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Author: miftahuljamilah


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Post time 5-3-2021 11:43 PM | Show all posts
Betul..hutan kita penuh misteri.. Usia pokok pun dah menjangkau ribuan tahun

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Post time 6-3-2021 04:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
netto_ replied at 27-2-2021 12:17 AM
Naseb lah aku da tutup socmed 2018, bia lah org ckp antisosial pon. At least pale aku xsarat. Dgn ke ...

Best kan takde socmed..socmed ni punca toxicity bercambah2
Masa meols mula2 slow down dgn soc med stress okehh sbb Kwn2 asek la tanya awat tak like postings depa dah?? Dah taknak kawan ka?? Childish. Kwn tak kwn based on response online. Yg jumpa, tanya khabar offline tak kira. Pastu assume ada masalah besar padahal meols ok2 saje hahaha
Masa btl2 ada masalah / sakit admitted hospital takdak yg tanya ponnn
Hilang from socmed mcm2 kena judge (bkn ambik berat pon, busy body lebih) sampai meols rasa living online ni toxic! From there i know who my true friends are which is.......tak sampai 10 org drp beratus followers tu

Terluah pulak, sorry! hihihi

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Post time 6-3-2021 07:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dalam ceramah ikim semalam, ustazah kata..perempuan nak buat apa pun perlu jaga maruah diri sbg perempuan Islam termasuk pergaulan, pandangan dsb.

Ai setuju. Dalam pada kita mencari kebenaran, jaga lah pergaulan dan akhlak sbg wanita islam. Fitnah berleluasa di luar. Berhati2 ketika menimba ilmu dgn guru/ustaz. Pandangan mata, percakapan dan berbalas mesej di media sosial..semua tu perlu ada batas dan sempadan.

Ai ada terbaca kisah perempuan muda yg baru berhujrah ke arah kebaikan. Now dia sgt ekstrem dgn teori konspirasi. Dalam proses penghijrahan tu, dia tertipu dgn seseorg yg digelar ‘ustaz’. Dia kata dia dipukau melalui media sosial. Mujur kwn2 dapat selamatkan dia. Semua bermula bila group belajar ilmu akhir zaman diwujudkan. Kumpul contact, berbalas mesej...akhirnya tak sedar diperdaya.

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Post time 6-3-2021 08:24 PM | Show all posts
Zazama replied at 5-3-2021 11:23 PM
Rajin ye menjelajah ke dlm hutan. Mesti dah biasa dgn pengalaman2 'luarbiasa'!

keh keh keh

perbuatan luar dari kebiasaan...pastilah akan berjumpa barang luar dari kebiasaan..
tapi masih terkawal lah.....sikit2 tu biasa....

belanja lagu sikit..pasal dah mula suram sikit thread ni...  

keh keh keh

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Post time 6-3-2021 09:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ah_Kwan replied at 6-3-2021 08:24 PM
keh keh keh

perbuatan luar dari kebiasaan...pastilah akan berjumpa barang luar dari kebiasaan.. ...

Sebab dah makin suram..apek, cer komen sikit yang pasal rusuhan kat myanmar tu..sampai ada aktivis umur 19 tahun kena tembak...ada apa sebenarnya kat sana tu..

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Post time 6-3-2021 11:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Heydidle replied at 6-3-2021 04:34 AM
Best kan takde socmed..socmed ni punca toxicity bercambah2
Masa meols mula2 slow down dgn soc med ...

Sama mcm aku mula2 aku slow down lps tu 2019 xsilap aku delete terus semua socmed. Aku rase ni the best decision ever aku penah buat. Rase freedom abes. So xde dah org tag2 kalau kuar mkn ke ape, privacy. Dan xde hadap org toxic dan suprisenye aku ade byk mase, ye byk mase. Dan xtgk enpon sgt kecuali utk keje. Taim solat lebih fokus xde nk cpt2 solat sbb no scroll byk plak aku ckp ni sis

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Post time 6-3-2021 11:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nak letak youtube clip juga


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Post time 6-3-2021 11:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ah_Kwan replied at 2-3-2021 05:35 PM
keh keh keh

gunung jerai

Belah pantai timur ni kat mana pulak?

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Post time 7-3-2021 12:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
netto_ replied at 6-3-2021 11:14 PM
Sama mcm aku mula2 aku slow down lps tu 2019 xsilap aku delete terus semua socmed. Aku rase ni the ...

Itulah.. Dunia makin moden teknologi makin tggi tp nilai kehidupan kita makin hilang. Diri kita ni makin x dpt nak attach dgn nature sgt walaupon ade je track hiking, jungle tracking tah pada saya ibarat sama tapi xserupa.

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Post time 7-3-2021 01:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Heydidle replied at 6-3-2021 04:34 AM
Best kan takde socmed..socmed ni punca toxicity bercambah2
Masa meols mula2 slow down dgn soc med ...

Alam maya macam ni lah. Nak genggam tak dapat tapi memberi kesan. Teringat pulak virtual insanity. Lama tak dengar lagu tu. Dulu2 baca buku dbp jumpa cereka sains cite pasal orang masuk ke alam maya dalam komputer, orang baik bertarung dengan orang jahat dalam alam maya. Penulisnya saharil hasnin ke sape tah.


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Post time 7-3-2021 08:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Selain gunung jerai...

Pulau besar melaka tu juga tmpt berhimpunnya para wali, tp sayangnye dah dihijack...

Aku pon kene study balik ni, dok melayan emosi je ni, habissss segala benda ni


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Post time 7-3-2021 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Edited by moonela at 7-3-2021 09:27 AM

Nampaknya dari 21 Februari 2021ke 6 Mac 2021 Ritual2 pemujaan Dajjal berterusan dan semakin memuncak.
Dari mengikat perjanjian dengan kelompok Sunni melalui Ahmad Tayyeb, kini mereka beralih ke kelompok Syiah, Yazidi (keturunan penganut Zoroastrian - Mithraic) dan keturuman kaum Saba' yang merupakan salahsatu kaum yang telah dihancurkan ALLAH SWT.
Mereka yang mempelopori gerakan penyatuan agama2 dunia ini sebenarnya keturunan Namrudz dan Firaun, keturunan2 para penyembah watak2 #30Dajjalun sepanjang zaman yang kini bernaung di bawah panji pakatan Yahudi-Kristianiti, Yahudi Khazar Ashkanazi serta pelbagai kabal2 rahsia penganut Kabbalah dan kitab Talmud.
Mereka menggunakan serta membuat fitnah keatas nama Nabi Ibrahim as atas alasan kononnya untuk menyatukan 3 agama samawi Islam - Yahudi - Kristianiti melalui platform 1World Religion dan Interfaith.
Kononnya mereka mengadakan upacara2 doa antara agama bagi kesejahteraan mukabumi ini di "tempat lahir" Nabi Ibrahim sedangkan tapak lokasi Ziggurat Ur dan Tower of Babel ini tidak lain dari kuil teragung peninggalan Raja2 Namrudz serta keturunan datuk moyang mereka yang menjadi pusat penyembahan tuhan2 dan dewa pujaan mereka sejak zaman berzaman.
Dari bumi Babel inilah lahir dan berkembangnya keturunan para ahli sihir yang mengengkari nasihat serta peringatan mslaikat2 Harut dan Marut. Dari bumi Babel jugalah lahir para pembina bangunan2 pencakar langit dunia dalam persejarahan kelompok2 manusia yang sentiasa berkonflik dan berusaha untuk menentang ALLAH SWT, Pencipta mereka sendiri.
Pada hari ini mereka berhimpun untuk satu lagi ritual pemujaan Dajjal agar Sang Al Masih yang palsu segera dizahirkan buat kali yang terakhirnya.
Mereka memilih tarikh 6 Mac 2021 kerana menurut perkiraan mereka inilah tarikh titik permulaan era The Great Tribulation atau tanda2 besar Akhir Zaman.
Pastinya apa sahaja perancangan jahat mereka jika diizinkan ALLAH SWT, sudah tentu mengandungi Hilmah tertentu kerana Perancangan ALLAH SWT sentiasa akan mengatasi mereka.
Bersiap sedialah sentiasa kerana kita tidak dapat menjangka bagaimana keputusan ALLAH SWT lantaran dari kefasadan dan kemungkaran mereka yang berterusan ini.
Kelmarin 3 gempa bumi besar telah menggegarkan New Zealand. Kita tidak tahu apakah peristiwa2 besar akan saling menyusul dalam masa2 terdekat ini. Bala bencana alam silih berganti sebagai peringatan, namun hati2 yang mati tidak akan mengambil pelajaran dari semua ini. Sesungguhnya ingatlah dunia sudah hampir ke penghujungnya.

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Post time 7-3-2021 09:29 AM | Show all posts
Pope to Host Interfaith Prayer at 'Babel'
VATICAN CITY ( - Pope Francis' proposed interreligious prayer service for Muslims, Yazidis, Mandaean-Sabean and other religions at the site of Ur during his Iraq visit is being slammed as more evocative of the "Tower of Babel" than the "House of Abraham."

The Vatican has confirmed that Francis will fly to Nāṣiriya for a March 6 service titled "Prayer for the sons and daughters of Abraham" at the Plain of Ur after meeting the Shia Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in Najaf.

"The Holy Father is holding the interreligious meeting near the house of Ibrahim the prophet," which has a religious meaning for Christians and Muslims and for all," Fr. Albert Hisham, the Iraqi priest organizing the event, told Church Militant.

The archaeological site of the pope's event comprises a pyramid-style ziggurat and a residential complex the size of a football field and may have been an administrative center for the ancient Sumerian city of Ur.

Iraq's tourism industry is hoping that the papal visit would lure both tourists and pilgrims to the site being promoted as the "House of Abraham."
Wrong House, Wrong City?

But Nottingham University's Hebrew Bible scholar Gavin Fernandes told Church Militant that "there are several reasons why this is a bad choice of venue for such an event."

What is being hyped as "Abraham's house" is "widely acknowledged to not really be the patriarch's dwelling but a large public building that the Manchester University excavators thought was an administrative or religious complex because of its sheer size and the findings therein," Dr. Fernandes said.

The ziggurat very strongly evokes the Tower of Babel story in Genesis 11, which itself becomes a symbol of rebelliousness and recalcitrance.Tweet

"This has not stopped naïve zealots from spouting claims of finding Abraham's boyhood home, even though pinpointing Abraham's historical person is an extremely difficult task even for those historians who want to support his existence," Fernandes lamented.

The biblical scholar also explained how "scholars are not even sure this is Abraham's Ur," since "while a southern location for Abraham's homeland was claimed at the start of the 20th century, it took the somewhat sensationalized claims of Leonard Wooley published from 1927 to cement the current location as the birthplace of Abraham."

"The biblical geography of Abraham's travels in Genesis and the biblical descriptions of his home country don't actually point to Wooley's Ur but to a northern location, nearer to Terah's city of Harran that was discovered some years after the wool had already been pulled over everyone's eyes by Sir Leonard," Fernandes remarked.

Ziggurat: Defiance of Christ

The academic also expressed surprise that the interreligious meeting was being held in the shadow of a ziggurat explicitly evocative of the Tower of Babel in the book of Genesis — a structure representing totalitarian humanism and flagrant defiance of God.

I don't remember Peter telling the Pharisees that Abraham was the name under Heaven by which people could be saved.Tweet

Fernandes explained:

A ziggurat is a representation carved in stone of nirvanic-like ascension to a pagan pantheon of gods. It is the Mesopotamian counterpart to the ancient Aztec and Egyptian "pyramidical faiths," all of which ought to be an affront to those attending as devout representatives from the world's major religions.

The ziggurat very strongly evokes the Tower of Babel story in Genesis 11, which itself becomes a symbol of rebelliousness and recalcitrance based on a call of unity for contumacy against God and which swiftly provoked his anger. Experts agree that the Tower of Babel, according to the biblical narrative, would have been a ziggurat of some kind.

Meanwhile, the conservative website Not the Bee (part of the popular satirical Christian Babylon Bee media) is deriding the "woke pope" for preaching on harmony between the children of Abraham "instead of preaching Christ crucified."

"It's funny, because I don't remember Peter telling the Pharisees that Abraham was the name under Heaven by which people could be saved," author Joel Abbott quips.

Noting that the interfaith prayer is "to be held on the site of the ancient Babylonian temple dedicated to the moon god Nanna," Abbott excoriates: "I look forward to Francis doing an 'ancient gods' tour where he offers alms and prayers at the temples of Baal, Asherah, Dagon, and Molech!"

Pope Francis also "skipped those days in pope school" where he would have learned that "God's covenantal promises — including the atonement of Christ — would come only through Abraham's son Isaac," Abbott stresses.

Fernandes concludes that putting Abraham spiritually back in Ur may not be "the most fitting memorial to our great forefather" because "in Genesis 24, the patriarch is himself at pains to distance himself and his progeny from the land of his origins."

"God, he emphatically states, has called him away and says (in a manner of speaking), should he allow his progeny to return to that country, it would be 'over his dead body,'" Fernandes observes.

"One wonders whether Abraham's words to his servant, 'See to it that you do not take my son back there' might not also apply to any son of Abraham living today," the scholar asks. See less


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Post time 7-3-2021 09:35 AM | Show all posts
Edited by moonela at 7-3-2021 09:37 AM

Event 6 March 2021

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Post time 7-3-2021 09:42 AM | Show all posts
Edited by capiloton at 7-3-2021 09:47 AM

nak share lagu jugak lah


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 Author| Post time 7-3-2021 09:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by miftahuljamilah at 7-3-2021 09:49 AM
moonela replied at 7-3-2021 09:35 AM
Event 6 March 2021

thread ni dah makin suram ye.. saya share sikit ttg post ni dua2 ni ada dlm friendlist saya dulu.. cerita tentang tekanan tahanan SOSMA kira mcm mk ultra la jugak.. diorg ni juga antara yg kata Masitah tu mimpi dihijack sbb istilah “paku” tu mmg dia kt laras bahasa diorg yg kn hack kt otak kn pasang cip .. ni post ni dia tunjuk akak ni kn tekanan teruk melalui wifi..


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Post time 7-3-2021 09:58 AM | Show all posts
miftahuljamilah replied at 7-3-2021 09:48 AM
thread ni dah makin suram ye.. saya share sikit ttg post ni dua2 ni ada dlm friendlist saya dulu ...

Saya dah lama tak masuk sini...Maaf saya tak ikut berita ni cikgu..

SOSMA tu apa ya? Masitah siapa? Mimpi apa?


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Post time 7-3-2021 10:00 AM | Show all posts
satu lagi


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 Author| Post time 7-3-2021 10:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
moonela replied at 7-3-2021 09:58 AM
Saya dah lama tak masuk sini...Maaf saya tak ikut berita ni cikgu..

SOSMA tu apa ya? Masitah si ...

Masitah tu wanita yg mimpi tentang perang akhir zmn ada kat thread sebelum ni .. ttg Sosma ni mcm ISA kot saya tak tau dia kaitan dengan tahanan yg dituduh pengganas .. jd diorg buat mental torture..

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Post time 7-3-2021 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Event 6 March 2021

Puak-puak yang penuh dengan sibolisma yang tersirat.

Burung putih
Goddess of Ishtar/Inanna. Mesopotamia/Sumeria kuno #Babel, Baylon #Temple of Ishtar.

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