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[Dunia] Scientists discover new giant water lily species / Bunga teratai terbesar di dunia ditemui

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Post time 4-7-2022 08:04 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 10-7-2022 05:32 PM

Scientists discover new giant water lily species
[size=0.8125]By Rebecca Morelle
Science Editor, BBC News
  • Published
    8 hours ago


Image caption, The new species has been grown from seed

A new species of giant water lily has been discovered - and it’s been hiding in plain sight for 177 years.

The huge plant had been in the archives of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and was growing in a number of aquatic collections but it was mistakenly identified as another species.

Now a detailed scientific study has revealed that it is new to science.

It also holds the record as the world's largest water lily, with leaves growing more than 3m (10ft) wide.

The plant has been called Victoria boliviana - named after Bolivia, where it grows in a single water basin in part of the Amazon river system.

Media caption, Botanical artist Lucy Smith explains the process of drawing Victoria boliviana

Horticulturist Carlos Magdalena, one of the world’s leading water lily experts, long suspected that the plant was different from the other two known giant species, Victoria amazonica and Victoria cruziana.

So scientists from Bolivia - from the National Herbarium of Bolivia, Santa Cruz Botanic Gardens and Public Botanic Garden La Rinconada - donated some seeds to Kew.

He told BBC News: “It meant we could grow it side-by-side with the two other species under exactly the same conditions. Once we did this we could very clearly see that every single part of the plant was totally different.”

He described the find as the “highlight” of his career.

Image caption, Lucy Smith's botanical drawings reveal how the water lily is different from the other two species

Working alongside Carlos, botanical illustrator Lucy Smith made detailed scientific drawings of all three species.

This also involved heading into the glasshouse at night because water lily flowers only come out in the dark.

She said: “I was able to get access to the flowers, and also by looking at the leaves, I could, as an illustrator, highlight those differences that I saw.

“And in fact, while I was drawing those differences, they became even stronger in my mind and I found new ways of telling them apart.”

She added: “Maybe I’m biased, but out of the three species I think [the new species] has one of the most beautiful flowers.”

Image caption, Giant water lilies have been a long standing attraction at RBG Kew

Kew has a long history with the plants - the Waterlily House was built in 1852 to showcase its collections.

The giants - discovered in the 1800s - were a natural wonder of the age, and the genus was named after Queen Victoria.

But the new discovery shows that water lilies still have some surprises, and scientists say there is still much to learn about them.

Dr Alex Monro, from RBG Kew, explained: ”None of the three species have been very well studied.

“We still don't know how many populations there are and how much they vary in size. We don't really understand the pollination biology very well. We don't know a lot about the dispersal of the species - how it transmits itself from one place to another.

“So there are still many unknowns. And I think, because they're so huge - so obvious - people haven't really thought to study them in that much detail.”

Image caption, The new species grows in the wild in Bolivia

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Post time 5-7-2022 05:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tengok faun sama dengan giant waterlily yg lain tapi bunganya kembang mcm bunga matahari.


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 Author| Post time 11-7-2022 09:32 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 10-7-2022 05:35 PM

Bunga teratai terbesar di dunia ditemui[size=14.399999618530273px][size=0.8]Julai 11, 2022 @ 2:25am


Daun teratai spesies Victoria boliviana boleh mencapai lebih tiga meter lebar.- Gambar hiasan
Spesimen Victoria boliviana yang ditanam di Kew selama 177 tahun. - Gambar hiasan


Susunan Mahani Ishak
POKOK teratai yang biasanya ditemui tumbuh di dalam kolam, sungai atau lombong dengan kuntuman pelbagai warna dengan saiz yang kecil.

Namun, penemuan pokok teratai terbesar dunia dengan kelebaran daun hampir 3.05 meter tumbuh di Taman Botani Diraja London, baru-baru ini mengejutkan dan menjadi perhatian ramai.

Spesies baharu teratai dari jenis Victoria boliviana ini ditemui oleh sepasukan saintis, sebenarnya sudah hidup liar selama 177 tahun dalam taman berkenaan terletak yang terletak di Kew, di barat daya London.

Daun teratai gergasi itu tergolong dalam satu daripada tiga genus Victoria itu boleh menyokong berat sekurang-kurangnya 79.8 kilogram (kg).

Bunga teratai berkenaan akan berubah daripada putih menjadi merah muda pada malam hari. Penemuan itu menunjukkan pencapaian yang hebat.
Ciri teratai gergasi

Seperti namanya, ukuran daunnya adalah besar dengan diameter boleh mencapai tiga meter dengan panjang antara tujuh hingga lapan meter.

Permukaan daunnya tampak rata dengan tepian daun menguncup ke atas. Bahagian bawahnya pula ditutupi duri yang membantu menyokong daun menahan beban apabila berada di atas air.

Difahamkan bunga tumbuh hingga berukuran 40 sentimeter dan terjadi selama satu musim dengan bantuan kumbang dari genus Cyvlocephala yang meningkatkan proses pendebungaan bunga.

Anggaran berat setiap daunnya mencecah sehingga 31 kg. Teratai adalah spesies semula jadi bersaiz besar tanpa melalui proses penghibridan.
Ia berasal daripada benih asal tanpa mengalami sebarang proses kacukan.

Bunga menguncup waktu malam
Hasil kajian mendapati rahsia tumbesaran gergasi teratai ini terletak pada kitaran hidupnya. Ia bermula sejak proses pendebungaan lagi.

Bunganya akan mengeluarkan aroma buah seperti nanas pada waktu siang.

Bauan manis ini menarik kumbang mendekati bunga pokok teratai ini. Apabila menjelang waktu malam, bunga akan tertutup dan kumbang yang mendekati bunga akan terperangkap di dalamnya. Bunga ini didebungakan oleh kumbang.

Lazimnya pada satu musim, setiap pokok bakal menghasilkan 40 hingga 50 daun dan setiap daun akan membesar lebih daripada tiga meter diameter setiap hari dan ia terus membesar sehingga melebihi ukuran berkenaan.

Mengulas mengenai penemuan teratai Victoria boliviana, Ahli taksonomi, sistematik dan botani lapangan taman itu, Alex Monro, berkata ia sebagai data baharu bagi spesies tumbuhan itu, di samping dapat mengenal pasti spesies baharu dalam genus.

"Ia suatu pencapaian hebat di taman ini. "Bagaimanapun, penting untuk kita mengenal pasti dan mendokumentasikan kepelbagaian tumbuhan bagi melindunginya serta mendapat manfaat secara mapan daripadanya," katanya.

Tingkatkan pengetahuan mengenai teratai
Selain itu, laporan menyebut bahawa kajian menunjukkan, spesies baharu teratai Victoria boliviana sering dikelirukan dengan spesies Victoria amazonica, iaitu salah satu daripada dua spesies teratai gergasi yang diketahui sebelum ini.

Matlamat kajian adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang teratai Victoria.

Lebih menakjubkan, di Kew adalah satu-satunya tempat di dunia yang menanam ketiga-tiga spesies teratai Victoria secara bersebelahan, lantas ia memudahkan proses pengecaman dan perbandingan setiap spesies tumbuhan itu .

Kajian itu mendapati Victoria boliviana berbeza secara genetik daripada dua spesies pokok teratai lain, tetapi paling berkait rapat dengan V cruziana. - AGENSI


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Post time 11-7-2022 09:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bukan kah lotus dan water lily ber beza?....

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 Author| Post time 11-7-2022 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 10-7-2022 05:41 PM
Bukan kah lotus dan water lily ber beza?....

Saya tidak tau apa bezanya, tetapi dalam gambar tu daun bukan bunga.

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Post time 11-7-2022 10:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lilymon tersenyum sinis

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Post time 11-7-2022 10:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ooo species terbaru ni mangkuk ya lebih dalam
Dah serupa pool kanak2 tu je

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Post time 11-7-2022 12:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 10-7-2022 05:46 PM
Saya tidak tau apa bezanya, tetapi dalam gambar tu daun bukan bunga.

Sudah google... Waterlily dan lotus 2 different species... Characteristics daun juga boleh ber beza .... But english version dan bahasa ber beza 1 guna lotus dan other waterlily.... Dan kata nya bukan hybrid new genus.. Buat pembaca confused ....

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