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Author: dauswq

CARI 2012 K-Drama Awards [Peringkat Awal Saringan sehingga 11:59pm 13/1/2013]

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 Author| Post time 10-1-2013 11:24 AM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 10-1-2013 02:29 AM
sambung sini yek..

K-Dramalovers' Choice: The Most Memorable Scene  (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Scen ...

rase nak nangis jek tgk list kau ni...
betul2 menggamit memori lama

bak kate kia, pencalonan diterima


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Post time 10-1-2013 04:44 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 10-1-2013 11:24 AM
rase nak nangis jek tgk list kau ni...
betul2 menggamit memori lama

hahaa.. baru perasan.. scene yg aku pilih semua scene yg sedih2..

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 Author| Post time 10-1-2013 04:51 PM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 10-1-2013 04:44 PM
hahaa.. baru perasan.. scene yg aku pilih semua scene yg sedih2..

asl kau tak nominate jek scene lee yeo ji tgk video jong ju suk mase die idup?
dh 2 org calonkan scene tgk video tu yg plg memorable bg diorg

tak yah edit lagi , saje nak kasi scene tu tercalon dlm top 5 bile dpt point tertinggi...
jht giler
abaikan posting kecik di atas

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Post time 10-1-2013 04:56 PM | Show all posts
rukiaichigo posted on 10-1-2013 08:42 AM
wow, siap kena buat 2 posts tu... terbaik!!!
pencalonan anda diterima. terima kasih atas undian a ...

macam nak tulis report pulak kan..
nak buat camna.. aku nak make sure AJK betul2 paham scene mana yg aku maksudkan.. hahahah

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Post time 10-1-2013 05:14 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 10-1-2013 04:51 PM
asl kau tak nominate jek scene lee yeo ji tgk video jong ju suk mase die idup?
dh 2  ...

oh ye ke... scene tu pon antara scene yg aku suka.. (dan antara scene yg buat aku nangis tak hengat)
sebenarnya banyak sangat scenes yg memorable bagi aku.. especially citer king 2 hearts & rooftop prince, dua citer ni  banyak betul mengabiskan air mata aku...


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Post time 11-1-2013 12:17 AM | Show all posts
*Drama of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-drama)
1.  Rooftop Prince
2. Moon Embraces The Sun
3. The King 2 Hearts

*Best Screenplay / ScriptWriting (CARI 2012 Best Screenplay)
1. Rooftop Prince
2. Nice Guy
3. Moon Embraces The Sun

*Critically Acclaimed Actor of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Actor)
1. Park Yoo Chun - Rooftop Prince
2. Song Jong Ki - Nice Guy
2. Kim Soo Hyun - Moon Embrace The Sun

The Most Popular Actor of The Year (CARI 2012 The Most Popular K-Drama Actor)
1. Park Yoo Chun - Rooftop Prince
2. Lee Jung Ki - Arang The Magistrate
3. Song Jong Ki - Nice Guy

*Critically Acclaimed Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Actress)
1. Lee Si Young - Wild Romance
2. Han Ji Min - Rooftop Prince Ha Ji Won - King 2Hearts
3. Han Ga In - Moon Embraces The Sun

The Most Popular Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 The Most Popular K-Drama Actress)
1. Shin Min Ah - Arang The Magistrate
2. Yoon Eun Hye - I Miss You
3. Han Ga In - Moon Embraces The Sun

Best Supporting Actor/Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Supporting Actor/Actress)
1. Lee Min Ho - Rooftop Prince
2. Yoo Seung Ho - I Miss You
3. Jung In Woo - Moon Embraces The Sun

Best OST/Soundtracks (CARI 2012 Best K-drama Soundtracks)
1. Rooftop Prince
2. Wild Romance
3. Nice Guy

K-Dramalovers' Choice: The Most Memorable Scene  (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Scene)
Rooftop Prince - Helium Scene..
Rooftop Prince - The rooftop wedding where they depart and at the ending where Tae Yonf changes to Lee Gak's attire in Park Ha's point of view.
(maaf tak jumpa gif picture...short video boleh? kekeke..

K-Dramalovers' Choice: Couple of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Couple)
1. Han Ji Min - Park Yoo Chun (Rooftop Prince)

Last edited by nzhass79 on 14-1-2013 08:49 AM



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Post time 11-1-2013 12:17 AM | Show all posts
Gigih aku...betol ke macam ni? hehehe..

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Post time 11-1-2013 07:10 AM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 10-1-2013 04:56 PM
macam nak tulis report pulak kan..
nak buat camna.. aku nak make sure AJK betul2 paham scene ...

bagus la tu, mcm yg ko sendiri ckp, senang utk AJK paham scene maner yg memorable bg ko!! tahniah!

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Post time 11-1-2013 07:15 AM | Show all posts
neez_cookies posted on 11-1-2013 12:17 AM
*Drama of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-drama)
1.  Rooftop Prince
2. Moon Embraces The Sun

betul la tu... pencalonan anda diterima...
terima kasih kerana meluangkan masa join award ni!!

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Post time 11-1-2013 08:32 AM | Show all posts
pinkpunk posted on 28-12-2012 02:32 PM
dah boleh vote ke??

mostly pink layan drama kt kbs ngn sbs je.. online jarang tgk.. so this my vo ...

erm, pinkpunk... ko misssed la utk 2nd award tu. Best Screenplay / Script Writing Drama... mcm sayang je ko tak isi pencalonan utk award yg utama ni... ke mmg ko tinggal kan kosong?? kalo ko rasa ko tertinggal, masih ada masa lg nak update pencalonan ko... tapi kalo x sempat pun, pencalonan2 lain still akan diterima... sekian, terima kasih!!

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Post time 11-1-2013 11:54 AM | Show all posts
baru lepas marathon king of dramas..huhu..harap2 sempat la nak marathon moon embraces the sun lak ni..adehhhh

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2013 11:56 AM | Show all posts
thafly posted on 11-1-2013 11:54 AM
baru lepas marathon king of dramas..huhu..harap2 sempat la nak marathon moon embraces the sun lak ni ...

gigih kau semata2 nak calonkn tuk drama ni

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Post time 11-1-2013 12:07 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 11-1-2013 11:56 AM
gigih kau semata2 nak calonkn tuk drama ni

curious gila ni ramai dok calonkan moon embraces the sun...maka nak gak tengok ke-best-an citer tu  tp stakat ni dh shortlistkan dah calon dari drama yang dh tengok

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Post time 11-1-2013 02:14 PM | Show all posts
drama baru mcm I Miss U tu boleh masuk ke... tgk ada dlm pencalonan gak

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Post time 11-1-2013 02:50 PM | Show all posts
*Drama of The Year (CARI2012 Best K-drama)
1. Rooftop Prince
2. Moon Embraces The Sun
3. The King 2 Hearts
4. Arang & TheMajistrate
5. The Bridal Mask

*Best Screenplay /ScriptWriting (CARI 2012 Best Screenplay)
1. The Chaser
2. Rooftop Prince
3. The King 2 Hearts
4. Moon Embraces The Sun
5. Nice Guy
6. The Bridal Mask

*Critically AcclaimedActor of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Actor)
1. Park Yoo Chun - RooftopPrince
2. Song Jong Ki - Nice Guy
3. Joo Won - The BridalMask
4. Lee Seung Gi - King2Hearts
5. Lee Jung Ki - Arang &The Majistrate
6. Kim Soo Hyun - MoonEmbraces The Sun

The Most Popular Actor ofThe Year (CARI 2012 The Most Popular K-Drama Actor)
1. Park Yoo Chun - RooftopPrince
2. Lee Jung Ki - Arang TheMagistrate
3. Lee Seung Gi - King2Hearts
4. Joo Won - The BridalMask
5. Kim Soo Hyun - MoonEmbraces The Sun

*Critically AcclaimedActress of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Actress)
1. Shin Min Ah - Arang TheMagistrate
2. Han Ji Min - RooftopPrince
3. Ha Ji Won - King2Hearts
4. Moon Chae Won - NiceGuy
5. Kim Sun Ah - I Do, I Do

The Most Popular Actressof The Year (CARI 2012 The Most Popular K-Drama Actress)
1. Shin Min Ah - Arang TheMagistrate
2. Ha Ji Won - King2Hearts
3. Moon Chae Won - NiceGuy

Best SupportingActor/Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama SupportingActor/Actress)
1. Lee Min Ho - RooftopPrince
2. Jung Il Woo - MoonEmbraces The Sun
3. Jo Jung Suk - King 2Heart

Best OST/Soundtracks (CARI2012 Best K-drama Soundtracks)
(dalam proses memilih)

K-Dramalovers' Choice: TheMost Memorable Scene  (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Scene)
(dalam proses memilih)

K-Dramalovers' Choiceouple of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Couple)
1. Han Ji Min & ParkYoo Chun (Rooftop Prince)
2. Lee Jun Ki & ShinMi Ah -Arang & The Magistrate
3. Le Seung Gi & Ha JiWon - King 2Hearts
4. Song JoongKi & Moon Chae Won - Nice guy

Last edited by nzhass79 on 14-1-2013 08:42 AM



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 Author| Post time 11-1-2013 03:08 PM | Show all posts
mushroomsup posted on 11-1-2013 02:14 PM
drama baru mcm I Miss U tu boleh masuk ke... tgk ada dlm pencalonan gak

apa2 yg ade dlm list drama tersebut, boleh dimasukkan dlm pencalonan~

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Post time 11-1-2013 03:18 PM | Show all posts
mushroomsup posted on 11-1-2013 02:50 PM
*Drama of The Year (CARI2012 Best K-drama)1. Rooftop Prince2. Moon Embraces The Sun3. The King 2 He ...

terima kasih di atas pencalonan anda dan pencalonan anda diterima. pastikan utk dua award yang belum dicalonkan, dicalonkan sebelum tarikh tutup ye. and once dah update pencalonan, sila tag aku, @dauswq , @mafilee atau @parasitology ye... thanks in advance!


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Post time 11-1-2013 03:39 PM | Show all posts
walaupun rasa cm x layak jer nk calonkan drama2 ni..sebab antara bepuluh2 drama yg daus tepek tu, 3-4 drama jer hana tgok tahun ni..
moon embraces the sun, king 2 hearts, rooftop prince,( bridal mask, nice guy tgok kat tv sekerat2..tggu adik balik bru dpat tgok full episod).. so juz nak calonkan 1-2 terbaik bg setiap kategori..

*Drama of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-drama)
1.  Moon Embraces The Sun
2. Rooftop Prince

*Best Screenplay / ScriptWriting (CARI 2012 Best Screenplay)
1.  Rooftop Prince
2. Bridal Mask

*Critically Acclaimed Actor of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Actor)
1 Joo Won – Bridal Mask
2 Kim Soo Hyun - Moon Embrace The Sun

The Most Popular Actor of The Year (CARI 2012 The Most Popular K-Drama Actor)
1 Park Yoo Chun - Rooftop Prince
2 Song Jong Ki - Nice Guy

*Critically Acclaimed Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Actress)

1. Han Ji Min - Rooftop Prince
2. Han Ga In - Moon Embraces The Sun

The Most Popular Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 The Most Popular K-Drama Actress)
1. Han Ga In - Moon Embraces The Sun
2. Moon Chae Won – Nice Guy

Best Supporting Actor/Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Supporting Actor/Actress)
1. park ki woong-bridal mask
2. Park Shi Yeon - Nice Guy

Best OST/Soundtracks (CARI 2012 Best K-drama Soundtracks)
1. Rooftop Prince
2. Moon Embraces The Sun

K-Dramalovers' Choice: The Most Memorable Scene  (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Scene)
masa park ha dengan tae yong kawen..lepas tu tggal park ha sorang2 tae yong dah kembali ke dimensi lain

K-Dramalovers' Choice: Couple of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Couple)
Han Ji Min - Park Yoo Chun (Rooftop Prince)
Joo Won (Kang To) – Park Ki Woong (Shunji) [Bridal Mask]

Last edited by nzhass79 on 14-1-2013 08:42 AM



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Post time 11-1-2013 04:26 PM | Show all posts
hanasensei posted on 11-1-2013 03:39 PM
walaupun rasa cm x layak jer nk calonkan drama2 ni..sebab antara bepuluh2 drama yg daus tepek tu, 3- ...

ramai yg tanak calonkan drama sebab banyak drama tak tengok full...well ni pendapat iols la...kadang2 tak perlu tgk details sgt pun drama2 tuh untuk korang calonkan lakonan terbaik atau cite terbaik...kalau kat drama awards yg betul tu pun juri just tgk sekali lalu gitu jeh....dari situ pun dah boleh dapat idea cite tu bagus atau tak....

kalau hana boleh calon lebih sikit pun lagi setakat 2 ni je pun dah cukup baik....terima kasih kerana menyokong award ni...

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Post time 11-1-2013 04:36 PM | Show all posts
*Drama of The Year (CARI2012 Best K-drama)
1. Reply 1997
2. The Equator Man
3. The Bridal Mask
4. Brain
5. Shut Up FLower Boyband

*Best Screenplay /ScriptWriting (CARI 2012 Best Screenplay)
1. The Bridal Mask
2. The Chaser
3. The Equator Man
4. Brain

*Critically AcclaimedActor of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Actor)
1. Uhm Tae Woong - The Equator Man
2. Moon Joo Won - The Bridal Mask
3. Son Hyeon Ju - The Chaser
4. Park Yoo Chun - Rooftop Prince

The Most Popular Actor ofThe Year (CARI 2012 The Most Popular K-Drama Actor)
1. Park Yoo Chun - Rooftop Prince
2. Lee Jung Ki - Arang The Magistrate
3. Lee Seung Gi - King2Hearts
4. Joo Won - The Bridal Mask
5. Seo In Guk - Reply 1997
*Critically AcclaimedActress of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Actress)
1. Shin Min Ah - Arang The Magistrate
2. Moon Chae Won - Nice Guy
3. Eunji - Reply 1997
The Most Popular Actressof The Year (CARI 2012 The Most Popular K-Drama Actress)
1. Shin Min Ah - Arang TheMagistrate
2. Han ji Min - Rooftop Prince
3. Moon Chae Won - Nice Guy

Best SupportingActor/Actress of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama SupportingActor/Actress)
1. Park Ki Woong - The Bridal Mask
2. Lee Jong Hyuk - Gentleman's Dignity
3. Jo Jung Suk - King2Heart

Best OST/Soundtracks (CARI2012 Best K-drama Soundtracks)
1. Reply 1997
2. Gentleman's Dignity
3. Shut Up Flower boyband

K-Dramalovers' Choice: TheMost Memorable Scene  (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Scene)
Scene Minki kena langgar dalam Shut Up Flower Boyband..

menangis sehari huhu~

K-Dramalovers' Choice Couple of The Year (CARI 2012 Best K-Drama Couple)
Seo Inguk & Eunji - Reply 1997

dalam drama-drama yang disenaraikan banyak gak drama yang tak ditengok/ada gak yang separuh jalan hihi

Last edited by nzhass79 on 14-1-2013 08:44 AM



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