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pompuan suka science & mathematics
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Perempuan suka sains, matematik
BERBANDING kepercayaan popular, kajian menunjukkan
perempuan juga meminati subjek sains dan matematik.
PEREMPUAN suka menulis dan membaca manakala lelaki suka matematik dan sains. Sekurang-kurangnya inilah persepsi stereotaip yang diberikan ramai. Tetapi, mengejutkan, satu tinjauan baru menunjukkan bahawa murid perempuan di sekolah sebenarnya menyukai subjek matematik dan sains lebih daripada seni bahasa.
Para pengkaji di Miami University di Ohio, Amerika Syarikat mengkaji hampir 2,000 kanak-kanak perempuan gred 4 dan gred 8 di sekolah-sekolah awam berhubung minat mereka dalam empat subjek pembelajaran iaitu sains, matematik, seni bahasa (membaca dan mengarang) serta kajian sosiol. Mereka diminta menskalakan keempat-empatnya pada kedudukan 1 (sangat tidak minat) sehingga 5 (sangat minat).
Kajian tersebut menunjukkan murid-murid perempuan gred 4 menunjukkan minat yang ketara terhadap mata pelajaran sains dan matematik. Purata mereka dalam menikmati sesebuah subjek ialah seperti berikut:
* 4.11 bagi sains
* 3.85 bagi matematik
* 3.50 bagi seni bahasa
* 3.49 bagi kajian sosiol
Bagaimanapun, kajian juga menunjukkan, semakin kanak-kanak perempuan itu membesar, mereka menjadi kurang berminat dengan sains dan matematik. Tahap minat jatuh kepada 3.29 seperti mana yang dicatatkan bagi murid perempuan gred 8.
Tetapi, subjek-subjek itu tidak bersendirian kerana murid-murid ini juga kelihatan kurang berminat pada semua subjek. Subjek kajian sosiol juga jatuh kepada 2.91 sahaja.
"Ia masih menunjukkan murid perempuan lebih menyukai subjek sains dan matematik lebih daripada subjek yang lain," kata seorang daripada kumpulan pengkaji, Jennifer Blue, seorang profesor fizik.
Bagaimanapun, saintis masih tidak tahu kenapa minat murid perempuan terhadap subjek sains dan matematik semakin berkurangan apabila usia mereka meningkat.
Namun, kajian itu mendapati, golongan perempuan masih menunjukkan minat dalam sains walaupun ketika berada di kolej. Sebagai contoh, terdapat lebih ramai perempuan yang mengambil major dalam jurusan botani, mikrobiologi dan zoologi berbanding lelaki di kolej.
Aku tak berani lak nak differ dlm hal ni terutama dah ada stats bagai... cuma masa kat NIU yg ambil maths dan science stream mostly dak lelaki.. dak pompuan ramai yg ambil business line dan accountancy.. tu kat college aku ler.. stats kat malaysia aku tak tau..tapi tengok stats kata ramai dak pompuan yg ambil biotech biomedic dan botany... mungkin betul kot.... aku yg lelaki ni pun mmg minat maths.. kalu science aku minat space dan kajian tentang animals dan planets aje.. class aku pun ramai lelaki dari pompuan.. .. |
i also love math, it is interesting |
Reply #2 tututu's post
.. and you are a guy, right? Guys love maths too, ek |
I guess it's because in the past women do not really have the opportunity to learn science and math as freely as they can now, partly due to stereotyping and the belief that women belongs to the kitchen... |
when we deal with majority, gilrs dont like math. This is because the 'imagination' part in their brain is smaller compared to guys. While that seems contradicting with 'interest', it is a simple logic that people tend to 'like' if they believe that they can do it.
comments accepted. not copyrighted reply. hahahha |
suka math & suka sains.. |
i think - Ada countess of Lovelace tentu setuju... |
Reply #6 aku_EnSeM's post
Who said that the imagination part of a girl's brain is smaller? The statement sounds very sexist. Citation please! |
Reply #9 meitantei's post
not talking that woman's brain doesnt have enough power to compete man's, but we have different parts of brain that are specialised with our gender.
Imagination part of man is larger, whilst woman's is smaller.
If you're mad of being 'smaller', perhaps I can show you some advantages of woman's brain.
You can control language from both sides of brain thus when half of your brain damages, u can still control language. However, this is not the case for men. Women have more sensitive smelling scent.
For the citation part, see ... e-different-brains/
Thats the best that i can find, cause the 'larger area' thing, I found it in discovery channel. Final comment, i dont study brain anatomy and people who learn this should comment more. Thanks. |
there u can find lotsa advantages of women's brain as well. |
hi Handsome..
You can control language from both sides of brain thus when half of your brain damages, u can still control language. However, this is not the case for men. Women have more sensitive smelling scent.
i am not saying that you're 90 % right my dear perhaps yu'd want to have a look on cases we called as
these are also known as the cause of acquired language disorder in POST -LINGUAL ADULT,
the dominant part of thebarin that controls language is the Broca's area or area pertaining to perisylvian sulcus....
search APHASIA
asearch neuroplasticity.. |
think if you could somehow refer to discovery magazines you probably had come across the article that says men's brain are highlycomparmentalised compared to women.
they basically did a pet scan study on the brain of both sexes and found that women tend to employ patches of brain reagion when dealing with calculation tasks etec while the activity deteced on men 's brain is highly localsed to ane particular region.
[quote]Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 15-3-2008 10:18 PM
not talking that woman's brain doesnt have enough power to compete man's, but we have different parts of brain that are specialised with our gender.
Imagination part of man is larger, whilst ... [/quote] |
can we say that women are less abstract than men?
- writings, poems, reading deals with abstraction.
-maths, calculation are more concrete. (methods)
therefore, women are more fond of maths and science.. |
Reply #13 mbhcsf's post
that might explain a thing:
men tend to be specialists while women tend to be generalists.... Perhaps that's why more guyz've been developing new theories compared to ladies. |
well from what i could gather is that a woman tends to employ various sources when perceiving thinking on things...that why in communication mydera women are best in delaing with ambiguity/ mixed messages that the men termed them , metaphores and also "reading between the lines'
most women are like that but not me i have pragmatic problem i takdapat read between the lines ini yg my prif cakap i nia der .....tak tahujaga hati she just being blunt plain and simple |
so if everybdy agrees (actually only one person )..then it's ok la to say like that...
so, if men are more abstract (can go far) and women are more concrete (methods) than its true that we need each other..
think about control,and objective. that's why some say, behind every great leaders, there's a woman behind.
one theory solved..peace. |
but then did all women ?
true enuff more men are generating theories compared to women...which filed that women are generally predominated by women?
quantum etc? |
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Category: Belia & Informasi