Superman (2025) tells the story of Superman's journey to reconcile his Kryptonian heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent of Smallville, Kansas.
Set to be released July 2025.
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An American actor. After graduating from Juilliard in 2016, he began guest starring in television series, including House of Cards in 2018. He then played lead roles in the Netflix series The Politician (2019–2020) and Hollywood (2020), both created by Ryan Murphy.
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Movie based:Bila marathon balik Superman 1978 - 1987....I agreed with most fans, the best Superman basing from direct comics is Christopher Reeves...
Witty and sense or humour
Superman 2006 played by Brandon Routh masih ada character style as Reeves...
Versi DC Extended Universe played by Henry Cavill, character dia agak serious
aku ada baca org spill, masa test screen movie ni dpt kritikan yg hagak teruk gak la. dan kritikan tu mostly pasal pelakon yg bawak watak superman ni takleh bawak movie ni. Wallahualam la...