THIS is Asian values. Each his own, one do not force his or her value onto others just so they could feel that they are correct like what Abrahamic religions are doing. That is why Muslims and Christians are NOT Asians.
How many times must I stress. Religion is one thing, being Asian which is based on your geografical area is another and one is Asian or not does not depend on its culture or what but depends on its geografical area. Get it!!!! |
WICKED This user has been deleted
THIS is Asian values. Each his own, one do not force his or her value onto others just so they could feel that they are correct like what Abrahamic religions are doing. That is why Muslims and Christians are NOT Asians.
he stressed more about asian values, but where is the value when someone becomes rebellious and then inherit his father's bad behaviour. he never blame it on himself but blame it on the father for how he has been raised up in a wrong way while the fact he shouldnt follow his father's mistake! no wonder he likes to blame the muslims because his mindset has been programmed that way! |
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 4-6-2004 07:03 PM:
This is for you sephiroth!!! The concept is the same as for Muslim Malays who are Asian. Ching ming, true Chinese Christians cannot go. Mooncake festival too they cannot celebrate.
Who told you that:lol
Chrstians can go to Chin ming or Cheng beng or watever...They just cant use the "colok" OR they can even use the colok but for the purposes of respecting and the action itself has no hidden meaning
Mooncake festival??Of course Chinese Christians can celebrate... |
by Seraphim
Chrstians can go to Chin ming or Cheng beng or watever...They just cant use the "colok" OR they can even use the colok but for the purposes of respecting and the action itself has no hidden meaning
Mooncake festival??Of course Chinese Christians can celebrate...
That's because Christians here are still relatively secular compared to the West.
In the West, things like Meditations and Yoga also discouraged and festivals like Mooncake (which is none existence there) most likely be banned.
Take Singapore for example ... even use of fire crackers and burning offerings is not allowed even during festival times once a year in various reasons, as if Singaporeans are the only people in the world who is going to get sick for inhaling smoke. ;) |
Originally posted by Seraphim at 7-6-2004 13:15:
Who told you that:lol
Chrstians can go to Chin ming or Cheng beng or watever...They just cant use the "colok" OR they can even use the colok but for the purposes of respecting and th ...
Ching Ming is you go clean the graveyard of the loved deceased and also to offer your "prayers" to them in which Christians does not permit the praying except to their god. By the way that is not the issue. The issue is that even Chinese Chrsitians who cannot celebrate such festivals are "also" Asians when they are born and bread in and living in Asia. Their blood is of Asian. Thus they are Asian even though they are Christians. That is what I am trying to say. |
:dia::blah: |
vincent~ This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Gravedigger at 18-5-2004 06:39 AM
The only barriers that unite Asia is country like Singapore who feels like a master under the shadow of Uncle Sam. They even thinked that they are more civilised than their neighbour around them. C ...
this is only ur own opinion. singapore are very close to taiwan n china, and they only look down at malaysia (espeasially those malay people). yes, they are more civilised than their neighbour countrie, this is true not just think. "China when they feel they are more westernised than the western themself", totally wrong... u dont even understand chinese politic and things, u can not say that, n they also hate that.in china, the gorverment dont agree their people learning english language much, from this point we can see that china hav develop their own style way. for example: chinese style economic management............ |
vincent~ This user has been deleted
Originally posted by WinterNights at 18-5-2004 07:08 AM
Well it depends...
Take for example Japan. The country itself is constantly on the forward in terms of technological advancement and over the decades, the cultural evolution in Japan has adopted ...
the only things that asian canot united, because of japan country also. u know why, because japan gorverment they think they are not a part of asia also. u dont understand japanese, pls dont say so much. japan culture are copy from china dynasty tang.........!! the oriental culture are similar example japanese, chinese, korean.................. why japanese culture are so popular, because they good at promotion, marketing .............!! |
by WinterNights
They have gone through a process of evolution and this is evidenced by the consequences of the Cultural Revolution. At this point, I am speaking from a Chinese perspective because that is my ethnic origin. If you want to get a clearer picture, you should read up the evolution of traditional customs over the past centuries.
The underlying reason for my post, is partly based on Seph's contention that the identity of Asian is lost upon embracing either Abrahamic religions. Thus, I am making the comparison that if that were true, then as a process of change/evolution of Confucian values, those practising those values have also lost their identity.
Cultural Revolution is not Evolution, it is MUTATION.
Chinese Communist/Atheist (animals) wanted to get rid off Religion and its beliefs. Taoism and Buddhism is one such belief. They noticed (in 1950 - 60s), they cannot do this because the people held onto the relgious beliefs like Taoism and Buddhism too tight. So what they do it, they added their own Atheist beliefs into this belief making it de-avoid of ALL form of Spiritualism.
Therefore, in MY personal beliefs, Chinese Buddhism from China are not Buddhist at all but some sort of Mutation. They do not follow the 4 Noble truth or the 8-folded Path, they live like Animals and their society is crumbling.
Their rise from World War 2 is evident by the contributions made by either scholars or warriors of the past(e.g. Miyamoto Musashi) yet if you compare the contrasting behaviour patterns of the 50s to that of today, you will see a very drastic change. That being said, have they lost their Asian identity?
Sadly ... they're losing it. :hmm:
They live in fast-lane too much and emphasize too much in economic factors.
In Zen Buddhism, it emphasized on Emptiness within (which you can see in many games produced from Japan), unfortunately for Japanese youth nowadays, Emptiness means to them is to indulge yourself so you will not regret it later and live like you going to die tomorrow attitude. Sigh ... 
Adding a gloss to that, the infusion of Abrahamic faiths, does not erode these values but yet enhance this. This is not a process of 'Confucianization' of these faiths, rather it is the opposite. Respect to elders is a common and fundamental virtue of society. Whether it comes from the mouth of Confucious or Jesus, it demonstrates the very basic element of humanity. Of course, the distinguishing factor in this, as you pointed out, is that one is a philosophy and another is a religion.
In WHAT way may I ask the infusion of Abrahamic faiths enhanced Asian Values? Do I have to remind you that Christian societies have MORE Old-Folks home than in ALL Asian countries combined? ;)
Confucious or Buddhism NEVER said that they are the ONLY way. Get that straight. :no:
Going back to the point of the influences of religions. By embracing a religion, an Abrahamic religion for example, these values of family integrity, respecting elders or ancestors, loyalty to country, cultural celebrations and many more do not just disappear.
Oh YES they DO. :ah:
When Christians arrive at the Incas, it only took Christians 10 years to wipe hundreds of years of civilization.
When Christians meet the Red Indians, they box the Red Indians together and ship them to a place called Reserves where the once proud Red Indians, now lived like beggars in their own lands.
In many Asia countries, Christians came and shove their beliefs up our noses and in return, they took away the land, resources, power, culture, heritage AND OUR VERY EXISTENCE.
Do I have to remind you how many wars Muslims fought in India?
And now, Muslims are the most pitiful lifeforms on this Planet, living off our blood like some parasites.
In WHAT way does following their "values" going to improve Asian Qualities? ;)
Respect can come in many ways but it is not the form...rather the substance that is important. To illustrate, respecting ancestors, a typical Chinese culture. While Taoist/Buddhist respect their ancestors by burning paper money and offering food, others do not do this. However, respect is duly given by taking care of the burial site, remembering the deeds and moments when they were alive and giving thanks for their contributions that led us to be who we are today.
Hmph ... this is the problem with Abrahamic believers. They expect others to respect them as IF they made some great progress in life, equilavent to you.
They expect you to respect them, because by doing so, you unknowingly bowing and submitting yourself to them and their foolish beliefs. Disrespecting them means disrespecting their foolish belief. |
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