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Swithing to Digi Smart Plan
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sape2 yg nk switch to Digi smart plan, pls pm me..need some help and in return, i will give some cash to you.. |
kalau nk subscribe ke digi smart plan, let me know..smartplan tu ada package skali ngn hp, so i want the phone only, not the whole package.. |
which means u boleh bayar HP tu pada harga asal atau camner???
U rekemen package yg mana dengan HP model apa?? |
besenya, kalo beli hp skali ngn line kan lebih nk mntk tlg sape2 yg kebetulan nk subscribe line digi smart plan, amik skali ngn hp..i will pay the cost of the hp, u juz proceed with the line lah..sbg penghargaan atas bantuan, sy bg la sikit reward win-win situation... |
kalau nak deal, check terms dia elok2 for both benefit.
**sebab aku penah dgr cite tak best bila owner yg register tu kensel line sblom tamat kontrak, kena bayar penalty. kesian org yg register tu.
make sure win-win terms n condition for both party  |
org yg register adalah org yg pakai xamik line tu, so its up to the registrants nk terminate or juz nk phone, and i'll pay in full + reward..penalty fees kalo terminate line akan kire balance monthly commitment line sahaja..hp xde kaitan.. |
Reply 7# multinik2
for info, each hp package ada include kontrak 1-2 tahun biasanya. kontrak tu kalau terminate, penalty dia agak tinggi sbb harga kos fon tu (dan baki jumlah bulan langganan) akan di cas oleh telco tersebut kepada org yg pakai line (tuan yg register n guna line).
macam aku cakap tadi, pls baca terms n condition elok2 utk kebaikan kedua belah pihak 
apa2 hal pun, good luck  |
Reply multinik2
for info, each hp package ada include kontrak 1-2 tahun biasanya. kontrak ...
bzzts Post at 5-4-2011 11:58 PM 
kalau camtu Bzzts.....kene caj harga HP sama mcm market Price kat TT ni....biasanya harga HP yg dibeli melalui pekej telco ni murah dlm RM200-500 ( mungkin lebih atau dapat Free utk sesetengah HP model ).... |
harga budled package ni, ikut kontrak, mmg le murah. tapi harga penalty dia tak sama kalu ...
bzzts Post at 9-4-2011 03:16 PM 
ramai yg buat bisnes camni Bzzts....nengok kat mudah tu pun dah tau....." Iphone Pekej Maxis ...masih dara...unpack.....harga menarik..."
apa2 pun kene nengok terms kalau hati kering.....amik pekej dan jual HP...lepas tu tanggung sendiri.. |
napa tak amek terus line digi tu? tak bet ke? |
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