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'SPY' yg berpaling tadah

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Post time 19-12-2007 03:07 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Aku ada tgk movie kisah Aldrich Ames ..... bekas perisik CIA yg menjual maklumat kpd KGB.
dia hidup mewah sblm ditangkap & penjara seumur hidup kekal.

Aldrich Hazen Ames (born May 26, 1941) is a former Central Intelligence Agency counterintelligence officer and analyst, who, in 1994, was convicted of spying for the Soviet Union and Russia.

Early life & work
Ames was born in River Falls, Wisconsin to Rachel Aldrich and Carleton Cecil Ames.[1]He attended high school at McLean High School in McLean, VA. Ames beganworking for the CIA in 1962 in a low-level job. Over the next fewyears, he graduated from college and advanced through the ranks whileworking in the Records Integration Division of the OperationsDirectorate. In 1969, on his first assignment as a case officer, he wasstationed in Ankara, Turkey,where his job was to target Soviet intelligence officers forrecruitment. While he had some interesting assignments, his personallife was in shambles. He frequently fought with his first wife, Nancy,and would often go out binge drinking to get away from her. When assigned to the US Embassy to Mexico in 1983, he committed adultery with Rosario Dupuy, an employee of the Colombian Embassy to Mexico. Upon his return to the US following that assignment, he began divorceproceedings against Nancy, who had the upper hand in taking the jointassets of their marriage as the divorce was on the grounds of hisunfaithfulness. He also began cohabitation with Rosario, who was spending a lot of his money, as she was a shopaholic.The financial pressure of his divorce and Rosario's high living madeAmes think of a way to figure out how to make a fast buck. He firstbegan spying for the Soviet Union in 1985, when he walked into the Soviet Embassy in Washington to offer secrets for money.

Ames was assigned to the CIA's Europe Division/Counterintelligencebranch, where he was responsible for directing the analysis of Sovietintelligence operations. He had access to the identities of U.S.sources in the KGBand Soviet military. The information Ames provided led to thecompromise of at least 100 U.S. intelligence operations and to theexecution of at least 10 U.S. sources. He ultimately gave the SovietUnion the names of every American agent working in their country. TheSoviets paid Ames approximately $4.6 million, allowing Ames to maintaina lifestyle well beyond the means of a normal CIA officer. With themoney he earned from spying for the USSR he bought a new Jaguar, jewelry, designer clothing, and a house in the Northern Virginia suburbs valued at $500,000 (paid for in cash). Ames, who struggled with alcoholism,had no ideological affinity for the USSR; as mentioned above, he wasinterested only in making more money. Before he was caught, he wasassigned the task of preparing the damage assessment of Jonathan Pollard'sactivities, and it is believed that he used the opportunity toattribute to Pollard the act of uncovering CIA agents and assets in theUSSR. Ames and his wife liquidated about $2.5 million of the money theSoviets paid him for their use, with the Soviets withholding theremaining $2.1 million in a Russian bank account to be utilized onceAmes retired from his spying.



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 Author| Post time 19-12-2007 03:09 PM | Show all posts
kena tangkap

ArrestIn February of 1994, Ames was scheduled to fly to Moscow as part of his duties for the CIA, and the FBI feared that he would defect. This led to the arrest of Ames and his wife on February 21, 1994, by the FBI for providing highly classified information to the Soviet KGB and its successor organization, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.In the plea Ames made to the court, he said that he had compromised"virtually all Soviet agents of the CIA and other American and foreignservices known to me" and provided the USSR and Russia with a "hugequantity of information on United States foreign, defense and securitypolicies."[11]
On February 22, 1994, Ames and his wife were formally charged by the United States Department of Justice with spying for the Soviet Union and Russia. Ames could have faced the death penalty, since his betrayal had resulted in several CIA "assets" being killed.[10] However, he received a sentence of life imprisonment, and his wife received a 5-year prison sentence for conspiracy to commit espionage and tax evasion as part of a plea-bargain by Ames. Upon her release from prison, Rosario went to South America to reside.
Although generally regarded as a traitor and in fact indicted for treason, Ames was never convicted of treason. The United States Constitutiondefines treason as granting aid and support to the enemy in times ofwar. Although the Cold War was a source of much tension, Congress neverdeclared war on the Soviet Union. Actual fighting and hostilities mustbe undertaken in order for someone convicted of aiding an adversary toqualify as treason.
Ames is currently housed in the high security US Penitentiary in Allenwood, Pennsylvania. [10]
Ames received a total of $4.6 million for his spying, over $2million of which remains to this day in an undisclosed bank account.Russian intelligence has refused to disclose this bank accountinformation in order for the United States to seize it; arguing thatthat the money was rightfully earned by Ames and will remain his(although it is unknown how Ames will be able to collect it).



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Post time 19-12-2007 03:31 PM | Show all posts
bro, ape nama movie tu? based on true story si ames ni ke?

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2007 03:45 PM | Show all posts
tv movie .... "Aldrich Ames: Traitor Within"

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Post time 19-12-2007 04:05 PM | Show all posts
susah nak carik torrent citer ni. thanx anyway

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Post time 19-12-2007 06:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #5 iweed's post

jumpa tak torrent citer nih ?

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