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Borneo Td:624 |Th:21613|Rank:4 

Moderator: Vellfire, tari

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Hide sticky threads [Borneo] Mari Tepek Gif Picture [V10] attach_img  ...23456..96
Vellfire    |   4-3-2025 07:56 AM    |   View:10714   |   Reply:1919    |   Likes: 0
Tashu 12-3-2025 11:15 AM This Forum
Hide sticky threads [Borneo] ✿Mutiara Kata Imej [V5]~5 post per day✿ attach_img
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 09:21 AM    |   View:4316   |   Reply:19    |   Likes: 0
Tashu 12-3-2025 11:11 AM This Forum
Hide sticky threads [Borneo] Good Morning Images [One Post per Day] 10 kredit attach_img  ...23456..120
Vellfire    |   14-11-2023 01:47 AM    |   View:48278   |   Reply:2412    |   Likes: 8
tari 12-3-2025 11:07 AM This Forum
Hide sticky threads [Borneo] ❀Jom share gambar makanan yg korang makan❀[V4]~5 post per day attach_img  ...23456..48
Vellfire    |   31-1-2025 08:57 AM    |   View:21674   |   Reply:958    |   Likes: 0
nuki12 12-3-2025 10:12 AM This Forum
Hide sticky threads [Borneo] ♫VIDEO LAGU KEGEMARAN ANDA[V6]~5 post per day♬  ...23456..38
Vellfire    |   7-2-2025 08:57 AM    |   View:13979   |   Reply:747    |   Likes: 0
Tashu 12-3-2025 10:02 AM This Forum
Hide sticky threads [Borneo] RUMAH BORAK BORNEO~ARAM BERANDAU attach_img  ...23456..30
Vellfire    |   2-11-2024 11:20 AM    |   View:70374   |   Reply:590    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 09:44 AM This Forum
Hide sticky threads [Borneo] Bilik Mesyuarat Moderator BORNEO~2024 - [Read permissions 255] ...23456
Vellfire    |   17-3-2024 08:34 PM    |   View:171   |   Reply:102    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 11-3-2025 08:24 AM This Forum
Hide sticky threads [Borneo] ✿Mutiara Kata Imej [V4]~5 post per day✿ attach_img  ...23456..303
Vellfire    |   17-7-2024 08:47 AM    |   View:76730   |   Reply:6046    |   Likes: 1
nona84 13-3-2023 09:24 AM
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[Sarawak] Kerajaan Sarawak komited bantu usahawan wanita tingkat taraf hidup New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 12:20 PM    |   View:79   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 12:20 PM
[Sarawak] Kereta bertembung lori tunda, empat termasuk kanak-kanak cedera New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 12:18 PM    |   View:104   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 12:18 PM
[Sarawak] Aspek keselamatan, kebersihan makanan jadi keutamaan di Bazar Ramadan Saratok New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 12:16 PM    |   View:150   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 12:16 PM
[Sarawak] Sagah gesa siasat dakwaan buli di sekolah menengah di Serian New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 12:14 PM    |   View:194   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 12:14 PM


[Sarawak] Balai Polis Sentral Sibu lancar program ‘Talk To Us’ New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 12:12 PM    |   View:225   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 12:12 PM
[Sarawak] Dua lelaki miliki senapang, peluru dan dadah ditangkap New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 12:11 PM    |   View:279   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 12:11 PM
[Sarawak] DAPSY diharap tiada agenda lain berikutan kenyataan mahu bekerjasama dengan GPS New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 12:10 PM    |   View:311   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 12:10 PM
[Sarawak] Loji CCGT Miri hasilkan hidrogen Disember 2027 New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 12:07 PM    |   View:389   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 12:07 PM
[Sarawak] Astana Negeri anjur Majlis Bersungkei 1446H/2025M bersama ketua masyarakat New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 12:05 PM    |   View:422   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 12:05 PM
[Sarawak] Empat operasi PGA Sarawak catat rampasan RM13.5 juta New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 12:02 PM    |   View:495   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 12:02 PM
[Sarawak] Abang Johari hadiri Majlis Berbuka Puasa di DUN Sarawak New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:59 AM    |   View:610   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:59 AM
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[Sarawak] 4,465 penerima bantuan bulanan kebajikan di Kuching terima sumbangan Sejambak Kasih Aidilfitri 2025 New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:57 AM    |   View:681   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:57 AM
[Sarawak] Kebajikan mangsa banjir terus dijaga dengan baik New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:55 AM    |   View:752   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:55 AM
[Sarawak] Banjir semakin reda, tiga PPS di Trusan ditutup New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:54 AM    |   View:813   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:54 AM
[Sarawak] PKR Sarawak usulkan agar pencalonan Anwar sebagai presiden tidak dicabar New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:51 AM    |   View:930   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:51 AM
[Sarawak] Bangunan Anjung Usahawan Lawas bernilai RM3.8 juta beroperasi Jun ini New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:45 AM    |   View:1080   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:45 AM
[Sarawak] MPV bertembung lori, tiga maut dan tiga parah New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:43 AM    |   View:1109   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:43 AM
[Sarawak] Lelaki dilaporkan hilang dijumpai lemas di Batang Rajang New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:39 AM    |   View:1197   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:39 AM
[Sarawak] Tindakan pantas bomba elak kebakaran rumah panjang terus merebak New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:35 AM    |   View:1317   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:35 AM
[Sarawak] DAPSY Sarawak sedia bekerjasama dengan GPS jika benar-benar komited tuntut hak minyak, gas New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:31 AM    |   View:1382   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:31 AM
[Sabah] Mangsa banjir berkurang kepada 2,655 hanya 18 PPS aktif New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:26 AM    |   View:1516   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:26 AM
[Sabah] Warga emas melecur dalam kebakaran di Penampang New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:25 AM    |   View:1575   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:25 AM
[Sabah] Visi Hajiji menjadikan Sabah lebih gemilang New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:21 AM    |   View:1710   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:21 AM
[Sabah] Nota Kerjasama DBKK, SPRM pastikan aspek tadbir urus bandaraya bebas rasuah New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:18 AM    |   View:1837   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:18 AM


[Sabah] Banjir Sabah semakin pulih, mangsa berkurang 3,230 New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:12 AM    |   View:2014   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:12 AM
[Sabah] Program BAIK bantu pelajar miliki komputer riba New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:11 AM    |   View:2050   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:11 AM
[Sabah] Tindakan pihak berkuasa bersihkan sisa pada pembetung dipuji New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:07 AM    |   View:2205   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:07 AM
[Sabah] ELMU tawar tajaan belajar anggota, keluarga APM New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 11:05 AM    |   View:2285   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 11:05 AM
[Sabah] Sekolah terjejas banjir akan terima bantuan TPNS New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 10:58 AM    |   View:2525   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 10:58 AM
[Sabah] JIM Sabah hantar pulang 150 PTI ke negara asal New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 10:53 AM    |   View:2626   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 10:53 AM
[Sabah] Mangsa banjir Beaufort dan Membakut menerima bantuan tunai RM1,300 dan makanan New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 10:51 AM    |   View:2676   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 10:51 AM
[Sabah] Tiga rumah terbakar di Skim Penempatan Telipok New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 10:49 AM    |   View:2741   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 10:49 AM
[Sabah] KUSKOP, MIDE perkukuh kerjasama selaras pembangunan usahawan Sabah New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 10:46 AM    |   View:2758   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 10:46 AM
[Sabah] Sindiket pembelian kad ATM tumpas New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 10:43 AM    |   View:2770   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 10:43 AM
[Sabah] Festival dan Anugerah Pempengaruh HyperLive Impact 2025 meriah New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 10:42 AM    |   View:2760   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 10:42 AM
[Sabah] Pemuda Gagasan Rakyat cadang lima nama calon New
Vellfire    |   12-3-2025 10:39 AM    |   View:2776   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 12-3-2025 10:39 AM
[Borneo] Best Life Quotes That Will Inspire You [V3] agree  ...23456..155
Vellfire    |   20-1-2025 09:30 AM    |   View:21058   |   Reply:3094    |   Likes: 0
linda74 12-3-2025 10:18 AM
[Sabah] Program BAIK bantu pelajar miliki komputer riba attach_img New
tatod    |   11-3-2025 07:25 PM    |   View:10436   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
tatod 11-3-2025 07:25 PM
[Sabah] Pendaftaran Sugandoi Kaamatan Tuaran mula dibuka attach_img New
tatod    |   11-3-2025 07:17 PM    |   View:10381   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
tatod 11-3-2025 07:17 PM
[Sabah] Lelaki didakwa amang seksual budak lelaki, 10 Tahun attach_img New
tatod    |   11-3-2025 07:12 PM    |   View:10034   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
tatod 11-3-2025 07:12 PM
[Sabah] DBKK audit bangunan berusia lebih 40 tahun attach_img New
tatod    |   11-3-2025 06:24 PM    |   View:7244   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
tatod 11-3-2025 06:24 PM
[Sarawak] Lelaki dipenjara empat tahun kerana menyebabkan kematian lelaki lain New
Vellfire    |   11-3-2025 12:44 PM    |   View:1715   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 11-3-2025 12:44 PM
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