VO Genesis Review In Luke 24:27 we have the story of an event after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus was walking along the road to Emmaus with disciples who did not recognize Him. As they walked, He listened to their depression and gloom because Christ had been crucified. Finally, He said to them, "Oh fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have said," and starting at the beginning of the Scriptures He showed them out ofMoses and the Prophets how Christ should have suffered all these things.
Jesus Christ Himself identified Genesis as a Book of Moses. It was not necessary then, nor has it ever been necessary, for people to be present in order to accurately record what happened if the Holy Ghost reveals this truth to them in a special, supernatural dispensation. The Scriptures neither uphold nor allow extra-Biblical revelations. But in many instances in the Bible, such as David and the Psalms and St. Luke in the passage just noted, holy men have written of things that they were not present to see and hear. St. Paul wrote of things that happened in the old times. This, Orthodox Christianity believes, is entirely consistent with how the Scriptures came into being. When God, by the Holy Ghost, reveals what happened, then the person who writes it down is reflecting accurately what happened even though he himself was not there. After all, the Holy Ghost Who revealed the story to Moses was there. Thus the Orthodox Christian position that Moses was the human author of the Book of Genesis is in no way influenced by his not having been there.
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