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masalah dengan akaun celcom
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hi saya nak tumpang tanya. nombor celcom saya ni dah 2 bulan tak top up, tiba2 saya nak top up balik tak boleh. asyik fail je. kenapa yek
saya ingat dah mati tapi bila masuk dalam online customer boleh login lagi. ni dia status akaun saya. saya tak faham la siapa2 boleh tolong explen sikit.
Plan: X2
Activation Date : Not available
Length of Stay: null months
Credit Balance: RM
Valid Until: 07/02/2012
Status: Pooled
jadi kenapa saya tak boleh nak topup balik ni? boleh tolong tak |
celcom kalo da lebih 55 hari tak topup, memang akan expired terus kan? ke tak? tak ingat plak. |
Reply 3# namawek
sile pegi celcom branch utk reactivate balik...kena byr rm10 kalo xsilap... |
a'ar dah expired la tu....
adif pun gune X2 gak... |
Reply 3# namawek
tak sure la. saya pakai celcom broadband prepaid skmm tu, dia ada antar msg. ckp suh topup dalam tempoh 50 hari. kalo x, akan expired. pastu plak, kalau tak topup, lebih dari sebulan, kredit dalam tu pon expired.
bila nak topup, dia ckp fail ape? |
Reply namawek
sile pegi celcom branch utk reactivate balik...kena byr rm10 kalo xsilap...
niniewawaa Post at 9-4-2012 11:21 
bila dah reactivate tu kredit yg baki dulu2 tu ada lagi ke |
bila dah reactivate tu kredit yg baki dulu2 tu ada lagi ke
namawek Post at 9-4-2012 13:38 
rasanyer burn kot...hampoon tuan tanahhhhhhh 
setahu ninie kalo top up b4 grace period (50 ari tuh) balance carry on
Terms & Conditions
4. Airtime Credits
Airtime Credits can only be used during the Active Period stated in the User Guide starting from the date of your last recharge or first call made and varies with the denomination of Airtime Credits purchased. Airtime Credits and/or any balance of Airtime Credits in your Account are not redeemable for cash.
All your current unused Airtime Credits are recorded in your account maintained on your behalf by Celcom ("Account"). If you fail to recharge your Account before the expiry of the Grace Period stated in the User Guide, your Account will be terminated and your mobile number will be withdrawn with immediate effect without any prior written notice from Celcom.
Celcom will deduct from your Account the value of the Service used by you from time to time at call charges rates stipulated in the User Guide and/or as may be imposed at Celcom’s absolute discretion from time to time.
5. SIM Card
The Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Card or similar identity device remains, at all times, the exclusive property of Celcom and you shall not transfer the SIM Card without our prior written consent. Celcom is not under any obligation to compensate you for your lost, stolen, damaged, faulty or cloned SIM Card or for any unused call credit balance. If Celcom chooses to replace your SIM Card, you may be charged for such replacement in the amount as may be determined by Celcom at any time. Celcom will replace a defective SIM Card at no cost if the defect is proven to our satisfaction to have been caused by the manufacturer or supplier and provided that you return the defective SIM Card to us within 14 days from the date the Services are activated.
6. Fraudulent Use or Loss of SIM Card
In the event of loss, theft, unauthorized use and/or cloning of the SIM Card you shall immediately notify Celcom. You shall remain liable for all charges and costs incurred in relation to the SIM Card including all costs associated with its unauthorized use. |
bila nak top up, dia tulis sama macam kalau kita masuk nombor pin salah. tapi dah puas buat 3 kali ...
namawek Post at 9-4-2012 13:41 
cer try call 1111 gune simkad tuh..kalo awk xleh call maknenyer memamng xleh gune sbb dah expired |
Reply namawek
sile pegi celcom branch utk reactivate balik...kena byr rm10 kalo xsilap...
niniewawaa Post at 9-4-2012 11:21 
wa kena pay rm100 ritu |
wa kena pay rm100 ritu
moyas Post at 11-4-2012 08:23 
nape 100 ek? sbb me penah pg wat kena 10 je... |
cer try call 1111 gune simkad tuh..kalo awk xleh call maknenyer memamng xleh gune sbb dah ...
niniewawaa Post at 9-4-2012 13:47 
boleh lagi, cuma tak boleh topup je. |
wa kena pay rm100 ritu
moyas Post at 11-4-2012 08:23 
haaa? kenapa kena bayar rm100 pulak? baik beli simcard baru kalau camtu |
nape 100 ek? sbb me penah pg wat kena 10 je...
niniewawaa Post at 11-4-2012 08:31 
entah wa g celcom ttdi. dia soh wa byr 100 utk re-active nomot tue. tp duit tu ada la dlm ledit wa |
haaa? kenapa kena bayar rm100 pulak? baik beli simcard baru kalau camtu
namawek Post at 11-4-2012 09:21 
tur wa nk sgt nomot tue. wa byr ja. actually wa pakai postpaid. tue nomot hp wa yg ke-dua |
boleh lagi, cuma tak boleh topup je.
namawek Post at 11-4-2012 09:20 
per kata call 1111 tuh...pastuh tanye free jer pon..tanye status n dorg akan ckp ape yg kena wat |
tur wa nk sgt nomot tue. wa byr ja. actually wa pakai postpaid. tue nomot hp wa yg ke-dua
moyas Post at 11-4-2012 10:12 
sebab awak guna postpaid la agaknya. takkan la saya nak reactivate balik kena bayar rm100. gila la celcom ni  |
per kata call 1111 tuh...pastuh tanye free jer pon..tanye status n dorg akan ckp ape yg ke ...
niniewawaa Post at 11-4-2012 13:42 
saya call dia cakap kena pegi celcom center jugak. dia nak suruh bayar la tu:@ |
saya call dia cakap kena pegi celcom center jugak. dia nak suruh bayar la tu
namawek Post at 11-4-2012 14:18 
mmg kena bayar pon...just tnye dorg bape kena byr.... |
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