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Senaraikan filem-filem luar negara yang ada selit pasal MALAYSIA
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Tak kiralah filem Hong Kong ke, Hollywood ke, Bollywood ke asalkan ader terselit pasal Malaysia.
Police Story 3
Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham
?? |
MI3 ~ ada logo MAS
The Italian Job ~ kat Bursa Saham die ada selit pasal Malaysia
counted x..?  |
don...citer lakonan shahrukhkhan
shaharudin tamby jd cast dlm filem tu jgk |
the sleeping dictionary
anna and the king
beyond rangoon |
ikutkan byk kan pilem hindi selit psl m'sia..sampai srk dpt title datuk |
Reply #2 laislabonita's post
yeah..aper-aper je..bangga gak rasa kan malaysia dapat publisiti dalam filem antarabangsa |
yg aku ingat
-enteprise (bukan filem)
-sinking of japan
jap2 aku recall2 balik |
yg terbaru PUSH.... |
aku blom tengok lagi PUSH...orang cakap that movie suck
btw, camner citer tu selitkan Malaysia? |
filem Young and Dangerous 5 |
fulltime killer citer hk/jepun yg dilakonkan oleh andy lau dgn nippon actor (tak silap aku takeshi sorimachi) ada adegan kat train station di KL... |
kabhi kushi ada sebut nama erra fazira kn? |
Filem Thunderbird:
Salah satu scene masa di atas bukit bebudak yang terselamat tu nak pergi tukar cip dan cip tu tunjukkan "Made in Malaysia".
Who Am I?
Filem Jackie Chan yang menggunakan Malaysia sebagai lokasi penggambaran. ditayangkan pada permulaan cerita. cuma ia tidak memaparkan Malaysia tetapi sebagai sebuah negara di Afrika namun ada hutan khatulistiwa! Penggunaan helikopter Nuri TUDM dan penglibatan seciput Hattan sebagai Komando mewakili Malaysia boleh dilihat semasa permulaan cerita.
oleh kerana aku tak layan filem aku tak tau apa tajuk filem tapi ada tertengok (sebab my wife layan hidustan) ada satu scene dalam filem apa ntah si Bachan ka dok sebut sebut Malaysia masa turun heli. |
star trek - ENTERPRISE

Malcolm is a bit of a mystery even to his own family — sister Madeline, Uncle Archie, Aunt Sherry and two other spinster aunts — and his parents, Stuart and Mary, don't know much about his career other than the fact he was assigned to Enterprise. But they can share the blame for being uncommunicative, as they were occupied with moving back to Kota Baharu, Malaysia, while Malcolm was preparing to leave Earth. Besides, Stuart never seemed particularly pleased that his son joined Starfleet instead of the Navy, feeling almost insulted that the ocean was not big enough for him.
sumber : ... racter/1122651.html |
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