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Tenaga haba buangan boleh ditukar kpd elektrik menggunakan aloi
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Post Last Edit by dauswq at 27-6-2011 22:11
ScienceDaily (June 27, 2011) — Sekumpulan penyelidik dari Fakulti Sains dan Kejuruteraan University of Minnesota baru-baru ini menemui bahan aloi baru yang menukarkan haba terus kepada elektrik. Revolusi penukaran tenaga ini masih dalam
peringkat awal pembangunan, tetapi ia boleh mewujudkan tenaga elektrik yang mesra alam daripada sumber tenaga haba buangan.
Sainstis itu berkata bahan tersebut yang berpotensi untuk menangkap haba buangan dari ekzos kereta di mana haba tersebut digunakan untuk memanaskan bahan tersebut dan menghasilkan tenaga elektrik bagi mengecas bateri dalam kereta hibrid (kereta yang menggunakan tenaga elektrik sebagai sumber tenaga enginnya). Lain-lain kegunaan pada masa hadapan mungkin adalah dengan memanfaatkan haba buangan kilang dan perbezaan suhu lautan bagi menghasilakn elektrik. Mereka sedang mengkaji kemungkinan aplikasi ini digunakan secara komersial.
"Kajian ini sangat 'promising' kerana ia memperkenalkan kaedah penukaran tenaga baru yang tidak pernah dilakukan sebelum ini," kata Richard James, seorang proffesor jurutera aeroangkasa dari Universiti of Minnesota , yang mengetuai pasukan penyelidikan itu. "Ia juga adalah betul-betul alternatif tenaga 'hijau' kerana ia menggunakan haba buangan untuk mencipta elektrik dengan penghasilan sifar karbon dioksida."
Partially edited by dauswq
To create the material, the research team combined elements at the atomic level to create a new multiferroic alloy, Ni45Co5Mn40Sn10. Multiferroic materials combine unusual elastic, magnetic and electric properties. The alloy Ni45Co5Mn40Sn10 achieves multiferroism by undergoing a highly reversible phase transformation where one solid turns into another solid. During this phase transformation the alloy undergoes changes in its magnetic properties that are exploited in the energy conversion device.
During a small-scale demonstration in a University of Minnesota lab, the new material created by the researchers begins as a non-magnetic material, then suddenly becomes strongly magnetic when the temperature is raised a small amount. When this happens, the material absorbs heat and spontaneously produces electricity in a surrounding coil. Some of this heat energy is lost in a process called hysteresis. A critical discovery of the team is a systematic way to minimize hysteresis in phase transformations. The team's research was recently published in the first issue of the new scientific journal Advanced Energy Materials.
Watch a short research video of the new material suddenly become magnetic when heated:
In addition to Professor James, other members of the research team include University of Minnesota aerospace engineering and mechanics post-doctoral researchers Vijay Srivastava and Kanwal Bhatti, and Ph.D. student Yintao Song. The team is also working with University of Minnesota chemical engineering and materials science professor Christopher Leighton to create a thin film of the material that could be used, for example, to convert some of the waste heat from computers into electricity.
"This research crosses all boundaries of science and engineering," James said. "It includes engineering, physics, materials, chemistry, mathematics and more. It has required all of us within the university's College of Science and Engineering to work together to think in new ways."
Funding for early research on the alloy came from a Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) grant from the U.S. Office of Naval Research (involving other universities including the California Institute of Technology, Rutgers University, University of Washington and University of Maryland), and research grants from the U.S. Air Force and the National Science Foundation. The research is also tentatively funded by a small seed grant from the University of Minnesota's Initiative for Renewable Energy and the Environment. |
walau pon apa tecnology yg berkaitan energy di cipta..i tetap sukakan panel solar
nnti cukup duet i nak beli |
Reply 2# areenarena
trylah carik kereta yg menggunakan tenaga solar
tak payah ;agi pikir nak isi minyak bagai |
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