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SAMDOL TELAH DIBOGELKAN DI THREAD “Adakah ini sejarah asal islam" & SA

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Post time 17-11-2018 12:59 AM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 16-11-2018 09:49 PM
Itu typo lah lobai hestet!

Lobai hestet dah desperately nak bagi tau poremer bahawa  macoraba i ...

Kih kih kih ... lobai mat slow v2 selepas dipanggil 'mata potek' terus nampak Macoraba kat map

Aiyoyo ... apa lah lu tambi

Aiik! Balik2 ke poin yg sama jugak. Ko ni dok running in circles chasing your own backside lah tambi
Itu typo lah lobai hestet!

Lobai hestet dah desperately nak bagi tau poremer bahawa  macoraba itu adalah Mecca walaupun ianya berada di tempat yang salah didalam map!

Didalam kehidupan sebenar takan Ptolemaîos tak tau Mecca tu berada dimana berdasarksn geography dan landscaping!

Bodoh punya lobai hestet!

Laaa ... tempat salah lagi?

Ni dari rujukkan ko tau :
Among the names is Macoraba – Ptolemy spells it Makoraba in Greek, but Latin translations prefer Machoraba and Macoraba – which Ptolemy puts in the west of the Arabian Peninsula.There is a consensus in academic scholarship that Mecca is Macoraba. The coordinates put it roughly in the right place, and the name seems roughly correct. Several etymologies have been proposed, but the preferred solution is that it comes from an Old South Arabian word like *mikrāb,with the meaning ‘temple’. Macoraba was therefore a noteworthy centre of pre-Islamic religion as far back as the second century CE. When you encounter Macoraba in scholarly literature you are quite likely to find this etymology, and extremely likely to find the identification with Mecca.

Senang aje kantoikan ko

Problem skg adalah ko teramat amat kureng fasih english ... ko tak tau apa ke benda tu 'Academic Scholarship'

Itu kepincangan ko lah , don't blame others pasal ko ni pon bebal semacam aje


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 Author| Post time 17-11-2018 03:57 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 17-11-2018 03:59 AM
sam1528 replied at 17-11-2018 12:59 AM
Kih kih kih ... lobai mat slow v2 selepas dipanggil 'mata potek' terus nampak Macoraba kat map


Kan samdol kan senang aja nak kantoi kan kau, walaupun macoraba jauh daripada mecaa tapi lobai estate masih tak boleh menerima kebenaran!

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Post time 17-11-2018 11:03 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 17-11-2018 11:06 AM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 17-11-2018 03:57 AM
Kan samdol kan senang aja nak kantoi kan kau, walaupun macoraba jauh daripada mecaa tapi lobai est ...

Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 lagi sekali tonjolkan diri tu amat2 kureng cerdik & kureng fasih english

Ko masih delusional lah tambi :
Kan samdol kan senang aja nak kantoi kan kau, walaupun macoraba jauh daripada mecaa tapi lobai estate masih tak boleh menerima kebenaran!

Senang aje nak tau apa yg ko dok kelentong :

Ko ambil map Ptolemy ... lepas tu  pakai the current coordinates of Mekkah , lepas tu dakwa Ptolemy salah

Kan  rujukkan ko sendiri dah catat :
Even before 1800 Konrad Mannert noticed that Macoraba was too far from the coast and offered a solution: Ptolemy’s sources knew Mecca from the overland caravan route, and had never approached the town from the coast.

Org yg ko appeal to , si Konrad Mannert (yg aku kondem) rupa2 nya support pulak geng muslim

Dia gave a solution & suggestion yg Ptolemy at that particular time ,  gunakan kaedah dia sendiri utk locate the coordinates of Mekka atau Macoraba

Dah lebih dari 4 kali penjelasan diberi gunakan rujukkan ko ... nampak gaya ko tak mampu terima kebenaran

Oops lagi satu ttg Mekkah & Macoraba :

- geng muslim berdiri bersama 'consensus in Academic Scholarship'
- ko berdiri bersama geng missionary , Dan Gibson(yg ada hanya sekadar entry level qualification in theology) & si missionary & non scholar Jay Smith

Sekali pandang pon org dah tu yg kedudukan ko amat2 lemah sekali

Kah kah kaa ... lobai mat slow v2 yg 'mata potek' teramat amat kureng cerdik & kureng fasih english & tak mampu terima kebenaran

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2018 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 17-11-2018 01:19 PM
sam1528 replied at 17-11-2018 11:03 AM
Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 lagi sekali tonjolkan diri tu amat2 kureng cerdik & kureng fasih ...

Nampak sangat lobai estate ni betul betul bodoh dan lembam kerana masih tak faham!

Map tu adalah original DARI QATAR NATIONAL LIBRARY. Mecca tiada pun dalam bulatan merah tu. Ataupun arab kantoi kan arab dan lobai estate?

Mana Mecca ataupun morokaba dalam bulatan merah tu? Lembam punya lobai hestet!


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Post time 17-11-2018 03:40 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 17-11-2018 04:00 PM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 17-11-2018 01:17 PM
Nampak sangat lobai estate ni betul betul bodoh dan lembam kerana masih tak faham!{:1_555 ...

Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 masih kureng gunakan otak

Ko dah terlampau desperate lah tambi ... willing to try anything ... running in circles chasing your own backside

Ni pulak merepek ko :
Nampak sangat lobai estate ni betul betul bodoh dan lembam kerana masih tak faham!

Map tu adalah original DARI QATAR NATIONAL LIBRARY. Mecca tiada pun dalam bulatan merah tu. Ataupun arab kantoi kan arab dan lobai estate?

Mana Mecca ataupun morokaba dalam bulatan merah tu? Lembam punya lobai hestet!

Lagi sekali ko tonjolkan diri ko yg amat2 kureng cerdik & kureng fasih english

Senang aje nak tau apa yg ko dok kelentong :

Ko ambil map Ptolemy ... lepas tu  pakai the current coordinates of Mekkah , lepas tu dakwa Ptolemy salah

Kan  rujukkan ko sendiri dah catat :
Even before 1800 Konrad Mannert noticed that Macoraba was too far from the coast and offered a solution: Ptolemy’s sources knew Mecca from the overland caravan route, and had never approached the town from the coast.

Org yg ko appeal to , si Konrad Mannert (yg aku kondem) rupa2 nya support pulak geng muslim

Dia gave a solution & suggestion yg Ptolemy at that particular time ,  gunakan kaedah dia sendiri utk locate the coordinates of Mekka atau Macoraba

Dah lebih dari 4 kali penjelasan diberi gunakan rujukkan ko ... nampak gaya ko tak mampu terima kebenaran

Awat hang teramat amat slow tambi? Tau lah ko dah malu

Kah kah kah ... lobai mat slow v2 dah habis modal , hanya mampu kitar semula isu yg ko kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2018 07:54 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 17-11-2018 03:40 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 masih kureng gunakan otak

Ko dah terlampau desperate lah tamb ...

Akhirnya lobai estate kantoi bodoh lembam.....tertipu

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Post time 18-11-2018 12:44 AM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 17-11-2018 07:54 PM
Akhirnya lobai estate kantoi bodoh lembam.....tertipu

Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 dah habis modal kelentong

Yg menipu & tertipu adalah diri ko lah tambi

Ko menipu diri sendiri aje pasal rujukkan ko kantoi malukan ko dgn terhina sekali

Ni lah dia ... ko langsung tak ada pengetahuan ttg Islam & hanya bergantung pada penulisan geng missionary aje

Last2 ko hanya tipu diri sendiri

Alahai ... kesian kat lobai mat slow v2


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2018 02:32 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 18-11-2018 12:44 AM
Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 dah habis modal kelentong

Yg menipu & tertipu adalah diri ko  ...

Lobai hestet dah habis akal nak memutarbelitkan fakta.last last kata tak tau tentang islam!
Lobai hestet pun bukan tau pun tentang sejarah islam, lobai estet bukan penkaji pun..lobai hestet hanyalah jadi pak hangguk sahaja.

Saya lagi percaya kepada orang yang buat kajian tentang sejarah islam. Sebab itu lobai hestet bodoh dan lembam

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2018 10:25 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 18-11-2018 12:16 PM
sam1528 replied at 14-11-2018 11:12 AM
Baaaaahwahwahwa ... lobai mat slow v2 tak tau apa ke benda tu 'Academic Scholarship'

Ni merapau ...

Para Scholarship Tu siapa  dan dari negara mana kah mereka?
Habis lah lobai estate penipu bersiri kata Nabi Muhammad hancurkan semua idols dan kubur kubur manusia di Mecca kekononya, memang islam bukan bermula dari Mecca arab saudi pun! ni dari petra. Islamic origins


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Post time 18-11-2018 10:53 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 18-11-2018 10:56 AM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 18-11-2018 02:32 AM
Lobai hestet dah habis akal nak memutarbelitkan fakta.last last kata tak tau tentang islam!{:1_563 ...

Baaaahwahwahwa ... lobai mat slow v2 dah desperate

Yg ko hanya mampu cakap adalah puterbelit sana & sini macam ni :
Lobai hestet dah habis akal nak memutarbelitkan fakta.last last kata tak tau tentang islam!
Lobai hestet pun bukan tau pun tentang sejarah islam, lobai estet bukan penkaji pun..lobai hestet hanyalah jadi pak hangguk sahaja.

Saya lagi percaya kepada orang yang buat kajian tentang sejarah islam. Sebab itu lobai hestet bodoh dan lembam

You mean putarbelit macam overlay map Ptolemy (with a 2000 yrs differental) & manipulate coordinates dia & lepas tu gunakan the current coordinates of Mekkah

Tetiba klaim Ptolemy salah

Hmmm ... sapa yg buat demikian ye ... oh yeah ... lobai mat slow v2 yg copy paste dari anti Islam missionary site

Lets see
- Geng muslim : ada backing 'Academic Scholarship' (ie the experts in Islamic History) ttg Mekkah & Macoraba
- lobai mat slow v2 : ada backing dari anti islam missionary site yg sorang pon bukan any expert in Islamic History , aka kaki2 kencing

Laaaa ... kesian lobai mat slow v2 ... sanggup tipu diri sendiri & paksa diri jadik teramat amat kureng cerdik , tambah pulak dgn teramat2 kureng fasih english

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Post time 18-11-2018 10:55 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 18-11-2018 10:56 AM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 18-11-2018 10:25 AM
Scholarship Tu siapa dan dari negara mana kan mereka?

TQ ye tambi lobai mat slow v2

Ni adalah bukti yg ko tak tau apa ke benda tu 'Academic Scholarship'

Cakap banyak ... buat malu aje cakap ttg isu yg ko sendiri tak paham pasal amat2 kureng fasih english

Malulah tambi ... mati2 pulak tu klaim duduk kat UK

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2018 12:18 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 18-11-2018 12:47 PM
sam1528 replied at 18-11-2018 10:55 AM
TQ ye tambi lobai mat slow v2

Ni adalah bukti yg ko tak tau apa ke benda tu 'Academic Scholars ...

Para Scholarship Tu siapa  dan dari negara mana kah mereka? Nama nama mereka? Puaslah lobai estate nak memutarbelitkan apa yang lobai estate klim!

Habis lah lobai estate penipu bersiri kata Nabi Muhammad hancurkan semua idols dan kubur kubur manusia di Mecca kekononya, memang islam bukan bermula dari Mecca arab saudi pun..kerana bio Nabi Muhammad ditulis selepas 150-200 tahun selepas kemangkatan nabi dan mungkin juga Mecca arab Saudi wujud selepas 200 tahun selepas kemangkatan nabi. Lobai estate mati mati di kelentong oleh arab! ni dari petra. Islamic origins

Yes...saya tanya lagi para scholarships yang lobai estate klim tu siapakah mereka dan dari negara manakah mereka mereka itu?

Rupanya lobai estate penipu bersiri bodoh sehingga ke tulang. English pun guna google translate...

Puas lobai estate nak memutarbelitkan fakta. Woi lobai estate maps tu dari Qatar national library. Buat buat tak nampak pula!


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Post time 18-11-2018 01:57 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 18-11-2018 01:59 PM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 18-11-2018 12:18 PM
Para Scholarship Tu siapa  dan dari negara mana kah mereka? Nama nama mereka? Puaslah lobai estate ...

Baaaahwahwahwa ... lobai mat slow v2 dah pening

Apa yg ko nak cakap ni? Apa ke benda 'Academic Scholarship' pon ko tak tau

Oh yeah ... ko memang pon muka tak tau malu

Bila kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali ... mula lah membohong

Para Scholarship Tu siapa  dan dari negara mana kah mereka? Nama nama mereka? Puaslah lobai estate nak memutarbelitkan apa yang lobai estate klim!

Habis lah lobai estate penipu bersiri kata Nabi Muhammad hancurkan semua idols dan kubur kubur manusia di Mecca kekononya, memang islam bukan bermula dari Mecca arab saudi pun..kerana bio Nabi Muhammad ditulis selepas 150-200 tahun selepas kemangkatan nabi dan mungkin juga Mecca arab Saudi wujud selepas 200 tahun selepas kemangkatan nabi. Lobai estate mati mati di kelentong oleh arab! ni dari petra. Islamic origins

Yes...saya tanya lagi para scholarships yang lobai estate klim tu siapakah mereka dan dari negara manakah mereka mereka itu?

Rupanya lobai estate penipu bersiri bodoh sehingga ke tulang. English pun guna google translate...

Puas lobai estate nak memutarbelitkan fakta. Woi lobai estate maps tu dari Qatar national library. Buat buat tak nampak pula!

LOL ... awal2 ko klaim kerajaan Saudi yg musnahkan kubur2 tersebut , bila kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali tukar cakap pulak yg Nabi Muhammad(saw) musnahkan kubur2 tersebut ... wow! dgn 1400 yrs difference ye

Ha ha ha ha .. bio Nabi Muhammad(saw) pulak? Agak2 dlm bio tersebut catat thn apa Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir & mati?

Lobai mat slow v2 yg langsung tak pakai otak ... amat2 kureng cerdik ... biasak lah tu , ko kan lobai mat slow v2

Laaa , nampak gaya ko tak paham video2 tersebut lah tambi ... ye lah amat2 kureng fasih english

- Video pertama ttg pre Islamic times lah tambi , ttg idols ... senang macam tu pon tak paham ke?

- Video kedua adalah ttg 'How Islam came about' & in a gist Assoc Prof Sivers dok kata ttg Islam and the splinter group of Christianity

Ni dari penulisan dia :   
A central part of modern secularization has been the de‐theologization of the stories of religious origins. Islam is no different, even though this de‐theologization tends to be obscured by contemporary fundamentalism. In Islam, the story of origins centers on Mecca, Medina, the prophet Muhammad, the early Muslim community, and the expansion out of Arabia. A few scholars at the end of the nineteenth century and many at the end of the twentieth century raised the question of whether this story should be considered a theology – that is, an apologia or justification – of origins rather than a history as traditionally understood. This article provides a survey of the Islamic origins literature produced by Middle East scholars in the last century.

Kalo kita download paper dia : this is what he stated in bitpart (pg 3 of 16)
According to Watt, the origins of Islam are closely connected with the rise of Mecca in the later 500s ce. The city grew and became wealthy thanks to its location on the spice trade route between the Mediterranean and India. At its center was the Ka`ba, a pagan pilgrimage center serving as a rallying point for the surrounding nomadic tribes. As it became larger and wealthier, social tensions crept into the city, pitting slaves against merchant clans. Muhammad, a descendant of the guardian family of the Ka`ba but growing up as a poor orphan, was the liminal personality destined to receive revelations and to become a religious–social reformer. The merchant clans, however, were unwilling to support reform. Muhammad, his family, and a handful of followers had to emigrate north to the oasis city of Medina.

He he he he .. TQ lagi sekali geng muslim ucapkan ... rujukkan ko baru aje konfom yg Nabi Muhammad(saw) adalah dari mekkah , & Islam bermula dari Mekkah & Kaabah kat Mekkah

Nak kata apa lagi ... lagi sekali ko kantoi malukan diri ko dgn terhina sekali pasal ko amat2 kureng cerdik & amat2 kureng fasih english

Mati2 mengaku pulak tu duduk kat UK ... buat malu aje

Nampak gaya ko dlm percubaan putar belit dah terbelit diri sendiri

Kah kah kah ... this is just too easy lah lobai mat slow v2 ... ko kena lagi ..'peeeek' , setepek tang dahi

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2018 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 18-11-2018 03:52 PM
sam1528 replied at 18-11-2018 01:57 PM
Baaaahwahwahwa ... lobai mat slow v2 dah pening

Apa yg ko nak cakap ni? Apa ke benda 'Academic ...

Lobai estate dah pening lembam kantoi  habis sehingga memutarbelitkan statements sendiri.
Lobai estate sendiri yang bagi tau bahawa nabi yang menghancurkan segala idols, kubur kubur dan bekas peninggalan sejarah kehidupan manusia di mecca arab saudi dan juga lobai samdol sendiri bagi tau scholarships tu dari st andrew uk..lobai estate siap bagi link..tetapi lobai estate delete kerana kantoi bodoh dengan sendirinya. Kemudian lobai estate bagi tau peta Ptolémée tu telah di manipulasi oleh gang anti islam. Sedangkan semua peta tu adalah daripada collection Qatar national library. Betul betul lembam bodoh tak faham BI punya lobai samdol! Dah la lembam bodoh pula lobai keluar estate ni.

Dah kantoi bodoh sehingga ke tulang kata saya pula yang bagi tau semua tu. wot a loserrrr kau lobai keluar estate!

Ini lah akibatnya bilamana berforum dengan kanak kanak yang baru nak tumbuh pubik! Dah lah bodoh lembam...keluar estate pulaktu..BI kelaut.

HAHAHA....ini sudah lawak, kerana lobai nak tunjuk cerdik siap copy paste articles dari peter von. Btw lobai estate tengok ke YouTube’s dari peter von tu? Dan lobai estate faham ke apa yang lobai estet copypaste tu?

Hahaha....ini lah akibatnya bilama lobai estate bodoh sehingga ketulang nak tunjuk cerdik!

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Post time 18-11-2018 04:25 PM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 18-11-2018 03:21 PM
Lobai estate dah pening lembam kantoi  habis sehingga memutarbelitkan statements sendiri. ...

Ha ha ha ha ... lobi mat slow v2 dah emotional pasal marah & mabok todi

Ko dok merapu bagaikan beruk mabok todi buat apa?
Lobai estate dah pening lembam kantoi  habis sehingga memutarbelitkan statements sendiri.
Lobai estate sendiri yang bagi tau bahawa nabi yang menghancurkan segala idols, kubur kubur dan bekas peninggalan sejarah kehidupan manusia di mecca arab saudi dan juga lobai samdol sendiri bagi tau scholarships tu dari st andrew uk..lobai estate siap bagi link..tetapi lobai estate delete kerana kantoi bodoh dengan sendirinya. Kemudian lobai estate bagi tau peta Ptolémée tu telah di manipulasi oleh gang anti islam. Sedangkan semua peta tu adalah daripada collection Qatar national library. Betul betul lembam bodoh tak faham BI punya lobai samdol! Dah la lembam bodoh pula lobai keluar estate ni.

Dah kantoi bodoh sehingga ke tulang kata saya pula yang bagi tau semua tu. wot a loserrrr kau lobai keluar estate!

Ini lah akibatnya bilamana berforum dengan kanak kanak yang baru nak tumbuh pubik! Dah lah bodoh lembam...keluar estate pulaktu..BI kelaut.

HAHAHA....ini sudah lawak, kerana lobai nak tunjuk cerdik siap copy paste articles dari peter von. Btw lobai estate tengok ke YouTube’s dari peter von tu? Dan lobai estate faham ke apa yang lobai estet copypaste tu?

Hahaha....ini lah akibatnya bilama lobai estate bodoh sehingga ketulang nak tunjuk cerdik!
Ko nak cakap ttg apa sebenarnya?

Dah kalut semacam aje ... ko ni dok mabok todi ke?

- Ko bebel pasal idols kat kaabah ... memang dah kena hancur ... muslims are not pagans tau

- Ko bebel pasal perkuburan kat mekkah ... skg kena make way for development

- Apa yg ko bebel ttg : bagi tau scholarships tu dari st andrew uk? Ko bukan tau apa ke benda tu 'Academic Scholarship'

- Ko bebel ttg map Ptolemy ... ko yg ikut anti Islam sites yg overlay map tersebut dgn map skg , lepas tu manipulate coordinates & pakai coordinates terkini utk mekkah ... klaim pulak tu Ptolemy salah ... bagus punya putar belit nampak

- Ko bebel ttg Assoc Prof Sivers ... dia in turn support pendirian geng muslim ; kita download paper dia : this is what he stated in bitpart (pg 3 of 16)
According to Watt, the origins of Islam are closely connected with the rise of Mecca in the later 500s ce. The city grew and became wealthy thanks to its location on the spice trade route between the Mediterranean and India. At its center was the Ka`ba, a pagan pilgrimage center serving as a rallying point for the surrounding nomadic tribes. As it became larger and wealthier, social tensions crept into the city, pitting slaves against merchant clans. Muhammad, a descendant of the guardian family of the Ka`ba but growing up as a poor orphan, was the liminal personality destined to receive revelations and to become a religious–social reformer. The merchant clans, however, were unwilling to support reform. Muhammad, his family, and a handful of followers had to emigrate north to the oasis city of Medina.

Apa yg ko ada skg? You've got nothing

Semua yg ko bagi tampar ko balik

Yg terbukti betul adalah ko teramat amat kureng cerdik & kureng fasih english

Kesian lobai mat slow v2 .... asyik kena tampar aje ... aku dah main gendang dgn kepala ko ... tepuk kiri & kanan saja

Lobai mat slow v2 dah emotional .... kesian ... hati dah terbakar ... muka dah hitam ... he he he he


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2018 05:05 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 18-11-2018 05:09 PM
sam1528 replied at 18-11-2018 04:25 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... lobi mat slow v2 dah emotional pasal marah & mabok todi

Ko dok merapu bagaikan  ...

Hahaha...punyalah banggangnya lobai estate kerana nak tunjuk cerdik..tetiba copypaste artikal dari peter von. Apa sebenarnya lobai estate nak buktikan 36 patah perkataan tu?

Mesti lobai estate dah desperate sangat kekononya nak tunjuk cerdik! hahahaha...lawak gila

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Post time 18-11-2018 06:31 PM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 18-11-2018 05:05 PM
Hahaha...punyalah banggangnya lobai estate kerana nak tunjuk cerdik..tetiba copypaste artikal dari ...

Laaaa ... lobai mat slow v2 masih tanya soalan yg amat2 kureng cerdik

Hahaha...punyalah banggangnya lobai estate kerana nak tunjuk cerdik..tetiba copypaste artikal dari peter von. Apa sebenarnya lobai estate nak buktikan 36 patah perkataan tu?

Mesti lobai estate dah desperate sangat kekononya nak tunjuk cerdik! hahahaha...lawak gila

Apa yg ko ada skg? Semuanya dah kantoi macam ko kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali

Last ko dok gelak pada diri sendiri aje

Kesian tengok diri ko ... soooo pathetic

Ye lah ... pengetahuan Islam amat cetek , tu pasal terpaksa bergantung kat penulisan polemik anti Islam

Kah kah kah ... kesian lobai mat slow v2 ... dah terlondeh habis ... lepas ni ko akan spam & kitar semua isu yg ko kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2018 10:03 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 18-11-2018 10:06 PM
sam1528 replied at 18-11-2018 06:31 PM
Laaaa ... lobai mat slow v2 masih tanya soalan yg amat2 kureng cerdik

Dah habis cerdik dah tau kekononya lobai estate ni!. Sendiri copypaste sendiri pun tak faham.. Mesti dah blurrrrr habis dah lobai estate ni Janji dalam artikal tu ada tulis islam ada bagi nampak angka 500 ...


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Post time 19-11-2018 12:22 AM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 18-11-2018 10:03 PM
Dah habis cerdik dah tau kekononya lobai estate ni!. Sendiri copypaste sendiri pun tak fa ...

Ha ha ha ha ... he he he he ... lobai mat slow v2 dah mereng

Dah kena tampar terlampau banyak kot

Skg ko dah mula merepek :
Dah habis cerdik dah tau kekononya lobai estate ni!. Sendiri copypaste sendiri pun tak faham.. Mesti dah blurrrrr habis dah lobai estate ni Janji dalam artikal tu ada tulis islam ada bagi nampak angka 500 ...
Apa yg ko ada selain dari temberang & putar belit yg dah belitkan diri ko

Ni lah dia , dah lah cetek ttg Islam tambah pulak dgn amat2 kureng cerdik & kureng fasih english

Lepas ni lobai mat slow v2 kan jadik spammer sambil kitar semula isu yg ko kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali


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 Author| Post time 19-11-2018 05:39 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 19-11-2018 12:22 AM
Ha ha ha ha ... he he he he ... lobai mat slow v2 dah mereng

Saya fikir saya tau sekarang Kenapa lobai estate selalu refused tengok YouTube setiap kali saya gunakan sebagai rujukan.. kerana lobai estate tak faham English, lobai estate hanya menggunakan text sebagai rujukan kerana text boleh di translates ke bahasa melayu, Patutlah selama ini apa yang saya cuba sampaikan lobai estate tak pernah faham ... tetapi kerana kekononya lobai estate nak tunjuk cerdik buat buat copypaste ..tapi apa yang lobai estate copypaste tu pun lobai estate tak faham sepenuhnya kerana lobai estate menggunakan google translate.

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