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Post time 24-4-2018 08:34 PM | Show all posts

Kisah pengembaraan solo Siti Noridah Ab. Rahaman di bumi Pakistan buat pertama kalinya pada tahun 2013, melalui jalan darat dari daerah Xinjiang di China. Sempadan di antara China dan Pakistan yang dikenali sebagai Khunjerab Pass, 4693-meter dari paras laut dikatakan sebagai sempadan antara dua buah negara yang tertinggi di dunia yang terletak di banjaran gunung Karakoram.

Pengembaraannya di sepanjang Karakoram Highway (KKH) dan juga di kawasan pedalaman utara Pakistan telah membuatkan beliau begitu terpesona dengan keindahan alam semulajadinya dan juga kebaikan orang tempatan di sana. Terlampau banyak kenangan manis sepanjang pengembaraan beliau di Pakistan yang menjadikan negara ini sungguh istimewa dihatinya.



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Post time 24-4-2018 08:36 PM | Show all posts

Buku ini mengisahkan tentang pengembaraan Siti Noridah Ab. Rahman di India pada tahun 2014 dan 2015. Mengembara di India telah mengajar beliau banyak perkara tentang kehidupan secara umumnya. Malah sepanjang tempoh pengembaraan solonya di sana, beliau sering diuji ketahanannya dari segi mental dan juga fizikal. Sebenarnya, bukan perkara yang mudah untuk mengembara seorang diri sebagai seorang wanita di India.

Beliau yang sememangnya gemarkan pengembaraan penuh cabaran, telah menjelajah ke daerah yang berhampiran dengan sempadan Tibet yang memerlukanpermit khas untuk ke sana. Keunikannya budaya, adat resam dan sejarah di India juga adalah sesuatu yang tidak kurang hebatnya.



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Post time 26-4-2018 03:35 PM | Show all posts

"Saya pergi tak kena masa!"

Itu yang mengganggu fikiran saya seminggu dua sebelum ke Jerman.

"Semenjak kes pengeboman di Brussels, agak susah juga situasi warga Islam di Eropah. Lebih-lebih lagi kalau awak mengembara dengan tudung, bagi saya itu agak merbahaya," ujar seorang warga Jerman yang saya termui di Laos dua minggu sebelum ke sana.

Tiba-tiba tidak lama selepas itu ada kes Omar Mateen, seroang lelaki Islam yang menembak 50 orang gay di Amerika. Wah semakin kusut saya rasakan.

Kembara solo kali ini agak berat saya mahu lakukan. Tak seperti perjalanan sebelum ini, ketika di KLIA saya tak begitu teruja.

Tiba di Frankfurt, bermulalah kembara solo di bumi Eropah. Semuanya baik-baik saja dan cuma saya perasan tiada siapa yang sudi duduk di sebelah saya. Di kebanyakan masa begitulah. Ok juga, lagi selesa duduk sorang-sorang.

Minggu kedua di Jerman, nah, ada kejadian tembak secara rambang di lapangan terbang Turki. akan kembara dari Korea mula meluahkan kerisauannya untuk meneruskan perjalanan ke Istanbul. Selamat ke tidak? Bila dia bertanya pendapat saya, saya sendiri tak tahu nak kata apa.

Akhirnya apa yang saya tak mahu ia berlaku, terjadi juga!

Ketika berjalan di deretan bangunan yang sunyi berseni-seni Zaman Pertengahan, seorang lelaki tiba-tiba bersuara, "TERRORIST"


Kembara solo di 6 negara, 16 kota termasuk Belanda, Denmark, Sweden, Republik Czech dan Austria



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Post time 26-4-2018 03:36 PM | Show all posts

Bonceng motor di Indonesia?
Kalau di Malaysia ni dah biasa. Ini Indonesia?
Ya, serius.
Ala, saya bonceng je, yang menunggangnya jaguh Medan bernama Irsan.
Sakit buntut juga duduk atas motor berjam-jam, huh.

Ke tasik terbesar Indonesia iaitu DANAUTOBA, ke air terjun tertinggi di negara itu bernama SIPISO-PISO dan mendaki gunung berapi SIBAYAK.

Wah, kembara kali ini sangat ohsem walaupun sekejapan saja.



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Post time 26-4-2018 03:40 PM | Show all posts

Buku ini adalah buku travelog kembara bajet ke Krabi, Thailand yang disertai penulis bersama dua orang lagi sahabatnya, Perjalanan tersebut menggunakan jalan darat dan beberapa pengangkutan awam. Penulis bukan saja menceritakan pengalaman kembara selama lima hari, namun turut berkongsi tips dan maklumat-maklumat berguna kepada pengembara. Buku ini juga memberi maklumat lengkap tentang kos, aktiviti, kaedah mengembara dan penginapan di sana. Ada juga cerita misteri yang diselitkan sekadar perkongsian pengalaman daripada penulis



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Post time 26-4-2018 03:58 PM | Show all posts
Memandu sejauh 1,300 km di wilayah Otago, Southland & Catlins, West Coast dan Cantebury.

Kembara di bumi Tuhan
Mencipta kenangan
Menyuburkan harapan
Menyempurnakan impian



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Post time 2-5-2018 05:35 PM | Show all posts
Bab 1 (Tentang Aotearoa)
  • Sejarah
  • Budaya & Bahasa
  • Geografi & Ekonomii

Bab 2 (Sebelum Pengembaraan)

  • Pakaian & Bagasi
  • Pengangkutan
  • Penginapan
  • Lapangan Terbang

Bab 3 (Ketika Pengembaraan)

  • Penerbangan
  • Memilih Destinasi: South Island
  • Alat Komunikasi dan Pandu Arah
  • Penggunaan Tandas
  • Solat Dan Aplikasi Kiblat
  • Bekalan Makanan
  • Keselamatan

Bab 4 (Mengatur Perjalanan)
  • Laluan Perjalanan
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  • Jumlah Hari
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  • Senarai Tempat-Tempat Menarik
  • Persediaan Sebelum Pulang

Bab 5 (Caravan Life - Trip Adik Beradik)
  • Ice-breaking
  • Travel Different
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  • Momen Menarik



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Post time 2-5-2018 05:37 PM | Show all posts

Bab 1 (Tentang Turki)

Bahasa Turki

Matawang Turki

Bab 2 (Musim-Musim di Turki)

Musim Sejuk

Musim Bunga

Musim Panas

Musim Luruh

Bab 3 (Sejarah Turki)

Asal Usul Bangsa Turki
Hidupnya Sebuah Harapan
From Zero To Hero
Kemuncak Kegemilangan Daulah Uthmaniyyah
Cahaya Uthmaniyyah yang Mulai Suram
Permulaan Kejatuhan Khilafah Uthmaniyyah
Turki Dahulu & Sekarang
Bab 4 (Survival Skill)

Persiapan Awal
Permilihan Penginapan
Tukar Duit di Malaysia ataupun di Turki?
Ketibaan di Istanbul
Perbualan dan Komunikasi
Pengangkutan Awam
Ibadah di Turki

Bab 5 (Menjelajahi Turki)

Kawasan Sultan Ahmet
Kawasan Bazaar
Kawasan Eminonu
Kawasan Fatih
Kawasan Eyup
Kawasan Beyoglu
Luar Istanbul
Istanbul Asia
Istanbul Eropah



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Post time 8-5-2018 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Travelog Memoir 20 Pengembara

Kisah Tim bertemu jejaka idaman mata birunya di Estonia. Kisah Jeroong 'diculik' di Vladivostok. Issey memburu Aurora di dalam keheningan malam bumi Iceland, berjayakah beliau? Aizul pula menjejak kesan kemusnahan perang di Bosnia. Buyong meredah bumi Sri Lanka tanpa banyak kerenah dan banyak lagi kisah-kisah kembara yang menghimpunkan ceritera 20 teman yang saling mengenali antara satu sama lain.

Pengembara penuh emosi... suka, duka, tangis, cemas dan gembira. Dari misteri dalamnya lautan, hinggalah ke puncak pergunungan merentas awan, ini kisah pengembara meredah 20 destinasi berbeza, dikarang oleh pengembara, disunting oleh pengembara dan diterbitkan oleh pengembara.

Travelog ini bakal membawa anda mengembara bersama kami menjelajah dunia, menikmati alam ciptaan Ilahi.

Adakah anda sudah bersedia?

"Andai anda mahukan kepelbagaian kisah kembara, inilah bukunya. Sesuai dibaca oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat serta kanak-kanak. Inspirasi itu ada di mana-mana andai dicari, termasuk di dalam buku ini" - Ida Latif (Editor, The Vocket)

"Pasti ada sebab Tuhan menjadikan dunia ini serba luas dan penuh dengan ragam manusia, budaya dan ilmunya. Setiap langkah pastinya ada cerita. Buku ini adalah catatan kembara terbaik yang pernah saya baca. Travellah, baru tahu" - Ikram Al-Banjari (Travellution)

"Permulaan yang baik! Dengan iltizam yang utuh tersemat di dada, mereka melihat dunia dari kaca mata sang pengembara. Buku ini mencerap serba sedikit pengalaman mereka agar ia menjadi panduan dan iktibar kepada semua pembaca dan pengembara di luar sana. Inilah 'suara' pengembara yang menyantuni dunia, cuba untuk mengenali diri dan menemui sejauh mana insannya manusia" - Backpackerz



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Post time 8-5-2018 01:02 PM | Show all posts
Australia 362 Hari

362 hari di Australia, saya pernah tinggal di rumah hantu, menjadi penjaga kanggaru dan wombat, tertinggal bas ketika kewangan sudah nyawa-nyawa ikan, tinggal di dalam caravan di ceruk kampong, berbasikal keliling pulau sehingga hampir ditinggalkan feri, menjadi cleaner, mengembara road trip dan berkhemah di sepanjang 6000 kilometer seorang diri.

Saya juga berjumpa kembar Kimura Takuya, composer muzik yang takut dengan cita-cita sendiri, kucing hitam yang paling gemilang dalam dunia, meneroka Kakadu dengan ahli fizik Kanada dan hmmmm… ada sesuatu tentang Itali.

Ini cerita tentang misi cari pasal.



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Post time 8-5-2018 01:06 PM | Show all posts
Langtang Nepal: Menjelajah hingga ke Himalaya

Buku ini mengisahkan cerita dan pengalaman Mhilmi Osman yang berpeluang mengembara ke negara Nepal. Beliau yang merupakan seorang peminat seni fotografi yang aktif secara separuh masa telah berpeluang bersama lima rakannya mendaki ke salah satu laluan pendakian iaitu Langtang Valley Trek yang terletak di banjaran Himalaya. Susah senang bersama rakan di sepanjang pendakian tersebut telah pun di kongsi bersama di dalam buku ini.

Dengan sedikit ilmu dalam seni fotografi telah membuatkan beliau dapat berkongsi pengalaman dunia luar melalui fotonya. Ilmu fotografi tersebut dapat membuatkan beliau menyimpan kenangan dan pengalaman tersebut dalam bentuk foto yang boleh dikongsi bersama.



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Post time 16-6-2019 04:52 AM | Show all posts
I spend a lot of hours on trips so I have already read many books, my favorite are "Lost Art Of Reading Nature" and "Grandma Gatewood's Walk". By the way, here is a great list of travel books



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 Author| Post time 25-6-2019 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Pirri replied at 16-6-2019 03:52 AM
I spend a lot of hours on trips so I have already read many books, my favorite are "Lost Art Of Read ...

nice site...

Travel BooksGaining inspiration for travel can be difficult. Working out where to go, what to do, and how to do it is no easy task, particularly if you are sat in your same, familiar hometown. Reading travel books, therefore, is a great way to broaden your horizons and acquire a wide range of insight that will help you decide what to do with yourself. Books open up a whole world of possibilities, allowing the reader to form the images described themselves, without simply being served them on a plate as is the way with travel documentaries. They can be easily read while on the train or bus, or even stuffed into the luggage alongside the other travel essentials. Furthermore, if while travelling you find yourself with no connection to the internet or even electricity, books can be a fantastic way to pass the time and escape the dominance imposed by smartphones and laptops for a while.

With all that in mind, we’ve put together a list of what we believe to be the top ten travel books, featuring everything from phrasebooks to inspirational journeys to maps to general humorous accounts of travelling. By taking into account a variety of different factors, including writing style, content, size and general usefulness to travellers, we have been able to compile the ultimate list of travel books to enrich your life and provide you with the best inspiration, tips, advice and help to prepare you for your travels away. Each review gives a brief summary of the book, picking out its highlights and what sets it apart from other books, while also including its drawbacks. The pros and cons of each one are then listed in an easy-to-read set of bullet points below each review.

One of the first features of the books that was looked at when reviewing each one was the writing style employed by the author. A book that lacks literary flair or does not flow well can make reading it a chore where it should be enjoyable. Unless it’s a map or phrasebook, it’s important that the reader is absorbed in the story, and poor writing can significantly affect this. AWOL on the Appalachian Trail, for example, although containing interesting and unique content detailing one man’s 2000-mile hike along the famous trail in America, is written by a software engineer and hence reads much like a scientific journal rather than a piece of literature. The author’s writing style is heavy on simple, short, declarative sentences with little room for true emotional feelings of his own, making for a potentially difficult reading experience. Grandma Gatewood’s Walk, meanwhile, reads well for the most part, however the writer jumps from telling Gatewood’s story, to detailing what was going on at the time, making for a convoluted and confusing account. Therefore, when reviewing the books, we considered the writing style in order to provide a combination of fascinating and useful content that flowed well.

Another aspect of the books we looked at was the content and how useful it was for travellers, whether to provide inspiration or simply to give practical advice. Every book, in some shape or form, offers something to the reader, yet to varying degrees. Therefore, with a list of just ten books, we tried to find the ones with relevance to the largest demographic of people, while avoiding those exclusive to a small group. The Lost Art of Reading Nature’s Signs is a good example of a book that carries a significant amount of utility for its readers, providing more than 850 tips and advice on how nature can be used for navigation, forecasting,tracking, and nature walks. Wanderlust: A Love Affair with Five Continents, on the other hand, is a unique story told well, however it tends to detail personal relationships at the expense of describing what various locations are really like, meaning in terms of finding practical information it is of little use. For that reason, when reviewing the books we took into account its relevance for travellers, as well as if it was worth the luggage space, or if it was a book better read leisurely at home.

Despite it seeming an obvious point, the dimensions of the book were also factored in to assess how suitable they were for transporting around. When travelling, there is little use having a great book that you cannot fit in your bag or take to the beach with you to enjoy wherever you go, particularly as airlines impose tight restrictions on the maximum weight your bag can be. Walt Disney’s Disneyland, for example, is very much a coffee table book due to its large size, and the heavy, glossy pages of which it is made up. The 2019 Rand McNally Large Scale Road Atlas, meanwhile, is ideal for planning journeys, however owing to the fact that it contains every US state and is 35% bigger than their previous atlas means that it is not very convenient to take around with you, especially if driving alone as it requires two hands to hold up. Better a book that can be easily carried and pulled out when necessary, such as the Easy Spanish Phrasebook, a quick reference, easy to use guide for learning Spanish while on the go. Consequently, taking into account the size of the book was an aspect that was also considered, although that being said, it was by no means the most important since many travellers now carry an e-Reader with them, and was thus more directed towards those books featuring photographs or, as stated, atlases.

Finally, we looked at attitudes and beliefs contained within the books and whether they affected the text as a whole. While having a unique perspective or outlook can make for a more interesting read, often it can be overbearing and take away from the experience being described. As an example, Boundaries: When to Say Yes, When to Say No to Take Control of Your Life, is a self help book offering lots of important lessons on setting boundaries in our lives, from relationships to travelling. Nevertheless, it is written by two authors who place a heavy emphasis on Christianity and Christian values, meaning it can be difficult to extract the true meaning of the text without getting a overwhelming sense of being preached to. Dear Bob and Sue, meanwhile, is a witty account of a couple’s travels through all 59 national parks located in the United States. It is well written and makes for a good, casual read that could provide inspiration to those thinking of going on their own trip around the US. However, their attitude towards the park rangers is, at times, disrespectful and leads to them disregarding advice given to them in showing consideration to the parks. If these books are to be read for inspiration then it is important that they show a good attitude and do not overwhelm with personal beliefs, hence why it was a factor that was considered when reviewing each one.

Overall, this list provides ten of the best books centred around travel that will prepare you for a whole myriad of different experiences, while at the same time offering inspiring ideas, sound advice and general help in a range of scenarios. Travelling can be a great time to get away from the technology that has so much come to dominate our lives (mobile phones, laptops, tablets and televisions) and get stuck into a good book that will not only be enjoyable to read but will provide you with something to enrich and improve your life. Each was reviewed with the aforementioned factors in mind to produce a list that offers everything, be it help navigating while on the road, getting by in a foreign country, or demonstrating that (almost) anything can be achieved if you put your mind to it.

1. Lost Art of Reading Nature
Use Outdoor Clues to Find Your Way, Predict the Weather, Locate Water...

2. Grandma Gatewood's Walk
The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail

3. Awol on Appalachian Trail

4. Large Scale Road Atlas
Rand McNally Large Scale Road Atlas

5. Walt Disney's Disneyland
Walt Disney's Disneyland

6. Love Affair Five Continents

7. Into the Wild
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

8. Dear Bob and Sue
Dear Bob and Sue

9. Boundaries
Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life

10. Easy Spanish Phrase Book
Easy Spanish Phrase Book



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Post time 28-11-2020 08:37 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 16-5-2021 06:23 AM | Show all posts
Edited by johnkrick at 17-5-2021 03:14 PM

I am fascinated by the history and culture of India. And Hinduism is one of the ancient world religions. My dream is to go on an excursion to this beautiful country. An excellent selection of books, thank you. I hope I can download these books to my Kindle. By the way, my friend recommended the website; I have already downloaded from here textbooks for the university and additional literature for reading. Remarkably, all the pictures, diagrams, and graphs are saved in the pdf format in the book. Very convenient for studying!

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Post time 25-9-2023 10:16 AM | Show all posts

Thank you for inspiring us with your words and for shedding light on the fascinating world of tourism.
warm regards
Taj Mirror Tours
Golden Triangle Tours


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