Limelight on the Rat
WITH the exception of Mickey Mouse and the adorable Jerry from the Tom& Jerry cartoon, rodents - rats, particularly, - are a rare find onanyone抯 favourite list.
From the days of old, these animals have been commonly andunderstandably viewed as pests, no thanks to the trail of domestic andhealth-related destruction they leave in their wake.
While in reality, the rat is looked upon with distaste, literatureand the silver screen, ironically, paints a more endearing picture ofthese animals.
| Adorable: Brothers Cheng Fu He, 10, (left) and Fu Chee, four, conquer their fear and take a closer look at a guinea pig.
Kenneth Grahame抯 The Wind in the Willows, Tor Seidler抯 A Rat抯Tale and Steven Spielberg抯 animation direction of The American Tailare examples of works that more often than not stirred heart-warmingfeelings.
Despite the mixed responses of disgust and affection that theyinspire, rodents have been kept as pets from as early as the late 19thcentury.
According to a number of pet storeowners and managers, there is amarket out there for rodents, as the animals are sociable, intelligentand easy to keep.
揜odents, particularly those more similar to the rat species, areactually quite well-received especially among teenagers and the youngerones, |
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aiyoyohh comeynyaaaaaa |
tingin nk bela guinea pig... chomel!!!
sejak ble emster nih, nk bunuh tikus mondok kat umah tuh pon cam sayu je.huhuuu |
Makhluk kecil si tikus
Banyak pro dan kontra tentang haiwan kecil ini. Bagaimanapula pandangan masyarakat Cina yang menyambut Tahun Tikus pada hari ini?
TIKUS. Apabila disebut nama haiwan kecil ini, pastinya ramai yangkegelian mengingatkan bentuk fizikalnya yang berbulu halus dandiselaputi kekotoran.
Tetapi mungkin ada juga yang membayangkan kecomelan mamalia inidalam bentuk watak animasi rekaan, Mickey Mouse atau Minnie Mouse yangmenjadi kegilaan kanak-kanak di seluruh dunia.
Namun, realitinya tikus atau dikenali sebagai rodensia, dianggaphaiwan pengotor dan membawa penyakit serta kehadirannya banyakmenyusahkan kehidupan manusia.
Tidak ketinggalan haiwan kecil ini turut menjadi 憁angsa |
nape la time tahun ular .. korang tak bela la pulak spitting cobra .. atau cotton mouth .. |
Originally posted by amazed at 8-2-2008 07:56
Makhluk kecil si tikus
Banyak pro dan kontra tentang haiwan kecil ini. Bagaimanapula pandangan masyarakat Cina yang menyambut Tahun Tikus pada hari ini?
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yang buruknya pada si tikus lar kut. pada si hamster tak |
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