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Post Last Edit by eddlisa_uyuk at 4-4-2012 22:23
Salam, saya dah serach kalau ada pasal filem, ni tapi tak jumpa, so saya buat thread ni. Kalau sudah ada pasal filem ni, sorry ye mod.
Filem ni buatan anak Malaysia, mula pengambaran tahun lepas, dan bakal di tayang tahun ni, belum ada promosi besar besaran lagi.
Para pelakon terdiri daripada Tomok berlakon dan Lisa Surihani, Lisa lagi, amboi laku sungguh Lisa. Filem Mantera ni katanya kerjasama Malaysia dengan Rusia. Kos pengambaran berapa? 7.0 juta beb. Besar dak? Fuhh besar tu belanja nak buat. Kalau tengok video pendek demo ni korang boleh bayangkan filem ni macam filem buatan Hollywood. Filem ni macam Iron Man Malaysia kabarnya, Mantera" atau MAN - Transformable Exo-Robotic Armour . Sebab tu dapat tajuk Mantera.
Sedikit info :
Title: Mantera Genre: Sci -Fi Produced by: Flare Studios Sdn.Bhd Spacetoon International FINAS Directed by: Mohd Aliyar Ali Kuthy Script by: Miza Mohamad Khairul Anuar Md.Arif Azmer Shazly Norazhar Starring: Syah Indrawan (Tomok) Shiqin Kamal Faezah Elai Wael Al Masri Dasha Kamaliya Jayson Lee Yit Zhing Yank Kassim Release date: 2010
Macam mana Tomok boleh terpilih ni, adakah sebab Tomok muka cute ke, mungkin gak sebab jalan cerita dia pasal seorang pemuda bernama Azman yang boleh transformasi diri dia jadi motorsikal. Hero yang muda remaja digilai, boleh le jadi hero kot. Ala ala Transformer lak. Filem ni mula buat thn lepas, 2009. Semua pengambaran buat kat Malaysia dengan Russia. Katanya keluar 2010, tapi takda lagi pun promosi. Maybe sikit masa lagi agaknya.
Peminat Tomok mesti tak sabar nak tengok Tomok bertukar jadi motosikal , sebenarnya dia terjumpa satu glove yang boleh transformkan motorsikal jadi body armor atau baju besi, kemudian dia pakai la baju besi tu..kalau tak leh bayangkan jugak, kena tunggu filem ni le...heheh..!!
Untuk lihat demo filem - ... t-sci-fi-movie.html
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Nak kata filem sci fi pertama malaysia aku rasa kurang tepat kot sbb filem sci fi pertama malaysia dulu XX Ray |
wao cm best jee.... |
wah... tgk teaser mcm best wpun pelakon2 besa2 je... kira bleh layan jgk crita ni. |
mcm beshh.. tp syg tomok pulak jd hero dia ehh ... |
Tomok pelakon utama? Tidakkkkkkkk |
synopsis MAntera
“....for countless generations, the Dark Legions of the Apocalypse, operating under the guise of large multinational corporations, have amassed their foot soldiers and underlings in secrecy. Scheming, planning and waiting for the arrival of their Dark Messiah to lead them on their resurgence to dominate mankind under their evil reign.
We, the Alliance of Light have been given the sacred task to watch over them and to maintain hegemony over the Dark Legions. So far, we have been successful in neutralizing their influence and restraining their strength through our superior technology and know-how. As we enter the new millennium, a new threat has emerged in the form of a ground-breaking weapon system called “Mantera” that almost tilt the delicate balance of power.
I am Col. Ayman of the Alliance of Light, and this is the story of a brave young man who saved “Mantera” from falling into the hands of the Dark Legions of the Apocalypse by becoming a Mantera...”
Moscow, Russia
Sam Weston, the owner of Weston Technologies is furious over the security breach in his Research Lab. The prototype of his latest weapon system “Mantera” or MAN - Transformable Exo-Robotic Armour was sabotaged and destroyed. Invaluable research data was stolen and deleted from the company’s mainframe. His main scientist who is leading the research team, Dr. Natasya was missing. The buyer for the new technology is pressuring Sam to deliver the prototype or the deal is off. To make matter worse, the wreckage and debris from the destroyed “Mantera” was accidentally shipped to the other side of the world.... to a young man by the name of Azman, in Malaysia. Who is Azman, and what makes him the chosen one? Everything will be revealed in 'MANTERA'. |
Ape pasal hero budak skolah ni. Dgn pesen rambot camtu lagik. Ubah la sket. |
Trailer gempak giler...nak kena tgk nie...tang Tomok tu aku tutup mata je lah bila watch this movie..heheheheheeh |
wuuuu...iron man mesia la pulok... |
Sci fi movie........ |
itu tulisan jepun ke kat atas tlisan mantera tu?? |
citer mcm best.. tapi tomok tuh yg x beraper best... x der pelakon lain ker..?? |
jangan buat sebarang keputusan hanya kerana pelakon utamanya filem malaysia belum tengok dah kutuk..cehh!! camne filem kita nak maju nii...
takkan nak tengok balik2 farid kamil, zul huzaimi, saiful apek etc..try la orang lain pulak jadik hero |
huh..ok la tu tomok...abis korang nak sapa jd hero?
ebi yus? yang kassim? harun salim bachik ? mawi? atau budak2 AF...
ok pe tomok, takde la aib sgt...ada ko dgr tomok penah kena tangkap basah? isap dadah? gossip dgn artis?
wa rasa korang jeles dgn tomok la...he.he.. |
OK hape ebi yus jadi hero  |
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