project to be accomplished as soon as possible prior to the GE 12. This project would reap the benefits of a better governance in nation building to narrow the gap of the urban and rural sectors.

Just before I close, is it that the system of elected representatives be blamed for the sudden surge of prosecutions by the ACA over the Auditor General Reports 2006 over small amounts of frauds (serve them right) when massive frauds have been overlooked (serve who right?) after a few decades of AG reports sitting on the shelves? (I will write about this in my next mail)

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)

[ Last edited by  13Friday at 25-10-2007 11:13 PM ]

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 25-10-2007 11:17 PM | Show all posts

part 3

JK's Digest No. 44 of October 2007 (301 of 2007)  Report on YBs performance part 3

The survey would not be complete if CASH does not provide a data base for the various constituencies.

I hope some of you can provide the following:-
1)        The particulars of each constituency such as physical size, the population and number of electorate.
2)         The system of local representation for those elected representatives having official position outside their constituencies as far as delivery system is concerned. The biodata of the delegated officials may need to be recorded to avoid remote control or auto pilot.  
3)        The size of financial allocation for each constituency as a matter of priority.
4)        The role of NGO if any in each constituency.
5)        Would any parties (not political one)  or NGO be available to review the analysis of the survey?

Would CASH be given the appropriate opportunities to such data from whatever sources to be identified?

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004

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 Author| Post time 29-10-2007 09:02 AM | Show all posts


Have report card for Kedai Kopis, too
I cannot understand why certain politicians are reacting to the "Report Card" my friend, Datuk Patrick Sindu and Cash is drawing up for the attention of the Prime Minister. One politician even challenged Patrick to stand against him the next election.
Patrick, like anyone else, exercising his freedom of expression. Not an opinion, but an expression. The opinions will be provided by the Rakyat who participate in this "Report Card" exercise. Are we to conclude that these over-excitable politicians will also call upon all the Rakyat who have an opinion, to also contest against them in the coming elections? I say, like that means I better go into the printing business and mass produce nomination forms, lah.
Come on fellow, don't lose sleep over Patrick and the submission of his "Report Card". PM might not find the time to read those "Report Cards".
With more important things to do, these "Report Cards" are the least of his concerns.
Secondly, even if the PM did find the time, do you really think it is going to affect his decision on who should os should not be a candidate for the BN? Don't tell me the PM doesn't have other sources of information or barometers to gauge the performance of the current Ybs.
Thirdly, if the YBs named in the "Report Card" have been hard at work and have "turun padang", why worry? Memang, all will be "lulus". My Form 5 report card, all fail. But who cares?
Like I said, Patrick is exercising his freedom of expression. We all do that.
Some politicians I know have this intelligent expression.
But alas, their expressions are more intelligent than them. Some have this dumb expression. But that one, is real. Others carry the expression of a constipated mule.
On a more serious note, perhaps Patrick and DBKK should pay more attention to the grading of our coffee shops. At the moment, the coffee shops are graded A, B or C. I went to a coffee shop for breakfast that was graded "B". People were waiting for a seat but some "A" graded shops don't even have customers and even "C" graded coffee shops are ringing the cash register.
It appears, people don't give two hoots about DBKK's grading system. The shops are just filthy and the coffee shop operators don't seem in the least bit bothered.
Patrick and Cash should also do "Report Cards" on coffeeshops to safeguard the interest of consumers.
Believe me, if DBKK were to impose higher rates for coffee shops with "C" grading and provide cheaper operating rates for "A" grading coffee shops, we would see an upward trend towards cleanliness in all coffee shops. Hopefully, DBKK and Patrick will look into my suggestion.
Otherwise, both these fellows will get an "F" rating from me. Just like my Form 5 report card.
C.P. Kui, Luyang.

Intention of Cash is good
AS a voter, I totally agree with writer of "Singkir YB Temberang"(DE. Oct. 19) as I, too, am fed up by YBs who when the election is nearing will make a lot of promises but when elected does nothing to keep their promises. We are disappointed with these kinds of leaders who should be ousted.
For that matter, I also agree with Cash President Datuk Patrick Sindu's proposal to set up monitoring teams to monitor the performance of our YBs in Sabah. Personally, Sindu's idea has only good intentions for the benefit of the people.
Its high time those questioning Cash's intention to better understand what consumerism is all about.
Smart Consumer.

Waiting for Kiulu YB to Turun Padang
THE Telipok-Tampulan-Lawa Mandau-Natai-Talungan road in the district of Kiulu connects nine villages with a combined population of about a thousand people, which has three primary schools, a RTM transmission station and Telekom station.
In July 2005, these roads were damaged no thanks to heavy rain but little has been done to repair the damage. It was learnt that these roads are under the jurisdiction of the Public Works Dept (PWD) and the maintenance of the roads are done by a private company appointed by the State.
However, it seems roads around the Kiulu Township are the only ones maintained regularly whilst those from Telipok to Talungan, Natai and Lawa Mandau are only maintained like once a year.
We really hope our Wakil Rakyat, together with the PWD, will "turun padang" and see for themselves the problems affecting the residents using the roads.
Orang Kampung.

Fresh face needed in Penyu
I AM speaking on behalf of all residents of Kuala Penyu to urge the relevant authorities to consider building a bridge connecting Kg Palu-Palu to Kuala Penyu town. After more than 40 years of independence all we have is a ferry which is only waiting to become scrap metal.
The bridge will greatly assists motorist who are plying the roads to go to Menumbok, Labuan, Membakut as well as Kota Kinabalu as using the ferry is not only time consuming but also the safety of the ferry is questionable.
There have been a few cases where those in need of hospital treatment in Kuala Penyu town from Kg Palu and its surrounding areas have died just because of the unreliability of the ferry service, which I must also point out frequently breaks down.
Maybe it is time for Kuala Penyu to elect a new Adun who is more proactive and progressive to represent the people here and bring the necessary changes in the district.

[ Last edited by  13Friday at 29-10-2007 09:12 AM ]

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 29-10-2007 04:47 PM | Show all posts

any help here?

Dear Chairman Damian M P Richard,

KAJI SELIDIK PRESTASI KEPENGGUNAAN - [CASHKSPK]  or simply  CASHORDER  = Official Representatives Deligence Exit Report.

Here is my first sample attempt.  Need to go through them so that we can come to

a clear conclusion for our Report Card - Excellent, Pass and Failed.

I think we need to grade each question so that a qualitative assessment be made of each YB.



Q1. Your perception of your YBs (State & Parliament) and how you rate them in the the following issues:-

Local development -1 2 3 4 5 don't know (where 1 is very good and 5 very little).

Corruption -1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Illegal logging- 1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Illegals & Project IC- 1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Land -1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Human Rights- 1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Gender -1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Consumer Rights -1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Q2.How do you assess your YB in the handling of the following issues:-

Leadership 1 2 3 4 5

Vocal 1 2 3 4 5

Action 1 2 3 4 5

Election promises 1 2 3 4 5

Q3.How often your YB visit your area since 2004?

Official functions 0 1, < 5 > ( please specific if 5 and above)

Casual 0 1, < 5 > ( - ditto - )

Q4. Who do you think have done the most for your area and your needs?

Government Department (please specify)

Government Board (please specify)

Government Link Company (please specify)

Private company (please specify)

Non Government Organisation (please specify)

Q5.What are the needs in the area still unattended to?

Roads and bridges (please specify)




Schools (please specify the types)


Health clinic

Public Transport


Q6.Your judgement on the following YBs:-

State Assemblyman ( Area:..............................)

Name: YB,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Good, poor, bad.

Member of Parliament (Area ...........................)

Name: YB ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Good, poor, bad

Q7.   other remarks and views.

Name of respondent......

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 29-10-2007 04:52 PM | Show all posts

any help here?

Dear Chairman Damian M P Richard,

KAJI SELIDIK PRESTASI KEPENGGUNAAN - [CASHKSPK]  or simply  CASHORDER  = Official Representatives Deligence Exit Report.

Here is my first sample attempt.  Need to go through them so that we can come to

a clear conclusion for our Report Card - Excellent, Pass and Failed.

I think we need to grade each question so that a qualitative assessment be made of each YB.



Q1. Your perception of your YBs (State & Parliament) and how you rate them in the the following issues:-

Local development -1 2 3 4 5 don't know (where 1 is very good and 5 very little).

Corruption -1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Illegal logging- 1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Illegals & Project IC- 1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Land -1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Human Rights- 1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Gender -1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Consumer Rights -1 2 3 4 5 don't know

Q2.How do you assess your YB in the handling of the following issues:-

Leadership 1 2 3 4 5

Vocal 1 2 3 4 5

Action 1 2 3 4 5

Election promises 1 2 3 4 5

Q3.How often your YB visit your area since 2004?

Official functions 0 1, < 5 > ( please specific if 5 and above)

Casual 0 1, < 5 > ( - ditto - )

Q4. Who do you think have done the most for your area and your needs?

Government Department (please specify)

Government Board (please specify)

Government Link Company (please specify)

Private company (please specify)

Non Government Organisation (please specify)

Q5.What are the needs in the area still unattended to?

Roads and bridges (please specify)




Schools (please specify the types)


Health clinic

Public Transport


Q6.Your judgement on the following YBs:-

State Assemblyman ( Area:..............................)

Name: YB,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Good, poor, bad.

Member of Parliament (Area ...........................)

Name: YB ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Good, poor, bad

Q7.   other remarks and views.

Name of respondent......

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 4-11-2007 10:50 PM | Show all posts


10)        CASHorder = [Cash official representatives diligence exit report] hopefully would be done soon provided we have the financial support.  CASH have been doing things largely on personal sacrifices for public projects.  Those illegal leaders have been paid handsomely from legal and illegal sources to do illegal things against the local genuine people.

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 4-11-2007 10:51 PM | Show all posts


10)        CASHorder = [Cash official representatives diligence exit report] hopefully would be done soon provided we have the financial support.  CASH have been doing things largely on personal sacrifices for public projects.  Those illegal leaders have been paid handsomely from legal and illegal sources to do illegal things against the local genuine people.

Use magic Report


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