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F-16 for Indonesia, Super Hornet for Malaysia
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Indonesia sejak embargo dah berpaling ke timur, tp sekarang tidak lagi hanya berpaling ketimur tp justru barpaling gak keruan Msia sementara ikut juga berpaling ke timur tp sekarang malah ikutang juga berpaling gak keruan 
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Super Hornet back on agenda
KUALA LUMPUR: The Boeing Co remains hopeful of concluding a deal to sell up to 18 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet strike fighters to Malaysia, which the US aircraft manufacturer has been negotiating since 2002.
Boeing Defence, Space and Security president and chief executive officer Dennis Muilenburg said the company has submitted a proposal to the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) for its F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, and negotiations are ongoing.
"We are hopeful that things will move forward in the near term... We can accommodate customers' (delivery) schedules, both near term and long term.
"We have demonstrated the ability to produce the Super Hornets for multiple customers on schedule," he said here on Tuesday.
He declined to reveal whether Boeing had proposed that the RMAF buy the single-seater Super Hornet E model or the two-seater F model, although reports had suggested that up to 18 units of the two-seater version were proposed.
RMAF currently operates eight earlier generation two-seater F/A-18Ds and was reportedly planning to buy eight to 16 more aircraft before the 1997 Asian financial crisis forced a spending cut.
Recently, however, Malaysian defence officials had indicated that multi-role fighter purchase was back on the agenda.
Muilenburg said RMAF had expressed satisfaction with its fleet of eight F/A-18Ds from Boeing.
"They provide tremendous (day-night strike) capability, reliable and the cost of maintaining the jets is low.
"I think the expectation (of the RMAF) is to continue to operate and expand that fleet rather than replace it.
"In this regard, the Super Hornets are an attractive option because these fighter jets provide direct interoperability with the F/A-18Ds fleet.
"They will have common support equipment as well as common air crew and maintenance training systems."
Apart from the Super Hornets, Muilenburg said Malaysia had not indicated any other aircraft procurement plans.
"But as with all of our customers, we continue to provide awareness of the products that are available (from Boeing). We are ready to respond if specific opportunities come forward."
This was Muilenburg's first visit to Malaysia where he had a meeting with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and commercial customer, Measat Satellite Systems Sdn Bhd.
"During the meeting with the prime minister, one of the things that we talked about was how Boeing can help Malaysia achieve its New Economic Model goals and how we can be part of the industrial player (via offset programmes) going forward," Muilenburg said.
"(For instance), if we are successful in bringing our Super Hornets to Malaysia, part of our industrial participation package will include composites manufacturing work being done in Malaysia."
Structurally, the Super Hornet is built largely from aluminium alloys with extensive use of carbon fibre composite skins in the wings and titanium in several critical areas.
"It's possible (through Boeing's Super Hornet industrial cooperation programme), our partners like Asian Composites Manufacturing Sdn Bhd and Composites Technology Research Malaysia Sdn Bhd in Malaysia can become a key supplier of composite materials.
"To date, they have both demonstrated terrific capability in composites manufacturing."
Boeing is also in discussions with Measat to supply two additional commercial communications satellites and Ku-band transponders.
Three of four Measat satellites in orbit today were built by Boeing.
Read more: Super Hornet back on agenda
hopefully he deal is on , RMAF need more aircraft , but most important is , aiscraft with source code |
it wont have free whole set of source code.. the most is have some API or plug in feature for u to modify some of the setting or able to integrate with other system or weapon |
goodddddddddddddd |
F-16 indon second hand..but kita punyer baru..& yg pasti keupayaan dr sistem avionik & persenjataan pasti yg terkini..gud one.. |
F-16 di rencanakan hanya sebagai stop gap KFX 50 bijik pak cik. So, buat apa beli baru..
shantika Post at 29-11-2010 17:44 
bior btol F-16 dkt 30biji..xsalah aku dlm24biji jer..itupun dh usang & cuma mampu bertahan dlm5-10thn jer lg..btw..bagus jgk indon nk produce feter sendiri..aku nk jugak tgk rantau sblh sini mampu buat jet pejuang..atleast mesia punye defence industries bleh bukak mata & seterusnyer mampu bina jet pejuang sendiri.. |
Reply 7# asher
bior btol F-16 dkt 30biji..xsalah aku dlm24biji jer..itupun dh usang & cuma mampu bertahan dlm5-10thn jer lg..btw..bagus jgk indon nk produce feter sendiri..aku nk jugak tgk rantau sblh sini mampu buat jet pejuang..atleast mesia punye defence industries bleh bukak mata & seterusnyer mampu bina jet pejuang sendiri..
sampe batuk, bersin, dan kentut sekalian aku baca postingan budak nih.
in the dream land everything BOLEH
punya defence industries my ass....
ngomong berporem seperti masturbasi, hanya utk menyenangkan diri sendiri.
do you tease yourself as well?? wkwkwkwkwk |
hehehe...rencana ...rencana...rencana....typical indon  |
manusia hati busuk dengki tak sudah... last2 putih mata habuk pon tak dapat... sendiri yg panas sorang2... |
apsal xabis2 indon-malaysia nak gaduh...
xfaham aku
bagi aku, baiklah kita majukan diri kita sambil berlapang dada melihat kemajuan jiran kita |
hehehe...rencana ...rencana...rencana....typical indon
pyropura Post at 29-11-2010 22:23 
KFX rencana indo - korsel pak cik, bukan cm indonesia..
Jd lebis tepatnya typical korsel - indo  |
hopefully he deal is on , RMAF need more aircraft , but most important is , aiscraft with source cod ...
hyazinth79 Post at 19-11-2010 23:14 
Why do yu need the source code? To attack your allies? |
Reply 6# shantika
KFX itu masih ditahap rencana..malah indon ama korsel masih belum sepakat...taon 2020 masih jauh gan...prototipe pesawatnya aja blon ada....bisa jadi realiti gak???....
eh pintar benget ini indon bikin perbandingan....
wakakaka..apa kalo indon bisa punya 30 f-16 hibah kuantitinya udah melebihi Malaysia???
walaupun kemungkinan Malaysia pesan 18 biji...masih ada shukoi 18 biji, Mig 16 biji, Hornet 8 biji, blon dikira pesawat tempur ringan hawk udah ada 60 pesawat siap tempur. kalo dikira dengan hawk udah ada lebih 70 pesawat.
bagi indon kalo dapat hibah 30 biji pesawat f-16 + 10 shukoi + 10 f-16 termasuk hawk baru lebih kurang 60 pesawat....
bedanya pesawat TUDM dalam kondisi siaga 100 persen...berbeda milik TNI ada yang udah digrounded kerna gak layak terbang...
alutsista juga lengkap bagi RUDM tapi peswat TNI ompong gan....
baik kuantiti maupon kualitas indon ketinggalan donk.... |
Reply shantika
KFX itu masih ditahap rencana..malah indon ama korsel masih belum sepakat...ta ...
gede-bab Post at 30-11-2010 09:11 
lantas yg boleh terbang berapa cik? missile yg ada codenya ada berapa?pilot ada berapa? |
Reply 17# semarmesem
eh jangan gusar dengan kondisi pesawat ato pilot TUDM....
lebih baik loe pikirin pilot-pilot indon yang rendah tahap jam terbangnya kerna ga ada pesawat.. |
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