Product:Dr. For Skin Stretch Line Cream
Weight: 180ML
Price:MYR 77.40
Email: [email protected]
What is stretch mark?Stretch mark is aform of chapped skin caused by sudden expansion of muscle tissues when skinmetabolism doesn’t work well.
The primary cause of stretch marks is the sudden weight gaincaused by pregnancy or fatness or dramatic growth in height during puberty.Stretch marks are usually seen on the abdomen, thighs, hips, breasts, upperarms or on your body that can accumulate fat easily.
Types of Stretch Marks
1. Stretch marks caused by pregnancy and childbirth
- It appears when adrenal cortical hormone is secreted forthe protection of fetus and skin is expanded by fetal growth during pregnancy.It can also appear when your swollen belly goes down all of a sudden aftergiving a birth.
2. Stretch marks caused by fatness or diet
- It is usually seen when your skin conditions become badfrom sudden weight gain or diet.
3. Stretch marks caused by weight change duringadolescent period
- In case of teenagers during adolescent period, this ismore common in girls than boys. This is because adrenal cortical hormone issecreted more in girls than boys during puberty.
4. Disease or use of steroid medicines for a long time
- It happens even when you use steroid medicines for a longtime.
It is important to prevent this stretch mark in advancebefore it develops, because the stretch marks that have already formed will bedifficult to get rid of or restore from.
Intensive Skincare Cream for stretch marks
- It helps prevent and relieve stretch marks formedbefore or after childbirth, during puberty, when you controlyour weight or you are on a severe diet.
- It increases skin elasticity and makes uneven skinsurface smooth.
- It is effective in caring abdominal drooping skin andreducing swelling.
- It controls capricious skin condition or dry skin. |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki