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rompakan rm541 juta libatkan lukisan karya agung!! - 2 dah jumpa!!
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Lukisan RM541j lesap -- Rompakan karya agung terbesar dalam sejarah dunia
ZURICH 12 Feb. |
waaa...perompak tu mmg hebat3 |
tu la... kalo depa jual balik mesti kantoi... sebab karya tu terkenal... |
klu tak bley jual...ape motif dieorg curik ek??  |
Monetttt...they stole Monet too? well thay have pretty good taste in away just that i will not get that on Feb 14th ...hahahha..well what would be the ending? Will those masterpieces be found the same way as Mona Lisa?or MAdonna of the rock?? i lupalah mana satu...but there 's one artpiece that was found by somebody somewhere and the have not got a clue that the artpiece was in fact "The"Masterpiece.." just do not steal "the Water Lily series dah lah kot" fave.. |
Dua lukisan curi ditemui

GAMBAR ini menunjukkan lukisan karya Gogh (kanan)
dan yang dihasilkan oleh Monet (kiri). - AFP
absolutely brilliant .. hmm ..found at the front of mental hospital..hehehe..interesting. His work was brilliant.Monet... |
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