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Transformers 4: Age of Extinction' title reveal & first teaser poster

Pictured left to right: Jack Reynor; Mark Wahlberg; 2nd Assistant B-Camera Casey "Walrus" Howard; 1st Assistant B-Camera John Kairis with back to camera; B-Camera Operator Lukasz Bielan; Director Michael Bay; and Director of Photography Amir Mokri. Photo credit: Andrew Cooper

Introducing the new Bumblebee, 2014 Concept Camaro#Transformers4

Roll out! Take a look at the completely upgraded Optimus Prime along with two brand-new Autobots in exclusive photos from the set of Transformers 4

The adventure continues to transform with a very different offering from Daimler Trucks North America... the imposing 2014 Argosy cab-over truck by Freightliner. #Transformers4

Considered a masterpiece of design and engineering, this fierce, 2013 blood red Pagani Huayra, is named after an ancient Andean God of Wind. #Transformers4

Unveiling yet another surprise . . . the extraordinary and exhilarating 2013 Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 Coupe.

Micheal Bay could be heading back to the director's chair for the fourth installment in the "Transformers" series, but as always, there's more to the story than meets the eye. New York magazine's Vultureblog is reporting that Bay and Paramount are close to signing a deal that would bring the director back for the fourth go-round. The source cited in the report stated that a fourth "Transformers" movie is Paramount's bargaining chip with Bay, who has been trying to make "Pain and Gain," a true-life low-budget thriller, since 1999.Paramount declined MTV News' request for comment.
Rumors about a fourth "Transformers" movie have been circulating for months, but most of them concern a proposed replacement for the series' former star, Shia LaBeouf. Jason Statham was said to be up for the lead in the fourth and fifth entries in the series, but the actor denied his involvement. As recently as October, Bay had said that he had not entered into discussions with Paramount about possibly directing the next two "Transformers" movies. He took to his own Shoot for the Edit blog to swat down claims he was in negotiations with the studio. Again, he asserted that his attention was focused on "Pain and Gain." But early Wednesday (December 7) morning, Michael Bay took to his personal blog once again to comment on Vulture's original report. The thread's subject reads, "Now now I'm not decided on Transformers 4," and the director confirmed plans for "Pain and "Gain." "Studio's are passing rumors but I'm not sure what I'm doing? I know I'm going to do Pain and Gain early spring but that's it for right now," Bay wrote. "I'm leaving all my options on the table. I've got several Studio meetings in the next two weeks."
The reporT from Vulture does account for "Pain." If the deal is to go through for "Transformers 4," Bay is likely to shoot "Pain" immediately and start production on "Transformers" in latE 2012. According to the article, the film would definitely not be a prequel to the previous three and would dig deeper into the franchise for new characters that haven't been explored yet.
Pada pandangan aku :: Transformers tidak boleh tinggalkan Shia LaBeouf. Sam telah memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam sekuel Transformers. Megatron dan kebanyakkan Decepticons telah mati dan kita tidak boleh hidupkan kembali Megatron. Rasanya banyak lagi robot-robot jahat yang boleh diketengahkan sebagai leader Decepticons ... Filem ini masih diperingkat perbincangan dan pembangunan di antara Micheal Bay, Steven Spielberg, Hasbro dan Sony Pictures. Aku sangat harap agar sekuel Transformers ini boleh dihasilkan sebanyak mungkin ,,, mungkin lebih dari sekuel Harry Potter ... ternyata peminat filem Transformers mempunyai peminatnya yang tersendiri dan ini dinyatakan dengan kejayaan filem Transformers : Dark of the Moon yang menduduki carta ke-4 All Time Movies selepas Avatar, Titanic, Harry Potter and The Deadly Hallows Part 2.... Last edited by matabelalang on 4-9-2013 09:26 AM
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walaupon ada org kata jemu dgn filem transformers... bg aku ...ianya tetap besh ! dan sgt layan.... buatlah sampai chapter 10 pon aku sanggup follow |
kalo nak bikin pun..buat la pasal cybertron wars...boring asik kat planet bumi jer diorg bergasak... |
Reply 3# pisang69
idea yang bagus ... bolehlah beritahu Micheal Bay ...
cuba tengok filem Star Wars ... perjalanan filem seperti kebelakang apabila Goerge Lucas mendedahkan siapa itu Darth Vader, Obi One, Yoga dll ...
Kita pun tahu sedikit sebanyak kisah di sebalik peperangan Cybertron apabila diceritakan oleh Optimus Prime dalam ketiga-tiga filem tersebut ... |
yeay!!  |
sekarang apa yang aku buat ... banyak beli minature transformers di kedai toy ur us ... buat collection item |
sekarang apa yang aku buat ... banyak beli minature transformers di kedai toy ur us ... buat collect ...
matabelalang Post at 3-1-2012 22:52 
pergi hobby shop lagi best.... byk yg rare, cuba kumpul henkei bro, cantik,..... |
aku pon minat gak... ari tu ada yg cakap dark moon tak best sebab sembang bnyk... tp, aku tengok suspen jer... maybe yg x minat dorang cakap camtu yer tak... |
kalo nak bikin pun..buat la pasal cybertron wars...boring asik kat planet bumi jer diorg bergasak...
pisang69 Post at 3-1-2012 15:47 
yes... idea gempak... |
yang penting kalau kuar lagi aku nak tengok 3D... |
Tapi kalau nak lagi best kalau MB nak buat citer Transformers ni jadi crossover dgn citer lain... Mesti lagi masyuk... Ni pun aku tgh meroyan nak menunggu The Avengers kuar kat pawagam... |
Reply 7# wqe1922
kat mne kedia tu ??? |
Reply 12# matabelalang
kat time square ada, kat kota damansara ada, kalo rajin masuk forum lowyat, cari transformers punya thread.... kalo nak saya pun ada gak nak jual.... hehehe |
Tapi kalau nak lagi best kalau MB nak buat citer Transformers ni jadi crossover dgn citer lain... Me ...
budakgraphic Post at 4-1-2012 13:07 
crossover kaloo version toys dah ada...hehehe |
crossover kaloo version toys dah ada...hehehe
wqe1922 Post at 5-1-2012 16:02 
Huhuhu, ni nak yg version movie punya... Hehehe, btw yg version toys, crossover dgn citer apa? |
Reply 16# budakgraphic
x men ada, hulk ada, star wars...lain2 aku dah lupa... hehehe... |
Reply budakgraphic
x men ada, hulk ada, star wars...lain2 aku dah lupa... hehehe...
wqe1922 Post at 5-1-2012 23:38 
Huhuhu, best gak tu... Tapi aritu member aku gi Jepun... Dia ckp kat sana lagi heaven bagi toys lover... Huhuhu, semua toys yg rare leh jumpa kat sana... Kat malaysia ni susah nak cari, kalau ada pun harga dah mark up tahap gantung diri punya.... |
Reply 18# budakgraphic
sana mmg la best.... boleh lupa diri kalo dpt pergi..... |
Reply budakgraphic
sana mmg la best.... boleh lupa diri kalo dpt pergi.....
wqe1922 Post at 6-1-2012 09:46 
Hahaha, tapi satu je yg tak best kat sana... cost of living sangat tinggi... Naik teksi paling murah pun dlm RM40, walaupun jarak takde ar jauh mana pun... Tu tak kira kalau naik train diorang... Mau mkn ratus2 kalau utk perjalanan yg agak jauh... Huhuhu... |
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