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Tuanku Hjh. Zanariah Sultanah Johor
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Edited by Yed at 5-7-2015 12:40 PM
Post Last Edit by cmf_yipun78 at 18-2-2011 19:19

(pic dpd buku persidangan menteri2 besar & ketua2 menteri
di johor bahru 1983)
Sultanah Zanariah binti Almarhum Tunku Ahmad who comes from the Kelantan royal family is a person who adheres to the royal customs and is well versed in religious knowledge. She is always polite in interacting with the common people no matter where and when.
Her politeness and gentleness leave an impression on those who meet her. These characteristics are inherited by her sons and daughters.
Born on 5 July 1940, in Dusun Green, Pasir Mas, Kelantan, Sultanah Zanariah is the seventh child of HRH Tengku Panglima Raja Kelantan from among nine siblings.
Alongside palace upbringing, she began her formal education in 1946 at Sultanah Zainab School in Kelantan. Between 1950 and 1952 she studied at the Bukit Nanas Convent in Kuala Lumpur before returning to Kelantan where she continued her studies at Sultan Ibrahim School, Pasir Mas.
With the encouragement of her father and her own desire to equip herself for the future, she left for England in 1954 to further her studies at the Upper Chime School, Isle of Wight.
It was in England that she met Sultan Iskandar who was also studying there.
In order to increase the religious knowledge of her children, she appointed several religious teachers to teach them at the palace.
Although busy performing her duties as a housewife and a mother, Sultanah Zanariah did not miss the opportunity of accompanying the Sultan for official functions in the country and abroad.
As the Raja Permaisuri Agong, Sultanah Zanariah was fully aware of her responsibilities towards the welfare of women especially in Johor. Thus, out of her own initiative, Sultanah Zanariah sponsored and established the Majlis Wanita Negeri Johor or MAWAR (the Women's Council of Johor), which organizes various religious activities such as the celebration of the Prophet抯 birthday at its headquarters at Sungai Cat Road in Johor Bahru. MAWAR also collected donations for distribution among flood victims in Johor as well as the less fortunate and the needy.
Being a woman, Sultanah Zanariah has a passion for the arts. She also loves cooking and takes great care in her daily chores. She pays special attention to the selection and arrangement of decorations in the palace particularly in preparation for official dinners.
During her free time, Sultanah Zanariah loves to exercise, ride horses and play golf or tennis. She is also good in water skiing. She is also the first Sultanah of Johor who made history when she climbed Gunung Ledang, the highest mountain in Johor.
Sultanah Zanariah also loves reading especially about culture, history and affairs of neighboring countries.
[ Last edited by Yed at 21-2-2009 02:03 PM ] |
rasenye belum ada thread nie kan? |
Reply #1 Yed's post
Bekas Ratu Cantik pon ye kan? ummm masa Tuanku berjumpa ngan Sultan, SUltan dah bercerai ke lom ngan bini minah salleh dia tu?  |
gossip ke ni? hehe.. aku teringin nak dapat Ijazah masa konvo kat UTM dgn Sultanah zanariah tapi aku xdapat.. wa... sebab aku 4th day.. xper, masa aku konvo MasTER karang hope ada peluang. |
nape mesti majoriti keturunan diraja freehair? |
Reply #4 pinguin's post
kwn aku tny, hang ni Osman budak KMM batch 02/03 ka? sbb dia ckp muka mcm sama (tgk kt avatar) .. dia pn KMM dolu2 .. |
Selain Sultanah Nora, siapa lagi adik beradik Sultanah Zanariah ni ?  |
Sultanah Zanariah awet muda... transparent skin...dia makan jamu ape ye |
Reply #13 saphirra282's post
To tell the truth la....mak aku kater dulu2 during 60s 70s 80s Johorian ni memang anti Kelantanese....camner laks leh sultan Johor nie kawen Kelantanese pulak ekks...tapi still bahagia sampai sekarang....Johor dgn Kelantan musoh ketat tau...tatau ler naper...kira dasyat gaks ler sultan Johor yg pongoih nie leh berbahagia kawen dgn org kelantan time tu.. |
Reply #15 ladida's post
pening nak jawab tu.... |
Reply #17 iwaniriz's post
bulan puasa nanti selalulah jumpa. hehehe |
kak yip. sila kasi RA pada thread ni erk. |
Reply #20 ismailina's post
bulan pose yed kat shah alam la... |
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