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Minyak mahal dikhuatiri tingkatkan kes kemalangan motosikal
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Med, aku setuju dengan kau 1000%. Penunggang2 yg baru berjinak-jinak bawak motor ni kadang2 bawak motor terlalu perlahan (kurang dari 80kmh kat highway) dengan anggapan lagi slow lagi selamat. Bagi aku kalau nak bawak motor seeloknya ikut speed flow kat jalan tersebut dan yang paling penting kene ada sedikit sebanyak ilmu defensive riding kalau nak survive kat jalan kat KL ni....... |
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semalam Tun Mahathir cakap kat satu dinner, kerajaan patut invest lebih banyak untuk memperbaiki kemudahan pengangkutan awam dan bukanya buat lebih banyak jalanraya. rasanya, tak salah pandangan beliau. |
Reply #5 Marsyal Yau's post
Hapuskan tax kete dah cukup! |
Reply #6 shianghorng's post
Bayangkan kalau kerajaan hapuskan tax keter overnight.....mesti mengamuk pemilik2 keter import keter diorg jatuh harga 2nd mendadak........nak ker? |
M'sia ni negara keterr...
saper yg naik bukan dari keter sure rasa cam menapak ditepi gantang giteww... (betoi ke perumpamaan aku ni?)
anyaway.. aku pon kenkadang naik motorr.. aku rasa klau besou kan sikit lane kat LDP tu.. senang skit aku nak mencilok dicelah2 ngan kelajuaan 120km/h.. |
Balas #4 altimi\ catat
aku selalu ikut jalan kat sebelah UE3 lepas balik keje ...jalan tu dah agak besar...dan ruang dan jarak antara kete pun agak dek kerana penunggang muto yg fresh2 ni dan penunggang wanita ( hakikat ) ...kitaorg terpaksa ikut muto2 cam gini...nak kata ruang kecik...tak bawak terlampau slow...pada aku....kebanyakan kete kiri dan kanan tu derang mmg alert dengan kehadiran penunggang muto yg lalu kat tengah2 tu ...
Dan byk kali jugak aku nampak yg penunggang muto "" ( yg takder P pun byk gak.. ) yg eksiden ....sbb bawak terlampau slow ...hehehehe...eksiden gak yek kalau bawak slow sgt... |
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Reply #9 medangmru's post
aku tensen gak motor yg bawak slow ni...
padahal, ruang kat depan boley buat main badminton
nak slow gi round kat dusun durian la, dpt gak hasil maa |
Reply #9 medangmru's post
idea ko ni memang sumer bernas ler med...
apa kata kita jeput diorang buat porumm kuar tv.. ko jadi ahli panel. |
Nak bawak motor kena prepare for the worst. Pastu kene sentiasa alert dengan keadaan sekeliling kot2 ada potential hazards.....
Tips defensive riding:
Amik dari
Defensive Riding Tips For Motorcyclists
These tips resulted from a detailed analysis of all accidents involving a motorcycle, which occurred in Buckinghamshire within the 3 year period 1.5.94 to 30.4.97.
The most common accident type was another vehicle crossing the motorcyclist's path to enter or leave a side road or private drive.
At roundabouts, the most common accident type was another vehicle entering the roundabout in the path of a motorcyclist already on the roundabout.
Over 1 in 5 of all motorcycle accidents were of this type, where the motorcyclist had right of way.
# Plan ahead on approaching junctions:
-Be aware of vehicles waiting to enter the main road, or approaching it along a side road, and be prepared to stop and take evasive action.
- In urban areas look out for vehicles emerging from driveways.
- Anticipate the presence of drives/side roads concealed from view by bends, vegetation, or vehicles ahead.
# Ensure that you are visible as possible to other drivers:
- As narrow vehicles, motorcyclists can easily be overlooked, and can be completely hidden from view by intervening lamp columns, telegraph poles etc. along the other drives line of sight.
# Choose appropriate speeds on approaches to junction. A driver emerging from a side road, cannot give way to a motorcyclist who cannot yet be seen, but which appears at high speed before the manoeuvre is completed. This is particularly applicable to slow moving goods vehicles or farm vehicles.
# About 1 in 5 of motorcyclist accidents involve overtaking.
Almost 1 in 3 of the overtaking accidents involved motorcyclists passing stationary or slow moving vehicles e.g. in traffic queues, where the most common accident type was another vehicle turning right (either into or out of a side road or private drive) or U turning, across the motorcyclists path.
# In other overtaking accidents, the commonest accident type was when the overtaken vehicle turned right as he motorcyclist was overtaking.
# Be as visible as possible to other drivers.
# Anticipate that other drivers may not have seen you and be prepared for their actions.
# Do not overtake near side roads or where cars may emerge from private drives/accesses; or do so with caution.
# Be aware of oncoming vehicles which may turn right across your path.
# About 1 in 4 of motorcycle accidents occurred on bends.
# Ensure speed is appropriate to negotiate bend without losing control, taking account of road surface condition.
# Anticipate hazards which may be concealed by the bend and be able to stop in time to avoid them.
# Many of the riders involved in accidents were not driving appropriately for the conditions, especially with regard to speed (in 1 in 4 of the accidents excess speed was a contributory factor).
# Drivers of vehicles are often unaware of a motorcyclists presence. It is necessary for motorcyclists to become 'defensive' drivers in order to avoid becoming casualties.
[ Last edited by altimi at 9-8-2008 11:49 AM ] |
Originally posted by altimi at 9-8-2008 11:47 AM
Nak bawak motor kena prepare for the worst. Pastu kene sentiasa alert dengan keadaan sekeliling kot2 ada potential hazards.....
Tips defensive riding:
Amik dari ...
aci hang terjemah skit...ringkaskan skit....pening ar nak baca panjang2 neh. tak cukup tido. org kampong wat gotong royong gantung bendera pilihanraya sineh! |
Originally posted by altimi at 9-8-2008 11:21 AM
Bayangkan kalau kerajaan hapuskan tax keter overnight.....mesti mengamuk pemilik2 keter import keter diorg jatuh harga 2nd mendadak........nak ker?
bagi rakyat marhean ok jer....lagi murah lg bagus....byk option plak utk memilih brand2 kete terutamanya model2 import.....
ni rakyat berpendapatan sederhana hanya di "paksa" utk memiliki proton,perodua & motosikal shj....
yg owner2 kete2 import tu pedulik haper...derang kaya apa...stakat jatuh nilai derang tak heran....
nak jaga kepentingan mereka yg kurang berpendapatan sederhana ke atau nak jaga kepentingan org2 berada...???
fikir2kan lah.... |
Reply #12 nik2121's post
mu langgar apa nik...??? |
Kalau ikutkan dalam keadaan sekarang memang naik motor jugak la transportation yang terbaik kat Klang Valley ni. Nak naik keter, walaupun lagi selesa sebab ada aircond dan gak takder kena ujan tapi duit minyak dah tentu mahal, kena tol lagi kalau ikut highway... pastu bila jem mesti sangkut lama nyer so banyak minyak yang dibazirkan.
Nak naik LRT / monorel, dier cuma convenient untuk saper yang dok dekat dgn stesen LRT dan gak tempat kejer / sekolah dier dekat dgn stesen LRT sebab paham2 jer laa, LRT / monorel kat KL ni cuma cover pusat bandaraya dgn certain tempat jer. Kalau naik bas pulak, lagi la tak convenient sebab bas pun bleh sangkut time jem macam keter jugak + tak selesa pasal kena berhimpit2 macam sardin.
Kalau naik motor memang paling convenient sebab selain save minyak dan tak payah bayar tol, time jem bleh jugak la nak mencilok. Ruang parking pun cuma makan sket jer berbanding keter. Tapi mat2 motor terpaksa bermandi ujan ataupun at least lepak bawah jambatan / bus stop time ujan dan gak berdepan risiko eksiden lebih tinggi drp keter. Tapi tu bukan bermaksud saper yang naik keter atau apa gak jenis transport ni kebal drp eksiden dan ajal maut. Paling penting, rider baru kena biasakan diri dengan teknik defensive riding especially kat area Klang Valley ni dan time jalan tu banyak2 ingat Allah. |
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