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Author: naen

‖► SONY PlayStation®Vita

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Post time 4-5-2014 09:50 PM | Show all posts
sedang menimbang2 nak beli Vita. soul sacrifice & toukiden nampak macam best.

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Post time 5-5-2014 12:48 AM | Show all posts
NEMESIS posted on 4-5-2014 09:50 PM
sedang menimbang2 nak beli Vita. soul sacrifice & toukiden nampak macam best.

toksah le beli kalu stakat 2 game tuh jer ko nk main. tuh pon ala2 monster hunter gaks. tabah je le tunggu next year erp!

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Post time 5-5-2014 12:58 AM | Show all posts
dJaRuLeZ posted on 5-5-2014 12:48 AM
toksah le beli kalu stakat 2 game tuh jer ko nk main. tuh pon ala2 monster hunter gaks. tabah je l ...

kan? itu la. haha. tunggu aje la next year. tak lama pun lagi.

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Post time 19-5-2014 09:36 PM | Show all posts
NEMESIS posted on 5-5-2014 12:58 AM
kan? itu la. haha. tunggu aje la next year. tak lama pun lagi.

eceli. bes ker tokiden? per beza dngan monster hunter? sori. malas nk search.

n nanti citer psal soul sacrifice gaks. tengkeww.

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Post time 20-5-2014 12:26 AM | Show all posts
dJaRuLeZ posted on 19-5-2014 09:36 PM
eceli. bes ker tokiden? per beza dngan monster hunter? sori. malas nk search.

n nant ...

toukiden basically lebih kurang sama konsep macam monster hunter. kalau MH lawan pelbagai jenis monster, toukiden lawan dgn oni (demons). ada macam2 jenis oni la kan, dari yg sekecik2 sampai la sebesar2nya (boss oni). sama konsepnya : quest, gathering, slaying, maps...... kalau MH ada charms/decorations, dalam toukiden pulak guna mitama. mitama tu deceased hero soul(s) yg boleh dikumpul & dilevel up untuk tolong bagi spesific buff macam attack, defense, etc. kalau MH, lepas kita bunuh monster tu, kita carve. dalam toukiden, kita kena buat purification. setiap body parts oni tu boleh dipotong. & bahagian2 yg berjaya dipotong tu, kena purify la untuk dapatkan items. sesi purify ni akan tambah laju kalau the other NPCs or players tolong kita buat purification sekali. toukiden ada online multiplayer jugak. kalau kita main offline quest, akan ada NPC(s) yg boleh dipilih untuk join kita punya team (of 4 max).

so konsep memang sama la macam toukiden. toukiden punya world macam based on old japanese era. so environment, pemakaian, segalanya memang macam zaman dulu2. even the game tone/color pun macam agak2 sephia-ish.

soul sacrifice. hmmm. aku macam dah tak berminat dgn soul sacrifice lepas baca the reviews & tengok the gameplays. macam terlalu banyak benda nak dibuat & difikir kot. haha. tapi basicnya, game tu kita lawan demons yg asalnya manusia. so kita lawan dia guna magic kot? yg kita kena 'lukis' kat kita punya tangan/lengan. bila nak guna magic yg high level, kita kena sacrifice-kan sebahagian daripada kita punya body parts. macam jari, tangan, lengan, etc. so, the bigger the sacrifice, the greater the damage la. so, bila demon tu hampir mati, kita boleh pilih either nak 'save' or 'sacrifice'. aku tak berapa sure apa kesannya pada diri kita, but sometimes - 'save' is not the best option. kata kebanyakan review la. haha.

game ni ada online multiplayer jugak. dalam multiplayer, kita boleh pilih nak selamatkan team kita daripada mati jugak. either 'save' meke (korbankan kita punya HP), or 'sacrifice' meke (buat magic kita jadi powerful).

lebih kurang macam ni la kot? aku pun tak berapa sure actually. so kalau ko nak lebih info, better ko search sendiri la. sbb aku pun agak2 kurang faham actually. & aku tak berapa minat game yg kena pilih2 & kena korban2 ni. haha.



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Post time 21-5-2014 12:20 AM | Show all posts
NEMESIS posted on 4-5-2014 09:50 PM
sedang menimbang2 nak beli Vita. soul sacrifice & toukiden nampak macam best.

Soul Sacrifice tu macam tiru Dark Souls je

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Post time 21-5-2014 12:44 AM | Show all posts
roblucci posted on 21-5-2014 12:20 AM
Soul Sacrifice tu macam tiru Dark Souls je

maybe. aku tak tau pasal dark souls. tapi review kata soul sacrifice ni cedok dari game sana sikit, game sini sikit, game sinun sikit. so maybe la kan.

but soul sacrifice received positive reviews for music (bgm) & graphic actually. & the 'buku-cerita-thingy'. tak tau apa bendanya. haha.

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Post time 21-5-2014 01:03 AM | Show all posts
NEMESIS posted on 21-5-2014 12:44 AM
maybe. aku tak tau pasal dark souls. tapi review kata soul sacrifice ni cedok dari game sana sikit ...

aku dgr banyak company game Jepun tiru gameplay dan environment setting dari Dark Souls yg sememangnya tngah sukses sekrang ni dgn Dark SOuls 2.Antaranya yg nak kuar nanti kat PS4 Deep Down.sejak tahun 2007 dulu pulak banyak FPS yg tiru gameplay COD 4:Modern Warfare

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Post time 4-6-2014 01:01 AM | Show all posts
ok. tak jadi beli vita. haha.

Sony to stop selling PSP and PS Vita this year

Sony is pulling the plug on its hand-held PlayStation Portable video game machine after 10 years.

The Japanese electronics and entertainment company has been pushing the successor machine, PlayStation Vita. Tokyo-based Sony said Tuesday that PSP shipments ended in North America in January, will end in Japan this month and later this year in Europe.

Discounts on Vita and downloads are offered to Japanese PSP owners, but are still undecided for those overseas.

More than 76 million PSP machines were sold, as of two years ago, the last time a tally was taken. The PSP went on sale in December 2004.

Machines devoted to games are struggling against the popularity of smartphones and other devices. Sony reported a $1.3 billion loss for last fiscal year and is expecting to stay in the red this year. Some analysts say the Vita has not sold in significant numbers. Sony does not release the cumulative global unit sales of the Vita and combines it with PSP tallies.

Sony’s handheld game machine also faced stiff competition from Japanese rival Nintendo Co.’s 3DS. But Nintendo has also struggled to keep momentum going for its game machines.


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Post time 4-6-2014 01:11 AM | Show all posts
anyway. dah test drive vita weekend lepas. 1st impression adalah agak kureng. sbb rasa macam sangat leper. kalau 3ds rasa leper, vita adalah double leper. memang perlukan hand grip untuk selesa pegang. menu interface pun macam.......... entah. haha. tapi graphically memang cantik. of course la sony handheld menang against nintendo kalau bab graphic. entah. takde la rasa nak beli sangat2. tapi kalau tak ada, tak la rasa macam terkilan ke apa.


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Post time 16-6-2014 03:38 PM | Show all posts
hi all.. mana nak cari game ni ye.. hell diver dan dead nation sapa2 ada kot nak jual seken hand saya sedia membeli

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Post time 2-7-2014 11:20 PM | Show all posts
NEMESIS posted on 4-6-2014 02:01 AM
ok. tak jadi beli vita. haha.

Sony to stop selling PSP and PS Vita this year

sis yang ni berita misleading, psp sahaja yang stop selling,
ps vita discontinued,psp tu memang dah lama sangat kot, tunggu masa mereput macam kayu jah.

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Post time 2-7-2014 11:37 PM | Show all posts
Harini akak nak review Dynasty Warriors Next.

So far sangat best game ni, gambarnya sangat lawa, character pun banyak sangat.

akak baharu lepas main game dynasty warriors 8 pc version, just for test.
namun akak berhenti terus, mengecewakan sangat sebab graphics dia sangat hodoh!, jagged merata riti, takde sharp langsung.

Tengok comparison

Dynasty warriors 8 PC screenshots

Jagged merata tempat, no anti aliasing option walaupun guna alienware sekalipun!
high setting pun takde langsung dengan bloom ke apa.

Dynasty warriors next PS Vita.

nampak tak jagged kat gambar ni, tapi shadow dia sangat jagged di ps vita, di pc lagi lah sedih even though akak dah set high setting, guna laptop alienware lagi. 2GB gddr5 graphics.

Tapi yang menarik, koei telah membuat Dynasty Warriors next punya graphic hampir nak kalahkan PC,
memang kebanyakan game ps vita ni hodoh, tak sharp, tapi banyak game keluaran koei untuk ps vita semuanya sharp dan lawa sangat gambarnya. (Macam toukiden dan dynasty warriors etc.)

tapi seronok pula bila koei buat graphics Dynasty warriors next dekat ps vita sangat lawa, memang kalau nak di bandingkan dengan dynasty warriors 8, dynasty warriors 8 tu sangat lah ketinggalan dan tak lawa walaupun dynasty warriors 8 lagi best dan lebih banyak character dan senjata.

Another image comparison

Dynasty Warriors Next.

dekat sini boleh perasan dah yang shadow dia jagged, tapi character dia sharp dan bloom sangat.

Dynasty Warriors 8 PC

Akak tak nak kata apa, character dia dari yang utama dan askar askar tu, semuanya jagged, sikit pun takde anti aliasing, shadows pun jagged. mengecewakan. kalau nak tahu, cuba sendiri game ni.

So far ps vita console yang patut di miliki, ini bukannya smartphone yer, kalau ada yang nak kata smartphone boleh tandingi ps vita, kirim salam sahaja lah dik. ps vita sejak 2012 lagi dah keluarkan game yang graphics lawa macam yang ini. smartphone mungkin boleh, tapi dalam 10 tahun lagi lah kot.

paling best akak dapat remote play dengan ps4, sampai orang terkejut akak boleh main watch dogs kat ps vita. fungsi remote play ni membuatkan ps vita tu seolah2 nampak high end macam PC sebab boleh main game taraf graphics lawa, walaupun remote play jah.



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Post time 2-7-2014 11:39 PM | Show all posts
oh lupa akak nak bagitahu, dynasty warriors next ada character edit mode, maknanya kalau nak dibandingkan dengan dynasty warriors 8, yang dynasty warriors next punya ada lebih banyak lagi character, walaupun character edit jah.

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Post time 6-7-2014 02:01 AM | Show all posts
BurningTimes posted on 2-7-2014 11:20 PM
sis yang ni berita misleading, psp sahaja yang stop selling,
ps vita discontinued,psp tu memang  ...

yeah. my bad. masih menimbang2 pasal nak beli psv. haha.

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Post time 18-7-2014 02:39 PM | Show all posts
sapa dah main killzone? aku main kejap je dah habis.. sikit benor campaign nyer... tak pueh hati lak beli mahal

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