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That Man Book 198 Pieces @ Heartbreak Library - Lee Dong Wook & Eugene
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Eugene Kim (as Onsu (은수), the librarian) and Lee Dong Wook (as June Oh!(준오), the Japan food chef)
Thisis a melodrama movie that based on a book with the same title writtenby Yoon Song-hae (윤성희). The book won a 2003 LeeSang Literature Prize(이상문학상). The movie will begin shooting on the 23rd of September and itwill last for two month (based on Eugene's message to her fan).
Show Time:
Spring (March or April) of 2008
Movie Director:
Kim Cheong Kwan (김정권) (has dirrected Ditto (동감) in 2000, A Man Who Went to Mars(화성으로간 사나이) in 2003)
Movie Production:
DSP Entertainment (produced the drama MY GIRL)
Depicts a stroy between a librarian and a man who has torn page 198 from a book. That Man Book 198 Pieces is shecduled to come out in spring 2008.
[ Last edited by yna@arabella at 21-9-2008 12:17 AM ] |
wahh mamat nie..gong chan yang sangat hensem.. harus tengok. hhehehe |
Reply #5 yna@arabella's post
warna rmbut..kureng seswai..eww.. hahaha. dia senyum cam rabbit sket..ekekeke. msia ade tayang ke cite ni? |
wahhh beshnye.. de EUGENE ngan DONG WOOK.. sblum nih ngok dorg nihh kt Loving You.. ms tu LDW x glemer pong.. huhu |
wookie oppa lama sgt tgu citer ni nak tayang.. |
TQ Madhuri for all da pics  |
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