A picture is said to be worth a thousand words, though fact versus fable can be difficult to determine when evidence is limited and theories run wild. Stories associated with these images are not easy to explain or even not at all probable. Here are 10 of the most mysterious and unexplained photos that probably have an altogether explanation.
Babushka Lady
Hessdalen Lights
Hook Island Sea Monster
Solway Firth Spaceman
S.S. Watertown Ghosts
Black Knight Satellite
Copper Falling Body
Geophone Rock Anomaly
Goddard's Squadron Photograph
The Mysterious Case Of Elisa Lam
4. somehow, report untuk pengesahan sama ada elisa lam di bawah pengaruh dadah atau tak masa kejadian asyiklah delay. tak tahu sama ada sengaja nak sembunyikan sesuatu, atau apa.
5. ada yang speku video CCTV footage tu dah di-edit.
6. ada jugak yang speku kenapa pintu lif tu tak tutup2 pasal ada orang (atau sesuatu) yang dok tekan button kat luar lif tu.
7. misteri yang lain, diorang terpaksa drill tangki air tu untuk keluarkan elisa lam. so macam mana elisa lam boleh masuk dalam tangki air tu? sebabnya, mayat dah kembung. sebab tu tak lepas nak keluarkan. mystery solved.