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Author: sueism


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Post time 10-10-2017 12:06 PM | Show all posts
mel18 replied at 10-10-2017 09:33 AM
oh..nasib baik skit je u...yea yea..i knw the feeling trauma kan..n then patah kaki bila xde kete. ...

tq mel...i rs mcm i shock kot...sbb i rs mcm lost all the short memory last week...all thing yg i bt smua hilang...bab patah kaki tu mmg terasa smpi i download uber dgn grab in case i nk ke mana2...actually i ada beli online ms pg before accident happened..i beli beauty blender set yg dpt benetint, facial wash FAB dgn apa ek..i lupa la apa lg yg i beli...huhuhu...kronik sgt otak i sakit berdenyut2..

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Post time 10-10-2017 12:08 PM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 10-10-2017 09:36 AM
i bru je nak try caudalie ni. ramai suka caudalie beauty elixir ke apa tah nmanya. so i amik spray ...

i ada spray grape water caudalie ni...i suka pakai sbb dia punya particle yg keluar dr spray tu sgt2 fine...i pun pikir nk beli beauty elixir tu tp spray i ada kena kurangkan dl bru ble beli kena simpan duit byk skit sbb mcm2 nk beli tiap kali sale...

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Post time 10-10-2017 04:02 PM | Show all posts
wanta replied at 10-10-2017 12:03 PM
tq i rs i kena g jumpa Dr amik mc kot...i xrs ok mcm lost of memory...sdgkn xde ap ...

trauma rasanya... elok juga tu wanta nak jumpa doktor..maybe doktor boleh aturkan sesi kaunseling...ambil masa juga nak pulih semangat balik lepas terjadi sesuatu perkara yg besar...hopefully wanta get well soon..

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Post time 10-10-2017 05:27 PM | Show all posts
wanta replied at 10-10-2017 12:08 PM
i ada spray grape water caudalie ni...i suka pakai sbb dia punya particle yg keluar dr spray tu sg ...

take care kaka!! tu trauma tu kot. hope lepas ni ok sikit.
i see .. i x try lg spray tu. nnti nak try lah.
u pakai spray tu time bila???


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Post time 11-10-2017 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 10-10-2017 04:02 PM
trauma rasanya... elok juga tu wanta nak jumpa doktor..maybe doktor boleh aturkan sesi kaunseling. ...

tq elle...husband i kata klu xlupa psl shopping lg tu mksdnya still ok...hahhaa...i rs sbb i terkejut je aritu so hilang smua memori2 berkaitan keja...berkaitan life and shopping molek ada je lagi ni..

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Post time 11-10-2017 11:31 AM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 10-10-2017 05:27 PM
take care kaka!! tu trauma tu kot. hope lepas ni ok sikit.
i see .. i x try lg spray tu. nnti nak ...

husband i kata selagi igt nama2 cosmetic dan brg2 shopping kiranya okla tu..xyh jumpa2 Dr..dia kata dr jumpa Dr baik bt shopping...hahhaha..
i pakai spray dl bila2 ms...ada ms lepas je cuci muka i terus spray...ada gak bila dh lama mekap kt muka pstu i spray...kdg2 klu muka i penat i spray klu banding dgn spray yg lain yg caudalie ni mmg fine..i mmg suka spray muka sbb i suka muka nmpk dewy2 gitu

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Post time 11-10-2017 11:35 AM | Show all posts
wanta replied at 11-10-2017 11:27 AM
tq elle...husband i kata klu xlupa psl shopping lg tu mksdnya still ok...hahhaa...i rs sbb i terke ...

hahaha..lawaknyaa your husband.... dah kenal sgt dgn wife nye ye... hahaha...

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Post time 11-10-2017 11:56 AM | Show all posts
wanta replied at 11-10-2017 11:31 AM
husband i kata selagi igt nama2 cosmetic dan brg2 shopping kiranya okla tu..xyh jumpa2 Dr..dia kat ...

hahahah cute & lawak ok ur husband ni. sporting lah jugak "baik g shopping dr jmpe dr"

ok, nnti i cuba, kirenye cm pakai mario badescu facial spray la ni ekk.


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Post time 11-10-2017 02:04 PM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 11-10-2017 11:56 AM
hahahah cute & lawak ok ur husband ni. sporting lah jugak "baik g shopping dr jmpe dr"

hahhaha...kan, sabar jela my husband tu...a'a ala2 mario badescu punya spray...stress i mario badescu punya spray tu dh lama sgt oos...huhuhu

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Post time 12-10-2017 04:22 PM | Show all posts
i pakai jugak caudalie ni .. beauty elixir tu i guna as toner/prep before serum

kena hati2 sebab ada bau mint ... so, pejam mata rapat2 pastu spray .. then tepuk2 sikit kasi kering kat muka then followed by serum

tak de la rasa anything yg wow except rasa segar la muka esok paginya .. i ni jenis malas nak bercream2 bagai malam2.. so, kalau pakai tu, kira tahap rajin gila hahahahahha


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Post time 16-10-2017 09:36 PM | Show all posts
wanta replied at 11-10-2017 11:31 AM
husband i kata selagi igt nama2 cosmetic dan brg2 shopping kiranya okla tu..xyh jumpa2 Dr..dia kat ...

hahhahah!! sabar je la
tapi ade benarnye ape husband u ckp. baik 'terapi' kt shopping mall je. hahaha!

hope u get well soon


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Post time 17-10-2017 08:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Orix at 17-10-2017 08:31 AM

I pengguna setia Josie Maran punya Argan Oil.... mmg selalu beli kt Sephora.. haritu argan oil dh habis... I pegi Sephora KLCC pegi cari jose maran punya argan oil, tk jumpa2... so I tanya staff kt situ, dia kata Josie Maran punya dh discontinued dijual di Sephora........ I dah la suka Argan Oil Josie Maran tu sgat2... Kt Sephora Singapore pn xde jual... ngape la discontinue... gigih Iols mencabup dekat IG Josie Maran aritu tanya kt Malaysia mne nk dpt argan oil ? Deyols reply sorry, our product currently are not available in Malaysia

Iols tk percaya dgan Argan Oil brand lain... Melvita Argan Oil besar sgat n I tak suka botol jenis pump dia.. nak beli online I takut tak ori sbb I pernah beli Argan Oil tp bila pakai Argan Oil dia warna coklat pekat sgat, n buat pores I tersumbat.. I speku tu Argan Oil utk masakan diorg ngengada jual utk muka semata2 nak kaut untung

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Post time 17-10-2017 07:28 PM | Show all posts
Orix replied at 17-10-2017 08:29 AM
I pengguna setia Josie Maran punya Argan Oil.... mmg selalu beli kt Sephora.. haritu argan oil dh ha ...

sis ada check argan oil from physician's formula? yg ni?

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Post time 17-10-2017 08:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 17-10-2017 07:28 PM
sis ada check argan oil from physician's formula? yg ni?

Boleh beli kt mana ni? Brand dari negara mana ya?

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Post time 17-10-2017 08:51 PM | Show all posts
Orix replied at 17-10-2017 08:47 PM
Boleh beli kt mana ni? Brand dari negara mana ya?

physicians formula ni brand dari US. i x sure blh bli kat mana kt malaysia.

maybe @iloveyou dpt membantu?


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Post time 18-10-2017 12:00 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 18-10-2017 12:07 AM

Farsali... Yay or Nay..?

interested nak try yg Unicorn Essence cute nama dia..

Unicorn Essence

Daily Serum

This innovative oil-free solution acts as a dual-purpose serum, which helps protect the skin from free radical damage, while preparing it for layering moisturizer or makeup application. When used as skincare, apply to a clean face before applying your day or nighttime moisturizer (i.e. Rose Gold Elixir or Volcanic Elixir).

This skin enhancing serum contains four superfruit extracts, rich in antioxidants; known for their anti-aging & free radical fighting properties: acai berry, goji berry, elderberry & blueberry. Acai berries & blueberries not only contain powerful antioxidants, they are also packed with vitamin C; vital for overall skin health & skin tone.

Serums are an essential part of a skincare routine, as they contain higher concentration of active ingredients. Due to the oil-free formula of this serum, it will allow your skin to soak up the supplements, without leaving it greasy.

Makeup Primer

It can be used as an effective primer before applying your makeup/foundation. Start your makeup routine by applying 2-3 drops on your face and pat it in. Don't forget your under-eye! This magical formula not only gives you a smooth application, but it makes your foundation last much longer. When used under the eyes, it prevents your concealer from creasing.

Eye-shadow Primer
Apply a small amount to your lid, as an eye-shadow primer. This will prevent your eye-shadow from creasing, make it last all day, and it will also enhance the pigment in the shadows--making them appear more vibrant!

Enhancing Your Highlight
Looking for that extra pop with your highlighter? Then use this trick to really make everyone notice: Apply on to the top of your cheek bones, and let it dry slightly. Then layer your highlight on top, for an out of this world GLOW!


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Post time 19-10-2017 04:32 PM | Show all posts

menariknya bila baca yg elle share harga nya bt kita gigit jari gak..hahhaa..sapa2 dh try share review ye..nk tau gak best ke x?

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Post time 19-10-2017 04:41 PM | Show all posts
lepas baca kat cni uols ckp pasal caudalie beauty elixir, i pn pi la check kt sephora.

dia bau mint..yg agak kuat..

lps tu dia ada cm brown layer terapung kt atas mcm berkeladak walau blm bukak. normal ke tu?

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Post time 19-10-2017 05:49 PM | Show all posts
baru prasan ada thread pasal sephora !

yasss !

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Post time 19-10-2017 05:55 PM | Show all posts
airisa replied at 12-10-2017 05:22 AM
i pakai jugak caudalie ni .. beauty elixir tu i guna as toner/prep before serum

kena hati2 sebab  ...

I baru try pakai caudalice.. yess.. suka sangat masa spray kat muka..
Before beli memang I baca dulu review and semua cakap best pakai brand ni..
tak sia-sia  habiskan baki gaji hari tu kat sephora..
lepas beli terus rasa miskin

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