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Author: thespice


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Post time 8-5-2017 01:15 PM | Show all posts
McGojes replied at 8-5-2017 01:13 PM
Kita jadi bahan gossip? Wahahah. Tade life much.

den golak ajo lah...

kih kih kih.. *gelak abu*

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Post time 8-5-2017 01:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sanah replied at 8-5-2017 12:05 PM
Ok faham..tak dpt permission lagi..Ada cerita best ke dlm tu...vol15 cerita semua sama je

Cerita bosan setakat confirmation dah kene reject tu je repeat repeat.

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Post time 8-5-2017 01:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
miejamamat replied at 8-5-2017 12:06 PM

Kahkahkah. Fattah muka sama cm baby i paling kecik tak kecoh pun. Hahaha

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Post time 8-5-2017 01:18 PM | Show all posts
Kalau rajin, bacalah. Ini bukan info dari YISTANA

Crossed Arms:
This is when the arms are neatly folded across the chess to protect the heart, lungs and other vital organs as well as breasts in most womens cases.  We will usually cross our arms when we feel nervous, negative towards something/someone or are feeling defensive (such as when someone is making fun of our top/dress. and we cross our arms in response).  Monkeys have also been observed to do the exact same gesture when they feel they are in a threatening situation.  You can commonly see the crossed arm gesture in public meetings amongst strangers, elevators, cashier shopping lines or any place where we feel insecure or uncertain of our surroundings.

Crossed Arms With FistsCrossed Arms With Fists:
If, as well as crossing their arms, the person has clenched fists as well, this is a strong sign of hostility as well as defensiveness as mentioned in my Palms & Thumbs article.  This combined gesture is an aggressive and attacking attitude that you should watch out for.  This gesture is often times found in jobs that require hostility and defensiveness, such as bouncers or police men standing guard (patrolling policemen rarely cross their arms as they have a weapon for protection, which is enough.  The same goes for anyone wearing a body armor, they’ll never cross their arms).
Self Reassurance Arms CrossSelf-Reassurance Cross: This gesture is when someone crosses their arms while tightly grabbing their biceps or elbows.  The self-reassurance cross is a display of a fearful, negative, restrained or insecure attitude.  Ever wondered where the fetus position came from?   It’s the ultimate act of physical self reassurance whereby we use our knees and legs to protect our vital organs and body locking our tightly held position with our arms and lowering our vulnerable neck (predators went for our necks).  You can commonly find such self reassuring gestures in hospital/doctor waiting rooms, airport lounges with first time travelers or defendants at court room hearings.

Crossed Arms With ThumbsArm Crossed With Thumbs:
Also mentioned in the Palms and Thumbs article, displaying the thumbs is the sign of a superior or self confident attitude.  This gesture can often be seen in situations when someone is feeling they are cool and in control while still maintaining a level of protection with the crossed arms just in case.  This can also be seen in exams for instance, where the student feels confident about his abilities to answer correctly yet still feels a bit threatened by something going wrong.

Source :

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Post time 8-5-2017 01:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
PembacaSenyap replied at 8-5-2017 12:25 PM
Hahahaha.. iols dh tahap retis uolss...  bole la kumpul follow ...

Iols nk jadi ambassador boleh dak?

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Post time 8-5-2017 01:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by McGojes at 8-5-2017 01:21 PM
Inessa replied at 8-5-2017 01:18 PM
Kalau rajin, bacalah. Ini bukan info dari YISTANA

Crossed Arms:

Good one hang inessa. Hihihi.

You can commonly see the crossed arm gesture in public meetings amongst strangers, elevators, cashier shopping lines or any place where we feel insecure or uncertain of our surroundings.

Strangers? Ouchhhhh

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2017 01:27 PM | Show all posts
enough is enough, sometimes we open the space for people to attack us pastu we feeling2 they like to talk about us padahal we are giving them the chance.

use this space for something more beneficial. we are better than this.

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Post time 8-5-2017 01:29 PM | Show all posts
thespice replied at 8-5-2017 01:27 PM
enough is enough, sometimes we open the space for people to attack us pastu we feeling2 they like to ...

Faham Spice. Faham.

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Post time 8-5-2017 01:31 PM | Show all posts
Who have watched the Olicandy SHMPRaya yesterday?

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Post time 8-5-2017 01:37 PM | Show all posts

spesel untuk acik2..


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Post time 8-5-2017 01:40 PM | Show all posts

Counting days to SHMPRaya & NH True Love Campaign!!

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Post time 8-5-2017 01:47 PM | Show all posts
McGojes replied at 8-5-2017 01:18 PM
Iols nk jadi ambassador boleh dak?

Bulih acik.. sila2.. bile dh tahap retis ni kene la cuba semua kan.. baru la versatile.. baru boleh mendoniaaaa...

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Post time 8-5-2017 01:51 PM | Show all posts
thespice replied at 8-5-2017 01:27 PM
enough is enough, sometimes we open the space for people to attack us pastu we feeling2 they like to ...

Baik acik spice.. maafkan iols terlebih hyper.. akan lebih hati2 dlm berkata2 & lebih positif pasni.. tq for teguran itu..

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Post time 8-5-2017 01:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
thespice replied at 8-5-2017 01:27 PM
enough is enough, sometimes we open the space for people to attack us pastu we feeling2 they like to ...

Noted aciks rempah. Put on my sunnies back.

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Post time 8-5-2017 01:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Inessa replied at 8-5-2017 01:40 PM
Counting days to SHMPRaya & NH True Love Campaign!!

Yes yes yes. Mmg can't wait. Tak lama lg dah pejam celik syok syok berpuasa tup tup dah raya

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Post time 8-5-2017 01:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hi saya silent reader . Hari ni baru tergerak nk komen. Saya nampak tini zulkifli update ig dia cakap neelofa cari fc team yg dulu. Harap boleh bergabung dgn lofattah supaya lebih meriah

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Post time 8-5-2017 02:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
thespice replied at 8-5-2017 01:27 PM
enough is enough, sometimes we open the space for people to attack us pastu we feeling2 they like to ...

Ok achik spice.

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Post time 8-5-2017 02:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Udangmerah replied at 8-5-2017 01:55 PM
Hi saya silent reader . Hari ni baru tergerak nk komen. Saya nampak tini zulkifli update ig dia caka ...

Tak faham fc yg dulu?

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Post time 8-5-2017 02:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
PembacaSenyap replied at 8-5-2017 11:22 AM
Omg... pathetic nye perangai acik2 kepam bodgos.. dh xde modal nk merempan kat sini screen shot plak ...

my post haritu pun kena screenshot dan 'dibincangkan' kat sana hahaha so low class tau acik bodgos bereperangai sebegitu. harap adala yg menegur perbuatan tak sememeh mereka ini.

tula kutuk lagi acik epot... slow2 benang diorang dah jadi epot 2.0 kihkih

lepastu kena usik2 sepatah dua kata dengan si ahjun tu terus berasap , dia mengutuk guna bahasa terteruk di dunia tidak mengapa pula      

kekeke sorryla baru nak beklog

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Post time 8-5-2017 02:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maaf semua. Never been anywhere. Only here. Just feel offended when view di jadikan bahan tempat lain. Anyway...happy to see lofa's 1st Ig post..few minutes later fattah pula...psal toyota tu. Lofa dah start tweet psl lunch. Hopefully we stay positif and just ignore any negatif post that come in

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