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Perkembangan Ketenteraan FILIPINA
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Post Last Edit by wongedandotcom2 at 13-5-2011 22:03
Angkatan Tentera Filipina (AFP) (Bahasa Filipina: Sandatahang Lakas ng Pilipinas; Sepanyol: Fuerzas Armadas Filipinas) terdiri daripada Tentera Darat (Hukbong Katihan), Tentera Laut (Hukbong Dagat) dan Tentera Udara Filipina (Hukbong Himpapawid). Ia merupakan pertahanan utama Filipina, dan diketuai oleh Panglima Tertinggi Angkatan Tentera iaitu Presiden Filipina.
Angkatan tentera ini berasal dari penubuhan "Peninjau Filipina" pada 1901 oleh Amerika Syarikat untuk membantu menentang revolusi Jeneral Emilio Aguinaldo. Seterusnya Angkatan Tentera Filipina ditubuhkan secara rasmi semasa era Komanwel Amerika melalui Commonwealth Act No. 1 atau National Defense Act pada 21 Disember 1935. Dibentuk di bawah seliaan penasihat Jeneral Douglas MacArthur yang dijemput oleh Presiden Komanwel Manuel L. Quezon, Angkatan Tentera Filipina secara kasarnya mengikut struktur ketenteraan Amerika Syarikat.
Filipina Beli Tiga Kapal LPD Buatan PT PAL
Jakarta, Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut Filipina Laksamana Muda Alexander Pama mengunjungi dua kapal perang TNI Angkatan Laut jenis "Landing Platform Dock" (LPD) di Dermaga Komando Lintas Laut Militer (Kolinlamil), Jakarta, Kamis.
Dalam kunjungan itu, Pama didampingi Wakil Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut Laksamana Madya TNI Marsetio dan Panglima Kolinlamil Laksamana Muda TNI Didit Herdiawan.
Dua kapal perang TNI Angkatan Laut jenis LPD yang dikunjungi adalah KRI Banjarmasin-592 dan KRI Banda Aceh-593.
Petinggi matra laut Filipina itu melihat beberapa bagian kapal seperti anjungan dan geladak serta beberapa fasilitas lain.
Peninjauan Pama ke dua kapal perang jenis LPD itu, terkait rencana Filipina untuk membeli kapal sejenis tersebut dari PT PAL.
Sebelumnya, Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro mengemukakan, sejumlah negara seperti Filipina berminat membeli sejumlah kapal buatan PT PAL.
"Filipina yang membeli kapal buatan PT PAL jenis kapal LPD (landing platform dock) yang yang bisa didarati helikopter," katanya.
Menhan menjelaskan fungsi kapal itu sangat luas sehingga dapat untuk angkut pasukan dan juga untuk operasi penanggulangan bencana.
"Filipina membeli tiga unit kapal LPD," kata Purnomo menambahkan.
Ia mengatakan pemerintah terus menawarkan produk industri produk pertahanan nasional ke sejumlah negara calon pembeli seperti Filipina, Brunei, Malaysia, dan Vietnam. |
Post Last Edit by wongedandotcom2 at 13-5-2011 21:55
The Philippine Navy is planning to purchase its first ever submarine.
MANILA, Philippines -
In a phone patch, Navy Philippine Fleet spokesman Lt. Rommel Rodriguez told reporters that experts are now meeting with international counterparts to assess the plan’s feasibility.
He said the Navy may acquire the submarine not later than 2020, depending on the political and administrative atmosphere.
"Right now, there are studies that are being undertaken. There are researches right now that involves submarine," Rodriguez said. He noted the study, conducted by the fleet’s office of plans and programs under Lt. Cmdr. Merlito Martinez, is upon orders from Rear Admiral Jose Luis Alano.
Rodriguez, however, noted that purchasing one would require billions of dollars.
"But since the Navy is geared towards Vision 2020, he wants to come up with a team, there is already a team that is conducting this studies and this studies will determine what capabilities do we need, where can we get this vessel or this submarine, what are the alternatives we have to be able to fund it, or how long will it take," he added.
He said the Navy needs to patrol the country’s territorial waters undetected, thus the need for a submarine.
"The amount may seem impossible for now but definitely we are taking a step forward because the President is (bent on) improving our naval capability. That is why, we are undertaking this study…We are taking a step forward, we are taking a step further," he said.
"It will be better (if we have a submarine) in patrolling our seas because when you have a submarine, it is physically invisible…We will be able to track those violating our maritime laws without them noticing us," said Rodriguez.
The assessment will first be presented to Navy officials before being submitted to the Armed Forces of the Philippine General Headquarters and the Department of National Defense.
Meanwhile, Philippine ambassador to the US Jose Cuisia Jr. is due to receive tomorrow a Hamilton class ship that the country had purchased from the US Coast Guard. The military spent P1.2 billion for it.
Rodriguez said a team from the Navy is now in California to undergo training to operate the ship. They will set sail in July and will probably arrive in August.
The ship may be deployed to Palawan, which should be patrolled because of oil interest in the area. |
Bagus pun Filipina ade kapal2 elok sikit.....bole jd distraction kepada PRC Navy bile gado rebut spratly nanti
Anyway, hope Phillipine acquisition of these Jawa LPD will also push for LPD purchase for RMN |
siap sedia menghadapi perang spratly |
Bagus PT PAL indonesia ni... buat duit.
Semoga semakin sukses. |
Chinese DM Leaves for Southeast Asia Tour
Liu Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie left Beijing Sunday for official goodwill visit to Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines.
During his visit, Liang will meet and hold talks with leaders and defense ministers of the three countries, exchanging views on bilateral ties, military relations and deepening pragmatic cooperation.
Liang will also visit some military institutions.
Liang is making the visit as the guest of Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Teo Chee Hean, Indonesian Minister of Defense Purnomo Yusgiantoro and Philippine Secretary of National Defence Voltaire Gazmin.
Liang's entourage includes He Weirong, deputy commander of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) air force; Zhang Baoshu, deputy commander of the PLA's Beijing Military Area Command; Zhu Jinlin, commander of the PLA's Xinjiang Military Area Command; Yao Zhilou, deputy commander of the PLA's South China Sea Fleet; Ye Wanyong, political commissar of the PLA's Sichuan Military Area Command; Song Dan, deputy director of the General Office of Central Military Commission; Jia Xiaoning, deputy director of Defense Ministry's Foreign Affairs Office. |
wah...bukan main diorangni |
Apa Phlipina juga tertarik dengan ini?

KRI dr Soeharso 990 - kapal rumah sakit milik TNI-AL |
Kenapa Malaysia tak berminat dgn kapal ni ye..aku rasa lagi murah kalau compare dgn kapal kapal barat................ |
Kenapa Malaysia tak berminat dgn kapal ni ye..aku rasa lagi murah kalau compare dgn kapal kapal barat................
tempur Post at 16-5-2011 16:43 
TUDM wants a high quality LPD/LHD .... Its price is not our concern .... more expensive than its standard price is better for us ....  |
Reply 9# tempur
Itu juga jadi pertanyaanku,kenapa malaysia tidak ingin kapal jenis ini,kalau kami indonesia bisa beli dan buat, Kenapa Malaysia tidak bisa BELI,apakah TLDM tidak ingin kapal ini,padahal fungsinya sangat penting.Di Asean hanya 3 Negara yang menggunakan LPD Indonesia,Singapore,Thailand..Indonesia sekarang lagi membuat LHD yang dibuat Di PT.PAL.
behind 2 fregat TNI AL
TUDM wants a high quality LPD/LHD .... Its price is not our concern .... more expensive than it ...
wartakita Post at 16-5-2011 20:19 
^ pendatang asing indon tersesat rumah..  |
malaysia nak beli supercarrier kot??? |
Reply 13# Komrade
kita berpijak di bumi yg nyata... tak mahulah jadi mcm thailand... dah beli tapi nnti x de duit utk pakai ronda... |
atau setakat beli carrier je.. support ships yg lain x de duit nk beli... belum lagi kapal terbang dan heli lagi utk carrier tu. Kami tak membutu*kan buat masa ini ... |
hal ini pelik. bila malaysia nak power macam ni.... asyik beli barang 2nd hand je.. |
hal ini pelik. bila malaysia nak power macam ni.... asyik beli barang 2nd hand je..
amwer12345 Post at 17-5-2011 07:50 PM 
tlg cite skit..bila masa plak msia asyik beli barang2 2nd hand nihh...tingin jugak nak tahuu |
Reply 19# malberi8
Sukhoi tu 2nd hand, kapal selam, scorpene,.. heli2 itu barang 2nd hand,,, |
Reply 20# amwer12345
are you sure? very sure? |
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