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perluke LES KOPEK troskan membuat filem JETON?
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dikatakan peminat2 Upin ipin tidak berpuas hati tatkala les kopek menyatakan hasrat utk membuat filem Jeton Sameon the movie... lantaran itu.. peminat2 upin ipin sudah mule menyatakan utk memboikot filem tersebut... rase2nye perluke lcp buat live action?
[ Last edited by jac_diehard_fan at 24-3-2009 16:36 ] |
xde opsyen "apa-apalah" ke? |
tak perlu tak perlu tak perlu |
x yah ar..
mcm x best jer..
fokuslah pada upin ipin lagi |
ape khbtn org tua 2 smpi nak wat filem
baik buat filem psl sudirman......
k gak |
kalo diaorg wat filem ni,i'll look forward ape edge filem ni kalo dibanding ngan filem2 autobigraphical lain..
tapi kalo sama je approachnyer,x perlu lah wat..
simpan duit g haji lagi baik |
citer jeton nih live action ker..... ada CGI resakse2 ker...
yg haku ingat time video klip menaruh harapan tuh jeton pakai baju seksi kaler putih skirt pendek dok berendam lam laut bawah jeti... |
alahaii... nk buat jgk ke pilem jeton nie??
rsnya haku mmg tak tgk la kot..
bkn mcm kureng menarik je.. |
Reply #10 scorpio_mmiv's post
citer ke alam lain tuh dah lama dah... tp adakah las kopak nak filemkan apa yg dia rasa dlm koma tuh pada umum... kena bakar.. sula...
boleh lepas ker.....? |
buat ipin ipin back to the future la. jumpa akak eton masa lalu ke.... Eton masa sekarang jahat ke... pastu upin ipin jumpa beliau masa lalu mengubah eton jadi baik ke...
kalau setakat kehidupan eton semata-mata, kompem.... aku tak berminat nak gi tgk. |
Originally posted by lipans at 24-3-2009 10:25 
buat ipin ipin back to the future la. jumpa akak eton masa lalu ke.... Eton masa sekarang jahat ke... pastu upin ipin jumpa beliau masa lalu mengubah eton jadi baik ke...
Idea yg bes gak tu.. dr cerita jeton semata2.. xmo lerr  |
LCP tolonglah pk idea lain..toksahla buat filem jeton tu....Korang Ni hilang akal ker hapa? |
cuba tgk dia sekarang.. apa jadik? insap dah kaaa?  |
xyah la...tumpukan kat animasi lagi bagus |
drama ok la jugak rasenye... |
Remember during the 80s, Zaiton Sameon is one of the top artist at that time? She was involved in an accident that brought her to a coma state. This is some accounts of what she remembered when she was in the coma. I am sure people will say, is this true or not? That doesnt count yeah. But if its true, then its one hell of a story. Bertaubatlah anda!
Penyanyi yg cukup popular suatu ketika dahulu, Zaiton Samion, pernah dibawa ke alam barzakh ketika dia mengalami koma selama lebih sebulan selepas mengalami kemalangan jalan raya pada tahun 1990 lalu.
Walaupun pengalaman itu sudah lebih sepuluh tahun berlaku, namun Zaiton masih dapat mengingatinua dengan jelas setiap detik yg dilalui semasa menziarahi alam kubur, khususnya mengalami seksaan neraka.
揃ila mengenangkan pengalaman itu, saya berasa cukup ngeri. Ia benar benar membuatkan saya insaf, |
aku lebih rela tgk cerita mengenai hamid Gurkha dari tengok Eton sameon ni.... |
i somehow feel its not bad at all for les copaque to produce a live action film based on the tragic life of Zaiton Sameon. It's something different from what we have been served all this while.
Kalau kat US ke, France ke, its nothing new. Usually films like this lebih kepada art and bukan untuk tontonan suka's full of hidden msgs, yang usually certain Malaysians tak nak ambil peduli. Our audience have the tendency to only accept 'fun' movies. yang lawak2, yang seram2..thats all. Susah org malaysia ni nak terima cerita yang serious...sbb tu our industri tak berkembang.
Maybe this movie, kalau dibuat dgn teliti boleh dibawa ke international awards festivals and events. maybe some akan ckp, buat ape kisahkan pasal international awards ceremony tu..especially those bitter ones yang akan ckp events tu semua kecik2 jek... but to me the recognition is far more important than sales. I'd rather watch a great movie with low sales than watching a stupid comedy flick yang gain a lot of attention and sales hanya kerana , senang diterima because our mentality is like that.
Geng: Pengembaraan Bermula is a great fun movie. Memang deserve every single cents yg dorg dpt. Memang bagus team Les Copaque. So my advice for your next project ni which is a movie based on Zaiton Sameon, make sure the storyline is strong enough and make it is done nicely. Jangan sampai dpt title filem sampah atau filem jamban.
memanglah Les Copaque should concentrate on making good animation but if you think you have the capability to produce such live action movie, go ahead...i'll support you guys.
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