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Author: manganini

[KBS] Naeil's Cantabile ~ Joo Won, Shim Eun Kyung [Hntr Review sblm 1 Jan 2015]

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Post time 16-10-2014 01:57 PM | Show all posts
x tgk lg citer ke??

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Post time 16-10-2014 01:58 PM | Show all posts
ichi posted on 16-10-2014 01:54 PM
aku rase sbb rambut dorg kurang kembang kot...
tu yg menyengat sgt.... hahahaha

betulll.............aku paling suka tgk tang rambut afro tu
nape dia xkembang

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Post time 16-10-2014 02:01 PM | Show all posts
naqibnasuha posted on 16-10-2014 01:57 PM
x tgk lg citer ke??

tgk jgn xtgk nas
aku layan pong coz lagu2 dia.........sentimental

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Post time 16-10-2014 07:54 PM | Show all posts
[First Impressions] “Tomorrow Cantabile” Episodes 1 and 2 jombijakka October 15, 2014

Tomorrow Cantabile is a typical, charming rom-com/coming-of-age story about a young man, Cha Yoo Jin (Joo Won) who dreams of becoming a conductor like the great Sebastien Viera. However, his training is in classical piano (like his mother), and he’s faced with many obstacles, including his professors and their own petty jealousies and thirst for power, a new Maestro called on by the university’s dean, as well as his fear of flying. And, of course, there is also the whole underdog aspect to the story of pitting one already exceedingly good orchestra against one made up of misfits.

Yoo Jin isn’t perfect either, though his command of music is amazing: he is stubborn, and most definitely imbued of his own person, and is so not afraid to show others how poorly they are playing music (though the latter could be a sign of his OCD side, which is also shown in his need for cleanliness, even outside his own apartment). Contrast his personality with that of Seol Nae Il’s (Shim Eun Kyung), a young, ardent girl who’s always bright and cheery (aren’t they always in young rom-coms?), and has a very interesting take on music that draws Yoo Jin in despite himself.

The key to being a great conductor is not to simply be able to read and interpret full music scores, but also to turn individual musicians into the music itself. Yoo Jin manages to do this with Nae Il, then later with Yoo Il Rak (Ko Gyung Pyo), a classical violinist with the soul of a rockstar.
I must say that at first I was rather dubious about seeing Joo Won in another comedy—I was never able to get into his Han Gil Ro character in 7th Grade Civil Servant. However, I am pleased to announce that Joo Won’s comedic side seems a lot more polished than it was before, and some of the faces he makes are really hilarious. Sure, there were some comedic moments that felt way too forced and made me cringe (the beginning of the first episode for instance), but as I watch the main characters grow, particularly the development of the relationship between Yoo Jin and Nae Il (by far the best thing in this series so far, I think), I can say without any reservation that I am looking forward to seeing the next episodes.
So, without further ado, here are some of my favorite parts.
1) Yoo Jin waking up in the dumpster that Nae Il lives in, and later finding himself unable to resist the urge to clean her entire apartment.

2) Nae Il constantly trying to get a hug from Yoo Jin.

3) Yoo Jin taking care of Nae Il like a pet.

4) Yoo Jin saying he doesn’t want to eat with Nae Il then buys her some food anyway, only to find her eating with Il Rok and getting jealous…

5)…and trying to get her jealous as well.

6) Yoo Jin and undercover Maestro Franz Stresemann pitting against each other for the right to keep Nae Il with them all night long (Yoo Jin wins by offering not only his whole bed for the night, but also his arm as a pillow, something he immediately regrets).

Close seconds in favorite scenes/moments are:
1) Nae Il’s doll.

2) Il Rak and his father.

What about you, what was your favorite moment of the show this week?


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Post time 16-10-2014 10:26 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 16-10-2014 01:58 PM
betulll.............aku paling suka tgk tang rambut afro tu
nape dia xkembang

jom ina kite kasik renjatan letrik sket kat dorg.. baru kembang semangkuk....

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Post time 16-10-2014 10:36 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 16-10-2014 07:54 PM
[First Impressions] “Tomorrow Cantabile” Episodes 1 and 2 jombijakka October 15, 2014

Nice summary!

Baru tgk episod 1, tp msh belum dapat nak suka versi ni maybe sbb versi jepun mmg faveret saya dalam semua drama yg pernah saya tonton. takpe.... bagi masa ckit lagi.

dapat dilihat cara penceritaan drama ni byk cedok direct dr versi asal berbanding drama2 cam Hana Yori Dango  - Boys Over Flowers, Kimi wa peto - You're my pet (yg ni drama ke movie ).

teringin nak tgk fart exercise song versi korea lak

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Post time 17-10-2014 03:13 AM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 15-10-2014 10:02 PM
pak cik yg berlakon jd stressman tak berapa best lah....
slang tak menjadi..
rosak watak org tua t ...

nae malree!!!

agak kecewa dengan watak pakcik miang gila ni..
bg saya part dia paling lawak (satu-satunya yang lawak dari ep1~2); part dia masuk taxi cakap "a hot spot with nice water, please"
bangang... banyak tengok cerita korea pakcik tua ni, benda macam tu pun dia tahu xD
skali kena angkut pergi tepi tasik... buahahahahaa...

lagi satu watak yang agak mengecewakan adalah 'Harisen'..
saya suka gila watak harisen yang jepun punya. yang korea punya just, tak boleh masuk langsung.

memang Nodame Cantabile lagi best, tapi Naeil Cantabile tak adalah teruk sangat, boleh terima lagi cuma ambik masa sikit nak sesuaikan.
(sama macam waktu tengok Fated to love you lah, still lagi suka yang taiwan punya)
Naeil dengan yoojin masa mula2 rasa awkward nak tengok, rasa macam tak menjadi lakonannya (mungkin sebab tak biasa lagi), dah separuh ep1 dah mula boleh terima.

Tapi yang paling tak boleh terima.... part orabang main violin... ala... tak feel... dia orang pakai double eh? nampak macam double...
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... casts Nodame Cantible kena train sampai 6 bulan, tapi korea guna double???? *flip table* *&*%$#@$!@@ ige mwoyaaaaa!!!!!

ps: suka set dia both indoor outdoor, dengan cikgu botak. Cikgu botak nampak cool.



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Post time 17-10-2014 07:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yoyo_icecube posted on 17-10-2014 03:13 AM
nae malree!!!

agak kecewa dengan watak pakcik miang gila ni..

Yup sbb tu saya lebih prefer give chances SEk menyesuaikn wtk nael ngn cara tersendiri...SEK tak de mslh ngn lakonan, tp disebsbkn facial exp nael ngn nodame ueno lebih kurang serupa, tht is why rmi yg compare both of them yg mane ueno's nodame mesti sama atau lebih dr u seen in manga, wtk nodame ni very compleks sbb dia quirky, pervert, and at the same time it takes time to get into the wavelength character supaya public boleh accept she own the character...tht why dr awal lg saya dh enjoy nael character & hv no issue with tht.... Stressman tu wtk specel,  tu rase agak kecewa bila pak cik yg bw watak ni try to be different, & hasilnya wtknya jadi hambar... Last edited by dauswq on 17-10-2014 07:40 AM


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Post time 17-10-2014 07:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yoyo_icecube posted on 17-10-2014 03:13 AM
nae malree!!!

agak kecewa dengan watak pakcik miang gila ni..

Saya terpaksa akui director spt endah tak kesah jek  apabila melibatkn scene main instrumen ni..i know pelakon rmi yg amateur tang main instrumen ni....jadi director kena cover kelemahan ni ttp nmpknya tak berjaya...sepatutnya saya rase teruja ttp tidak..mostly saya tak enjoy atau teruja ngn performance yg cuba ditonjolkan...hopefully nnt ade orchetra jgnlah ade tht feeling again

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Post time 17-10-2014 07:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
coconico posted on 16-10-2014 10:36 PM
Nice summary!

Baru tgk episod 1, tp msh belum dapat nak suka versi ni maybe sbb versi jepun mmg ...

Enjoy the drama :like:

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2014 08:18 AM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 15-10-2014 10:12 PM
@manganini nanti update kt muka depan senarai lagu2 klasik yg dimainkan utk stp lesson

thank you..
dah update kat page depan..

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Post time 17-10-2014 09:02 AM | Show all posts
ichi posted on 16-10-2014 10:26 PM
jom ina kite kasik renjatan letrik sket kat dorg.. baru kembang semangkuk....

kang nampk same pulak version japan

tp rase cm k-version lebih byk men music dr j-version
lebih focus dgn music........

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2014 09:17 AM | Show all posts
dah tengok first two episodes.. tidak mengecewakan dan aku suka..

setakat 2 episod;

suka lakonan joo won sebagai yoo jin/chiaki.. agak bebeza dari tamaki hiroshi punya style, lebih warm and gentle tapi sampai ke hati
suka masa dia pandang naeil.. sebagai penonton aku boleh rasa emosi yoo jin..
perasaan yg lega dan senang hati bila dia akhirnya jumpa sesuatu yg dia dah lama cari, dan dia nampak apa yg dia cari tu dlm diri naeil..

suka jugak susunan cerita.. tersusun, senang difahami..
suka metafora yg digunakan--- yoo jin, naeil dan il rak conduct, main piano dan violin kat padang rumput .. dibantu lagi dgn narration yoo jin, memudahkan penonton(yakni aku) utk ikut flow cerita
sinematografi yg sangat cantik.. tapi adakalanya terlalu mewah jadi nampak kurang realistik..
muzik.. aku tak cukup professional dlm bidang muzik utk bagi komen.. cuma sebagai pendengar, aku rasa sedap dan sesuai muzik2nya

lakonan shim eun kyung .. pd pendapat aku, ada part yg bagus, tapi ada sesetengah part kurang masuk..
agak terkeciwa lah sikit, sebab rasa dia perfect dlm miss granny.. wondering mungkin dia tak cukup masa prepare atau dia pressure? dengarnya dia nangis kat set lakonan
tapi memandangkan ramai gak yg komen best, so hopefully it's just a matter of preference..

watak2 lain..
suka tengok cikgu botak tu, tak ingat namanya hehe
so far, suka jugak dgn Il Rak.. suka chemistry Il Rak dan Naeil, Il Rak dgn bapak dia..
masih menunggu watak2 lain utk lebih ditonjolkan..



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 Author| Post time 17-10-2014 09:18 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manganini at 17-4-2015 03:37 AM

awek contrabass dah mai

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Post time 17-10-2014 09:26 AM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 17-10-2014 09:17 AM
dah tengok first two episodes.. tidak mengecewakan dan aku suka..

setakat 2 episod;

aiyooo..............betul ke dia nangis
tp maybe cast pressure gak coz org akan bandingkan dgn j-version
tp x lah teruk sgt dorg berlakon
kang kalo sejibik cm j-version...........busan pulak aku tgk

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2014 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manganini at 17-4-2015 03:38 AM


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 Author| Post time 17-10-2014 09:47 AM | Show all posts
BTS Joo Won


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 Author| Post time 17-10-2014 09:59 AM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 17-10-2014 09:26 AM
aiyooo..............betul ke dia nangis
tp maybe cast pressure gak coz org akan bandingkan dgn  ...

a ah..
dia cakap masa press conference.. ni ai tepek..

Compilation of what Shim Eun Kyung said during Press con

Thoughts of taking up the character:

I am the fan of the original comic and also the fan Ueno Juri. So when I received the proposal I was very enthusiastic and positive, “How do I digest the character”, “ This is a work with many fans”, “ This work belongs to Ueno Juri”. I have many such worries. However even so, I was attracted so I have no regrets choosing this work and hence return to TV drama. I don’t know what I am doing now is good or bad, that I will leave it to the viewers. I am really enjoying myself and happily filming. Everyday I am performing earnestly.

I have never portrayed a character that is my age, so meeting Tomorrow Cantabile I am very happy. I want everyone to see the adorable side of Shim Eun Kyung. This character is very adorable and dorky but also funy. I will maintain her lovable characteristics.

The burden of being a drama lead for the first time:

Personally I don’t feel a total fit with the character. Since it is the first time that I am the lead in a drama, I feel the burden. For a long time, I have filmed movies, I was puzzled how do I return to a drama film set. I really like this drama and character, I don’t know which part of me is suitable for the character. Some people suggest I just use the odd way I acted in “Sunny” and “Miss Granny” but I didn’t think this is complete. I want to mix all my strengths to portray the look of Seo Naeil.

Comparison with Ueno Juri

Her acting is very good, I am stress. During the initial filming, I am not sure what I am doing is good or bad, I was troubled and discussed a lot with the director. During that time I thought if I have too much worries then I would not be able to act well and not be able to be engrossed in the character. Rather than being continually troubled, I should work hard with the director, the cast and the staff to enjoy the filming. I donot want to take reference from the Japanese drama, and read the comic most of the time to understand the character. I would always think what would the Korean Seo Naeil do. And then physically portray the personality and voice of Seo Naeil.

An incident during filming:

Because I was not satisfied with my performance, I felt defeated so I cried in the film set. Joo won oppa often console me then I realized I cannot be too troubled. I need to happily blend into the character, only in this way could I film a drama that viewers will enjoy. Actually this little incident is similar to the growth of Seo Naeil. With the help of Joo Won oppa, I feel that filming is a work that everyone has to work together to complete. I have a lot of synergy with Joowon oppa and the staff, they teach me in all things big and small. I am grateful. I am very thankful to Joowon oppa for trying his best to match my exaggerated acting. I really feel that he is a good actor.

Working with Joowon:

This is a work with a lot of skinship. In the drama, I will hug him with no reasons. Even if he pushed me away, I will still hug him. Gradually I got into character and felt moved. I have not had this sort of feeling in real life, this time I am learning from the drama.

Losing Weight:              

In order to look better, I did lost weight. I trained in pilates. When I was acting in Miss Granny because I have act as an old granny, I make my movements like an elderly. I also put on 5-6kg, it wasn’t easy to lose the weight and I was thinking about what exercise suits me so I choose Pilates. Its not very tiring to do, and uses breathing and stretching exercises, it can fine tune the body in a steady way. Most importantly, my mum make detox juice for me every morning. The results are obvious, although it taste abit odd when you first drink it, but now if I don’t drink it I feel odd. So I continued to drink it.

Piano skills

In terms of piano, when I was studying in the USA I learned abit because I like classical music so I learnt to play a piece but I don’t play well. Its not consider as having any foundation, but I really like classical music. Although I cant brag that I play well but in order to naturally show the kind of flow and expressions that a professional display, I practiced very hard.

What is the attraction of Classical music:

It is the elegant feel, when watching a classical music performance or listening to the music, you can feel the mood that cannot be described.

Credit to chinese translation of foxbeary on Baidu


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 Author| Post time 17-10-2014 10:08 AM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 17-10-2014 09:26 AM
aiyooo..............betul ke dia nangis
tp maybe cast pressure gak coz org akan bandingkan dgn  ...

oh ye.. masa dia kena intebiu dgn ueno juri tu pun muka dia mcm nervous sangat..
ueno kata SEK tak berani nak pandang mata dia..

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Post time 17-10-2014 10:10 AM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 17-10-2014 09:59 AM
a ah..
dia cakap masa press conference.. ni ai tepek..

wahhh gigih betul dia.........sampai kene krg kn berat badan segala
tp aku rase mungkin intro dia nebes sikit kot
pasni arap2 dia xkekok sgt, lebih bek guna gaya dia tersendiri


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