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Author: manjalara_01

Cara Delevingne joins Harvey Weinstein accusers

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Post time 27-10-2017 04:07 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 27-10-2017 02:31 PM
kan u? ade 2 kes naik...satu yg kisah ex-member Pussycat Dolls tu...die kata they all sblum jadi f ...

Ah tulah, nih tetiba pulak dari Singapore actress Caitanya Tan ...Of cos tak kenal pon
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Post time 27-10-2017 04:09 PM | Show all posts

Singaporean actress Caitanya Tan has claimed that disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein invited her to his hotel room under the guise of looking at scripts, six years ago.

Weinstein has been embroiled in a massive scandal after numerous Hollywood actresses began reporting that he has propositioned, inappropriately touched, molested or masturbated in front of them. Some have even claimed that the film mogul had raped them.

Tan – who gained widespread local fame after starring in television drama Tanglin – was 24 years old when she reportedly encountered Weinstein on the red carpet at the 5th Asian Film Awards at Hong Kong in 2011.

According to a local website, Tan remembers being excited to meet Weinstein – who was the keynote speaker at the event – for she knew that if he liked her, she could land a part in one of his movies.

Tan was with some friends who were also excited to meet the “American superstar producer” and snap a photo with him.

Soon, Weinstein’s limousine pulled up. Tan and her friends were, however, disappointed when he seemed dismissive and walked on after shaking their hands.

But then, he turned back.

Tan reports that he asked her: “Hey, are you an actress?”

Eager and excited at being noticed, Tan said yes:

“He said, ‘I have a couple of scripts with me,’ and I was like, gosh, even more excited.”

However, there was a string attached: the scripts were in his room.

Tan was confused:

“Wait. What? Room? As in your office?”“He said, ‘No, they’re in my hotel room. Would you like to come up to my room to have a read’?”“I told him: I want to read your script, but not in your hotel room.”

Weinstein began to walk away, but turned back. Tan, who is now 30m recounts that he said:

“‘Are you sure? Do you know who I am? Do you know I can make you very famous?’“I thought: This is the industry I’m in? I was shocked at the way Weinstein had been so upfront about it, so strong in the way he delivered those lines.“I told him, maybe it’s my ego, but I don’t want to be famous like this.”

Veteran American-Chinese actor Andrew Ng, who has acted with big-name Hollywood stars like Scarlett Johansson and Jean Claude van Damme, was with Tan. He was initially excited to meet “the American superstar producer who has made so many big Hollywood movies,” until he witnessed Tan’s encounter with him:

“The man was wielding his power blatantly; he was pretty explicit. I was shocked and disgusted. He was sure of himself and knew just how powerful he was. But Caitanya stood her ground.”

Tremendous backlash ensued against the producer after news of his alleged offences broke. Weinstein’s wife, noted fashion designer Georgina Chapman, announced that she would be divorcing him, following the eruption of the scandal.

Weinstein was also sacked from his eponymous production firm, The Weinstein Company.

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Post time 29-10-2017 08:22 PM | Show all posts
menariknya discussion kt thread ni.

i tgh dok follow AHS Season 7, Cult. mcm ada jgk unsur2 satanic gitu. huhuhuh..

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Post time 1-11-2017 12:37 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 27-10-2017 02:31 PM
kan u? ade 2 kes naik...satu yg kisah ex-member Pussycat Dolls tu...die kata they all sblum jadi f ...

byk plak accusation lately.and plg tbaru disney nk release series pasai lgbt.
crita highschool ke apa ntah.
abes la new gen ter expose menda cmni.


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 Author| Post time 1-11-2017 02:47 PM | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 29-10-2017 08:22 PM
menariknya discussion kt thread ni.

cult yg dimaksudkan tu satanic cult la u...eheheh...
tp i sndiri blum pernah tgk cite ni...x minat la...tgk trailer je dah cukup...

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 Author| Post time 1-11-2017 02:58 PM | Show all posts
aryyan replied at 1-11-2017 12:37 PM
byk plak accusation lately.and plg tbaru disney nk release series pasai lgbt.
crita highschool ke ...

mcm2 kan u yg nak exposekan pd golongan teens & kids skrg..yg x penting pun nak diutamakan..what for?...WHY???

peranan media TV/Radio/ bukan digunakan utk propa masa zaman WW1 & WW2 je...
actually sampai skrg pun diguna as propa or ape je agenda golongan yg berkuasa dlm rahsia ni..
kalau minat...bleh tgk ape pendpt2 golongan truthers psl kes Weinstein...ade agenda disebalik sbenarnye..
cube tanye diri sndiri a few questions...
1- kenapa masa Weinstein dah nak pencen+kertu baru skrg semua celebrity at same time nak complain/expose die?
x rasa mcm pelik ke?.....yes..always asks questions....think and ask...yourself...think about it...ehehehe...

lepas i tgk video..i pun was like yea x yea jgk...knp kes Cory ni asyik die je yg sibuk2 nak expose dari tahun 90an...dulu sampai skrg?
knp die sorg saje yg nak ke depan..member2 group die yg lain buat dek je?...mcm nak simpan rahsia?..ape agaknye rahsia tu?..skrg die nak collect $10mil...konon nak expose pencabul2..tu dlm filem die? gini yg mmg millionare? nak mintak "derma" dari org biase yg bukan millionare mcm kite2 ni? What the heck for kan?...ce fikir?..SESUATU SGT


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Post time 7-11-2017 11:21 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 1-11-2017 02:58 PM
mcm2 kan u yg nak exposekan pd golongan teens & kids skrg..yg x penting pun nak diutamakan..what f ...

ter bump kt ig.
dh x ingt nama rapper, org negro.
bc caption kata rapper tu mmg tgh giat nk expose pedo ring kt hollywood tru lagu2 dia.
tp mati xsure bunuh diri ke kna tembak ke apa.

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Post time 7-11-2017 11:57 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 27-10-2017 02:31 PM
kan u? ade 2 kes naik...satu yg kisah ex-member Pussycat Dolls tu...die kata they all sblum jadi f ...

yg pelakon it n stranger things tu bukan kene sexual abuse chuols.. tp ejen heols kene tuduh buat seksual. jadi heols pun pecat la ejen heols tu. tu

tp mmg pelakon stranger things tu, fans diorg mmg diehard gegiler punye. budak tu innocent je tp peminat die dok call die 'daddy' la, sexy la to the point heols pun tak selesa. kesian ngan budak tu, umur baru 14thn. latest heols dikutuk 'rude' sbb ada peminat heols tunggu heols kt hotel heols 14jam, tapi taknak stop beramah mesra ngan theyols leh baca kt link bawah tu. ... udes-finn-wolfhard/

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 Author| Post time 7-11-2017 02:07 PM | Show all posts
aryyan replied at 7-11-2017 11:21 AM
ter bump kt ig.
dh x ingt nama rapper, org negro.
bc caption kata rapper tu mmg tgh giat nk expo ...

yg kes ni i x tau pulak..retis hip hop i mmg kurang..x follow


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 Author| Post time 7-11-2017 02:09 PM | Show all posts
mrs_salvatore replied at 7-11-2017 11:57 AM
yg pelakon it n stranger things tu bukan kene sexual abuse chuols.. tp ejen heols kene tuduh buat  ...

owh gituww...ok la umur 14 tahun dah bleh pecat org ..
tu la kan..the not so glamorous side of retis hollywood..muda2 dah famous...gini la jadinye..
janji poket least bleh menjamin..future with stable financial situation

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Post time 7-11-2017 02:16 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 7-11-2017 02:09 PM
owh gituww...ok la umur 14 tahun dah bleh pecat org ..
tu la kan..the not so glamorous side  ...

tp mmg scary la fans stranger things tu. bebudak tu mmg bebudak sgt, dalam citer tu pun diorg ni pegi sana sini naik basikal je, potong rambut pun bowl cut, tak tau la celah mana seksinye bebudak ni smpi jadi objek fantasi orang dewasa.

meols terbaca smpi ada cast kene off comment sbb fans diorg fantasi lucah kuat sgt. komen bukan2 kt diorg. kesian bebudak ni

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 Author| Post time 7-11-2017 03:24 PM | Show all posts
mrs_salvatore replied at 7-11-2017 02:16 PM
tp mmg scary la fans stranger things tu. bebudak tu mmg bebudak sgt, dalam citer tu pun diorg ni p ...

u dah tgk movie IT 2017?..budak ni jgk berlakon kan?...& ade scene2 yg agak..hhmm...kalau pedo tgk suke la kot


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Post time 9-1-2018 11:12 PM | Show all posts
Edited by dani-rox at 9-1-2018 11:13 PM

hai manja...
just wanted to highlight the hypocrisy that happened last night

natalie woods sampai akhir hayat masih trauma dgn kejadian rogol tuh, adik dan anak2 dia pernah bg tahu natalie akan menggeletar ketakutan dan menangis2 kalau nampak kirk douglas dlm tv.

dan oprah winfrey yg dipuji dan dipuja selepas ucapannya berkenaan sexual harrasment kat golden globes? dia bff dgn billionaire david geffen, ketua hollywood pedophile ring - bestfriend sgt2, tetiap tahun pergi belayar sama2. takda siapa berani report polis, sbb geffen nih kaya raya dan amat berpengaruh. dia jugak antara penyumbang dana bg kempen parti democrats... lg pun ramai org2 atasan terjebak dlm gang pedo nya.

geffen juga gemar mencabul pelakon2 lelaki muda... antaranya brad pitt dan keanu reeves pd era 80an-90an.

dengar cerita, eddie furlong pelakon terminator tuh sampai sekarang terkesan dgn sex abuse nih... dia tak dpt bekerja, ketagih dadah, pernah berlakon dlm gay porn dan sekarang bergantung dgn pendapatan isterinya.


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Post time 9-1-2018 11:38 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 1-11-2017 02:58 PM
mcm2 kan u yg nak exposekan pd golongan teens & kids skrg..yg x penting pun nak diutamakan..what f ...

latest gossip; cory feldman cuma nak duit utk membiaya gaya hidupnya yg ala2 hugh hefner tuh. dia announce nak buat filem la, apa la psl hollywood pedophiles dgn certain amount, tp sebenarnya secara halus blackmail semua pedo yg dia kenal, dptlah duit sket. esok2 kalau dia dedahkan nama2 pedo hollywood pun, org yg dah lama mati. mana2 yg dah bayar terselamat lah... dah bertahun kan, kenapa feldman tak expose lg dia org?

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Post time 10-1-2018 12:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Waiting for more revelation

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Post time 10-1-2018 08:59 AM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 9-1-2018 11:12 PM
hai manja...
just wanted to highlight the hypocrisy that happened last night

Mana2 entertainment industry pun mmg penuh hipokrasi u all. Apatah lagi industri besar mcm hollywood itew. Almost everybody sanggup buat ape je demi fame & money.

Anyway, JT pun sama jua kena bash. Solidariti konon tp in other interview ckp mimpi jadi kenyataan dpt berlakon under Woody Allen. Yes, the same Woody Allen yg kahwin dgn anak angkat ex wife dia & have a very shady life/relationships history. Mata ke atas, tangan kat bahu je la aku tgk hang JT oi . Tapi bini beliau chantek


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Post time 10-1-2018 09:06 AM | Show all posts
mrs_salvatore replied at 7-11-2017 02:16 PM
tp mmg scary la fans stranger things tu. bebudak tu mmg bebudak sgt, dalam citer tu pun diorg ni p ...

Aku suka citer ni tp tak ada la aku menengok budak2 tu lebih dari sekadar comel bebudak. Ntah apa2 je la some org putih ni tau. Cakap menentang sexual abuse and such tp tgk budak in a sexual way. Disgusting

p.s Kalau nak rembes pun, aku prefer Chief Hopps

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 Author| Post time 10-1-2018 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 10-1-2018 06:39 PM
dani-rox replied at 9-1-2018 11:12 PM
hai manja...
just wanted to highlight the hypocrisy that happened last night

thanks 4 sharing....

ade truthers bg pendpt...mmg jadi kebiasaan utk they all guna media utk "angkat somebody utk dipuja & puji" as public figure...
mesti ade agenda disebalik tu utk MENGKABURI & MEMPENGARUHI penduduk dunia...that's why there is only 1 Stephen King, 1 Oprah, & ramai lagi false idol...yg jadi pujaan ramai..

birds of a feather flock together kan u?

Ajaran sesat Oprah

And now Oprah 4 President!!


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 Author| Post time 10-1-2018 02:19 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 10-1-2018 02:20 PM
dani-rox replied at 9-1-2018 11:38 PM
latest gossip; cory feldman cuma nak duit utk membiaya gaya hidupnya yg ala2 hugh hefner tuh. dia  ...

yup...all this wayang semata..who the best movie producer in the world?
HOLLYWOOD!... movies yg i tgk kat cinema tu more believable dari ni semua

mesti u dah tgk ni kan?..."THe Franklin Cover Up"

patut la video2 truthers yg i tepek kat sini x bleh play sbb Youtube dah DELETE channel they all


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Post time 10-1-2018 04:59 PM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 9-1-2018 11:12 PM
hai manja...
just wanted to highlight the hypocrisy that happened last night

i'm lost. natalie portman pasai pa?
uish. byk kes yg aku xtau.
maybe sbb main media x war warkan?
semua style senyap ja.

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