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Post time 13-9-2011 06:39 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by nour2001 at 13-9-2011 18:43

Nak tanya pada otai2 disini...korang ada terdengar tak pasal cometh elenin/nibiru ni...discovered by a russian scientist dec 2010...dari 25th ke 28th September ni Elenin ni akan berada ditengah2 antara bumi dan matahari...masa tu bumi akan bergelap for few days....apa akan jadi kalau ada alignment ni.......banyak spekulasi big earthquakes,volcano rupture,tsunami akan berlaku...tiap kali berlaku alignment ni mmg akan berlaku big disasters mcm yg kat jepun,christchurch dan chile baru2 ni...

korang carilah kat internet bnyk information pasal Cometh ni...

planetary event expected this year..

September 27th Alignment with earth and sun
October 17th 2011 crosses earth Orbit
November 5th Earth Crosses through Debris field of Elenin
November 23 Last alignment upon Elenin Exit

kami laki bini sudah mula siapkan apa yg patut ( emergency survival kits)..pada family di malaysia pun kami sudah berpesan bersiap sedia..we are almost in the state of paranoia to be honest...prepare for the inevitable...

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Post time 13-9-2011 07:44 PM | Show all posts
xde apa yg nak ditakutkan.... tenang2 aja....

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 Author| Post time 13-9-2011 09:21 PM | Show all posts
yupp..maybe kitorg ni a bit worried over nothing..tapi itulah.hubby tu sudah ambik cuti on these few days in september..dok rumah je katanya.sib masa tu school break...dia pun follow up benda alah ni...siap kata arabic websites pun dah banyak ckp psl comet ni...mcm exaggarate tahap gila2 lah pulak..apa2pun we just wait and see je lah...

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Post time 13-9-2011 11:07 PM | Show all posts
10 Facts You Need to Know About Comet Elenin

1. Elenin is the name of the comet, not an acronym of anything (Extinction Level Event 9?) Traditionally comets are named for their discoverers.  Comet Elenin (also known to the International Astronomical Union as C/2010 X1) was discovered by Russian amateur astronomer Leonid Elenin on 10 December  2010 using the International Scientific Optical Network’s robotic observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico.

2. Elenin is a comet, a small and icy Solar System body. It is not a rogue planet or brown dwarf star (if it was it would be visible to the naked eye right now). It is not the same thing as Tyche (a hypothetical giant planet orbiting beyond Neptune proposed by a couple of astronomers to explain alleged irregularities in the orbits of some comets) or Nibiru (a wandering planet or star dreamt up by a couple of flaky authors in the 1990s).

3. At the time of discovery it was about 647 million km from the Sun (between Jupiter and Saturn’s orbits). Elenin is classed as a long-period comet. It takes 11 600 or so years to make a single lazy orbit of the Sun; most of this time it is very far from the Sun. It was discovered as it approaches the inner Solar System for one of its rare visits. As Comet Elenin gets nearer the Sun it is speeding up, a fact which concerns some commentators.  Spectulation about the comet being under technological control is unwarranted, its orbital motion is completely typical for such a comet, it is in no way anomalous as claimed in some parts of the internet. Astronomers are not baffled by it.

4. The comet’s nucleus is a lump of rock and ice estimated to be about 3-4 km across, this is quite small by comet standards. As it gets closer to the Sun, solar heat warms a comet’s surface, melting and vaporising ice.  This forms a large but incredibly thin atmosphere called the coma around the comet’s nucleus. Elenin’s coma is already about 100 000 km across, this sounds enormous but is not particularly large by comet standards. Eventually, when the comet is much closer to the Sun, the coma will probably shrink somehat as the comet develops a couple of long tails, one of gas, the other of dust freed from the comet’s nucleus as the ice around it boils into space. By the autumn the tails will have developed and made the comet more conspicuous. These tails will be so thin as to be to all intents and purposes a vacuum.

5. Comet Elenin will make its closest approach to the Sun on 10 September 2011 at a distance of 0.48 AU (an AU is an astronomical unit, equal to the average distance the Earth is from the Sun). It will not collide (as claimed by some internet sources) with the Earth, nor pass between the Earth and Moon. On 16 October 2011, the comet will be at its closest to Earth, when it will be about 34.9 million km (21.7 million miles or 0.233 AU) from our planet. This is more than 90 times further than the Moon is from the Earth.

6. As Elenin will not hit Earth, some have claimed instead that its gravitational effect on the Earth’s interior will cause earthquakes and similar cataclysms on our planet, offering the recent disasters in New Zealand and Japan as harbingers of the horrors to come.  This is nonsense. I estimate the comet’s nucleus to have a mass of about 20 billion tonnes, which is vast in human terms, minute in astronomical terms. Compared to the gravitational effects of the Moon and other planets, Elenin’s effects will be immeasurably small. In fact, Dear Reader, your gravitational influence on the Earth as you sit reading these words is greater than Comet Elenin’s will be at its strongest!

7. Since it will not strike Earth, or shake up the Earth’s crust, other doomsayers state as though they actually know something that the comet’s magnetic field will pull our planet off its axis. Not only does magnetism not work like that, but comets (chunks of ice and rock, remember) do not have any magnetic field!

8. Astronomers are not expecting much from Elenin. At its brightest, Comet Elenin will be a far from spectacular sight. It will be a dim object just on the edge of visibility to the unaided eye even in the darkest sky. Binoculars will show it as a faint milky smudge from late August to October. Over the weeks it will move across the constellation from Leo, Gemini to Taurus (there is nice chart of this at Despite its unspectacular nature, amateur and professional astronomers worldwide will be closely scrutinising the comet. Such long period comets are of great interest for what they can tell us about conditions at the dark and distant edge of the Solar System.

9. Some claim that pictures of Comet Elenin are being ruthlessly suppressed by some government conspiracy but this is a lie.  Astronomers, including amateurs, have photographed the comet. You can find a collection them at Seiichi Yoshida’s comet webpages.

10. Comet Elenin’s approach is not being covered up by the media or authorities. Articles on it have appeared in astronomy magazines and there has even been a press release from NASA. It has not been announced all over the BBC and CNN simply because it is just another small and dim comet like so many others (around a hundred comets were discovered in 2010, did any of them get any media coverage?) The most mysterious part of the whole affair is why so obscure a celestial body has caught the imagination of conspiracy theorists.

Finally, if anyone alarms you with grim predictions of doom about this little comet don’t just accept them, challenge them, ask for evidence, calculations and sources. Fight back against fearmongering!

source :

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Post time 13-9-2011 11:13 PM | Show all posts
Often, comets are portrayed as harbingers of gloom and doom in movies and on television, but most pose no threat to Earth. Comet Elenin, the latest comet to visit our inner solar system, is no exception. Elenin will pass about 22 million miles (35 million kilometers) from Earth during its closest approach on Oct. 16, 2011.

Also known by its astronomical name C/2010 X1, the comet was first detected on Dec. 10, 2010 by Leonid Elenin, an observer in Lyubertsy, Russia, who made the discovery "remotely" using an observatory in New Mexico. At that time, Elenin was about 401 million miles (647 million kilometers) from Earth. Since its discovery, Comet Elenin has – as all comets do – closed the distance to Earth's vicinity as it makes its way closer to perihelion, its closest point to the sun.

NASA scientists have taken time over the last several months to answer your questions. Compiled below are the some of the most popular questions, with answers from Don Yeomans of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., and David Morrison of the NASA Astrobiology Institute at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif.

Most Popular Questions About Comet Elenin

When will Comet Elenin come closest to the Earth and appear the brightest?
Comet Elenin should be at its brightest shortly before the time of its closest approach to Earth on Oct. 16, 2011. At its closest point, it will be 22 million miles (35 million kilometers) from us.

Will Comet Elenin come close to the Earth or between the Earth and the moon?
Comet Elenin will not come closer to Earth than 22 million miles (35 million kilometers). That's more than 90 times the distance to the moon.

Can this comet influence us from where it is, or where it will be in the future? Can this celestial object cause shifting of the tides or even tectonic plates here on Earth?
There have been incorrect speculations on the Internet that alignments of comet Elenin with other celestial bodies could cause consequences for Earth and external forces could cause comet Elenin to come closer. "Any approximate alignments of comet Elenin with other celestial bodies are meaningless, and the comet will not encounter any dark bodies that could perturb its orbit, nor will it influence us in any way here on Earth," said Don Yeomans, a scientist at NASA JPL.

"Comet Elenin will not only be far away, it is also on the small side for comets," said Yeomans. "And comets are not the most densely-packed objects out there. They usually have the density of something akin to loosely packed icy dirt.

"So you've got a modest-sized icy dirtball that is getting no closer than 35 million kilometers [about 22 million miles)," said Yeomans. "It will have an immeasurably minuscule influence on our planet. By comparison, my subcompact automobile exerts a greater influence on the ocean's tides than comet Elenin ever will."

I've heard about three days of darkness because of Comet Elenin. Will Elenin block out the sun for three days?
"As seen from the Earth, comet Elenin will not cross the sun's face," says Yeomans.

But even if it could cross the sun, which it can't, astrobiologist David Morrison notes that comet Elenin is about 2-3 miles (3-5 kilometers) wide, while the sun is roughly 865,000 miles (1,392,082 kilometers) across. How could such a small object block the sun, which is such a large object?

Let's think about an eclipse of the sun, which happens when the moon appears between the Earth and the sun. The moon is about 2,500 miles (4,000 kilometers) in diameter, and has the same apparent size as the sun when it is about 250,000 miles (400,000 kilometers) away -- roughly 100 times its own diameter. For a comet with a diameter of about 2-3 miles (3-5 kilometers) to cover the sun it would have to be within 250 miles (400 kilometers), roughly the orbital altitude of the International Space Station. However, as stated above, this comet will come no closer to Earth than 22 million miles.

I've heard there is a "brown dwarf" theory about Comet Elenin. Would its mass be enough to pull Comet Honda's trajectory a significant amount? Could this be used to determine the mass of Elenin?
Morrison says that there is no 'brown dwarf theory' of this comet. "A comet is nothing like a brown dwarf. You are correct that the way astronomers measure the mass of one object is by its gravitational effect on another, but comets are far too small to have a measureable influence on anything."

If we had a black or brown dwarf in our outer solar system, I guess no one could see it, right?
"No, that's not correct," says Morrison. "If we had a brown dwarf star in the outer solar system, we could see it, detect its infrared energy and measure its perturbing effect on other objects. There is no brown dwarf in the solar system, otherwise we would have detected it. And there is no such thing as a black dwarf."

Will Comet Elenin be visible to the naked eye when it's closer to us? I missed Hale-Bopp's passing, so I want to know if we'll actually be able to see something in the sky when Elenin passes.
We don't know yet if Comet Elenin will be visible to the naked eye. Morrison says, "At the rate it is going, seeing the comet at its best in early October will require binoculars and a very dark sky. Unfortunately, Elenin is no substitute for seeing comet Hale-Bopp, which was the brightest comet of the past several decades."

"This comet may not put on a great show. Just as certainly, it will not cause any disruptions here on Earth. But, there is a cause to marvel," said Yeomans. "This intrepid little traveler will offer astronomers a chance to study a relatively young comet that came here from well beyond our solar system's planetary region. After a short while, it will be headed back out again, and we will not see or hear from Elenin for thousands of years. That's pretty cool."

This comet has been called 'wimpy' by NASA scientists. Why?
"We're talking about how a comet looks as it safely flies past us," said Yeomans of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office. "Some cometary visitors arriving from beyond the planetary region – like Hale-Bopp in 1997 -- have really lit up the night sky where you can see them easily with the naked eye as they safely transit the inner-solar system. But Elenin is trending toward the other end of the spectrum. You'll probably need a good pair of binoculars, clear skies and a dark, secluded location to see it even on its brightest night."

Why aren't you talking more about Comet Elenin? If these things are small and nothing to worry about, why has there been no public info on Comet Elenin?
Comet Elenin hasn't received much press precisely because it is small and faint. Several new comets are discovered each year, and you don't normally hear about them either. The truth is that Elenin has received much more attention than it deserves due to a variety of Internet postings that are untrue. The information NASA has on Elenin is readily available on the Internet. (See If this comet were any danger to anyone, you would certainly know about it. For more information, visit NASA's AsteroidWatch site at

I've heard NASA has observed Elenin many times more than other comets. Is this true, and is NASA playing this comet down?
NASA regularly detects, tracks and characterizes asteroids and comets passing relatively close to Earth using both ground- and space-based telescopes. The Near-Earth Object Observations Program, commonly called "Spaceguard," discovers these objects, characterizes a subset of them and predicts their paths to determine if any could be potentially hazardous to our planet. For more information, visit the NASA-JPL Near Earth objects site at .

However, neither NASA nor JPL is in the business of actively observing Elenin or any other comet. Most of the posted observations are made by amateur astronomers around the world. Since Elenin has had so much publicity, it naturally has attracted more observers.

I was looking at the orbital diagram of Comet Elenin on the JPL website, and I was wondering why the orbit shows some angles when zooming? If you pick any other comet, you can see that there are no angles or bends.
Many people are trying to plot the orbit of the comet with the routine on the JPL website, without realizing that this is just a simple visualization tool. While the tool has been recently improved to show smoother trajectories near the sun, it is not a scientific program to generate an accurate orbit. Yeomans explains that the orbit plotter on the Near-Earth Object website is not meant to accurately depict the true motion of objects over long time intervals, nor is it accurate during close planetary encounters. For more accurate long-term plotting, Yeomans suggests using the JPL Horizons system instead: ... mp;sstr=C/2010%20X1 .

source : ... id=release_2011-255

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Post time 13-9-2011 11:23 PM | Show all posts
cmner ngn paksi bumi @ peralihan kutub bumi yng digembar gemburkan? dgr citer dh beralih 40 batu? {:1_126:} Prof. Mitchio kaku yg ckp la... tp ade 1 mnde yg aku prasan psal org tua nie stiap kli dia di temuramah... hehe

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Post time 19-9-2011 12:25 AM | Show all posts
Reply 6# shinnoezuke

    apakah kelainna itu???

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Post time 19-9-2011 04:23 PM | Show all posts
haha... cbe ko tgk sme video temuramah tv ngn Prof Mitchio Kaku... psl yellowstone, psl solar storm ke ape dia mention akn jd kt amerika... hehe;) mcm kesan perang dunia ke-2 mlekat lg kt dia... agk aku jela... org len tgk len pendapat... hehe ;)

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Post time 19-9-2011 05:24 PM | Show all posts
Yellowstone tu supervolcano...pasal solar storm tu tengok le sapa yang belah siang masa particle dari matahari tu sampai....

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Post time 19-9-2011 05:41 PM | Show all posts
spe2 bleh trngkn psl pole shift 2 x? aku tol2 nk tau... btol ke gmpar kt chile ari tue dh wtkn kutub bumi bergnjak 40 batu? klo kt youtube plak aku tgk thn lps pnyer bncana bumi dh tiap2 bln sbok b'lubang2 sne snie ( sinkhole )... 2 antara effect dia ke? xtau la youtube kencing aku so nk jgk tau spe2 yg pro bleh tnjuk ajar...

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Post time 20-9-2011 11:11 PM | Show all posts
Reply 8# shinnoezuke

bukan ke si dia ni dok america.... lama dah tak buka laman web dia....

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Post time 20-9-2011 11:14 PM | Show all posts
Reply 11# shinnoezuke

utk membaca ttg perkara ni, better ada sikit knowledge....
mungkin perlu jugak baca note dari pakar geologi juga...
last time, terbaca dimana, kedudukan sebenar north pole mmg takla jauh dari lokasi asal....

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Post time 21-9-2011 12:24 PM | Show all posts
Reply 12# me_ai

spe? Prof. Mitchio Kaku 2 ke? dia mmg duk amerika... slalu gk la tv temuramah dia... aku tgk video gmpa kt chile 2 kt youtube dorg yg rakam... mse 2 aku tgk sparuh dr kwsan tinggi kt stu runtuh... mak ai dahsyatnye kecut aku tgk... cbe bygkn gunung sparuh dari gunung 2 runtuh sparuh lg elok je tegak... lbih kurang cmtue la... pstue dia tunjuk ade sbijik rmah kt atas 2 rmh 2 pn tbelah dua... dahsyat jgk gmpa dorg... tp kn ade kne mngena ke ngn pole shift? huhu

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 Author| Post time 21-9-2011 04:03 PM | Show all posts
source universe today via msn.

Comet Elenin has sparked more than its fair share of doomsday talk over the past few months, but it looks as if the only chance of impending doom is for the comet itself: It is disintegrating and quickly fading away.

Australian amateur astronomer Michael Mattiazzo has been monitoring this comet’s trip toward perihelion (closest point in its orbit to the sun), which occurred on Sept. 10, and he says Comet Elenin has likely has not survived. It's barely visible as a disintegrating smudge in an image taken by Mattiazzo on Wednesday.

Comet Elenin — the comet that has created a hoopla of completely nonsensical, non-scientific doomsday predictions — faded dramatically after being hit by a solar flare on Aug. 20, as we reported earlier. Subsequent images revealed a spreading, diffuse coma. It will likely continue to fade and become more diffuse.

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..Elenin’s mass is smaller than average, and its trajectory will take it no closer than 21 million miles (34 million kilometers) of Earth during this orbit of the sun. It will make its closest approach to Earth on Oct. 16.

“On the night of August 19th, I estimated the brightness of Comet Elenin as magnitude 8.1 and it was on target for naked-eye observability in September,” Mattiazzo wrote on his website, Southern Comets. “On the following night of the 20th, the comet had faded dramatically by half a magnitude and appeared more diffuse. This was a sign of impending doom for Comet Elenin.”

Elenin is at about magnitude 10 now, and fading as it is in the process of disintegrating.

It failed to recover, (you can see a series of images taken between Aug. 19 and Sept. 11 on Mattiazzo’s website), with the comet’s nucleus taking on an elongated appearance with progressive fading.

Advertise | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoices.“Such acts of disruption are all too common for small comets that have close encounters with the sun,” Mattiazzo said.

One of the most spectacular examples of a comet breaking apart occurred in July 2000 when Comet C/1999 S4 LINEAR disintegrated, and several observatories had a good view of the action.

Elenin is now nearly in an inferior solar conjunction, where it will be directly between Earth and the sun. During that time, we won’t be able to see it, due to the brightness of the sun. Another amateur astronomer from Australia, Ian Musgrave, says it is doubtful that it will be bright enough to see in the cameras from the sun-orbiting SOHO spacecraft. We will probably have to wait until October, when the comet moves away from the sun, for powerful Earth-based telescopes to find out if any of the comet survives.

This report was originally published by Universe Today as "Comet Elenin Is Now Fading Away."



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Post time 25-9-2011 09:54 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 25-9-2011 22:01
Nak tanya pada otai2 disini...korang ada terdengar tak pasal cometh elenin/nibiru ni...discovered by ...
nour2001 Post at 13-9-2011 18:39

Salam nour.

Saya juga follow benda ni. Syg, tak ramai org di Malaysia yg mahu mengambil tahu tentang dunia sains/astronomi. Rasanya masyarakat kita lebih aktif dgn hiburan yg melalaikan. Anyway, kalau kita lihat gambar Elenin dgn lebih dekat lagi, kita akan nampak seolah2 Elenin ada sayap di kiri dan kanannya. Ada gelaran khas buatnya - The Winged Planet (TWP).

Pernah dgr tentang kisah2 bangsa Sumeria/Babylon tentang TWP ini? Atau The Hopi Phropecy (Red/Blue Kachina)? Atau kenapa kalendar kaum Mayan berakhir pada 28 Oktober, 2011 (bukannya 21 Disember, 2012, seperti yg ramai sangkakan)?

Just to play devil's advocate here - ada pendapat mengatakan, bukan Nibiru sebenarnya yg ditakuti, tetapi sebuah Planet lain di belakang Nibiru, yg tidak terlihat dgn teleskop biasa.

Para pengkaji amatur gempa bumi ada menjangkakan bahwa gempa bumi yg setaraf atau lbh kuat dari apa yg berlaku di Jepun awal tahun ini, bakal berlaku lagi sekitar 26-29 September, 2011. Cuma tak tau lokasi di mana.

Ironisnya, Obama juga skg kalau tak silap berada di Denver (International Airport), di mana ada D.U.M.B terbesar dibina di bawah tanah. Pope juga mengucapkan Selamat Tinggal di lapangan terbang German pd hari ini. Jadual selepas ini tak tahu dia akan ke mana. Beberapa conference dunia yg sepatutnya berlangsung, menjadi kosong, seawal 23-29 September. Para elit kononnya telah berkumpul di Denver (utk apa?). Dan 1 emergency drill skg sdg berlangsung di Denver juga, yg membabitkan 81 agensi keselamatan (kalau tak silap), dari seluruh US. Emergency drill, atau persiapan menghadapi bencana sebenar?

Masih ingat lagi tentang beberapa org CEO syarikat2 gergasi yg tiba2 saja meletakkan jawatan sebelum ini? Kenapa? Adakah mereka tahu sesuatu yg kita tak tahu?

Sesiapa yg beragama Islam, klu ada teliti tentang hadis2 berkaitan perubahan tempat/cuaca, sebenarnya akan dpt tangkap apa yg akan terjadi. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w awal2 dah bagi clue. Cuma kita saja yg tak ambil peduli. Sadis bukan?

So yes, it is going to happen. Dah mmg begitu ketentuannya. Skg ni kita cuma menunggu saja. Sesiapa yg nak bersedia, bersedialah apa yg patut. Sesiapa yg tak nak percaya, teruskanlah dgn kehidupan anda skg.

Allah knows best.

P.S Btw, don't believe everything NASA tells you. Elenin reaches perihelion, Elenin disintegrates, Elenin is monitored by intelligent beings, etc...  They will only tell you what they 'want' you to know.



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 Author| Post time 26-9-2011 06:27 AM | Show all posts
Salam nour.

Saya juga follow benda ni. Syg, tak ramai org di Malaysia yg mahu mengambil tahu ...
andria Post at 25-9-2011 21:54

    finally ada jugak yg follow. .i've joined group called disclosur3 difacebook..disitu mcm2 information boleh dpt...mayan sumeria prophecies mmg ada mentioned the winged planet..but someone disputed the prophecies that world ends in 2012 because the mayans was invaded by spain, hence their last calender being teh2012...i think something is behind elenin, that is not told by nasa..of course nasa will have to cover their ass, can't believe them 100%..brown dwarf planet?..
i'm waiting to see whats going to happen tomorrow as elenin is scheduled to align with sun and earth...they predicted major earthquakes is going to happen, even predicting japan is going to vanished (that's too far fetched and i don't believe thi bs)..for this month the earthquakes activities around the world has been very frequent than before...ada yg tgh monitor Mt Tambora di indonesia sbb ada sign active..
in the us pulak, 2 underground nuclear were reportedly being destroyed, one at washington the other one not sure, hence the tremors.....and the emergency drills around this time will of course raise suspicious for those who is following this elenin kan...and coincidently Obama will be at denver but whether he is going to be at DUMB remain to be seen..meanwhile The Russians is building thousands of bunkers since last year...what about our govt? in oz is very quiet too, scary shit...i
adoi..mmg rasa seram takut pun ada...we have been stocking up foods and some other emergency survival kits..sound paranoia, i know...

apa2pun as a  muslim kita kena berserah pada Allah swt, He knows the best what is going to happen...hampir semua tanda2 besar akhir zaman sudah ada....beramal lah like we are going to die tomorrow..



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Post time 26-9-2011 08:04 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by alphawolf at 26-9-2011 08:06

You guys believe the people who were said to predict the end of the world but who can't even predict the end of their empire?

BTW, just curious...what were you guys' action during the hoohah about the millenium 10 years ago?

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 Author| Post time 26-9-2011 08:54 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 26-9-2011 09:05 AM | Show all posts
tu yg brouhaha tahun 2000 tu saya tak percaya sikit pun..masa tu cuma fikir plan nak migrate je... about 2012 prophecies saya tak de lah percaya 100% tapi sekarang ni  terlalu bnyk coincidental events yg berlaku.. .dlm Al Quran pun ada mentioned pasal bintang2 yg is happening now...apa2pun aku percaya Allah swt sahaja mengetahui segala2nya..He has given us all signs big and small, nak percaya atau tak percaya terpulang pada kita sendiri...

You guys believe the people who were said to predict the end of the world but who can't even predict ...
alphawolf Post at 26-9-2011 08:04

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Post time 26-9-2011 12:48 PM | Show all posts
aku pn follow jgk mnde nie tp just amek tau je xde la nk riso2 sgt... klo iktkn aku dh t'kncing ngn movie 2012 tue... cm btol je nk blaku... why not graphics power beb...!!! D'ulang "GRAPHIC POWER!!!" cite real gler aku plak jnis ske tgk movie yg gmbor real2 tue yg smpai t'kncing tue ( tertipu la mksud aku )... tp pkir2 blek ala bknnye ade mnde pn... so bru aku gne kple otak aku ngn sbaik2nye... slah satu kebaikan yg aku dpt dr citer tue aku mle jd peka ngn ape yg blaku d'sekeliling aku... mle la sbok2 nk tgk world news mmandangkan skg pn dh bnyak bncana alam yg blaku so aku pn sbok2 la nk tau klo x aku wt bodoh je... hehe Then,aku mle t'pikir blek psl movie 2012 tue... Bkn psl kiamat@End Of Days bg aku la... msg sbrnye dia nk smpaikn bncana alam yg dh mlambak2 blaku skng nie spya manusia tue peka ngn skelilingnya... tue ape yg aku nmpak la... pndapat aku... len org len pndapatnye... hehe... sile2 hidupkn tread nie aku ske... hehe

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